Harry walked out of Professor McGonagall’s office slowly and sighed deeply.

After listening to Professor McGonagall’s words about registering at the Ministry of Magic, he had to temporarily give up the idea of practicing Animagus with Professor McGonagall.

Indeed, as she said, Harry was extremely unwilling to be monitored by the Ministry of Magic all the time.

The professors of the school naturally could not blatantly let students violate the regulations of the Ministry of Magic. After all, this was contrary to the teaching philosophy they had always upheld.

However, this did not mean that no one knew this spell.

For example, Sirius, who used this spell to perfection and could even successfully escape the pursuit of Dementors and the Ministry of Magic.

In the evening, Harry went to the Forbidden Forest to hunt eight-eyed spiders as usual.

The next day, Harry could not wait to send a letter to Sirius.

Soon, Sirius also wrote back to his godson.

In the letter, he mentioned that he had not used other spells for thirteen years,”three, two, three…” If he was asked to teach other spells, he might not have full confidence.

But Animagus was different. After all, during the long thirteen years in Azkaban, he endured the Dementor’s Kiss. Whenever he felt that he was about to be sucked into an idiot, he would change into Animagus form in time, so that the Dementor would reluctantly give up the”love kiss” on him.

He struggled to maintain the last bit of rationality in the form of a dog.

During these thirteen years, Animagus was the most used.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is familiar with any detail change of Animagus.

So helping Harry practice this spell is more than enough for him.

Harry saw this reply letter. After that, he felt relieved. The matter of Animagus was finally settled, and an expectant look appeared on his face unconsciously.

There is no rush to practice Animagus, and this spell cannot be completed in a short time.

The most important thing now is to find the Horcruxes left by Tom in the castle. It is rare to have such a free time this semester, and Harry is unwilling to let a danger stay so close to him.

In order to have time to find the Horcruxes, Harry had to reluctantly give up the time to go to the Forbidden Forest to greet the eight-eyed spiders after the make-up classes, and instead go to find the Horcruxes.

According to Dumbledore, Tom found Helena when he was in school, and cheated the Ravenclaw diadem away.

And the Hufflepuff gold cup was cheated by him after graduation using the beauty trick.

Naturally not Maybe he will go back to the castle and hide it.

Therefore, the most likely Horcrux he left in the castle is the Ravenclaw Diadem.

For this reason, Harry had to find the hundreds-year-old female ghost Helena and ask her what the Ravenclaw Diadem looks like.

After being deceived by Tom, Helena didn’t trust the living very much.

Harry had no choice but to resort to some small tricks, such as small magic like the Undead Slayer.

What surprised him was that when Helena was wailing in pain in the golden light of the Undead Slayer, the ghost of Slytherin, the Bloody Baron, suddenly appeared and wanted to attack Harry and protect Helena.

Harry really didn’t understand the way these old people who had lived for hundreds of years thought.

In the wizarding world, it’s not that whoever lives longer is stronger.

Harry looked at it, with a smile on his face. Smile.

The two ghosts who had lived for nearly a thousand years had no power to resist in front of Harry. They fell to the ground in pain, and their bodies were close to collapse.

Helena was finally terrified, and tremblingly described the appearance of the Ravenclaw crown.

They were originally ghosts. If they died again, they really could not stay in the world.

Harry took back the undead killer with satisfaction and walked away.

Leaving behind these two ghosts who were inextricably linked.

He was not interested in asking about the private affairs between ghosts.

Helena didn’t know where Tom hid the crown, and Harry still had to look for treasures in public places one by one.

After searching for half a month, Harry walked to the eighth floor opposite a tapestry of a giant club beating Barnabas silly during curfew.

Harry looked at the wall in front of him, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes. It was another secret room. There were too many secret rooms in the castle. Almost all the public places with treasures he encountered in the past half month were secret rooms. It took him a lot of time just to crack these secret rooms. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Fortunately, his various counter-spells and counter-spells were used very skillfully.

Harry picked up his wand and cast all kinds of counter-spells and counter-spells in sequence at the wall.

But this time there was no response.

The wall still did not move.

Harry sighed, it seems that it will not work, and he needs to think of other ways.[]

He fell into deep thought, if he put himself in Tom’s position at that time.

He got the crown and made it into a Horcrux, and he urgently needed a safe place to hide the treasure.

At this time, he should be very eager to find this place.

A place to hide the treasure.

Harry frowned slightly and wandered back and forth in front of the wall.

When he passed the tapestry for the third time, the wall suddenly turned into a huge wooden door.

Harry was stunned. He didn’t expect that he would accidentally open this secret room.

It is a secret room opened by the perception of the mind.

Harry soon knew the nature of this secret room……..

After waving his hand, the wooden door opened automatically.

Harry walked in.

He found that the room was huge, as if it was completely isolated from the world, immersed in a suffocating atmosphere.

The dim light was like a weak candlelight, which came in through the narrow window with difficulty, and could only vaguely reflect the general outline of the objects, covering everything with a mysterious veil.

The walls looked particularly old and mottled, with large pieces of wall peeling off, revealing the bumpy bricks and stones inside. The cracks were like deep marks carved by time.

The ground was not only damp, but also covered with moss. Every step you took felt like you were stuck to the ground.

The strong old smell in the air was almost wrapping people tightly. The smell of rotten wood, moldy cloth and heavy dust intertwined, impacting people’s sense of smell and making people’s stomachs churn.

The room was filled with various items in a disorderly manner, as if they were waste left by time.

The huge boxes were stacked crookedly, and the dust on the lids was like thick snow. The slightest movement would raise a choking dust mist that spread in the air. The ancient portrait leaned against the wall, and the faces of the characters in the painting were blurred and particularly strange in the dim light, as if they were watching everything with indifferent eyes.

The shabby tables and chairs were tilted here and there, and the chair with broken legs lay alone in the corner, covered with dense spider webs.

Some strange magic tools were scattered randomly, some were rusty, and some were dim, and their former glory had long been deeply covered in dust.

In the corner, there were also some shabby brooms, with broken bristles, as if telling of the former busyness and fatigue.

Some incomplete books were thrown aside at random, the paper was yellowed and brittle, as if it would break at the touch, and the handwriting on it was also blurred.

A huge wardrobe leaned against the wall, with the door half-closed. There was a faint smell of decay inside, as if some great secret items had been stored there. There were also some tattered flags hanging on the wall, the colors had long faded, leaving only some dim traces, as if recalling the glory and splendor of the past.

Near the roof, some long spider silks were hanging, swaying gently in the breeze, like ghost hair. There were also some broken porcelain pieces scattered on the ground. I don’t know how exquisite the porcelain was once, but now it is in pieces.

Occasionally, mice shuttled between the items, making tiny noises, which added to the gloomy and terrifying feeling of this hiding room, and people couldn’t help but feel a chill in their hearts.

Everything here seemed so dilapidated and depressing, as if time had stopped here, leaving only endless desolation and loneliness..

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