He obviously didn’t intend to let Harry go just like that.

“The two spells you cast were both auxiliary magic, and you smashed the troll’s head. Is there anything else you are hiding?” Snape looked at him gloomily.

“Snape. Professor McGonagall looked at him with dissatisfaction.

She didn’t want to ask too much about the little wizard’s secrets.

But Snape still stared at Harry.

“There are two more spells. Harry nodded and said

“Creating four spells in a row? Professor McGonagall was shocked and looked at Harry in disbelief.

Snape was also surprised.

“This is what killed the troll.”Harry raised his left hand, and a magic sword appeared in an instant.

Then he closed his palms, and the magic sword disappeared.

Then he looked at Snape’s feet.

Snape also felt his gaze, moved slightly, and covered himself more tightly with his robe.

“Professor, is your foot injured?” Harry did not let him go and said directly

“This has nothing to do with you.” Snape said impatiently

“No, this is related to me.”Harry smiled faintly.

A hint of blue flashed in his eyes. Expert-level healing.

It can restore a large amount of HP and eliminate the influence of negative magic.

The healing release range covers the five of them.

“”Alas, are my wounds all healed?” Hermione, who was lying on the bed, sat up suddenly and looked at her wounds in surprise. All of them had disappeared, revealing her white and smooth skin.

The pain was gone too.

She got off the bed.

“Feel it, Professor. Harry said to Snape with a smile.

Snape moved his foot slightly, and indeed there was no pain at all.

“Your magic can also eliminate magical damage?” Snape finally showed a shocked expression in front of Harry.

The wound on his foot was not an ordinary physical injury, but a magical damage caused by the three-headed dog’s teeth.

It was difficult to treat.

But Harry used a magic to completely heal his wound.

This was beyond his imagination.

A young wizard who had just entered school could create so many magics, and the effects were extraordinary.

No, according to him, he might have created them before entering school.

Snape took a deep look at Harry and said,”Remember to keep your mind clear next time. You are lucky to survive such a mindless recklessness.”

After that, he strode away.

“Well, you are tired, go back to the dormitory and rest.” Professor McGonagall did not stay long, and after explaining Hermione’s situation to Madam Pomfrey, she also left.

Although Madam Pomfrey was curious about why Hermione recovered suddenly, she was very busy at work. It was a good thing for her to reduce one patient, so she did not ask too much, and asked Harry and the others to leave quickly so as not to affect other patients’ rest. What

Madam Pomfrey did not know was that because she was too lazy to ask about this matter, she missed a magic skill that could be regarded as a magical skill in the medical field.

Magical damage is difficult to treat, especially fierce black magic, because they can not only inflict great physical damage, but also attach strong negative magic to it.

These negative magics are difficult to remove, and the negative effects of some powerful black magic cannot even be dealt with at all.

And Harry’s healing magic is simply designed to counter these black magics.

“You guys go back first, I’ll go find Headmaster Dumbledore.” Harry said to Ron and Hermione.

They nodded. They didn’t dare to ask more about Harry’s affairs. When they heard that he was going to find Dumbledore, Ron didn’t dare to follow him.

He came to the headmaster’s office alone.

“Password.” said the stone beast at the door.

“”Cockroach pile.” Harry responded.

The statue slowly turned, revealing a spiral staircase.

Harry walked up.

Entering the office, he saw Dumbledore sitting on a chair.

Harry suddenly felt angry.

“You are so relaxed, Headmaster.”Harry said sarcastically.

“Minerva and Snape have both gone there. They are both excellent professors, and dealing with trolls is just an easy task for them.”Dumbledore said with a smile

“You asked the students to go back to the dormitory, aren’t you afraid of encountering trolls on the way?” Harry asked in confusion. He didn’t understand why Dumbledore would give such an order.

“In Hogwarts, every student is safe.”Dumbledore said.

Harry’s mouth twitched. I don’t know where his confidence came from. Maybe this is the style of the strongest in the wizarding world.

If a student gets hurt, you can just wait to be slapped in the face.

“I think you need a little help.”Dumbledore looked at Harry’s dirty robes and waved his hand.

Harry’s robes instantly became clean and fresh.

