Hogwarts: I Am The Only One Who Is A Cultivator

Chapter 27 Sorting Hat: The Tip Of The Hat Seems A Little Cold

Because of Mrs. Hooch's 'sanction', Ye Feng did not participate in the following exercises, and Harry showed an amazing talent in controlling the broomstick in the following exercises.

Therefore, while others were still practicing, Ye Feng and Harry were dragged by Vice Principal Minerva who was watching from a distance to find the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, Oliver Wood.

"Potter, Ye Feng, this is Oliver Wood. I have found two excellent seekers for you. Both of them have very strong talents. You can try to train them."

Ye Feng: o(*^▽^*)┛

"Okay, Mr. Ye Feng, please speak." Seeing Ye Feng raise his hand, Professor McGonagall signaled that Ye Feng could speak.

With the permission of Vice Principal McGonagall, Ye Feng said something that surprised Harry and all of them.

"Actually, I'm not very interested in Quidditch. I can just leave the Seeker to Harry."

Although Ye Feng has never participated in Quidditch training, he is really not very interested in this kind of sport. After all, Quidditch requires you to sit on a flying broom to grab the ball, and there are no entertainment activities. In the magic world, Ye Feng has seen many sports and fun things.

Although they regretted Ye Feng's choice, McGonagall and the others still respected Ye Feng's choice and did not force it, let alone tell the matter. However, they underestimated the ability of people who like gossip to find information.

When get out of class was over the next day, the whole school was talking about Harry becoming a Seeker, but this was not the most heated discussion. The most heated discussion was another thing, that is, Ye Feng Rejected the idea of ​​joining Quidditch as a Seeker.

"Ye Feng, why do you refuse to become a seeker? As far as I know, this is a dream for many wizards." After lunch, Hermione was following Ye Feng to find a place to review what she had learned in the morning. The resident asked the question in his mind.

"Yes, why?" Ronald, who came out shortly after, couldn't help but agree, and Harry next to him couldn't help but nodded.

Looking at the longing eyes of Iron Triangle in the original drama, Ye Feng sighed slightly and said, "Do you really want to know?"

"That's right!"×3

Three loud answers sounded at the same time, even attracting the attention of nearby classmates because the sound was a bit too loud.

"It's actually very simple. Finding the ball is too simple for me. I have no interest in things that are too simple."

Hermione and the others were all stunned by Ye Feng's answer, but thinking about the scene where he saved Neville before, they felt that there was nothing wrong with it. After all, Ye Feng was indeed very strong in this aspect, and could even be said to be a bit ridiculously strong.

"It's a bit incomprehensible. Wouldn't it be better to be simpler? Then maybe we Gryffindors can win the Quidditch championship."

Ye Feng did not answer Ronald's doubts, and the two parties separated after walking forward for a while.

Although underachievers and overachievers can play together, there is still a bit of a 'generation gap' between the two parties. For example, Ronald cannot study quietly after class like Ye Feng and others. Although Harry is not a bad student, he is not the kind to be quiet either. The kind that comes down.

It's a pity that they didn't know that the place where Ye Feng and Hermione "study" was not a secluded garden. After the two left the classroom, they went straight out of the academy and didn't stop until they came to the edge of the Black Lake. .

After arriving at the edge of the Black Lake, Ye Feng took out a set of tables and chairs. Of course, it was a set but there were only two chairs. When Ye Feng took out the tables and chairs, Hermione easily pulled one of them open and sat down. Ye Feng skillfully took out his fishing rod, hung up the bait and threw it out before sitting down.

Just like this, on the shore of the sparkling lake, a young man and woman sat quietly. The girl quietly looked through the books on the table, occasionally reaching out and stuffing the snacks on the table into her mouth, while the boy concentrated on Staring at the fish float on the lake.

Suddenly, the fish float on the lake suddenly sank. The fishing rod held by the young boy bent like a full moon the moment the fish float sank. The huge pulling force even pulled the boy sitting on the chair to lean forward suddenly.

"Damn it! It's a big deal!!!"

Hermione: Σ(゚д゚llll)

Looking at the fishing rod that was almost stretched to a full moon, with a book in one hand and a handful of French fries in the other hand, Hermione's eyes widened in shock, even the French fries that had been stuffed into her pretty little mouth. I forgot to eat.

It was not the first day that he followed Ye Feng to the lake for fishing, but for two consecutive days Ye Feng didn't catch even a single fry, let alone a big fish. This is why she will continue to follow Ye Feng here. After all, An Jing , there are not many good places to read in the shade and have snacks.

Ye Feng: I feel offended.

However, today Ye Feng actually opened for the first time, and even if Hermione didn't know how to fish, she could tell that the fish he caught was definitely not small. When Ye Feng stood up and pulled the fishing rod with excitement on his face, he followed the fish in the water. When the fish 'fighted' and occasionally took two steps to change its position, Hermione, who was watching from behind, became excited and anxious.


The sound of the fishing line being pulled rapidly through the air kept resounding, but Ye Feng relied on the powerful fishing rod in his hand that was not afraid of cutting the line to directly resist, forcing the big fish in the water to retreat continuously.

As the big fish in the water was pulled out from the bottom little by little, waves suddenly rolled up on the water surface. Perhaps they sensed the danger. When they were about to come out of the water, the big fish in the water began to fight hard, and a huge force suddenly acted on the fishing rod. Above, the result of the big fish's explosion was that Ye Feng was dragged forward by nearly one meter.

"Yeah~ let go!"

Seeing that Ye Feng was about to be dragged into the water, Hermione exclaimed and asked Ye Feng to let go of the fishing rod, but how could the fisherman take the initiative to let the fish run away? So Ye Feng naturally didn't let go.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't let go obediently, and seeing that he was about to be pulled forward again, Hermione became anxious. She rushed forward and hugged Ye Feng from behind, and hugged Ye Feng's waist before moving back. pull.

Hermione's idea was simple. Since Ye Feng was unwilling to let go and he couldn't hold the fish by himself, he could add her weight, right?

Unfortunately, Hermione still underestimated the fish in the lake a little too much. Even if the two of them worked together, they were still slowly being pulled into the lake. Fortunately, the fish in the lake was not endurance enough, and they were only less than 10 meters away from the lake shore. At one meter, the force from the fishing rod gradually weakened.

Ye Feng's eyes lit up when he found that the force on the fishing rod had weakened. He shouted "Back off" and pulled the fishing rod back. Hermione was very smart. She understood what Ye Feng meant in an instant, so the two of them worked together to pull back. After half an hour, a huge fish head with a light blue color in the sun surfaced from the water.

"Fuck! It's so big!"

No wonder Ye Feng exclaimed, because the head of the fish they pulled up was almost as big as the two of them. And when they pulled the big fish to the shore, Hermione was even more shocked and rosy. mouth, and then looked at Ye Feng like a monster, because this fish was two meters long!

Ye Feng was very happy to catch such a big fish, but he was also in trouble because the fish was really too big, and the kitchen utensils in his hands were not big enough to cut the fish apart.

"What should we do? We can't let the house elves in the kitchen handle it, otherwise Dumbledore will definitely take the opportunity to cause trouble again."

"Wait, Dumbledore, it seems that there is indeed a suitable 'dissection knife' that can be used." In the middle of the murmur, Ye Feng's mind appeared in a shabby, broken hat, and this hat is now placed in Dumbledore's office.

It was also at this time that the Sorting Hat in Dumbledore's office suddenly felt cold.

"I seem to feel a sense of malice in the dark. Could it be that Voldemort is coming back? But whatever, let Dumbledore have a headache."

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