Hogwarts: I Am The Only One Who Is A Cultivator

Chapter 86 Ye Feng: Bringing Catnip To The Transfiguration Class Is Very Cool

"Ye Feng is getting up soon, it's time to go to class!"

Due to domestic customs, Ye Feng was used to taking a nap after lunch. This habit was slowly passed on to Hermione and Harry, and now even Dumbledore and the others started to take a nap in the afternoon.

(_ _)( - . - )(~O~)……( - . - )

Ye Feng, who was woken up by Hermione, looked confused and yawned. After getting up in a daze, he walked to the faucet and turned the faucet. As the cool tap water was splashed on his face, Ye Feng suddenly shuddered and woke up instantly. Come over.

"Phew~ It's alive."

After regaining consciousness, Ye Feng wiped his face carelessly and was about to go out. When he passed a flower pot at the door, he was caught by a touch of green in the flower pot and stopped.

"I didn't expect that I didn't notice that this thing has grown so lushly in two days. I'll pick some and make tea for a while." As he spoke, Ye Feng reached out and folded several green leafy branches directly into the pot.

Ye Feng, who put the broken branch in his pocket, walked to the door when Hermione sniffed slightly and said, "It smells so good. What did you bring with you?"

"Mint, you can make tea and drink it after a while. It has the functions of dispersing wind and heat, clearing the head, soothing the throat, clearing up rashes, soothing the liver and promoting qi."

Hermione: Σ(゚д゚)

Hermione was immediately shocked when she heard Ye Feng's words. She never thought that the pot of grass that Ye Feng had always placed at the door could actually have such an effect, so she asked Ye Feng for some.

Carrying mints, the two of them arrived at the classroom. When they all sat down in their seats, Professor McGonagall also appeared at the door on time. As soon as she appeared at the door, she couldn't help but twitch her nose slightly.

Professor McGonagall twitched her nose and smelled a strange fragrance permeating the air. For some reason, that fragrance seemed to have a magical power that made her intoxicated. Of course, the feeling was very slight. She just regained her composure and started to attend class.

About half an hour later...

"Okay, I have made it clear to you the key points and the points that need to be paid attention to. The next step is the actual operation. Which of you will try it first?"

As soon as Professor McGonagall finished speaking, Hermione raised her hands high.

For this level of learning ability, she is only slightly inferior to Ye Feng. Her ability to master spells is also slightly inferior to Ye Feng and her performance is relatively low. Unlike Ye Feng, Professor Hermione McGonagall does not take the initiative to point him out. It was still very important, so Professor McGonagall nodded to Hermione and told him to try it.

As Hermione gently waved the wand in her hand and said the spell loudly, her owl turned into a cat with a bang. Not sure if it was an illusion, Ye Feng felt that the cat looked slightly familiar.

"Hmm...do you think we have seen this cat there?"

Ronald and the others, who didn't think anything of it at first, immediately felt that the cat that Hermione had transformed using the transfiguration technique looked familiar when Ye Feng said this. However, they couldn't remember where they had seen this cat before. , and Professor McGonagall, her expression was a little unsightly.

"Ah, I remember, it's Professor McGonagall!"


Ye Feng, who had just put mint leaves in the brewed tea to add flavor and improve the taste, spat out the tea in his mouth when he heard Neville's words.

After listening to Neville's words and looking at Ye Feng's performance, Professor McGonagall's face became even more ugly, because she never thought that Hermione would also 'learn bad things' and actually turn her owl into a... Her Animagus appearance is very similar, which shows that Hermione usually observes her very carefully.

With Neville's reminder, the others instantly remembered that the cat that Hermione transformed using Transfiguration was indeed the cat that Professor McGonagall transformed into before, which made them look at Hermione slightly different.

"Perhaps this is in accordance with the old Chinese saying."

"What old saying?"

"The one near the vermilion is red, the one near the leaves is black."

Ye Feng: [・_・?]

Hermione naturally heard these discussions, which made her a little anxious.

If it was Hermione who had never met Ye Feng before, she might have cried because of such comments. But now, although she was anxious, she was not too angry or panicked. She stood up and explained: "No. Professor McGonagall, the reason why I turned into a cat and the cat that Professor you turned into looks almost exactly the same is because the only Animagus I can observe is Professor you."

"Didn't you say that Transfiguration is a very serious magic course? I have always kept this in mind, so I observed you very carefully when you used Transfiguration. Perhaps it was because of this The only cat I can't conjure is your Animagus."

After hearing Hermione's explanation, Professor McGonagall's face suddenly looked much better. The others also nodded thoughtfully after hearing the words. Only Ye Feng didn't care because he had already mastered the Animagus. However, he still believed Hermione's words. After all, in order to master the art of Transfiguration, Hermione had asked him to teach him how to do it step by step.

The only pity is that Hermione was very resistant to Ye Feng's use of transformation to turn her into a cat girl, so Ye Feng only used it on Hermione once, so that he still hasn't studied the Animagus transformation that only transformed her half. did not succeed.

There is actually a big difference between using the transfiguration technique on others and using it on yourself.

There is a time limit for others to use it on you. Generally speaking, the transformation time is only a few seconds to a few minutes, and the length of time will be closely related to the magic power of the caster and the caster, and it is not true. It turns you into something, and when the time comes, it will change back on its own.

Generally speaking, using transformation on others is equivalent to using your own magic power to control other people's bodies. When the magic power is exhausted, the magic will be released.

But Animagus transformation is different. When you turn into a cat, you really become a cat. Both the body structure and mental activities will be close to the animal you turned into. And once you use Animagus, you will become a cat. Transfiguration, if you want to change back, you can only break the spell specifically or change back on your own initiative.

In other words, one is permanently effective and can be maintained as long as it is not released by oneself or is released by others. The other is temporary and only lasts a few minutes, so Ye Feng still hopes that Hermione and the others can change themselves in the future. Become a cute cat girl.

Just when Ye Feng looked at Hermione and felt pity, Professor McGonagall said happily: "Hermione is right. Transfiguration is a very serious subject. You must pay attention during class. You must not use Transfiguration easily. .”

"Okay, next I will show you how the Animagus transforms into an animal. You have to watch carefully. Also, pay attention to the important points. You have to remember the spells and the use of magic power when I transform. Instead of looking at the details of what I became.”

As he spoke, Professor McGonagall directly used the Transfiguration Technique, turning into a tabby cat with just one swipe. When Professor McGonagall turned into a tabby cat, Ye Feng's eyes lit up and he took out the catnip from his pocket with his backhand.

Ye Feng had wanted to 'play with the cat' for a long time, but unfortunately Professor McGonagall had been wary of him so that he could not succeed. Unexpectedly, the opportunity suddenly came now, which caught Ye Feng a little off guard.

"~o( =∩ω∩= )mmeow~"

Cats generally have no resistance to catnip. This is determined by their physiological structure and cannot be overcome by a strong will.

Although Professor McGonagall is an Animagus cat and not a serious one, the animals that Animagus transforms focus on one reality, so at this moment Professor McGonagall has nothing to do with a real cat in terms of body structure or habits. The difference, so McGonagall, who turned into a spotted cat, pounced directly on the handful of catnip in Ye Feng's hand,

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