Stone is a very solid thing. It can last for thousands of years, and it will still exist regardless of wind and rain, cloudy or sunny, and will not move.

However, while it is hard, it is also a very fragile thing. As long as it withstands enough force, it will easily collapse completely.

The two Death Eaters in Voldemort's hands became stiff after he cast the Petrification Curse, and because they were almost out of breath before they were hit by the spell, Voldemort didn't hold back at all.

In other words, when he used the petrification spell, he didn't want to let them live at all. He directly killed them completely and petrified them. The purpose was to make them petrified more completely.

Under normal circumstances, although the person hit by the petrification spell will become hardened, the body is still flesh and blood, it is just that the appearance is a little hardened.

It can be said that as long as the antidote can be brewed in time and taken before the cursed person's internal organs are completely petrified, there is still hope.

But Voldemort didn't give his two subordinates a chance at all. They were petrified almost the moment they were cursed, and even the internal organs inside their bodies were petrified. It could be said that they were completely hopeless.

Of course, although they were completely chilled by the curse, even Voldemort couldn't completely turn them into stone instantly like the legendary Medusa, so they still retained some of the characteristics of flesh and blood.

Then, when Voldemort was surprised, something happened.

Originally, according to his estimation, even if these two people were hit by the petrification curse, they would be able to help him withstand four or five attacks at most, but now they have helped him withstand seven or eight attacks. Since they are still not broken, .

"You really gave me a big surprise. I didn't expect that you were already dead and still protecting me."

"Don't worry, although I can't guarantee that I will take your body back intact, but even if it's a broken body, I will definitely help you bury it properly and erect a monument to show your loyalty and dedication to those who come after you."


As Voldemort was speaking, the 'shield' transformed by the Death Eater in front could no longer withstand the powerful attack force and exploded on the spot. At the moment the 'shield' exploded, Voldemort transformed the Death Eater behind him into a The 'shield' is raised to the front.

"What? What are you talking about? The promise you just made to take their bodies back? Did I, Voldemort, say that?"

"And even if I said it, they still have to have corpses for me to take with them now. Now they are all scattered in the wind, and there is nothing I can do."

With "a trace of regret", Voldemort and his remaining subordinates rushed towards the trophy that was already close at hand, and just when Voldemort's hand was about to touch the trophy, a long, perfect and powerful leg suddenly went out before his eyes.

"Get down here!"


A heavy whip hit Voldemort directly in the stomach, turning him into a cooked shrimp, and then he hit the ground with a thud.

Before being kicked to the ground and knocked unconscious, Voldemort vaguely heard a sentence.

"Damn it, it seems to be broken. Dumbledore won't let me pay for it, right?"

After saying that, Voldemort's consciousness completely fell into darkness.

At this moment, Ye Feng was looking at the man in front of him with pain in his face. He kicked Voldemort along with him, and kicked away the Triwizard Trophy that was already full of cracks.

"Why don't you... pretend you didn't see it?" In a low voice, Ye Feng pretended not to see anything, casually retracted his legs and fell back to the ground, disappearing into the maze.

After Ye Feng disappeared, the trophy that was almost kicked to pieces fell into Voldemort's arms for some reason. The moment the trophy fell into Voldemort's arms, Voldemort disappeared with just a flash of light.

When Voldemort disappeared, the transparent wall that blocked the entire maze also disappeared. The entire maze became unblocked again, and the quilt full of cracks also flew back to the center of the maze.

All this was as if nothing had happened, and while the maze was opening, Dumbledore and the others outside also discovered this situation.

"It seems that this competition is coming to an end. I hope that boy Ye Feng doesn't make too big a fuss."

Dumbledore said that Ye Feng should not make too much trouble, not that he should not make trouble, but no one thought there was anything wrong with Dumbledore's words.

Even the deans and others from the other two schools have gradually got to know Ye Feng, so they know very well what kind of person Ye Feng is.

It was precisely because they knew what kind of person Ye Feng was that they knew very well when the maze was blocked that something would definitely go wrong in this competition, that was for sure.

They just hope that this bug is not too big, otherwise they will have to find ways to remedy it and minimize the impact.

Yes, they also know that Ye Feng can usually solve problems by himself even if he reveals problems, but Ye Feng really only solves these problems. As for the subsequent impact, he has never cared about it.

Although they don't have to worry about any problems, this is the Triwizard Tournament. This is a competition that the entire magic world attaches great importance to, so there are many reporters.

If the trap Ye Feng poked was too big, and if this spread to the outside world, it would have an earth-shaking impact on the entire magic world.

They have never underestimated Ye Feng's ability to influence, even though he has never exposed himself to the public eye, let alone made his existence known to the entire magical world like Harry.

However, he has already influenced the entire magical world invisibly.

For example, the simplest and most common talisman.

It can be said that you may not know Harry in the wizarding world now, and you may not know the mysterious man Voldemort, but you must know or have bought or used the talisman.

So the moment the maze opened, Dumbledore and the others cheered up.

There is no way, facing Ye Feng, it is not an exaggeration to even mention 120,000 points of energy.

However, even if they were mentally prepared in advance, they still couldn't help but be a little confused when they saw the situation in the maze after it was unsealed.

"No... Albus, look quickly. Is that thing suspended above the maze... the Goblet of Fire championship trophy?"

Dumbledore: ( ̄ェ ̄;)

" seems so."

In fact, Dumbledore saw it earlier than they did, and saw it more clearly than they did. But it was precisely because they saw it earlier and more clearly that he didn't dare to say anything, because he saw... the trophy of the Goblet of Fire... cracked.

Yes, Dumbledore saw the Triwizard Championship trophy that was floating above the maze and emitting a faint light... It was cracked, and the top of the trophy was covered with fine cracks.

"I don't know if restoring it to its original state will be useful for this kind of ancient magic item that has been passed down for hundreds of years..."

Everyone: [・_・?]

"Headmaster Dumbledore, what were you talking about just now?"

Dumbledore: ( ̄ω ̄;)

"Ah, it's nothing. I mean the game is finally coming to an end, and I don't know who will win the championship."

"Yes, this game has been going on for so long and the winner is finally coming..."

Dumbledore didn't listen to the rest of the words at all, because he was recalling the various repair magics he had learned or knew.

At this moment, in the maze, Harry and the others were rushing towards the championship trophy in the sky as fast as possible.

The moment the maze was unsealed, they knew that Voldemort had been solved. Although they didn't know how, it was enough for them to know that he had been solved.

Now that Voldemort has been dealt with, the next step is to grab the trophy and win the championship.

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