Hogwarts Homecoming

Chapter 698 Induction

"go home--"

Twinkle blinked her tennis-ball-sized eyes filled with tears of fear, not understanding what Mr. Blaine meant.

"That's right, Twinkle--"

Amosta didn't mean to tease an elf. He moved the corners of his lips.

"During my few days away from school, I went to visit Barty Crouch--"

It can be seen from Twinkle's excited attitude how loyal it is to old Buddy. The moment it heard Batty's name, Twinkle tensed up in excitement. It even forgot to maintain respect and stared blankly. Amosta's face asked with a trembling voice,

"You met Mr. Crouch, Mr. Blaine, how is he? Is Mr. Crouch okay?"

"To be honest, it's good, not particularly good -"

Amosta said patiently,

"You may not know, Twinkle, in order to organize the first project of the Triwizard Tournament, he personally visited several fire dragon nature reserves. There was an accident in Hungary and he was injured. Colleagues in the ministry They advised him to go to St. Mungo's for a period of recuperation, but his unwillingness to put down what he was doing delayed the best time for treatment, and now he has to rest at home."

"Oh, I pity Mr. Crouch!"

Tears immediately rolled down his shining cheeks,

"My poor Mr. Crouch, he is sick, but what will he do without Winky's help? He needs me and my help. I have been taking care of the Crouch family since I was born!"

"Just like you said, Twinkle--"

Amosta said in a low voice,

"When I went to visit, Barty was not very comfortable living alone. There was no fireplace in the cold house, and he lived on Muggle instant food. Of course, as a Ministry of Magic official with a lot of things to do, he could I understand his lack of life skills, but continuing as he is is not an option, he is getting sick."

Before Shining could burst into tears, Amosta said quickly,

"So I suggested to him that he should find someone to take care of his life. Considering that Batty would definitely not want a stranger to appear in his home and walk around in front of him, I recommended you to him. ."

As if the pause button was pressed, Shining's sad cry was suddenly cut off. Tears were still rolling down its cheeks, but its big eyes no longer shed tears. Twinkle stared at Mr. Blaine with wide eyes, two streaks of snot hanging down from its garlic-like nose, almost falling into its open mouth.

"Although Barty showed hesitation towards my proposal, fortunately, I convinced him, so--"

Amosta smiled and patted Twinkle on the shoulder, "You can go back to Batty and continue to take care of his life, Twinkle, if you want, I mean, I don't know if you mind that Batty fired you - -"

"Return to Mr. Crouch—"

Twinkle didn't fully listen to Amosta's words. It only heard one thing, and that was; it could return to the Crouch family, and it was re-accepted by Mr. Crouch!

Twinkle's body was trembling slightly, with a dreamy expression.

"Mr. Crouch asked Winky to go back--"

Twinkle murmured, and its body shook more and more. Suddenly, at a certain moment, it fell to the ground, beating the floor and crying excitedly, "Mr. Crouch forgives Twinkle, oh, my great master." Ah, he is actually willing to forgive Winky who made a big mistake, what a kind wizard he is, woohoo!"

Looking at this elf who was so excited that he couldn't control himself, just because Barty Crouch, who had kicked it out, accepted it back again, Dumbledore and Amosta felt a little heavy. It didn't know What is waiting for it!

"And you, the great Mr. Blaine!"

Suddenly, Twinkle rushed to Amosta's feet, held up a corner of Amosta's robe as if to worship him, and covered his face with tears streaming down his face.

"It was you who made Mr. Crouch accept Winky. You are amazing. Mr. Brain, you are a particularly amazing and kind-hearted wizard. Winky will definitely remember your help, and Winky will definitely repay you!"

A house elf's reward--

Amosta pursed his lips, and there was a trace of hesitation in his eyes, but then the light in his eyes stabilized.

"Old Barty is my friend, Winky, how can I sit back and watch his helpless situation now?"

Amos pulled the gleaming bulkhead up,

"Some people in the magic world have some prejudice against Barty, but more people agree that Barty is a respectable official of the Ministry of Magic. Since entering the Ministry of Magic, he has been working conscientiously for the Ministry of Magic. To be honest, Yes, at his age, it’s time for him to rest, enjoy life, enjoy freedom, and find a congenial lady to spend the rest of his life with—"

Judging from the expression on Shining's face, it had already regarded Amosta as a confidant.

"Oh, Winky thinks so too, Mr. Blaine!"

Twinkle sniffed and said with pride and melancholy.

"But Mr. Crouch loves his job at the Ministry of Magic, and he is not willing to spend time on entertainment and enjoyment. Winky also once advised Mr. Crouch to find another wife, but since the mistress passed away, he has I will never get close to other ladies again!”


Amosta admired,

"He is dedicated to his career and extremely loyal to his love. I heard that Buddy's wife died of illness that year?"

Winky was immersed in the joy of returning to the Crouch family and the pride of Mr. Crouch himself. When it suddenly heard Amosta's question, its calm body suddenly trembled, and its expression became slightly... unnatural,

"You are right, Mr. Blaine. The mistress has been in poor health. Maybe, you must have heard about Master Barty-"

Amosta nodded and cast encouraging glances at Winky, while Dumbledore, who was watching all of this quietly, involuntarily leaned forward.

"After that incident, the mistress suffered a great blow, and her body collapsed. Although Mr. Crouch still tried his best to make the mistress recover, it's a pity-"

The sadness in Twinkle's voice was genuine.

"I dare say that Barty must have been hit no less than her wife. Moreover, he also has to bear the grief of his wife's death and the shame of his son being imprisoned in Azkaban. Has he forgiven him, Twinkle, I mean, Does Old Buddy still not understand the mistakes his son made, has he visited him over the years?”

Amosta said worriedly.

A look of uneasiness flashed across Shining's face again, and she subconsciously lowered her head to avoid Amosta's eyes, feeling both frightened and guilty in her heart.

Because there are some truths that it cannot tell Mr. Brain. It can only lie to its master's friend and a wizard who is kind to it.

"Oh, no, sir—"

Twinkle whispered,

"Before the mistress passed away, Mr. Crouch accompanied her to visit Master Barty once. Since then, Mr. Crouch has never seen Master Barty again--"

"Oh, old Barty shouldn't have let his wife go to Azkaban—"

Amosta narrowed his eyes.

"Dementors can take away people's happiness and hope. Maybe it was because of the influence of this terrible creature that Barty's wife couldn't stand it. Maybe."

"You are right, Mr. Blaine——"

Twinkle was extremely grateful for Mr. Blaine's concern for its owner, but Mr. Blaine's questions made it sit on pins and needles, and it twisted its body uneasily.

"But the mistress insisted on visiting Master Barty in Azkaban, Mr. Blaine. The mistress loved Master Barty so much. The mistress was willing to do everything for Master Barty, and Mr. Crouch could not convince her. We can let her go. Not long after the mistress came back from Azkaban, she left us."

Twinkle's voice settled, and Amosta finally ended his inductive questioning. He turned his head and looked at Dumbledore. The two of them saw surprise and relief in each other's eyes -

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