The little lions’ faces changed, and they all recalled what happened in the flying class. Although it was a group fight, Harry was undoubtedly the one who solved the most people.

Harry felt that Hermione did a good job, and her communication and management skills were better than his.

He also saw that this might be the best time to change these little lions.

“During the fight in the flying class, I used magic to help you guys.” He then released the attack acceleration

“Move your body and feel it.”Harry said

“A lot lighter”

“It feels the same as the last fight.”

“I thought it was my illusion.”

Harry used the slowing technique again, letting them feel the feeling of their bodies slowing down.

“”I sped up your speed, and I slowed down Slytherin’s speed, so you defeated them so easily.” Harry said calmly.

Harry’s words made the little lions slowly let go of their pride.

After calming down and thinking about it, the scores of the entire first grade were all supported by Harry and Hermione, and they didn’t make any contribution.

Looking at the herbs, transfiguration, and the holy books of spells on the table, they now seemed to be the root of evil, making them fall into the abyss.

But if they don’t copy, they won’t.

The little lions’ faces were tangled and twisted.

“If you don’t know how to do your homework, then I think I can help you, even how to cast spells and brew potions, Harry has done a good job, I don’t think he would mind your questions.”Hermione slowed down her tone and no longer spoke in a sarcastic tone.

Harry nodded, indicating that he supported Hermione’s statement.

After Hermione finished speaking, she sat down again, but no one saw that her legs were shaking a little.

This was a method she figured out by herself, a method to quickly reintegrate into the group without changing her principles.

She had to use her own advantages and expertise.

Although these words made sense, they still felt more or less uncomfortable when they came out of Granger’s mouth.

After all, what they hated most before was Miss Granger’s arrogant and bossy attitude.

But now that they bowed their heads, wouldn’t it be the same as submitting to her feet?

“Harry, what do you think?” Seamus looked at Harry with a questioning look.

“Since you call me the Lion King, you should know that a Lion King does not need a group of hyenas around him, but only companions who can keep up with his actions.”Harry added his own opinion with a smile.

The little lions unanimously agreed with the Lion King’s point of view. They are little lions who obey the Lion King, but not little cats who obey the otter.

They began to really look at their homework, and then thought about the questions they didn’t know how to answer. After writing them down, they lined up to ask Hermione and Harry for help.

Hermione used her method to successfully integrate back into the group and had a high status.

After the little lions left, Harry looked at Hermione with admiration and said,”Well done, Hermione.”

Hermione blushed and lowered her head and said,”This is all thanks to your guidance. Thank you, Harry.”

Ron suddenly asked Hermione from the side,”Hermione, you read a lot of books, do you know what the Philosopher’s Stone is?”

Harry was stunned. He didn’t expect Ron to still remember this matter.

“Philosopher’s Stone?” Hermione looked a little confused, frowning and thinking for a while.

She shook her head and said,”I don’t know, why are you asking this?”

Ron lowered his voice, giving people a feeling that it was a big deal:”The corridor on the fourth floor of the school may be where this thing is placed.”

Hermione had no interest in cooperating with him. She lowered her head and said while doing her homework,”Isn’t that a restricted area? What’s wrong with putting this thing there?”

“But Quirrell wanted to steal it.”Ron revealed the shocking news.

Hermione was really shocked. Her hand shook and she drew a long mark on the parchment, ruining her beautiful and complete homework.

Ron’s eyes flashed with satisfaction.

That’s right, how can I be the only one surprised by such a shocking news?

That’s so meaningless.

Of course, this is entirely because Harry, who was sitting next to him, had no intention of stopping him.

Since Harry didn’t say anything, it proved that he could tell Hermione this news.

“”Who?” Hermione ignored her homework and stared at Ron.

Ron looked around, afraid that someone would notice them.

“Keep your voice down, this is a secret.” Ron said.

Hermione nodded quickly, lowered her voice, leaned closer and said,”Why Professor Quirrell? Even if it was Professor Snape who stole it, right? I noticed that his foot was injured that night.”

Harry touched his forehead helplessly. He knew about Snape’s reputation in Gryffindor. It was right to blame Snape for all the bad things.

This was the common understanding of Gryffindors.

“Don’t be so critical of Professor Snape. Didn’t Hagrid say that? Snape is trustworthy.”Harry said.

But Ron and Hermione obviously didn’t listen.

“This is true. Harry didn’t want to dwell on Professor Snape’s problems.

Because he himself had problems.

“I have confirmed this with Professor Dumbledore.” Harry said to Hermione.

Hearing Dumbledore’s name, Hermione relaxed her expression. In the history of magic, the praise for Dumbledore was undisguised, which made Hermione have a mysterious confidence in Dumbledore.

Since Dumbledore also knew, nothing would happen.

Seeing Hermione change back to her”I’m not interested” look, Ron lowered his head in disappointment.

He was still thinking of asking Hermione to help check it out. After all, asking him to go to the library to read books and find information was like asking for his life.

Christmas is coming.

Christmas in the West is like the Spring Festival in the East.

It is a grand festival.

The arrival of Christmas also means As the first half of the school year has passed, the students of Hogwarts will have a week’s vacation and will not return to school until the end of New Year’s Day.

The professors asked them to register to go home during the vacation.

The college was also immersed in the joyful atmosphere of the upcoming festival.

The homework assigned by the professors was easy and simple.

This made the students who were busy for half a school year relax a lot. They happily had snowball fights and built snowmen in the snow piles outside.

Warm fires began to burn in the Gryffindor common room and the school hall, and props and decorations with a festive atmosphere were set up.

Hermione walked into the lounge and found that only Ron was there.

“”Where’s Harry?” Hermione asked as she sat down next to Ron.

Ron and Harry, to outsiders, had always been inseparable.

“”I went to see Professor McGonagall.” Ron answered.

Well, except when Harry asked the professor for extra lessons.

Hermione’s expression became complicated. How should she deal with someone who was better than her and was so hardworking? It

‘s not that she hadn’t asked Professor McGonagall to give her extra lessons.

But Professor McGonagall refused, thinking that she didn’t want extra lessons yet.

“Are you going home for Christmas?” Hermione asked Ron.

“Well, my father said he would take us to Egypt. Ron nodded and said

“What about you?” Ron asked back

“I signed up to go back too. I’m a little homesick.”Hermione said.

Even though Hogwarts is very attractive, the little wizards who have been away from home for so long for the first time also start to miss home.

“”Is Harry going back?” Hermione asked

“I didn’t dare to ask, you know, about Harry’s situation.”Ron whispered.

Hermione was silent.

On the other side, in Professor McGonagall’s office

“Potter, I heard from Wood that you have a talent for flying. He wanted you to join the Gryffindor Quidditch team, but you didn’t agree. Professor McGonagall gave Harry a cup of warm black tea.

“Professor, you know, I’m too busy and don’t have time to participate in these activities and training.”Harry rubbed his brows. In front of Professor McGonagall, who was like a grandmother and cared about him very much,

Harry showed his tired expression.

Even with the effect of healing magic, he could maintain sufficient physical strength to support his crazy study.

But the mental fatigue could not be eliminated.

If it weren’t for his five years of cooking experience, which made his will very strong, he would probably have given up long ago.

Professor McGonagall looked at the child in front of her. The last time she saw him, he was still a baby in her arms. In the blink of an eye, he has grown so big.

She knew Harry’s schedule very well (except for going to the Forbidden Forest at night), and there was not only a trace of heartache in her eyes.

“You should take more rest and participate in some extracurricular activities, which will be helpful to you.” Professor McGonagall offered her own suggestions.

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