Chapter 327 Ron also has the right to know!!

The carriage drove to two magnificent wrought iron gates flanked by stone pillars topped by winged wild boars.

Two eerie dementors with hoods stood on either side of the doorway, standing guard like guards.

“Dementors again.”

Harry felt a little uncomfortable, and a hint of chill hit him.

“Toby, haven’t all those Dementors been wiped out by you, why are there still here?”

Hermione asked, she didn’t have the slightest affection for creatures like dementors, and she even disliked them very much.

“Dementors are more than that, who knows how many Dementors the Ministry of Magic has sent to search for Sirius, if you want all the Dementors to withdraw, you can only prove Sirius’s innocence as soon as possible.”

Toby explained.

“Did you see it, Hogwarts Castle has added a lot of protective measures, and a barrier net has been erected on the edge of the Forbidden Forest.”

Jamie said.

“That’s also inevitable, who let last semester, Hogwarts castle happened such a terrible thing, Hogwarts in order to ensure the safety of students, of course, to add more defense facilities.”

Toby said that it is not too late to make amends.

The carriage accelerated on the 27 long uphill driveway leading to the castle, and from the window you could already see the castle’s many corner towers and towers.

Finally, the carriage stopped, and the little wizards got off one after another.

Draco saw Harry, like a shark that smelled fishy, and brought his henchman Crabbe and Goyle over to “provoke”.

“Then I won’t go with you.”

Jamie said and walked towards the group of Slytherin wizards, who immediately surrounded Jamie like a moon and hugged him towards the castle.

“Isn’t Jamie with us, that thing…”

Harry said.

“It’s okay, we all know what happened anyway, it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t come, we’ll go to the principal’s office by ourselves later.”

Toby said nonchalantly.

Ascend the stone steps through the majestic oak doors and into the spacious and deep foyer, lit with torches and a magnificent marble staircase leading upstairs.

On the right, the Great Hall was open, and Toby followed the crowd towards the Great Hall.

“Miss Granger, please come with me.”

As soon as she entered the Great Hall, Professor McGonagall stopped Hermione.

“Then let’s go first, we will help you take a good position.”

Toby said and led Harry and Ron towards the Gryffindor table.

“What did Professor McGonagall stop Hermione for?”

Harry asked curiously.

“There should be something about this semester’s course, in addition to the required courses, Hermione also signed up for five other electives, and she is really not tired.”

Toby shook his head and said that although he had persuaded him, Hermione was still insistent on going her own way, and even persuaded him to join him.

But he didn’t want to be so tired, among the five elective courses, divination courses required talent, and without the talent of prophecy, no matter how much he learned, it was useless.

As for Muggle studies, it’s something old-fashioned, mixed in

Many prejudices against Muggles are of no use at all, and when it comes to the study of Muggles, who in the entire wizarding world can compare to him.

The only thing that is still useful is arithmetic divination, ancient Runyven and protection of magical animals, Toby only chose these three courses, as for Jamie, he chose divination and abandoned arithmetic divination.

But there is no difference, anyway, the knowledge of the two can be shared.

“yes, Hermione, she’s amazing, by the way, Toby, why didn’t you and Jamie choose all the classes, I thought you would be the same as Hermione?”

Harry asked.

“We don’t want to waste too much time on useless courses, like Muggle studies, maybe the professor doesn’t know Muggles as well as we do,” Toby said.”

Soon, this year’s sorting ceremony began, and it was Professor Flitwick who presided over the sorting because Professor McGonagall had something to do today.

When Hermione returned, the sorting ceremony was over, she and Professor McGonagall returned to their seats, and Headmaster Dumbledore began to stand up and deliver his speech for the new semester.

“Welcome! Welcome back to Hogwarts! I have a few things to tell you all, one of which is very important, so I think it’s best to make it clear before you enjoy a delicious meal and your mind gets confused…”

“Our school currently has several Azkaban Dementors, who have been sent by the Ministry of Magic on official duties, as you must already know.”

“Because before, they also searched the Hogwarts Express, which I was very upset about, but fortunately a brave little wizard stood up and eliminated those dementors…”

Dumbledore said with a smile and winked at Toby.

“But because of something, those Dementors can’t be removed yet, they will be stationed at every entrance to the school.”

“I have to make it clear that Dementors are very scary creatures, they are uncontrollable, so no one needs to leave the school without permission while they are there.”

“No amount of trickery, trickery or disguise will fool the Dementors – even the Cloak of Invisibility.”

“Dementors are incapable of understanding and begging for mercy, so I must remind everyone here not to give them a reason to hurt you.”

“Unless you have the ability to fight the Dementors, but I don’t think many people can do that.”

Dumbledore said seriously, and then he paused.

“Moving on to the second thing, first of all, Professor Lupin, who gladly agreed to fill the vacancy in this year’s Defense Against the Dark Arts class.”

There were a few sparse applause in the auditorium, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor changed once a year, most of the level was not good, and this Professor Lupin was still dressed in rags, it was hard not to doubt his teaching level.

“Look at Snape!”

Ron whispered.

Harry, Toby, and they looked towards the teacher’s table, and Professor Snape was now staring viciously at Professor Lupin on the other end of the staff’s table.

It was an expression of surprise, anger, hatred, as if Professor Lupin had killed Professor Snape’s relatives.

“They were rivals when they were students, and probably Professor Snape didn’t expect Professor Lupin to come back as this year’s Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.”

Toby said.

Harry remembered that Sirius had told him in 403 that the four of them and Snape were bitter rivals when they were students, and that both of them hated each other very much.

“As for our second new teacher, I regret to inform you that our Fantastic Beasts Protection Teacher, Professor Kettleburn, retired at the end of last semester in order to have more time to enjoy his old arms and legs.”

“We can’t find a new professor yet, so we can only let our hunting ground guard Rubeus Hagrid temporarily serve as the professor of the Fantastic Beasts Protection Class, but don’t worry, Hagrid is also an expert in Fantastic Beasts.”

Dumbledore said.

The applause was much louder this time than the previous one, and Hagrid’s popularity at Hogwarts was pretty good, especially in Gryffindor House.

“So, now the banquet begins!”

Dumbledore finally announced.

After dinner, Toby and they returned to the Gryffindor common room, and when it was nine o’clock in the evening, they had to go to the headmaster’s room.

“Do you want to tell Ron about this, after all, Madara is his pet, and now Madara is still missing.”

Hermione whispered to Toby on the side.

Ron is now playing wizarding chess with Harry, and he has never been convinced that Harry can beat him.

“Ron also has the right to know, so let’s call Ron when we go to the headmaster’s room later.”

“This matter is very involved, I am afraid that the people of the Weasley family will have to be present, after all, the mouse that Pettigrew Peter turned into has lived in the Weasley family for more than ten years.”

Toby nodded and said…

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