Hogwarts: From The Obscure To The Dark Lord

Chapter 62 The Ghost Of Hogwarts

"Hogwarts has four colleges, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Raven Klaw and Hufflepuff, but no matter which house the students are from, they are all Hogwarts students."

"Therefore, I hope that everyone can get rid of prejudices and unite. Only unity is the most powerful force."

Dumbledore faced the students, opened his arms, and spoke loudly.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!..."

There was warm applause again in the auditorium. Even if some students did not take this sentence seriously, they would not stand up at this time.

"Then, next, the banquet begins, let's enjoy the food together!"

Dumbledore announced with a smile.

Immediately, the four long tables were filled with all kinds of delicious food, such as roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops, lamb chops, sausages, steaks, boiled potatoes, baked potatoes, fried potato chips and so on.

Western dishes are generally rough, especially the Eagle National cuisine, which is not as refined as the Eastern dishes, and the Western dishes are relatively simple in style, not as diverse as the Eastern dishes.

"It looks really good."

Harry picked some of each and started eating.


Ron held a chicken leg in both hands, mouthful after mouthful with the left, and his mouth was full of oil. Hearing Harry's words, he couldn't stop nodding.

At this moment, the door of the auditorium was opened, and dozens of ghosts floated in. These ghosts belonged to the castle of Hogwarts.

The ghosts were either talking to each other, or laughing, or rolling and playing wantonly in the air.

"what are these?"?

Harry was taken aback.

"These are ghosts belonging to Hogwarts, but don't be afraid, they won't harm us."

Percy heard Harry's voice and explained for him.

"Ha, you see, this is our Gryffindor ghost."

said Percy, pointing to a ghost over the long table in Gryffindor.

"Oh, it's the new school season again, and there are many new little wizards in Gryffindor, and at the same time, many old faces have disappeared."

The ghost in the ruff seemed to say sadly that a batch of wizards would graduate every year, and they didn't know how many batches they would send away.

"Mr. Ghost, you are a ghost made of iron, but we are wizards of flowing water."

Toby said with a smile.

"Oh? What does this sentence mean?"?

The ghost asked, he has been dead for an unknown number of years, and has been staying in Hogwarts Castle, so he is naturally not clear about some novel things.

"The meaning of this sentence is that you will always exist in Hogwarts Castle, but our little wizards are mobile. Every year, little wizards graduate and some little wizards enter school."

Toby explained with a smile.

"Oh yes, you're right. I don't seem to have introduced myself, Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, resident ghost of Gryffindor Tower."

The ghost introduced itself.

"I know who you are now. My two big brothers, Fred and George, once told me about you. You are that Nearly Headless Nick!"

Ron exclaimed.

"I think I would prefer you to call me Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington—"

Ghost looked a little embarrassed.

"Nearly headless? How could you be almost headless?"?

Seamus Finnigan, with light brown hair, was a little curious and interjected.

Toby didn't listen to their conversation, he knew all about the ghosts at Hogwarts, the resident ghost of Gryffindor was Nearly Headless Nicol, and the resident ghost of Slytherin was Baron the Bloody Man.

The ghost of La Wen Claw is Ms. Gray, but her real identity is Helena La Wen Claw, the daughter of Royna La Wen Claw.

There seemed to be some conflicts and emotional entanglements between her and the blood man Barrow. Anyway, they had been dead for so many years, even though they had already turned into ghosts, they still did not let go.

As for Hufflepuff's permanent resident in Youlin, he is a fat monk, who looks a little happy from the outside.

Toby turned around, and Jamie was sitting right in front of him, because the Gryffindor table was next to the Slytherin table, although there was an aisle between them.


asked Toby.

"Tonight, on the eighth floor of the castle."

Jamie leaned into Toby's ear and said.

"The Room of Requirement."

Toby immediately understood what Jamie meant. The Room of Requirement was on the eighth floor of Hogwarts Castle. It was a very unique place, and even one of Voldemort's Horcruxes was hidden there.


Toby gestured, nodded, and then turned around again.

Dumbledore in the teacher's seat saw the scene of Jamie and Toby communicating, which made him in a trance again, as if seeing how close he and Grindelwald were when they were young.


Dumbledore sighed slightly. People like to remember when they are old. Although he and Grindelwald parted ways long ago, they never forgot him.

On the four long tables, when the little wizards had filled their stomachs, all the staple foods disappeared and were replaced by various desserts.

Puddings of all flavors, ice creams, apple pies, treacle tarts, chocolate trifles, fried jam doughnuts and more.

I have to say that although the staple food in the West is not very good, the desserts are still good, but sometimes it is too sweet and it will feel greasy.

Harry, Ron, Seamus and Neville were talking about their respective families, Hermione was exchanging homework with Percy, and the professors in the teacher's chair were also talking and laughing about something.


Suddenly, Harry snorted and covered his forehead with his hand.

"Harry, what's the matter with you?"?

Toby asked, but seeing the lightning scar on Harry's forehead, it was immediately clear.

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