Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 141 Ask the Lord for advice

Lucius had entered the production workshop under the leadership of Porchis.

He understands what automation and standardization are, and he also understands what it means to increase production capacity.

But before that, he only thought that this was Voldemort's way of making money - bringing the Malfoy family to make a fortune, he used to think so - but now it seems that his own situation is too small.

Voldemort didn't want to make a fortune on his own at all. He wanted to use this financial path to gain the support of a pure-blood family.

"It is completely impossible to automate and standardize high-end magic potions such as compound potions and blessing potions."

Voldemort took out a booklet from the table, which was the content that Porchis and Malfoy had compiled before.

"But it says that low-end magic potions such as detoxification potions and endurance potions can be mass-produced with the help of a few wizards, right?"

"Yes, Dark Lord, the premise is to solve the problem of potion ingredients." Lucius nodded and said, "But these have not been practiced yet, they are just speculations, and... it is best to have a potion master involved."

Voldemort nodded. He thought of Snape. If he had him, the automated potion production factory should be better built, but...

"Don't be in a hurry, think about the road first, and do the research first. I am not ready to start this plan immediately." Voldemort said.

Lucius looked at him in confusion - if you don't implement it, what's the point?

"It's good that you know this, and you don't have to tell anyone about it, but I think this is enough to make you more confident in the future. You should also be more confident when trying to convince those pure bloods or some families, right?" Voldemort asked road.

Lucius nodded immediately. Through this exchange, he indeed became more confident.

"That's good. Let's talk about the rest later. I won't take any specific actions until I regain my body. Lucius, keep a low profile and bide your time. The time has not yet come." Voldemort said solemnly.

"As you command, Dark Lord." Lucius stood up immediately and said.

Voldemort nodded, then let him leave and continued to gather pure blood.

Although there was still no practical means, Lucius's self-confidence had increased a lot, and he left with great energy and embarked on the road to revive the Dark Lord's great cause.

Voldemort himself began to meditate on merging souls again - sometimes he would complain about the mess his predecessor left him, including Horcruxes.

But think about it, if it weren't for the Horcrux, with the Dark Lord's ability...

There would be nothing wrong with him.

Manchester, DreamWorks.

"Are you really not going to attend the press conference?"

Manchester United chairman, Martin Edwards asked for a third time.

"No need, Martin, Porchis will attend on my behalf." Voldemort said with a smile, and then looked at the young old lord, "Mr. Ferguson, if you have time, can we have a chat?"

"Of course." Ferguson stood up, smiled and touched his nose and said, "The league is over, I have a lot of free time."

Voldemort nodded, then said goodbye to Edwards and Porches, and followed the old lord into his car.

"Where to go?" The old gentleman asked as he turned the steering wheel.

"Is there anyone else at the training ground?" Voldemort asked him. "If there is anyone, let's go there for a walk."

"There are a few kids who won the FA Youth Cup last year, and the senior team members are all on vacation." Sir Alex thought for a moment and said.

"Then go and see them, Class 92, right?" Voldemort asked.

The old Sir Alex nodded, then started the car and drove to the training ground.

"How are you going to use the twenty million, Mr. Ferguson?" Voldemort asked casually.

"Just call me Alex, Mr. Quirrell." Ferguson said. "I haven't thought about it yet. It's too much, enough for me to buy a lot of players."

"You can also call me Tom, Alex." After Voldemort finished speaking, he thought for a moment and said, "I still hope you use the money on infrastructure, Alex. The transfer market costs too much, which is not my intention. ."

Ferguson frowned and said nothing, but Voldemort had already sensed his dissatisfaction - the old Lord's ubiquitous need for control...

"I just don't want to break the balance of the football world, Alex, 20 million per year, haha, if Manchester United is waving money like this, it will make people feel like a nouveau riche." Voldemort explained.

"There is no upstart with a century-old history, Tom, but I understand what you mean, and I will control it." The old man's expression became better.

Voldemort decided not to dwell on this topic any longer and began to explain the purpose of his visit.

"I have a question to ask you, Alex. This is very important to me." Voldemort said seriously.

The old gentleman glanced at Voldemort and said doubtfully: "Tom, I don't think I can give you any advice on financial management."

"It's not about financial management, Alex, it's about a life and death fight." Voldemort said solemnly.

The old Sir was even more confused, but he signaled Voldemort to wait because the car had already arrived at the training base.

He stopped the car and then led Voldemort to the training ground, where he saw several teenagers playing football in the distance.

"Tom, I don't understand what you mean." The old gentleman led Voldemort on an empty court and asked him, "A battle of life and death... what kind of life and death is it?"

"It's like drawing a sword and seeing blood." Voldemort said, "But it's not a battle between two people, but two forces."

The old Sir Alex nodded and asked: "I don't know much about this, Tom, I'm just a coach."

"I understand, Alex, but you have a battle every year, don't you?" Voldemort asked.

The old Sir was stunned for a moment. He thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "If you say so, I do have some experience."

"I would like to ask for advice on how to get back on the road after a failed season."

After Voldemort finished speaking, he spoke again without waiting for the old knight to answer, "Not just myself, but also how to adjust the status of those players. They have experienced failures, and some have even lost their ambitions..."

The old prince's eyes became profound, and he looked at the group of children in the distance. Among them was one with blond hair, who was particularly dazzling.

"I generally understand what you mean. I think you are coming off a very, very failed season." The old jazz turned his head and looked at Voldemort.

"Yes, a very, very bad failure, almost nothing." Voldemort nodded, tiredness showing in his eyes.

He had never shown a trace of fatigue or lack of confidence in front of the Death Eaters, including Lucius.

Even if he uses cruelty and anger to cover up this emotion, he must ensure that he does not infect others with this feeling of powerlessness.

Do I have any good cards?

He asked himself this countless times.

Lucius...that's a guy who betrayed his whole family in the end...

Snape... a double agent, and his heart belongs to Dumbledore...

Quirrell...a child who has not experienced much of the world and is currently unable to take on important responsibilities...

Bella...loyalty and personal ability are commendable, but if entrusted with a heavy responsibility...

Dolohov... Percy's two uncles, and Lupin in the future, all died in his hands. He was very powerful, but the overall situation...

There are too many unreliable people, but there are only two people who can be entrusted with important tasks and are loyal enough:

One is Barty Crouch Jr., who is still growing up under the spell of his father.

One is August Rookwood, who is still in Azkaban because of Igor Karkaroff's betrayal.

There might be some Death Eaters he wasn't familiar with who deserved to be entrusted with important tasks, but at least for now it didn't look like there were many options.

In addition to manpower issues, Dumbledore's pressing pressure also often made him feel powerless.

Fighting against adversity is really not as easy as imagined.

"Relax, Tom, relax." The old gentleman took out a piece of chewing gum from his pocket and said, "Chew a piece, it will relieve stress."

Voldemort, who originally looked tired, was suddenly amused by his words.

Just because in Lin Zuo's memory, there are too many scenes of the old gentleman being nervous to death and chewing gum desperately.

As expected, the one in the lead was under great pressure.

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