Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 151 The Mist Plan is launched

"Jump, jump, jump."

The pilot of the plane shouted loudly, and Voldemort nodded to him and gave him a memory spell.

Afterwards, Voldemort jumped out of the plane without hesitation and soared freely among the white clouds.

The "rumbling" sound made by the propeller faded away. Voldemort looked at the winding snow-capped mountains below, picked a place he liked, and soared away.

He only briefly learned skydiving. It was a bit difficult to rely on this technique to reach the place he chose, but this did not prevent him from getting there because he knew magic.

The huge parachute opened. Before the strong wind carried him away from the target location, Voldemort first gave himself a levitating spell, and then cast Apparition by looking at the target.


He made a difficult spin in the air, and when he reappeared, he was already on top of the snow-capped mountains.

The howling mountain wind picked up snowflakes and confused his eyes, but he did not panic at all.

"Dig three feet."

The digging spell was cast, and a half-meter-deep hole instantly appeared below.

Voldemort was not satisfied, so he waved his wand repeatedly, letting the pit descend step by step.

He didn't stop until he was more than dozens of meters deep and had spent most of his magic power.

He took out a one-meter-square safe from his waist pocket and carefully put it in it.

After that, there was the formation arrangement that lasted for several hours, and he was careful throughout the entire process.

After all this was done, he began to fill it with soil. After filling in three meters of earth and rocks, he took out various mines from his pocket and began to lay them out.

He filled and laid mines repeatedly in this way, until in the last ten meters or so of earth and rocks, he added nothing.

After doing all this, Voldemort smoothed the snow until it looked like there was no trace left, and then used Apparition to leave.

Ten days have passed since Voldemort buried "Hufflepuff's Golden Cup" on an uninhabited mountain in the Himalayas.

For more than ten days, Hermione came to class with Draco every day, and she also began to learn Occlumency.

As for Mr. Granger, except for the rare occasions when he had the opportunity to chat with Voldemort, he spent most of his time with Old Nott.

The two chatted very well, and Mr. Granger gradually got used to this kind of life. He felt...

It was like finding a cram school for Hermione, and he had to pick up and drop off the children to go to cram school every day.

"It's more convenient for wizards, Mr. Nott. Malfoy Manor is too remote."

Mr. Granger sometimes complained to Old Nott about these things, but more often than not, he asked Old Nott about things in the wizarding world.

Old Nott really couldn't answer his strange questions, so he finally gave him an encyclopedia of the wizarding world - W.O.M.B.A.T. exam materials.

Mr. Granger was overjoyed to receive this gift, and he promised Old Nott that he could get his teeth filled for free.

Coincidentally, Old Nott really had a tooth that was not in good condition these days, so he took the time to visit Mr. Granger's clinic. The final result...

He took off the denture again and used a potion to grow a new one - the Muggle method was too rough, and the dentures were really unaccustomed to use.

This aroused Mr. Granger's interest in potions again. Anyway... Old Nott felt that he was haunted by him.

It wasn't until Voldemort gave Hermione and Draco three days off that Old Nott was quiet for a few days, but someone came to Malfoy Manor again, and they were still Voldemort's guests.

This time it was Daenerys. In addition to meeting Voldemort, she also brought Voldemort his Horcrux - the Diadem of Ravenclaw.

Voldemort spent a day with Daenerys and sent her away that night.

When Voldemort returned to the study in the small building again, Lucius had been waiting for him here for a long time.

"It's time to activate Project Mist, Lucius."

Voldemort said, taking out two things from his waist and placing them on the table.

A notebook and the Ravenclaw diadem sent by Daenerys.

Lucius's eyes lingered on the two things for a moment, and before Voldemort looked at him, he lowered his head - the Dark Lord's temper was not very good at this time, and he did not dare to touch this bad luck.

"Send the crown away, Lucius, as planned." Voldemort frowned and said in a deep voice.

Lucius secretly glanced at Voldemort and saw him trying hard to look away from the crown.

"As you command, Dark Lord." Lucius quickly looked at his feet and said obediently.

"Put it away, now," Voldemort said irritably - he had a strong urge to interrupt the plan because it would cost him a Horcrux.

"Yes, the Dark Lord." Lucius didn't dare to say a word and immediately stepped forward to put the crown away.


Voldemort adjusted his state, took a long breath, and suppressed the reactionary emotions that kept rising in his heart.

"Has the owner of the crown been chosen?" the Dark Lord asked, suppressing his inner impulse.

"The choice has been made. The Dark Lord is..."

"Don't tell me." Voldemort interrupted Lucius rudely, which made Lucius tremble in fright.

"Yes...yes, Dark Lord, I just want to say that he was selected after screening and there is absolutely no problem with the candidate." Lucius defended himself in a low voice.

Voldemort nodded and said, "What about the arrangements for the diary? You know you can't let Albus notice anything unusual."

"Also prepared, Dark Lord, everything is under control." Lucius replied immediately.

Voldemort nodded, sat down at the desk, stroked the diary, and said nothing for a long time.

Lucius wanted to ask for permission to leave, but he didn't dare to say so, so he could only wait quietly.

"The Mist Project is about to be launched, Lucius. You know that we will no longer be able to communicate for a long time after that."

Voldemort looked up at Lucius, his eyes were very unkind, especially when he looked at the pocket on his waist where the crown was hidden, there was even more ferocity in the depths of his eyes - but everything was overcome by his amazing perseverance. Suppress it.

"I know, Dark Lord, I will control everything and complete the task as planned." Lucius said avoiding Voldemort's gaze.

"If it weren't for your mistake, all I would have lost was the gold cup, but now..."

Voldemort shook his head in pain and said, "Forget it, I hope you won't make another mistake this time."

Lucius immediately nodded in agreement, his whole body trembling with fear - he felt that the Dark Lord might throw a Cruciatus Curse at him at any time, which frightened him.

"Dobby, you have to be careful not to let him go free in the end. And Harry, be sure to bury the thorn in it. Don't bury it too deep. He is young and he won't understand if it is too deep. You can go shallower..."


Lucius suddenly fell to his knees and interrupted Voldemort's words with a trembling voice, "These are all determined, and I will definitely do it well. You said that when you don't want to do that, let me stop... "

"Forget it, I won't say it anymore." Voldemort flopped down on the chair a little weakly, "You can go, just remember not to make any mistakes."

"Yes, Master."

Lucius stood up, lowered his head and exited the room, leaving Voldemort alone, sitting on a chair in the darkness, meditating alone.

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