Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 174 Hogwarts Picket

"I agree."

No one expected that the first person to jump out in agreement would be the fifth-year Ravenclaw prefect.

"I am a Muggle wizard. When I told my family about the situation, my parents hoped that I could temporarily return to the Muggle world, especially when there was a rumor in the school that Slytherin did everything. They even hoped that I could return to the Muggle world temporarily. I just ended my studies."

"Why?" Someone asked in confusion, "What does this have to do with whether Slytherin did it?"

The female prefect of Yingyuan looked at the inquirer and said: "There is no smoke without fire. Since this statement is true, it proves the antagonistic attitudes of several colleges. My parents do not want me to participate in it, let alone study in such a dangerous environment. ."

"So what if you can prove your innocence?" said a prefect of Badger House. "Does it mean that if your parents know this, they will give up their idea?"

"Although I won't give up the idea of ​​persuading me, this at least gives me a reason to convince them - Hogwarts is united and we can overcome difficulties together." said the female prefect of the Eagle Academy.

"If you don't say it is the best choice, then you won't have these troubles." The prefect of the Lion Academy said.

“A wise person asks questions from wiser people instead of lying and paralyzing himself to get rid of doubts.”

The female prefect of the Eagle Academy looked at the prefect of the Lion Academy with contempt and said, "If you had read more books, you wouldn't have said such a thing."

These words were a bit hurtful, and the prefect of the Lion Academy snorted angrily, but he had nothing to say in reply - he still suffered the disadvantage of being uneducated.

"Ma'am, I don't know your name."

Draco had a gentle smile on his face, his light gray eyes shining with recognition.

"Evanna Lynch, Mr. Malfoy, you can just call me Evanna. I admire you and the courage of the classmates who came back with you." Evanna said.

"You can also call me Draco, Evanna, thank you for your support."

Draco smiled at her again, then looked at Percy, "How about we just vote? Let everyone make the decision."

Percy's eyes scanned the crowd, and he already knew the result in his heart, but he still agreed with Draco's words - one of the ways to retreat in an embarrassing situation includes not rushing to counterattack when you are at a disadvantage.

"Raise your hands if you agree with Malfoy's suggestion." As Percy spoke, he raised his hands first.

This surprised many people, but the most surprising one was Draco.

"I didn't expect you to agree," Draco said, but as soon as the words came out, he felt that he shouldn't have said them.

There was a flash of pride in Percy's eyes. He looked at Evanna with a smile and said, "I will do the same for Evanna Lynch."

"On behalf of all Muggle wizards, I would like to thank you, Chairman Weasley, this is the right choice." After Evanna finished speaking, she looked at Draco again, "Of course, I would also like to thank Draco for the suggestion."

Draco smiled and nodded, but his expression was a little thoughtful.

"Since more than 60% of people agree, then this matter has passed."

Percy took the initiative without waiting for Draco to speak, and continued, "As for the pickets, it has been rejected because of the objections of several Slytherin prefects..."

He paused deliberately and glanced at Draco, which made Draco glare at several Slytherin prefects in anger.

"At this meeting, I reiterate this proposal. Do you have any thoughts?" Percy asked everyone.

"Slytherin agrees, and on behalf of all Slytherins, everyone will participate in the picket." Draco said impatiently.

"Can you represent all Slytherins?" the chairwoman asked with some uncertainty, and looked suspiciously at the Slytherin prefects.

"Mr. Malfoy speaks for all Slytherins."

said Gemma Farley, a female prefect who had been an assistant to Voldemort and had risen to seventh grade.

This efficiency really made the prefects of several other colleges stunned. Even Percy looked at Draco with a bit of envy.

When it comes to unity, Slytherin is indeed better than other houses under certain conditions.

"Gryffindors need to go back and check the number of people, but I think most of them will attend," Percy said.

"Hufflepuff needs to be confirmed as well, but I think everyone is willing to get involved," said Gabriel Truman, seventh-year prefect of Badger House.


Robert Hilliard, the seventh-grade prefect of Eagle Academy, frowned. He knew the character of the students in his academy and it would be difficult for them to take risks. "I will try to persuade them and let more people participate."

Everyone nodded and was not surprised by the reaction of the prefect of the Eagle Academy. After all, everyone knew that the request of Ravenclaw and Evanna's parents had actually corrected the attitudes of many Eagle Academy students. They did not want to put themselves in danger.

"Then determine the method, I think..."

"I think..." Draco spoke faster and grabbed the right to speak, "Just use Professor Quirrell's grouping method. Each group has different students from the four colleges, and everyone also has communication experience. ."

Percy nodded, not showing any disgust at Draco's impoliteness, which made many people present look at him, and Draco felt anxious again.

"It's better to be brave enough to chase the poor guy...Professor, it's hard to chase the poor guy." Draco thought with a headache.

"Agreed, but how do the pickets cooperate with the professors?" Evanna asked Percy.

Percy, who was obviously older and not impatient, gained everyone's trust.

Of course, this scene made Draco dissatisfied again, but he still tried his best to appear calm.

"It's safer to work in groups of eight. At the same time, the upper and lower grades are staggered. As for cooperating with the professors..." Percy frowned and started thinking.

Draco, who was well prepared, spoke again: "One professor has two floors. I think the eight-person picket team can directly cooperate with the professor. The professor and the picket team can take turns inspecting the two floors."

Everyone nodded thinking and thought Decorah had a good idea.

"Okay, then this meeting will be held here for the time being. Everyone will go back and count the number of people, and then report it to me." Percy did not object and directly decided on the plan.

The prefects had no objections, and after talking to each other again, they all returned to the academy to collect the list.

"Mr. Weasley."

When Percy wanted to leave with the prefect of the Lion House, Draco stopped him, "I wonder if I could ask you to wait a moment. I have something I want to talk to you about."

"Me?" Percy asked, pointing at himself in surprise.

"Yes, it's a very personal matter." Draco nodded.

"Then you go first, and I'll see if Mr. Malfoy has anything else to do."

Percy asked the Lion House prefects to leave first, then sat back down and looked at Draco across the long table with doubts in his eyes.

But Draco had a rather strange smile on his face.

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