Chapter 283 Peter Pettigrew is not dead!!

“Sirius! Sirius Black! ”

Toby shouted twice at the scruffy middle-aged man, but the middle-aged man did not respond at all, his eyes were leaning against the foot of the wall blankly, and the whole person looked very thin, almost skinny.

The living conditions in Azkaban are very harsh, and the prisoners inside not only have to endure the pleasure of the Dementors, but also eat very little food on a daily basis, either some broken bread or some meals mixed with sand.

Many prisoners in Azkaban go insane in just a few weeks, they scream in their sleep, they shout all kinds of things, they are peerless, they go crazy, they lose the courage to live.

There are many poor prisoners who have tragically died in this terrible prison on an isolated island, and even if they escape, their spirit, health and youth will be drained by this terrible place.

This is why the wizards of the Eagle Country are so afraid of Azkaban.

“Minister Fudge, I see Sirius Black has gone crazy, this is common in Azkaban, they often can’t stand torture.”

“However, he deserves it anyway, and whoever made him a lackey of the mysterious man and killed his best friend should be locked up in Azkaban for the rest of his life.”

“Umbridge” said caustically.

Sirius Black in the prison still didn’t react, he seemed to have turned into a piece of wood.

“Forget it, let’s take a look at the other guards first.”

“Fudge” said that since he had already come to Azkaban, it would be a pity not to go and see the Death Eaters, knowing that the Death Eaters locked up here were all Voldemort’s diehard loyalists, not like Lucius Malfoy.

“Yes, Minister Fudge.”

“Umbridge” said respectfully with a sweet smile.

The two walked toward the other cells, about a distance, and stopped again in front of a cell where a thin witch was already unkempt.

“Bellatrix Lestletch, Minister Fudge has come to see you, but he has not come to greet you, if the Minister is kind, he can give you something to eat, it looks like you haven’t eaten for a long time!”

“Umbridge” shouted towards the witch inside.

That’s right, this witch is the famous Bellatrix Lestletch, not only Voldemort’s diehard loyalist, but also adores him, but unfortunately the beauty intends the demon king to be ruthless.

Bellatrix was originally also a member of the Black family, and the people of the Black family are all good-looking, and Bellatrix was also a big beauty when she was young, but unfortunately she has been locked up in Azkaban for more than ten years, and her appearance has long been gone.

“Food! Hurry up and give me food, ☆! ”

Bellatrix heard the words of “Umbridge” and pounced like crazy, and his shriveled eagle-clawed hands gripped the iron railing tightly and screamed.

“Huh! Look at how long it has been since you eaten, look at this delicious cake, you haven’t eaten it for a long time! ”

“Umbridge” took a piece of cream cake from his pocket and deliberately shook it in front of Bellatrix!

“Give it to me! Give it to me! ”

Bellatrix’s eyes stared straight at the cake and shouted, but because she hadn’t eaten for too long, she didn’t have much strength in her body, and her voice was hoarse and ugly.

“Huh! Here you go! ”

“Umbridge” threw the cake into the prison, and it immediately stuck to the prison floor, the snow-white cream contrasting with the black ground. Food…… It’s food! ”

Bellatrix, like a homeless man who hadn’t eaten for a long time, pounced, lay on the ground and began to eat, even if she didn’t feel dirty at all, and licked the cream on the ground.

“How pathetic! The daughter of the Black family, the wife of the Lestletch family, actually fell to this point. ”

“Fudge” sighed.

“Minister Fudge, why do you pity her, she has this fate, it is completely self-inflicted, who let her choose the wrong person and stand on the wrong team!”

“Umbridge,” said sarcastically.

And Bellatrix, who was originally lying on the ground to add cream, heard this, did not know what crazy he was, and pounced like a cheetah, clutching the iron railing tightly with both hands.

“You are not allowed to speak ill of the master, you ugly clam, great master, one day will come to save us!”

Bellatrix shouted furiously, her face unusually hideous, like a demon coming out of the ground by wind.

“Bah! You want to be beautiful, the mysterious man will never come back, you still want to go out, just lock up here for the rest of your life! ”

“Umbridge” spat at Bellatrix and said disdainfully.

“I’m going to kill you! I’ll kill you! ”

Bellatrix shouted frantically at “Umbridge”.


In an instant, Toby cast a dementor, taking advantage of Bellatrix’s madness, which was also when her brain defenses were weakest, and it was just right to use the dementor to steal the secrets in her mind.

Although it was only a few minutes, many of Bellatrisque’s memories were visible in front of Toby under the influence of the devotion.

“How dare you steal my memory! I’ll kill you! ”

Bellatrix became even more crazy after reacting, and she kept shaking the iron railing.

“Forget it!”

“Umbridge” sneered and gave Bellatrix a Oblivion Charm, I have to say that the Oblivion Charm is sometimes so convenient.

Then, Toby and Jamie repeated their old tricks and began to steal the memories of those Death Eaters, some of whom were indeed proficient in brain occlusion, but they had been locked up for so many years, and they had long been injured and became very weak.

And Toby and Jamie’s devotion, although not comparable to Dumbledore and Voldemort, is far beyond ordinary wizards.

Under such a powerful regency, those Death Eaters had no power to resist at all, not only were their memories stolen, but they were also given a Forgotten Curse.

“…… The harvest is good, I can’t imagine that these Death Eaters have so many secrets! ”

“Umbridge” sneered.

“After all, he is Voldemort’s diehard loyalist!”

“Fudge” also sneered and said that he would not have any sympathy for these Death Eaters, these Death Eaters were the most evil people, if they did not rely on them to fish out more Death Eaters, they would have been sent to the Western Heavens.

Or send them to God, but they should not be able to go to heaven, then send them to Satan.

“Minister Fudge, I heard that the poor Weasley family won the grand prize of the Daily Prophet, and the prize fund was seven hundred gold galleons, which is really a windfall for their family!”

While passing by Sirius’ cell, “Umbridge” said deliberately loudly.

“Yes, who knew that Arthur guy actually had such luck, and the picture of their family was still in the newspaper, let me see, I just happened to have that newspaper with me.”

“Look at their family photo, there is a mouse on it, this mouse is missing a toe, it’s really pitiful, their poor family can only take a crippled mouse as a pet!”

“Fudge” also said out loud, deliberately showing the Weasley family photo in the newspaper in front of Sirius.

Sirius, who had been numb and leaning in the corner, heard “Fudge” and.

“Umbridge” finally had a hint of reaction.

When he heard the mouse missing a toe, he turned his head sharply and saw the newspaper photo of the Weasley family, and on the shoulder of a little boy was indeed a mouse with a missing toe.

“Pettigrew Peter… You’re not dead yet! ”

“Give it to me! Newspaper! ”

Sirius threw himself in front of the iron railing and said to “Fudge” in a husky voice.

“Newspaper! You need newspapers! Scold! It’s really sad, the heir of the dignified Black family, now fell to such an end, the ancient Black family is now extinct. ”

“But for your pitiful sake, I will give you this newspaper, and by the way, a little bread, which is my mercy as a minister.”

“Fudge,” he said, wrapping a few loaves of bread with the newspaper and throwing them into the jail

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