Hogwarts: I Am The Only One Who Is A Cultivator

Chapter 57 Voldemort: Deja Vu Returns

The huge net bag kept waving, and the keys with wings were quickly harvested like moths flying into the flames and poured into the basket on the ground. And Ye Feng, he looked at the spiritual keys in the basket. Full of joy.

"Very good. This key itself has good spirituality. When you go back, you just need to add some materials and refine it to make a flying sword."

"Although it can't compare with genuine flying swords in terms of lethality and sturdiness, there are many of them, and it has its own spirituality and wings, so it doesn't require human control. It's pretty cool."

In the original play, Harry and the others caught the key. After catching the key, he threw it to Ronald and the others and asked them to open the door and run away. But now they don't need it at all, because in just two or three minutes, the play They had captured all the keys that caused many scars on Harry's body.

"Is this...done? I haven't even had enough of it yet." When no more keys were caught in the waving net bag, Ronald suddenly stopped. It was also at this time that he discovered that all the keys They were all caught out.

"Come on, don't forget what we are here for." Seeing that Ronald was still a little eager to try, Harry quickly reminded Ronald that they were here to do business. After hearing Harry's words, Ronald reluctantly returned the net bag. Ye Feng.

"Ye Feng, do you have more net bags?" Just when Ye Feng stretched out his hand to take the net bag, Ronald suddenly spoke.

Ye Feng: [・ヘ・?]

Although Ronald didn't say it clearly, Ye Feng heard two "horrible" words, "whoring for nothing". Ronald, he actually wanted to use his net bag for free! ! !

Originally, Ye Feng wanted to refuse directly, but after thinking about it, he had tricked Ronald many times during this period, and they were pretty good friends. In addition, a net bag didn't cost much material and effort to make. , so Ye Feng said: "I don't know what will happen next. If nothing else, this net bag is definitely tough enough. You can use it to defend yourself."

Not only Ronald, but also Harry and Hermione's eyes lit up when they heard Ye Feng's words. Dumbledore, who was hiding behind them, almost burst into tears when he heard Ye Feng's words, because that thing is really useful. He estimated that if it were made bigger, it might be able to catch the dragon.

It's a pity that Ye Feng has no idea of ​​giving him one.

"You really don't know how to understand me as an old man at all. It seems that I have to 'remind' him next time. And I remember that the guy's fishing rod and fish guard are also quite good. Isn't he also using this kind of fishing rod?" Is it made of woven materials?”

Ye Feng, who had already followed Harry into another room, felt an inexplicable chill down his back, as if he was being targeted by something in the dark.

"Voldemort is here? It shouldn't be. Voldemort, who is currently in a state of residual health that can kill anyone in seconds, can't possibly give me such a sense of oppression? No, I always feel that old Bi Deng wants to plot against me. It seems that I have to do it sooner. Just get the little flying sword out."

While thinking about it, Ye Feng and the others all entered the new room, and then, the room became empty.

What? This room uses Wizard Auto Chess to test their friendship and courage? Ye Feng said, is there such a thing? He only saw a bunch of puppets that no one wanted, and in order to avoid waste, he could only pack up and take away all the puppets that no one wanted.


Dumbledore, who was following behind, was completely speechless when he saw Ye Feng's skillful movements, but some things become familiar after too many times, so Dumbledore had given up, so Ye Feng and the others reached the end of the secret room unscathed, and followed In the original show, almost everyone was injured, but Harry was the only one who came to the Mirror of Erised, which was completely different.

"It's the Mirror of Erised! I didn't expect Dumbledore to hide it here."

"Wait, why you and not... Snape?" Compared to Ronald who was surprised that the Mirror of Erised was actually here, Harry was surprised that it was not Snape who came to steal the Philosopher's Stone, but Quirrell.

"Yeah, he does look more like a bad guy, doesn't he? With him here, who would doubt the poor, stuttering Professor Quirrell?" When he said this sentence, Quirrell used his usual timidity in front of others, Said in a stuttering tone, it was full of irony for Harry.


"Idiot! Stop trying to answer his questions. You are not his teacher now. Let him come over and take out the magic stone!"

Just when Quirrell was still trying to explain Harry's doubts, Voldemort, who was parasitic on the back of his head, started to curse angrily. Judging from Voldemort's mood, Ye Feng felt that the Voldemort who had been caught by him in a net was probably Voldemort was scared away by him, otherwise the Voldemort in front of him would not dare to face him like this.

Harry and Ronald were frightened when they heard Voldemort's voice behind Quirrell's head. Hermione even took half a step back and hid behind Ye Feng, but Ye Feng didn't say anything because he also wanted to see See what the legendary magic stone looks like.

Although the magic stone has no appeal to him, it would be a shame not to take a look at it. Moreover, this thing seems to have been destroyed in the play, so Ye Feng thought, if this thing is useful, it might as well be He was using it, and it would be a pity to destroy it.

So, he watched as Harry was threatened by Quirrell and walked to the Mirror of Erised, and then...


Voldemort, Quirrell:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

"Just...taken it out like this?"

When Harry walked to the Mirror of Erised, a scene that surprised everyone happened, because Ye Feng raised his hand before him, and after raising his hand, Ye Feng directly reached into the Mirror of Erised. And when he took his hand back, he held an irregular transparent brown crystal in his hand.

"This thing is the magic stone? It seems like it has nothing special except that the magic power is relatively pure and abundant. It can neither be used directly to refine weapons nor to make elixirs. It can't even be used to increase the upper limit of personal magic power storage. Come on, trash."


"Dang! Gulu gulu..."



Sorcerer's Stone: You are amazing, you are 1080p!

Seeing the magic stone that Ye Feng took out from the Mirror of Erised and threw away, a group of people were immediately petrified on the spot, but a few people reacted in the next second.

After reacting, Harry rushed out with a single stride. He felt that he could not let Voldemort get the Sorcerer's Stone, so even if he tried his best, he would grab the Sorcerer's Stone and take it out. He would never let Voldemort get the Sorcerer's Stone to recover.

As for Quirrell, his reaction was a little faster than Harry's. He moved the moment the Sorcerer's Stone was thrown to the ground and rolled to a stop, so he was one step faster than Harry. When Harry rushed out, he had already bent down to pick it up. The magic stone.

Ronald and Hermione naturally reacted too. Hermione took out her wand and wanted to use a magic spell to attack Quirrell. This reaction was very consistent with the setting of the magic world. Ronald was a bit outrageous. He directly took out Ye Feng and sent it to him. The net bag is about to rush forward.

But there was someone faster than him.

When Quirrell rushed out, Ye Feng had already picked up the net bag, and when Quirrell bent down, Ye Feng's net bag, which was two circles larger than the net bag in Ronald's hand, had already whizzed down.

Voldemort: (꒪Д꒪)

"I don't know why, but I suddenly feel like I've known you before."

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