In the morning, the Weasley twins wanted to play with Harry and Ron.

But they found that Harry was gone and only Ron was eating snacks and playing wizard chess in the dormitory.

“Ron, where’s Harry?” George said

“He went to the kitchen and said he would cook a meal for us and the professors to have dinner together in the evening. Ron said

“Tsk tsk, Harry can cook?” Fred smacked his lips.

“Could it be cooking noodles?”George joked.

The twins didn’t dwell on this matter and took Ron away.

Ron was bored alone, so he happily followed his brother away.

Then he was made into a snowman to entertain his brothers.

At noon, Ron went to the hall to eat and found that Harry didn’t show up.

He thought Harry was still busy in the kitchen and had no time to eat, so he packed some food and went to the kitchen to find him, wanting to give him something to eat.

However, when he just opened the kitchen door, a strong smell of meat intoxicated him.

Damn, it seems like he just finished his meal, why do I feel hungry again. When he woke up, he saw a group of house-elves surrounding Harry, stretching their necks one by one, watching Harry’s movements intently. No one noticed Ron’s arrival at all.

“”Harry, I packed some food for you, you haven’t had lunch yet?” Ron shouted.

“”Thank you, Ron. I’ve already eaten.” Harry responded, but his hands did not stop moving.

Hearing Harry say that he had already eaten, Ron put the packed food aside, squeezed into the house-elf, and walked towards Harry.

The house-elf who was squeezed away was angry at first, then felt that he had done something wrong and slapped himself again.

Ron finally squeezed to Harry’s side, only to see Harry concentrating on stirring a large pot of soup with a spoon.

“”Harry, what are you doing?” Ron stared blankly at the pot of soup. The rich aroma he smelled when he entered the kitchen just now came from this pot of soup.

“”Hang up the soup, there are many dishes that need soup tonight.” Harry said casually.

Now he was closer, making Ron swallow his saliva.

Damn, he really just came after dinner.

“Are you not full? There are two phoenix eggs there, you can fill your stomach.” Harry pointed to the phoenix eggs next to him, which were the leftovers from his lunch.

Ron wanted to say that he was full, but after seeing the phoenix eggs, he nodded without hesitation:”Okay.”

Then he walked to the phoenix eggs and looked at the two egg-like meatballs that were completely wrapped in golden egg liquid.

Ron slowly reached out with trembling hands.

Damn it, Ron, isn’t it just an egg?

Try harder and don’t let your hands shake.

Ron picked up a phoenix egg and put it in his mouth.

A shudder exploded from his head.

The taste of mountain delicacies and seafood came from his mouth, a dish that seemed to make him feel the origin and development of nature.

The most beautiful tastes in the world seemed to appear one by one on his tongue.

Ron couldn’t wait to eat the second phoenix egg.

Tears flowed from his eyes.

Damn, what kind of shit did he eat in the past 11 years. Is it for people to eat?

Oh, sorry, dear mother, I’m not scolding you.

But the food Harry cooked is really delicious.

Incredibly delicious.

Ron looked at Harry’s extremely serious look.

Suddenly realized that he had a little misunderstanding of Harry’s cooking skills before

“”Hermione, do you know what you missed?” Ron muttered to himself.

Ron left. Staying in the kitchen, he felt that he was always hungry.

Even if he was full, he still felt hungry.

Harry took a look at his stomach and drove him out of the kitchen.

If Ron stayed here any longer, he would have to go to Madam Pomfrey for gastric lavage.

But Madam Pomfrey was also on vacation.

You are not Dudley, so where do you get such a big stomach?

The night slowly came.

Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Hagrid, Professor Flitwick, Snape, Filch, etc., professors and staff who stayed in Hogwarts appeared at the Gryffindor table.

There were also Percy, the Weasley twins, and Ron sitting there.

The other students from other colleges who stayed in the school in twos and threes looked at them in confusion.

Why didn’t the professors eat at the professors’ seats, but went to Gryffindor to eat instead ?

“Harry didn’t cook a big pot of noodles for us, did he?” George said with a smile

“Maybe it’s noodles with vodka.” Fred responded.

The twins’ jokes made everyone present smile faintly.

Except for Ron and Snape.

Snape didn’t laugh.

Ron looked at everyone present with contempt.

You don’t understand how delicious Harry’s cooking is, a bunch of scum.

Wait, don’t be surprised when your eyes pop out.

Harry hurriedly walked into the hall and came to the Gryffindor table. He looked and saw that everyone was there.

“”Harry, what are you doing?” George looked at Harry’s empty hands. Obviously, there were no noodles as he imagined.

Harry smiled faintly, stretched out his left hand, and snapped his fingers.

In an instant, dishes served on large plates appeared on the Gryffindor table.

A strong aroma instantly spread throughout the hall.

Magic is still very useful. There is no need to worry about heat preservation in winter.

Otherwise, in this winter, cooking so many dishes, just after finishing the next one, the previous one will be cold.

“”These are all dishes?” George and Fred stared at the dishes on the table in amazement. When they smelled the tempting aroma, their mouths watered.

Percy and Ron stared at the dishes blankly.

This time Harry made twelve hot dishes, namely, sweet and sour yam with sugar, shark’s fin with crab roe, sweet and sour carp, beef stewed with carrots, phoenix eggs, eight-treasure tofu, baked lobster in soup, braised pork with preserved vegetables, crab meat with crab meat, two-color prawns, apple scones and abalone.

Hagrid’s eyes were filled with tears and he kept wiping his tears with his hands. He could eat the dishes made by Harry again and felt that life was so happy.

Snape’s expression was obviously dull, and his personality completely collapsed. He looked at the table full of exquisite and luxurious dishes, and then looked at Harry. eyes, no one knew what he was thinking.

Professor McGonagall stared at the dishes on the table with shining eyes, kittens are greedy.

Dumbledore was not much better, although he was the most powerful wizard and had seen all kinds of scenes, but the dishes on the table and the smell still made him lose his mind.

Filch, well, Filch didn’t have much presence, and after Harry invited Hagrid, there was only one employee left, and he felt it was not right, so he invited him as well.

Crab roe and shark fin is a simplified version of braised shark fin, and eight-treasure tofu is a vegetarian dish. Harry thought he should eat something vegetarian, so he added one, but maybe only the chopped green onion on top can be considered vegetarian.

“Everyone, please try my cooking!” Harry looked at the people who were just standing there watching without taking any action, and said with a smile.

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