Hogwarts: I Am The Only One Who Is A Cultivator

Chapter 82 Refining Shampoo For Snape

"One thousand points deducted from Gryffindor!!!"

Snape's angry voice resounded throughout Hogwarts. The voice not only attracted the attention of the students in the next classroom, but even Dumbledore.

"Professor Snape, what happened? Did that Gryffindor student offend you? If so, let me apologize on his behalf first."

Dumbledore had never seen Snape so angry, so even at this moment he did not dare to talk nonsense but asked what happened first instead of asking why Snape had deducted a thousand points from Gryffindor.

But Dumbledore regretted it after he said this, because he saw that Ye Feng was holding Snape's wand at the moment, and Snape's wand was still stained with many fragments of Orchid Lily.

"Come with me!" Dumbledore didn't even need to ask what happened. He knew that it was Ye Feng who had caused trouble again, so he directly asked Ye Feng to follow him to the principal's office. When he saw Ye Feng, his face was filled with anger. He was reluctant to leave, and almost laughed in anger when he still had Snape's wand in his hand.

"Hurry up and give the wand back to Professor Snape!"

"Oh oh oh…"

Hearing Dumbledore's words, Ye Feng woke up from a dream. He handed Snape the wand with some orchid lily petals still attached to it, and Snape looked at the wand handed over by Ye Feng. It was still stained with orchid lily petals, and he could faintly smell it. The faint scent of orchid and lily emitted from the wand made my temples throb.


Seeing that his wand was indeed not damaged but still had a faint fragrance, Snape snatched it back, but if he even asked him to curse Ye Feng, he really couldn't.

Although Ye Feng does things that make his blood pressure soar from time to time, this guy has indeed made him smile more in the past two years than in the past ten years combined. It can be said that he is a person who both loves and hates. guy.


Taking a long breath to calm down the anger in his heart, Snape flicked the broken petals off the wand and snorted: "You have ten minutes to make this potion and report it to the principal's office, otherwise Gryffindor will be deducted twenty points for you!"

Hearing Snape's words, Ye Feng knew that most of his anger should have disappeared. Although he didn't know how, Ye Feng would not let go of this opportunity.

So, under the eyes of Dumbledore and Snape, Ye Feng quickly used magic to extract the essence contained in the orchid lily in the crucible, and then quickly mixed the olive oil, essence, soap, thickening potion, and other ingredients that were easily absorbed by the hair. In other words, the nutrient solution absorbed by the scalp and beneficial to the maintenance of hair, mashed ginger, polygonum multiflorum, etc. are poured into the huge crucible.

Snape: [・ヘ・?]

Dumbledore: [・_・?]

Seeing Ye Feng's movements, both Dumbledore and Snape showed doubtful expressions, but they were still a little different. Snape had a vague guess about the 'magic potion' that Ye Feng was going to make, but he didn't quite dare to believe his guess. , so he was confused and slightly annoyed.

As for Dumbledore, he really didn't know what Ye Feng was going to do, so he was curious about what Ye Feng was going to do.

While Ye Feng kept mixing the various materials in the crucible, Greenwald arrived belatedly. When he saw the contents of the crucible, he first showed the same doubtful expression, but the next second he Suddenly he said: "Isn't this the shampoo from the Muggle world? I have used it in the Muggle world before, and the shampooing effect is really good."

Σ (゚Д゚;)

When Greenwald said this, everyone except Ye Feng was surprised, because they did not expect that Ye Feng was actually making shampoo, and when Harry and the others recalled what Ye Feng did before he started doing it, A few words suddenly felt a bit natural.

Of course, the one with the most complicated expression was undoubtedly Snape, because if he guessed correctly, the pot of 'magic' shampoo prepared by Ye Feng was intended to be given to him.

While everyone's thoughts were racing, a faint golden light emanated from the crucible that Ye Feng was constantly stirring. This surprised everyone, because they had never seen a brewed potion glow.

As for Ye Feng, he was overjoyed when he saw the pot of shampoo glowing with a faint golden light, because it meant that his pot of magical shampoo was successful.

Seeing that the shampoo was refined, Ye Feng quickly took out the bottle he had prepared to hold the shampoo. However, after taking it out, he looked at the bottle that was only the size of a mineral water bottle, and then saw that it was larger than an ordinary bucket. A large circle of crucible fell into Cen Si.

"Infinite extension"

Ye Feng just thought about it for a second and attached an infinite extension spell to the shampoo bottle.

Although the infinite extension spell was not permanent, it was enough to last until Snape finished using the bottle of shampoo. However, he seemed to have underestimated the capacity of the crucible when he filled the shampoo bottle with the infinite extension spell. There was actually one third of the shampoo left in the crucible.

"Boy, this shampoo of yours is very interesting. Can you give me the rest?" Grindelwald just glanced at Dumbledore and spoke directly. Dumbledore was relieved when he heard Grindelwald's words, and there was a smile on his face. A faint smile appeared.

Although his hair is quite thick and thick, and not as oily as Snape's, he is older than Snape, and it is inevitable for people to lose hair as they age, but he maintains it better and often. He didn't notice it because he was wearing a hat, so when Ye Feng refined the pot of shampoo, Dumbledore was moved.

Ye Feng is still young, Zhang Qiu, Luna, and Harry are also young, so they don't need shampoo for the time being. In addition, he can successfully refine it once and twice, so he directly nodded and let Green Ward took the rest of the shampoo away.

As for why Greenwald can appear here openly, it is naturally because he has now become a teacher at Hogwarts. However, because there is already a teacher in the Defense Against Dark Arts Department, he is temporarily teaching knowledge about the magic world.

The reason why this course was opened was actually related to Ye Feng, because Ye Feng's 'profound' knowledge made Dumbledore realize that students at Hogwarts can't just immerse themselves in learning magic, they should also learn more about the magical world. There were other things, so Greenwald was retained.

Of course, as the former Dark Lord, he knows more about dark magic than anyone in Hogwarts, so he has actually discovered Voldemort's diary, and he even knows that the diary was with Ye Feng before. Finally, Ye Feng came out again, but he did not make any announcement but observed silently and secretly. Even Dumbledore didn't know this.

So when Ye Feng was called to the principal's office to copy the school rules, Greenwald seemed to be studying the shampoo that Ye Feng refined, but in fact he was more observing Ye Feng, because he was far more interested in this than The little guy who Dumbledore said was more mysterious was just too curious.

"Having strong power but being able to control it freely, not to mention being deceived by power because of having strong power, you can treat beings much weaker than yourself as equals. Even because of age and other reasons, your heartfelt respect may not be as strong as yours." My own Dumbledore is such a mysterious and 'innocent' little guy."

Ye Feng, who was hard at work copying the school rules, felt a chill in his back.

"Huh? [・_・?] Why do I feel like someone is arranging me behind my back? Never mind, just finish copying first and then talk about it."

"Damn! It's all Dumbledore's fault. There are so many school rules in just a short time, and they are all aimed at me. It's too much!"

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