In the blink of an eye, Harry and Flitwick appeared in Godric’s Hollow, Flitwick’s home.

As soon as he landed, Harry knelt on the ground with his hands on the ground:”Hoo!”……”

He felt terrible, his head was full of dizziness, his stomach was churning, and most importantly, he had just finished breakfast.

He couldn’t help it, and he really vomited

“”Oops, I forgot to tell you not to eat too much for breakfast.” Flitwick patted his head and said apologetically.

It was all because the breakfast just now was too delicious that he forgot to remind Harry.

“It’s always like this when you try Apparating for the first time, you just have to get used to it.” Flitwick waited until Harry was a little better and stopped vomiting, then he waved his hand to clear the dirt off the ground. At the same time, he also cast a Clean Up on Harry to clean up the vomit on him.

“hehe”Harry panted, and only after the dizziness eased a little did he have the strength to cast a healing spell on himself.

After a cool breeze, Harry felt much better, but the dizziness in his head still lingered in his mind.

Flitwick took out his wand and gently pointed it at Harry, making him and his luggage float up, following him into the house.

Putting Harry on the sofa, Flitwick poured Harry a cup of black tea.

“Thank you.” Harry took the tea, took a sip, and breathed a sigh of relief.

“You should take a rest in the morning and put your luggage away. I have already prepared the room for you.” Flitwick said

“Yeah.” Harry nodded weakly.

“By the way, Professor, have you found out the secret of the house-elf?” Harry thought of Dobby and asked quickly.

“Of course, as I said, Dumbledore’s Legilimency is very powerful.” Flitwick nodded and said

“It is the house elf of the Malfoy family. Lucius wants to bring a dark magic object left to him by a mysterious person into Hogwarts.”Flitwick said the information he got from Dobby.

“The Malfoys?” Harry thought of Draco.

“Voldemort left it for Lucius? Was this Lucius also a Death Eater before?”Harry asked, frowning.

“”Yes.” Flitwick nodded.

“Then why is he still here? Hasn’t he been sent to Azkaban?” Harry frowned even deeper.

“”Harry, I have to tell you that although the You-Know-Who was defeated by you, many Death Eaters have used various excuses to escape the Ministry of Magic’s trial. The most common excuse is that they were controlled by the You-Know-Who with the Imperius Curse, which is undetectable.” Flitwick looked at Harry with a serious expression and said

“So the Ministry of Magic just let these people go so easily?” Harry said with wide eyes.

“It’s not that simple. As far as I know, each of them donated money to the Ministry of Magic to show their support for its work.”Flitwick said.

Harry lowered his eyes slightly. What’s the point of such a Ministry of Magic?

“It’s too early for you to talk about these things now, Harry.” Flitwick shook his head and didn’t intend to continue on this topic.

“Professor, with your strength, why do you still call Voldemort”You-Know-Who”?”Harry asked in confusion. Not only Snape, but also Professor McGonagall.

Even if they are weaker than Voldemort, they are not so scared that they dare not even say his name.

“Ron once told me that his parents told him that if he said Voldemort’s name, something bad would happen, but I always called his name and nothing seemed to happen.”Harry said

“The name of the mysterious man was cursed by him, which is a very powerful magic.”Flitwick said after taking a sip of black tea

“He can sense anyone who calls out his name, no matter where they are, unless there is some powerful protective spell protecting them, otherwise he can lock on to the target and kill anyone who calls out his real name.”

“But he is dead now, or worse than dead. Harry thought of the steam

“Of course there is more to it than that.” Flitwick nodded.

“Only those who are truly not afraid of him can call out his name smoothly, and those who are afraid of him will be more afraid of him, and even fear can give him strength.”Flitwick said

“The dark period of the You-Know-Who rule caused too much killing. At that time, everyone was in danger. Although Voldemort is gone now, who can be sure that there is no fear of him in their hearts? So everyone agreed not to call his name.”

I see, that’s why those little wizards who grew up in the Muggle world dare not call the You-Know-Who name anymore after being led to call him. The fear will become more and more fearful. There is a small spell training ground outside the Flitwick family.

Harry and Professor Flitwick are practicing magic there.

“”Expelliarmus.” Harry cast a spell with his wand.

Professor Flitwick dodged Harry’s spell with a slight movement, and then pointed his wand at Harry, also using Expelliarmus, but not only faster and more powerful, but also with a more bizarre attack path, leaving Harry with nowhere to hide.

“Armor protects me.” Harry did not rush and cast a protective spell on himself.

“”Stone Skin for Body Protection.” Then he cast another buff to himself to increase his defense.

After a stalemate with the armor, Professor Flitwick’s spell quickly broke through Harry’s armor and hit him.

Harry’s hand trembled, but the wand did not fly out. Harry still held it tightly. The defense increased by the stone skin barely resisted the remaining effect of Flitwick’s spell.

··· 0Request flowers· ·········

“Magic sword.”Harry swung out a small white lightning sword with his wand, and the speed of the small lightning sword was very fast.

But Professor Flitwick’s reaction was even faster. When Harry was resisting the Disarmament spell, he had already added an armor to himself.

With the power of Harry’s magic now, it was impossible to break Professor Flitwick’s armor.

But Flitwick didn’t think about resisting it, and threw out an obstacle heavily.

Harry didn’t look at the effect of the magic arrow, and directly cast a slow spell on Flitwick, reducing his speed by 50%.

Feeling his own speed, Flitwick, who had slowed down, did not panic, and broke Harry’s magic arrow with a breaking spell.

Then there was a series of magic combos”Grinning Hu La La” and”Tarantella Dance” to cooperate.

“”Flocks of flying birds” block the view, and”front teeth are like big sticks” to control

………… 0

Spell after spell was fired, and Flitwick was like a mobile turret, constantly launching magical attacks at Harry.

Although these spells were not very aggressive, if one of them hit Harry, he would either be unable to recite the spell or be controlled in place, and the outcome was predictable.

Harry could only use different spells in a messy manner to solve the combos fired by Flitwick.

This was a high test of his thinking and reaction ability and spell proficiency.

Usually, he could use spells perfectly, but in such a short time, using different spells continuously had different meanings.

But this was the meaning of actual combat. It was also the meaning Harry expected.

What made Harry feel the most difficult was that Flitwick occasionally mixed some silent and wandless magic in his continuous magic attacks, and Harry only discovered it when the magic was about to reach him, which made Harry suddenly flustered.

There was really no time to use spells, so he could only use actions such as rolling to barely avoid Flitwick’s spell attacks.

In the small spell practice field, two figures kept firing various spells at each other!

It’s just that one was running away in a panic, and the other was standing there leisurely.

Professor Flitwick was superimposed with the -BUFF. He moved his body and felt like he was carrying a hundred pounds of weight.

So he simply didn’t move, relying on his superb spellcasting skills and profound spells to deal with Harry’s magic.

As the champion of the World Magic Fighting Tournament for three consecutive times, Professor Flitwick’s strength and skills are unquestionable.

Suddenly, the wand in Flitwick’s hand burst out with strong magic power, and a dazzling red light shattered Harry’s magic sword, and then continued to shoot towards him. The red light hit Harry, causing his wand to involuntarily fall out of his hand and fly into Flitwick’s hand.

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