Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 115 [The flesh and blood of soul mates]

Voldemort always felt that he should have something to hide.

Whether it's potions or books, as the second generation of the Dark Lord, he can't have everything.

But ten years of soul fighting have left Voldemort's remnant soul even more dilapidated, with many memories fragmented and even more completely lost.

Voldemort even speculated that there might have been something wrong with those memories before the ten years of fighting.

After all, Mr. Potter's Horcrux was an accident, and Voldemort obviously did not have enough time to prepare the contents of his soul.

"Living Hell Decoction... Dr. Wu Li's Forgetting Ointment... Emerald Green Potion..."

From the opened magic book, a hoarse and low voice sounded. Every time Voldemort turned a page, the content of the page would be read out. The voice was like a demon whispering in the ear, disturbing people's minds.

He tried to use a silent spell to eliminate the sound, but the contents of the book also disappeared at the same time, which forced him to abandon the book - there was no table of contents, and the potions were sorted in a confusing manner, and the value of reading was very small.

Putting the books back in place, Voldemort's hands wandered on the bookshelf, his eyes scanning one potion book after another...

The spirit of the potion…

Add more spices to taste better...

Fifty-eight wrong ways to make the elixir...

The titles of the books were clearly pointed, and it was easy to judge whether they were needed, but the names of more books were very... confusing, making it difficult for him to judge whether they were worth reading.

Just scanning all the way down, I finally saw a large book with a pure black spine, and there was no name at all on it.

Voldemort curiously took out the book, holding it very heavily. He opened the book cautiously, but nothing happened.

When you open the first page, you will see a perspective view of the human body, with blood vessels and bones, just like a medical book.

Opening the second page, the name of the book finally appeared, but the letters kept jumping around, as if they were messy and disorderly.

Voldemort had to stare at it for a while, and finally slowly pieced together a name - it was not yet clear whether it was correct or not.

The flesh and blood of soul mates...

Voldemort's heart beat unexpectedly. He had a premonition of something, but before he could continue reading, Snape appeared at the door.

"Okay, Quirrell, I'm going to rest. It's time for you to go." He glanced at the books in Voldemort's hands and said, "I don't lend them out here. You should get early tomorrow."

Voldemort suppressed the excitement in his heart, nodded, put the books back in their place, and said, "You went to bed too early, Dean Snape."

Then he walked out of the side door and walked towards the door - but he kept thinking about the book in his heart, and he was sure that there were similar contents in the memory of Remnant Soul.

Is this the key to resurrection... He thought this way and walked back to his office.

The night was bound to be torturous, and he didn't dare go to Snape's office the next morning - it would look too eager.

But he went to the library and borrowed Madam Pince's catalog of forbidden books, but unfortunately he couldn't find the book called "The Flesh and Blood of Soul Mates" from it.

"Is there any book with moving titles, Madam Pince?" Voldemort asked her.

"There are many, but most of them are banned books." Mrs. Pince said.

"Can you recommend some books to me?"

"Of course, wait a moment..."

Not long after, Mrs. Pince gave him several choices, and Voldemort also looked at them, but none of them were what he wanted - the moving words were completely different from what he had seen before.

After a whole day, Voldemort finally had a reason to go again, and this time Snape seemed to have known that he would come. After a few words of encouragement, he didn't say anything more.

Entering the study, Voldemort randomly found a few books to read, but his mind was on that book, which made him seem a little absent-minded.

It was not until a short time later that Snape came in to get something that he approached the book again and took it down and opened it.

He eagerly flipped through the content at the back, but when he unfolded it, it turned out to be a blank page with no content on it - what was going on?

When I reopened the first page, it was still a perspective view of a body. When I opened the second page, the text began to beat again, and slowly turned into [the flesh and blood of a soul mate].

He opened the third page...

Something surprising happened, the book had content, and the whole book had content.

What a magical potion book... Voldemort thought and couldn't wait to read the first chapter:

Chapter 1 Mother’s flesh and blood

Please eat the umbilical cord blood, or keep it. If you read this book as a newborn, you must remember this sentence, because it can bring you back to life.

There was no time to complain about how a newborn could understand such a magic book. All of Voldemort's thoughts were attracted by the words "resurrection from the dead".

He couldn't wait to read on. It covered a lot of content, such as how to preserve his mother's blood and what kind of potions it could be made into.

For example, potions that maintain youth, or potions that enhance magic power, or potions that involve resurrecting the dead - in this last part, the above only talks about some principles, and there is no detailed content about resurrection potions.

There are dozens of pages about the mother's flesh and blood, and each page is densely packed with small words. It not only talks about how to use the mother's blood, but also the flesh and bones. The content is quite detailed.

When he read this and turned to the next page, the content that appeared was "Father's flesh and blood."

Voldemort watched impatiently, but Snape's figure appeared at the door.

"Time's up?" Voldemort asked him.

Snape nodded, glanced at the book in his hand, and asked: "The Potion of Eternal Youth, Quirrell, how ugly are you to stare at this book?"

Voldemort was stunned by what he said, but then he thought that maybe everyone would see the content of this book differently.

"You don't have to worry about my affairs, Principal Snape. Please pay attention to your clothes." He put the book back in its place looking very angry, and then left without saying hello.

Snape curled his lips, went to the bookshelf, sorted out the books that Voldemort had not put away, and then studied potions for a while before going to bed - obviously his rest was just an excuse.

When Voldemort returned to his office, he was so excited that he could not sleep. He was 100% sure that the book was what he needed.

The resurrection potion that I brewed in my memory must have been compiled based on the contents of this book.

"The time you can go there every day is too short, and if you hold it and watch it every day, it will easily arouse suspicion, so..."

Voldemort had a bold idea in his mind, which might completely offend Snape, and might also expose his identity later.


He originally planned to be resurrected next year, and Quirrell's identity would no longer be important.

Then, do what you want, Voldemort...he said to himself.

Added update: Thirteenth update!

Thanks to the readers represented by [Qingfufu] who gave me recommendation votes. [Qingfufu] gave me votes every day when I received three or five recommendation votes every day. At that time, it was very supportive to me. Big, but he hasn't come much recently, maybe he has stopped reading, and I haven't seen him leave any messages. Alas, life is always too hurried, and they went their separate ways before saying goodbye.

About thirty people give me recommendation votes every day. I only give a few votes every day. I won’t write them down one by one, so as not to write down those who have given them. No, I only use Brother Qingfufu as the representative. I hope everyone can still support me. , before you leave... just leave silently. If you scold me, I will delete the book review. It’s uncomfortable~~~

The following is a thank you for reissuing the monthly ticket for the previous chapter:

I have mountains and seas in my heart, starmarket, hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehezhizhengmaunai, that place called the heart really hurts,

The name Arcane Missile Kalek actually came out directly... What is Kalek?

The illusion of tears, taking away the senior sister (I also took one away), Book Friends 202102081746064 the next two 2, the Temple of Punishment, Heheku, starmarket, jamesgl the next two e, HarrisonMora, iakjf, Fengzhuyuzhu, yammi, book Friends 20170527095936715, Beiming Xianyun, Book Friends 20190311052051961, PS Kuangmo, DingWANG...monthly tickets are also available...

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