Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 122 Mirror of Erised

The weather began to get hot and muggy, and the students became anxious.

Voldemort spent less time visiting Snape because the headmaster, like his students, had become agitated - perhaps knowing that his departure was inevitable.

The professors also began to discuss the topic of Snape's departure privately. During this time, Trelawney, who had dressed herself carefully, made a bold prediction:

The Curse of Dark Arts Defense has been transferred to the Potions class. In the future, the professor of Dark Arts Defense does not need to be changed, but the professor of the Potions class needs to be changed once a year.

Voldemort responded with a friendly smile - If I hadn't seen the curse in the Chamber of Secrets, I might have believed your ghost.

Voldemort was somewhat unable to resist Trelawney's frequent overtures in recent days. Even Hermione noticed his embarrassment, let alone other professors.

Let Quirrell solve this problem by himself in the future. If that doesn't work, let him marry someone else. After all, he is a master of prophecy... Voldemort sometimes thinks this way, but he never thought of giving Hermione or anyone else to Quirrell. Luo.

The days moved forward in the heat, and finally on the morning when the exams were about to end, Voldemort received a letter from Dumbledore and was asked to enter the Chamber of Secrets today.

Voldemort was well prepared for this. In order not to be misunderstood, he even revealed the news to a few professors with whom he had good friendships in advance - and obtained the secret key to pass the customs by the way. He had no intention of forcing his way in.

In the afternoon, Voldemort came to the secret room on the fourth floor early. He did not drink the potion in a hurry. He planned to use the potion only at the last moment.

If you can save this thing, save it. Snape's compound potion will be useful in the future.

He passed the level smoothly, and when he came to the last room and saw the Mirror of Erised, he was actually a little moved...

God does not accept it, but suffers the consequences.

There's no reason to come and just leave.

But if he really takes it, his identity will be exposed...

This made Voldemort hesitate. After all, he had trained Quirrell well.

Moreover, he didn't know exactly how effective the magic stone was.

Use a known enough identity in exchange for an unknown magic stone...

"I choose the Philosopher's Stone."

After three seconds, Voldemort made a decision - he felt a loss for one more second and let Quirrell go to hell.

After confirming his idea, Voldemort came to the Mirror of Erised and first paid attention to his desires:

In the magic mirror, I stand alone on the top of the mountain, waving the magic wand in my hand, stirring up the dark clouds in the sky.

The picture in the magic mirror began to pull back, and figures wearing black cloaks and crawling at their feet began to appear, spreading from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, endlessly.

The originally lush green mountain seemed to be covered by a black cloak and turned into a black mountain.

"Looking at this number, one England is not enough." Voldemort murmured, but he was not too surprised in his heart.

Although the amount of the remnant soul is small, the desire is definitely more than that of Lin Zuo, so it is not surprising that the desire that appears belongs to the remnant soul of Voldemort.

What surprised him slightly was that in the choice between immortality and power, Voldemort's remnant soul chose the latter.

But perhaps because of the Horcrux, Remnant Soul felt that he could live forever, so the last choice was right.

"What if we change the mode?"

Voldemort thought, looking to the lower left corner, instantly igniting Lin Zuo's moment.

The consciousness of Voldemort's remnant soul was suppressed, and the picture in the magic mirror began to change:

The mountains suddenly disappeared, and then Lin Zuo's image appeared in it. He held a magic wand in his hand and moved it happily from side to side. One magic after another surrounded him. He looked extremely happy.

"Do you have the strongest desire to pursue magic?"

Voldemort murmured, no longer focusing on himself in the mirror, and began to try to use Occlumency to generate new ideas:

I want to get the Philosopher's Stone, but I don't want to do anything with it. I just want to protect it from being used by bad people.

In his memory, Harry got the Philosopher's Stone with this idea in mind, and he tried to use the same method.

But after standing in front of the magic mirror for a while, Voldemort didn't get any feedback. It seemed that Dumbledore's "little hands and feet" didn't stop there.

"If you add identification magic or age restriction magic... there are too many choices to choose from."

Voldemort hesitated. He didn't know whether he should use magic to explore.

If he does this, Dumbledore is likely to get feedback. If he does not do this, he will not be able to break the unknown restrictions on the magic mirror...

This helpless feeling of looking at the treasure mountain in vain really tormented the beasts in his heart.

"Perhaps...even if Dumbledore checks, he will only regard it as my curiosity..."

Voldemort wanted to take advantage of Dumbledore's trust, but dismissed the idea instantly.

Fooling the great White Wizard was not the right choice. Voldemort was able to lurk to this day only because of caution and Snape's cooperation.

If he dares to do something outrageous...

"So, I have to make up my mind, there must be a clear choice whether to do it or not."

Looking at the magic mirror, Voldemort slowly fell into deep thought.

Principal room.

Dumbledore was sitting in front of his work, looking at Snape's relationship diagram.

I have to say that just looking at the relationship diagram, Snape is not a good person. He is really connected with too many Death Eaters.

But Dumbledore racked his brains and couldn't figure out where the man was hiding.

Dumbledore had found out about the potion through his own channels, and Snape was not lying.

But as long as that person is by his side, he will eventually let out some little tails, and it is impossible to hide them so deeply.

And if Snape doesn't do anything, then what's the point of the Dark Lord choosing him...

Dumbledore fell into deep confusion, and the fog seemed to envelope him again. Everything that was clear before became chaotic again.

"Knock, knock, knock."

There was a knock on the door, and Dumbledore raised his head in confusion.

Not long after, Mag's figure appeared from the spiral staircase.

"What's the matter?" Dumbledore asked - his mind had not yet been freed from confusion.

"It's almost time, Headmaster, Harry's last exam is almost over," Professor McGonagall said.

Dumbledore suddenly understood. He stood up to get his coat. McGonagall took advantage of this gap and saw the paper on his desk.

"Still studying Snape?" Professor McGonagall said in surprise, "Dumbledore, sometimes you just think too much."

Dumbledore smiled and waved the papers back to the bookshelf.

"Okay, McGonagall, don't talk about me." Dumbledore said, "You go and lure Harry away, and I'll go and appease Snape. We can't let him come out and ruin our arrangement."

Mag nodded and said no more.

"Quirinus, he's already in place, isn't he?" Dumbledore asked as he put on his coat.

"I went earlier, Dumbledore, it's just you." Professor McGonagall urged.

Dumbledore smiled and fastened the buttons of his coat.

But he couldn't help but glance at the bookshelf - he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out the source of it.

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