On the last day of the school year, the students gathered in the hall.

The air was filled with the joy of the holidays.

Hermione was a little reluctant, not because she was reluctant to leave Hogwarts, but because she was reluctant to leave Harry…….notes and papers.

There are still many things in the notes that she doesn’t understand. She has written them all down on paper. She can only go back and study them slowly by herself during the summer vacation. There is no one to remind her.

She stabbed a piece of steak with a fork.

Harry was not with her again. He ran to find Professor Flitwick.

At this time, a little lion came over and said to Hermione in a friendly tone:”Hermione, I will send you a letter during the summer vacation. Please be sure to reply.”

Hermione waved her hand to indicate that she understood, and the little lion left happily.

Hermione ate a piece of steak expressionlessly.

She has gotten used to it. Three days ago, some of the little lions began to come to her door, telling her that they would send her a letter during the summer vacation and begging her to reply.

People who don’t know would think she is very popular.

Even some little badgers came over….

Hermione spat in her heart, they are all a bunch of guys who are only interested in their own homework!

Harry found Professor Flitwick at this time.

Dumbledore didn’t tell him that there was a place where he could practice.

But Professor Flitwick is the champion of the World Magic Fighting Tournament for three consecutive years. This is not something he can achieve by practicing alone.

He must have a lot of practical experience, and there must be a place where he can practice actual combat.

“Actual combat?” Professor Flitwick looked at Harry’s question in confusion.

“Yes, after all, if I don’t practice magic now, it will be difficult to improve it by practicing it in the air.” Harry said.

Professor Flitwick crossed his arms, nodded and said,”That’s right, practice is indeed the fastest way to improve magic.”

“I heard from Professor McGonagall that you created a new spell yourself?” Professor Flitwick suddenly said with joy.

“There are a few.” Harry nodded.

“Can you show me how to do it?” Professor Flitwick said

“Of course.”Harry used the slowing magic, attack acceleration, healing, magic sword, thunderbolt and other magic.

Of course, the offensive magic only appeared in his hands and was not launched, otherwise the office would be in tatters.

“Excellent!” Professor Flitwick clapped his hands excitedly.

“”Harry, your talent in spells is the best I have ever seen in my life, no one else!” Professor Flitwick praised Harry fiercely.

Harry did not speak, but looked at him calmly, waiting for his answer.

“Well, let me think about it. How about I take you to Clayfield Forest during the summer vacation? There are a lot of magical creatures there, and many wizards go there to train. Of course, their purpose is to exchange the materials on them for gold galleons.”

“”Yes, thank you very much.” Harry smiled and bowed deeply to Professor Flitwick.

Professor Flitwick helped him up and

“Clayfield Forest is not far from Godric’s Hollow, where Harry and James’ old house is.”Flitwick said to Harry

“Really?” Harry lowered his eyes.

“During the summer vacation, if you like, I can take you there. After all, they are all Potter’s houses, and no one can object to you going in.”Flitwick said lightly

“”Let’s talk about it later, Professor.” Harry took a deep breath and said.

Entering the old house means that he has truly inherited everything from the Potter family.

Honor, wealth, and enemies.

The last night of the school year.

The atmosphere in the hall was particularly lively. The Weasley twins sold the fireworks they made. The little lions in the lower grades didn’t know how to use wands to set off fireworks, so they could only buy them from them and then set them off directly in the hall.

The atmosphere was very lively.

Professor McGonagall was sitting in the teacher’s seat, watching the scene with a smile, and did not stop it. She even applauded when she saw the beautiful fireworks.

It was only because the hall was decorated with Gryffindor’s red and gold colors at this time.

In every corner of the hall, there was a lifelike lion flag hanging, showing its fangs and claws.

After seven years, at the end of the semester, the hall finally did not hang the Slytherin flag, but replaced it with Gryffindor.

Even if Snape was biased, there was no way to make Slytherin again. Continue to win the house cup.

Because Gryffindor not only has Harry, but also Hermione.

Even Ron, who has always been following Harry, ranked fifth in his grade this year.

Well, by the way, Malfoy is fourth.

The fireworks set off by the little lions at this time seemed like the alternation of an era. The era of Slytherin has passed, and now it is the era of Gryffindor.

Dumbledore let the students below play to their heart’s content, and when it was almost done, he nodded slightly to Professor McGonagall. Professor

McGonagall tapped the glass lightly with a spoon a few times. Although the force was light, it was clearly heard in every corner of the hall.

The hall slowly quieted down.

Dumbledore stood up and said,”Another school year has ended. At this time, I am both happy and sad. A group of seventh-grade students are leaving us and heading towards their bright future, but our little wizards have also grown tremendously in this school year.”

“Well, I see you don’t want to listen, so I, an old man, continue to talk nonsense. Now it’s time to award the college cup.”

He waved his hand, and glass bottles containing score gems appeared, representing the four colleges.

“The scores of each house are as follows: fourth place, Hufflepuff, 346 points.”

A golden number appeared on the glass bottle representing Hufflepuff.

“Third place, Ravenclaw, 412 points.

The glass bottle representing Ravenclaw also has numbers on it.

“Second place, Slytherin, 432 points.”

The number appears on the glass bottle representing Slytherin.

“First place, Gryffindor, 463 points.”

A huge lion appeared above the glass bottle representing Gryffindor, looking down and roaring silently.

Harry was never caught going out at night, and he got more points than deductions.

The Gryffindor table was filled with screams, whistles, and cheers like thunder.

“Gryffindor’s performance is indeed excellent, but there is something that happened recently that I haven’t had time to tell you about yet.” Dumbledore said with a smile. The

Gryffindor students quieted down, and many of them looked at Dumbledore with understanding expressions on their faces.

“Although it is a secret, I believe many of you know that Harry Potter, because of my negligence as an old man, protected the Philosopher’s Stone from Quirrell, the dark wizard, and successfully defeated him.”

“For this, I want to add 50 points to our brave little lion king!” Dumbledore said happily.

“Oh, Harry, you are our Lion King!”

“Lion King”

“Lion King”

“Lion King.”

Gryffindor’s voices gradually became unified, and they all shouted loudly, announcing the birth of their Lion King to the other three colleges. This was the Lion King recognized by all Gryffindors.

Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students applauded enthusiastically in support, while Slytherin students sat expressionlessly.

Harry squinted at Dumbledore, who was winking at him.

Damn old cockroach.

He used this method to put a hat on himself.

Snape stared at Dumbledore fiercely.

All the students from the fourth grade and above looked at Harry with a surprised look.

Although they knew that Harry performed very well, he was only a first-year wizard. He could actually beat a professor.

Although Quirrell’s performance in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class was very poor, those who could stay in Hogwarts to teach were all very excellent. Talent.

He also defeated many competitors to stay, and his strength is here.

A first-year wizard has the magic level of a seventh-year wizard?

Even the Hufflepuff students showed bitterness. Slytherin’s dominance was over, but it was Gryffindor’s turn, right?

But soon, they looked at the third year, a handsome young man with brown hair, thick eyebrows and big eyes, who gave people a sense of righteousness. He was clapping and cheering for Gryffindor with a happy face.

Hufflepuff also has an excellent person.

The lively party ended, and the evening in the Gryffindor common room began.

On the last night, Harry did not spend it in the Forbidden Forest.

Instead, he chose to sleep peacefully, this time with ease and pleasure, without burden.

He slept particularly sweetly.

The first year of school passed in a dream.

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