He looked down and forgot that they were still dirty.

Harry walked to Dumbledore and sat down.

“Did you find anything?” Harry asked seriously.

“What?” Dumbledore raised his eyebrows.

“Don’t play tricks on me, Quirrell.” Harry said unhappily.

“It was obviously Quirrell who put that troll in there. Don’t tell me you didn’t know.” Harry admitted that Dumbledore still had some brains. He should have been able to think of these things.

“How did you know that?” Dumbledore said with a smile, summoning a cup filled with milk and placing it in front of Harry.

Harry took a sip and said expressionlessly:”Anyone with a normal brain can see that he is not even acting now.”

“A professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts was actually frightened by a giant monster! I guess he is not familiar with Defense Against the Dark Arts, but an adult wizard who can still be a professor at Hogwarts should not behave so badly, right?”

“Not only did he faint from fright, he had to run to the hall and faint again after speaking. It was a terrible performance. Harry gave Quirrell a bad review for his acting.

The actors in the TV series were much better than him.

Dumbledore’s eyes flashed with a smile.

“Anything else? Anything else you noticed?”

“I had a close encounter with him this time.” Harry frowned deeply.

When Quirrell passed by him

“He is very dangerous. I was almost provoked to take a defensive stance on the spot.”Thanks to his keen perception

“A little worse than Professor McGonagall and Snape, but a little better than Professor Sprout.” Harry commented

“Of course I am far worse than you.” Harry glanced at the smiling old man.

“Haha, I am honored to be recognized by our little wizard.” Dumbledore said with a smile.

“Don’t change the subject.” Harry stared at Dumbledore and said

“Well, I did find some problems. Dumbledore nodded.

“I suspect that Quirrell has not only become Voldemort’s minion, but has also possessed him.” Dumbledore said

“Then just kill him directly.” Harry’s face changed. He didn’t expect this to be the case.

After all, he had taken Quirrell’s class before, but he never felt the stinging pain again.

He thought Quirrell was sent by Voldemort to deal with him.

Because he was contaminated with Voldemort’s breath, his scar would react.

Who would have thought that the big boss would appear in person in the first episode?

Now it seems that Voldemort borrowed his body and took a look at him in person.

That explains why his scar only hurt once, but there was no pain when he took Quirrell’s class.

“Quirrell used to be a good kid and an excellent professor, but before the start of this school year, after returning from the Black Forest in Albania, he came to me and asked to be the teacher of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.”

“As you know, it is difficult to find a teacher for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. I was worried about this problem at the time, so I naturally agreed to his request.”

“Now it seems that after he came back, he has become Voldemort’s minion, but I am the headmaster of Hogwarts, and Quirrell is my student, although he has graduated.”

“So you just leave such a dangerous enemy alone?” Harry was a little confused about his thinking.

“Why did Voldemort come to Hogwarts? He knew you were here, but he still ventured in. Don’t tell me he wanted to kill me.” Harry said

“For the Philosopher’s Stone, which is a magical alchemical product that can create an elixir of life, temporarily prolonging the life of the person who drinks it. He is very weak now and urgently needs such a medicine to prolong his life.”Dumbledore said

“Thank you for your advice, dear headmaster. I will go back and pack my luggage now. Harry stood up, nodded to Dumbledore, and turned to leave.

“”Wait, wait, Harry, what are you doing?” Dumbledore stopped him.

“I’m going to drop out of school and go home. I’ll book a flight to China tomorrow.” Harry turned around, looked at him, and said expressionlessly

“Not to the point of dropping out.” Dumbledore had a headache, feeling that the child in front of him was too cautious.

Harry laughed sarcastically:”Oh? If I don’t drop out, will I let such a powerful person stay by my side and cast a killing curse on me at any time?”

“Headmaster Dumbledore, people outside think I am the savior who killed Voldemort.”

“But you know very well that he is not dead, and is even inside Quirrell.”

“I don’t have any special abilities.”

“What on earth makes you feel that I, an ordinary 11-year-old wizard, can feel safe enough around Voldemort?”

“You are the most powerful wizard today, you have the confidence”

“I thought you still had some brains, but now it seems that I need to ask Professor Snape to come over and heal your brain.”

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