Hogwarts Homecoming

Chapter 346 Favor

The strong wind above the high sky swept away the dense clouds, and the moonlight swept away like clear water waves. The village was filled with a gloomy atmosphere. The movement that happened at Foley's old house did not reveal a trace of movement under the cover of magic, and it was peaceful. The Muggles living in the small village were still sleeping peacefully.

Kakus arranged his wife and daughter in the room on the second floor, and strictly ordered them not to leave the room for half a step. After that, he hurried down the stone steps by the wall. When the disguise was removed and Amosta Bryan was looking at the family's old house in his spare time, all kinds of emotions turned into a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Mr. Blaine—"

When Foley walked into the dining room, he took a bottle of whiskey and two crystal glasses from the wine cabinet that divided the dining room and the living room.

The mellow wine like blood was involved in the glass, and Kakus pushed the glass to Amosta's face. , let out a breath of relief.

"You don't have to, do you?"

Kakus smiled wryly, almost unable to conceal the anger in his tone.

"Just want to have a joke with an old friend, Kakus, you are a little too nervous."

Amosta didn't seem to realize that what he just did was a real "bad guest coming to the door". He turned the glass, looked at the sediment in the glass by the dim but steady candlelight, and then sipped lightly. Taking a sip, he narrowed his eyes to show a satisfied expression.

"You don't know the horror we went through for just half a minute, I thought I was doomed"

Kakus rubbed his blond hair that was already wet with sweat. The corners of his eyes were still twitching unconsciously because of fear because he had been in the most evil place in the magic world all day long.

"Okay, let's just pretend that it was just a joke, then, Mr. Jin Viper, what is the purpose of your late-night visit, I think, it must not be because you want to accept the entrusted task from me, after all, you are already famous now Powerful person, if you wish, there are probably countless people holding golden galleons and stuffing them into your pockets!"

"It seems that you don't know me well enough, Kakus—"

Amosta smiled and said,

"Gold sent to my door is of little value to me. I prefer to exchange labor for results."

Kakus was sleeping soundly in the middle of the night, but Kakus, who had experienced the fear of life and death because of someone's bad taste, was really not in the mood to chat with Amosta. Regarding his joke, Kakus just shook his head, but did not speak .

"Well, sorry to disturb your rest, Kakus, there are indeed two things-"

Amosta straightened his face and said calmly,

"About six months have passed for the commission I issued to you earlier, Kakus, is there no valuable news yet?"

In August last year, before the end of the summer vacation, Amosta placed an entrustment at Forli, hoping that the bounty wizards running around the world to complete the task could help him inquire about the information of the Druids. Knowing that the group of druids who were kicked out by the Vatican may be better at hiding themselves, but half a year has passed and there is no news at all, which is indeed a strange thing.

Kakus also frowned,

"It's really not normal, Mr. Blaine, you know, the wizards who took over this commission are all self-confident and well-informed guys. With their abilities, they shouldn't have received any news for such a long time unless"


Amosta tilted his head, his expression was not happy or angry.

Kakus looked at Amosta carefully and said,

"The group of druids stopped their tracks, huddled in a certain forest and stopped going out for activities. The reason they did this may be because they did something that made the Holy See angry."

Amosta knew that Kakus meant something, but it was indeed a reasonable inference.

That woman, Vitia Kriona, is not stupid. She should know that her entrustment has offended her severely, and she should have expected that she will not let it go. Therefore, it is reasonable to restrain the crowd to avoid the limelight.

Amosta nodded slightly. He knew that this matter could not be rushed, so he did not make things difficult for Kacus.

"There is one more thing that needs to be resolved tonight, Kakus—"

In a flash of light, a stack of folded parchments appeared in Amostar's palm. This was the Rita Skeeter report he had copied from Barnabas Guffey.

"Look at this, Kakus."

Amosta threw a stack of parchments to Kakus, and then stopped talking, enjoying the bottle of whiskey that Kakus entertained him.

Kakus didn't dare to neglect, he unfolded the parchment, and when the title at the beginning came into view, he raised his eyebrows in surprise, glanced at Amosta calmly, and read ten lines at a glance.

"Reporting by Rita Skeeter, ah, I see she's a bit of a celebrity, and respected in the agency—"

A minute later, Kacus finished reading the report on the parchment, and he didn't show much surprise. This little secret, after Kacus knew the secrets of many big figures in the magic world that couldn't be put on the table, In Foley's eyes, it was not really breaking news.

After pondering for a moment, Kakus tentatively said,

"You need my help to report this--"

"Not helping, Kakus—"

Amosta put down his wine glass and talked about the matter,

"I know that the Foley family is one of the shareholders behind the Daily Prophet. I do need you as a director to ban this article from the newspaper, but it's not a help. It's an entrustment, and I can provide compensation."

The Foley family is one of the twenty-eight pure-blood families. Although their reputation and power are not as good as before, a pure-blood family is a pure-blood family, and they still have their roots.

"I can indeed interfere in the affairs of the newspaper, Mr. Blaine. However, the Foley family does not have many shares in the newspaper. The Greengrass family and the Birds. Well, I will go for a walk."

After pondering for a moment, Kakus made a decision.

Like Amosta Bryan, a wizard who has a pivotal position in the underground world and the world under the sun, the opportunity to sell him a favor is not so easy to come across, as long as you seize this opportunity, consolidate your second The friendship between people, this friendship may save the entire Foley family in the future.

Kakus is a person with very strong execution ability. After knowing that according to the rules, Rita's report will be published tomorrow, he ignored the fact that it was late at night, and directly left home through the Floo Network to talk to the Daily Prophet. The two biggest directors behind him communicated, and only half an hour later, he came back with a note signed by the heads of the two pure-blood families.

Kakus also wrote his suggestion on the sticky note. He was going to owl the order of the board of directors to the newspaper office, but considering that tomorrow's newspaper is currently being printed, he took the trouble to make another trip.

When the bright moon was setting in the west, this matter was finally handled properly.

Amosta saw all this in his eyes. He knew that Kakus would not bother so much for a mere gold Gallon. When the family is in danger, I can help it.


Amosta, who drank half a bottle of whiskey alone, rubbed his stomach and got up, and nodded gratefully to the exhausted Foley,

"I'll keep this in mind, Kakus."

"It has been an honor to serve you, Mr. Blaine."

Kakus also responded with a sincere smile.

Amosta knew that he was not a good guest, because he came to the door in the middle of the night, and Kakus' wife and daughter were still shivering in the upstairs room and could not sleep, so after the matter was over, he was ready to leave.

"Please wait--"

But when Amosta stepped out of the room, Kakus suddenly chased him up from the door. Under his suspicious gaze, Kakus held his usual notebook for recording entrusted tasks, and said "shyly" smiling,

"That's right, Mr. Jin Viper, do you have any plans to accept commissions recently?"

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