Chapter 291 Angry Harry and the Fear Curse!!

“Extrajudicial maniacs! Thank you for the compliment, Miss Granger! ”

Toby said with a smile.

“It’s a good title, I think it’s a good fit for us.”

Jamie said with a smile as well.

“You are even proud, if what you did was exposed, you would definitely be expelled from Hogwarts, and maybe put in Azkaban by the Ministry of Magic.”

Hermione crossed her hands at her waist and said imposingly, as if she was a teaching director who was reprimanding students, worthy of the name of “Wheat Grid”.

Toby and Jamie looked at each other, and if what they did was really exposed, maybe they would have been directly imprisoned in Azkaban without going through trial at all, and imprisoned forever.

Of course, the premise is that the Ministry of Magic can catch them, and maybe the Ministry of Magic has already declared their demise before they can catch them.

“Then Miss Lau Granger will keep a secret for us, and Miss Granger will not want to watch us locked up in the dreaded Azkaban!”

Toby clasped his hands together and pleaded with Hermione with a smile.

“Hermione, as wizards, we can’t do some illegal and criminal things, but if it’s some harmless little things, even if we do it, it doesn’t matter, and we haven’t hurt others.”

Jamie said that although they have done more than how many times they have violated and sinned so far, they have not hurt many wizards, have they?

If they were really mad, they would have known how many wizards had lost their lives, and just releasing that basilisk would be enough to slaughter hundreds of wizards.

“That’s right, but…”

Hermione always thought there was something wrong with what Jamie said, but she couldn’t find a place to refute it.

“Okay, okay, that’s the end of this topic, Hermione heard that you went on a trip to the country with your parents not long ago?”

Toby diverted from the topic and said.

The Granger family is a dentist, and dentists are well-paid in the West and can be called middle-class, so the Granger family travels every summer.

“Yes, I went with my parents and we went to Paris, but I didn’t think it was interesting, so I came back early.”

Hermione said that she found magic more fun than traveling, and the most important thing was that if it wasn’t with someone she liked, even if she went with her parents, there was always a gap.

The three of them talked all the way, and it took about two hours to finally reach Privet Road, which was more remote than Granger’s, and Dursley’s house.

When they arrived, it was already evening, the sun had already set, and it was already dark.

“Oh! It’s finally here. ”

After arriving at Privet Road, Hermione complained a little, walking for two hours, her feet were a little sore, fortunately she was wearing flat shoes, if she wore high heels, it is estimated that her feet would be wasted.


Toby and Jamie looked at the house in front of them at the same time.

“What’s wrong?”

Hermione was a little curious, and she followed the gazes of the two, but saw nothing.

“There’s a strong magical fluctuation, isn’t it Harry?”

Toby said.

“Harry? Harry, what’s wrong with him? He used magic? ”

Hermione asked curiously, but she soon learned that in the courtyard of the house in front of them, there was a fat woman who had been inflated and headed into the air like a humanoid balloon.

“Oh my God, that woman flew!”

Hermione covered her mouth, she couldn’t believe that normal people couldn’t fly, only magic could cause such an accident.

“It must be that Ha used magic to inflate that woman.”

Jamie said that Harry, who had always been good-tempered, was angry, and it seemed that this woman must have offended him very much.

“You guys are still watching, don’t hurry up and save that woman, if the Ministry of Magic finds out, Harry will definitely be implicated.”

Hermione said eagerly.

“Well, it’s for Harry.”

With a wave of Toby’s wand, a rope shot out of his wand and tied directly to the inflated woman’s feet, pulling her down and tying the other end of the rope to a tree in the courtyard.

“Oh! Vernon, save me! Vernon! ”

The inflated woman kept shouting, but her body was like a balloon, there was no weight at all, and if it weren’t for the rope, I am afraid that I would not have known where to fly.

“Seal the tongue and lock the throat!”

Jamie raised his wand and gave the woman a spell that silenced her.

“Toby, Jamie, why don’t you save her and hurry up and lift the magic for her?”

Hermione said eagerly, she didn’t understand why Toby and Jamie didn’t lift the woman’s magic, and it should be easy for them to lift the magic spell.

“Wait a minute, wait until Harry comes out, you should also know Harry, he doesn’t use magic on Muggles for no reason, it must be this woman who did something to annoy Harry.”

Jamie said.

Hermione frowned, although she didn’t think it was good to do so, but she wasn’t an unreasonable person, she knew Harry, Harry generally couldn’t do something so out of line…

“Okay, then wait for Harry to come out and ask him what the hell is going on.”

Hermione said.

Soon, Harry’s figure walked out of the house, he walked quickly, his face was also full of anger, and he looked very angry.


Hermione shouted.

Harry was a little surprised to see Toby and the three of them, but quickly walked over.

“Toby, Jamie, Hermione, what’s wrong with your door?”

Harry asked.

“Don’t forget what day it is, didn’t we promise you before, we will pick you up in August.”

Toby said.

“Harry, don’t talk about that, who is that woman, and why did you inflate her?”

Hermione asked, pointing to the inflated woman who was hanging from a rope.

The inflated woman was like an inflated balloon, constantly floating, her mouth was closed, she couldn’t make any sound at all, and a gust of wind could make her dizzy.

“That’s Aunt Maggie, Uncle Vernon’s sister, she’s been living here for days.”

Harry said with disgust on his face, he had never hated anyone so much, Aunt Maggie hated more than Snape, he would rather be with Snape than be in the same room with Aunt Maggie.

Snape: Are you polite?

“Harry, why are you blowing her up, if the Ministry of Magic finds out, it will be a shame.”

Hermione frowned and asked, since that woman was Harry’s aunt, how could Harry do this to her?

“Aunt Maggie 1.9 mom she insulted my mom and dad, I really want to kill her.”

Harry said angrily.

“Harry, you little bastard, get Maggie back to her original state!”

Harry’s uncle Vernon and aunt Penny also came to the courtyard, and when they saw Maggie’s appearance, they immediately shouted at Harry, but they did not dare to step forward.

“I refused, she insulted my parents and I won’t forgive her.”

Harry said loudly.

“Harry, let’s put her down first, in case the Muggles find out, then the people from the Ministry of Magic will also come, and you will be punished.”

“In fact, if you feel uncomfortable, I can help you cast a fear spell on her, let her feel the feeling of extreme fear, and ensure that she will never forget.”

Jamie said that in fact, he felt that Harry was already good, insulting his parents, who could endure, in other words, he would have already unloaded the woman.

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