Chapter 286: Brewing Enchanting Elixir!!

Umbridge left full of anger, but her anger was not on her face, but buried in her heart, and she hated Fudge so much that she gritted her teeth and even wanted to eat his flesh.

It took her a lot of effort to climb to this position, but now, she was beaten back to her original form by Fudge.

But it doesn’t matter, since she can climb up once, then she can climb up a second time, she is very aware of Fudge’s character, as long as she pinches his weakness, she can control him.

“Maria, you see, I have nothing to do with that Umbridge, the daily Prophet is full of nonsense, that Rita Skeeter, you don’t know it, specifically make up these news.”

Fudge looked at his wife pitifully.

“Hmph! This is not certain, who knows if you are a thief with a weak heart, those photos can not be fake. ”

The middle-aged witch sneered.

“It’s all to blame that woman Rita Skeeter for daring to arrange it on me, this time I must warn her well.”

Fudge said angrily.

“Heng! It seems that your leisurely days are gone, Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban, and the news has spread, if you, the Minister of Magic, do not make any more indications, I am afraid that you will not stay long. ”

The middle-aged witch sneered.

“Alas! Looks like I’m going to have to pack up and leave the hospital too. ”

Fudge sighed and said that he would finally be able to take a break, but as a result, bad news came one after another, and if he, the Minister of Magic, did not act, I was afraid that he would really step down.

Although he was frightened in the position of Minister of Magic, he really couldn’t bear to let him give up the position of Minister of Magic.

Godric Valley.

“Haha, now Fudge asked to participate!”

Jamie looked at the news in the Daily Prophet and said with a hilarious laugh.

“Rita Skeeter’s ability to talk nonsense is really powerful!”

“It’s also thanks to us sending her those pictures, which are so good that they can be fake.”

Toby smiled and said that Fudge and the witches in the picture were all disguised by the two of them, human transfiguration, that’s how awesome.

“My habitat is very large, but I have become a witch of all types!”

Jamie said.

“It seems that you are very talented in pretending to be a woman, why didn’t I expect to change your gender in the first place, how good it is to turn you into a girl, what a mistake!”

Toby said with pretense of chagrin.

“Okay, let’s not talk about this, now the raw materials for brewing the enchanting potion have been collected, and they can be brewed.”

James said it took them almost two years to finally collect the raw materials, many of which are so precious that there is nowhere to buy money, so they can only rely on chance.

Fortunately, they were lucky, and although it took some time, they finally collected all the raw materials, and then they needed to boil them.

“Fortunately, although the enchanting potion is a potion that can enhance mana, it does not need to be boiled for a long time, one day is enough.”

Toby nodded and said.

In today’s wizarding world, there is no magic potion, which is a magic potion recorded in the Magic Divine Codex, which can increase the magic power in the body by up to 30%.

However, the side effect of this enchanting potion is that a wizard can only drink it once in his life, and the second time it is useless.

In the evening, on a mountain peak near Godric’s Hollow, Toby and Jamie appear here, and brewing the potion needs to be in the wild, and it needs to be when the moon comes out.

Toby set up a potion crucible, and Jamie lit the Gubrai Fire under the crucible, yes, you can’t use ordinary flames to make potions, you need to use magic flames.

The two took the raw materials out of their pockets one by one, and then put the raw materials into the crucible in order, and stirred them, and there was also a specific method of mixing potions.

When stirring, you need to stir clockwise three times, then counterclockwise three times, the speed should be even, and so on, and at the same time it cannot be stopped when stirring.

As one piece after another of the ingredients is put into the gansu, those raw materials begin to turn into a pot of colorful liquid.

“The blood of the unicorn’s heart!”

Jamie said, and Toby, who was waiting, immediately poured the bottle of unicorn’s heart blood into the crucible.

As Jamie kept stirring, the pot of liquid gradually turned red, red like blood.

“Phoenix’s tail feathers!”

Jamie said that Toby immediately put a phoenix tail feather into the crucible, this phoenix tail feather is still Dumbledore’s phoenix fox left over from Nirvana, with strong power.

After putting in the tail feathers of the phoenix, the bright red liquid inside the crucible suddenly caught fire, which was the flame of the phoenix, and the temperature was very high.

But Jamie didn’t stop stirring, and as he kept stirring, the flame of the phoenix gradually extinguished, and the liquid in the crucible changed from bright red to golden yellow.

“Basilisk’s fangs!”

Jamie added that Toby put a fang pulled from the mouth of the basilisk into the crucible.

As soon as the long fang was put into the crucible, it immediately melted, and then a dark green mist rose from the crucible, faintly forming a strange open shape…

The golden liquid in the crucible also turned green and continued to bubble, looking like a pot of poison.

Next, the heart of the werewolf, the tears of the mermaid, the hair of the siren, etc. are all put into the crucible in turn, and each time a material is put in, the liquid in the crucible will change color.

At the same time, the fragrance of the potion also began to come out, a fragrance that was difficult to express in words.

“Soon, it’s almost done!”

There was a frenzy in Jamie’s eyes, and he was still stirring the medicine in the sweet pot.

At this time, the potion in the crucible had turned milky white like milk, and a burst of fragrance began to emanate.

“The last step, trigger the moonlight, inject the power of the moonlight into the potion, and the magic potion will be completed, Toby, quickly!”

Jamie said hurriedly.


Toby raised the wand in his hand and aimed it at the bright moon in the sky, and then the wand slowly slid down, and a thick moonlight power was injected into the tanko.

In Muggle’s opinion, moonlight has no energy at all, but in the wizarding world, for wizards, moonlight has a unique power.

The potion in the crucible, infused with the power of moonlight, changed from milky white to a shiny silver color, which looked very much like mercury, but more transparent than mercury.

“It worked! Finally succeeded! ”

Jamie was very happy, and the success of the enchanting potion meant that their strength would be greatly improved.

Toby took out several glass bottles and poured the silver potions from the crucible 5.0 into those glass bottles, they didn’t need to drink all the potions in a large potion, so it was too wasteful.

“Drink it now?”

Toby was holding a glass bottle that contained a potion that would drive the entire wizarding world crazy if it got out.

“Of course, I can’t wait to try it.”

Jamie nodded and said.

“Aren’t you afraid of problems? If you drink this potion and die, I can still bring you back to life, and if the two of us drink this potion together and die together, then you will really die. ”

Toby said.

“I can guarantee that the method and steps of my potion brewing are correct, but you are also right, the two of us can’t try it together, after all, being careful can make Jamie of the Ten Thousand Year Ship nod and say.”

“Then, I’ll drink it.”

Jamie raised his head and put all the liquid in the glass into his mouth…

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