Chapter 127 Antidote Formula!!

Probably because he was so happy, Snape’s confinement was not confirmed for Darren in the end.

But Darren noticed that his attitude towards Harry was worse.

Before it was more anger with ridicule, now disgust with anger plus ridicule.

Well, in general, that’s how the year ended. No.

It’s almost perfect. The scores for the final exam came down. Darren took first place in his class.

Every professor gave him a perfect rating.

As for Harry and Ron, they also passed the exam with high grades.

This was clearly Hermione’s credit.

Finally, their salute was placed on the train. And they also got a notification.

They were asked not to use magic during the summer holidays. Hagrid dropped them off at the train station.

The train quickly drove to the platform, and they reached platform nine and three-quarters.

“Harry, Darren, remember to write to us during the summer!”

“You guys are coming to our house for the summer vacation!”

Ron and Hermione said excitedly.

Harry’s mood was a little lost.

When he was in the wizarding world, he felt like a savior, but in front of his aunt and uncle, he became the annoying bug.

Fortunately, Darren was with him.

It’s just that he thinks the news is even worse.

He didn’t really want Darren to know that he had lived this kind of life before, and he didn’t want Darren to come over and be scolded.

But Dumbledore said it was necessary.

“Oh, Darren, Dumbledore said you had to live with me at my aunt’s and uncle’s house, do you think……… How about letting Pasy clean them up first? ”

Harry thought excitedly.

However, Darren refused, and he took out two large gifts from his suitcase, one for Harry and one for himself.

“Brother, Headmaster Dumbledore also told me that we need to stay at my aunt’s house all the time.

If we don’t go to my aunt’s house, we also have to bring gifts.

Once upon a time, Harry, you didn’t have any money, so you ate and drank for nothing at your aunt’s and uncle’s house.

But now that we have money, we need to give them alimony and thank them for raising you. ”

[Ding, Holy Father +50]

Harry was a little moved, but still a little unwilling, he said a little unwillingly: “They locked me in a cubicle under the stairs, and they thought I was a monster……… I still don’t like them. ”

[Ding, sensing that there is a scene of the Holy Father system playing on the host’s side, now release a temporary task:

Walked up to Harry’s side, pressed his shoulder and said, “Brother, I know you’re sad.”

But this kind of life is actually much better than living in an orphanage, where those teachers are very good to us in front of us, and often do not give us food behind their backs.

I was always hungry for two or three days, and once I was so hungry that I rummaged through the trash for food and ended up grabbing a pile of rotten leaves, and guess what?

I stuffed them all in my mouth and ate them all, because if I didn’t eat again, I was afraid that I would starve to death, and I wouldn’t be able to wait for my parents to pick me up. ]

[Ding, after the task is completed, get the reward antidote formula, may I ask if the host receives the task?] ]

Antidote formula?

Darren was stunned for a moment.

He remembered that there were already antidotes in the wizarding world. Could it be that the system is letting him do piracy?

Darren thought suspiciously. But.


He walked up to Harry and clasped his hands on Harry’s shoulders with a reassuring smile on his face.

He said softly: “Brother, I can feel your discomfort now, and the disgust for your uncle and aunt.

In fact, after you came to school, I asked Pachi to inquire quietly, your previous life, when you were always locked in a cubicle and bullied by Dudley.

I’m sorry brother, I didn’t stay by your side, there is no way to protect you. If I were by your side, then you would not have such a miserable childhood! ”

Harry quickly shook his head, his eyes were red, and he hurriedly said: “I don’t blame you, I didn’t find you at that time, if I found you, maybe you wouldn’t have to stay in the orphanage…”

He also asked Patsy about Darren’s life in the orphanage, but Packy wouldn’t tell him, saying that Darren wouldn’t let him.

So he asked several professors.

Only to know that Darren had had such a miserable life before, much worse than he was at his aunt’s house.

“Brother, look, you also know that the orphanage is not good, and my aunt is obviously much better for you than those teachers in the orphanage.

The teachers always forgot to feed me, and once I was hungry for three days, and I was so hungry.

I ran to rummage through the trash and touched a handful of smelly vegetable leaves, guess what I did?

I ate the vegetable leaves, because if I didn’t, I would starve to death.

I kept fantasizing that my parents would come and pick me up, maybe I had a brother or sister, and they would not like me………

And then I saw you, brother, are you the best brother in the world, or the savior of everyone, I am really happy…”

Darren said with red eyes, and Harry sniffed. He thought he had already guessed what Darren was going to say.

“Yes, brother, tolerate them! The day we lost our mom, my aunt also lost her sister.

She is obviously afraid of your magic and thinks you are a monster, but she takes you in anyway.

Mr. Dumbledore said that he left a letter for his aunt and uncle and left you at their doorstep.

But he did not give money, nor did he give his mother’s body to her sister. Mom is a great figure in the wizarding world, but she is also her aunt’s sister.

Even after Voldemort died, there were many Death Eaters wandering, and Aunt and Uncle took the risk to keep you.

This is what I am grateful to her, she is a woman who is not likeable, but I am still grateful that she has supported you, perhaps, I should thank her? ”

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task perfectly, obtaining the antidote formula, and obtaining the scene card x1]

Antidote formulation:

The latest antidote formula in the future wizarding world can unlock more than three hundred toxins, three times more than the known antidote formula.

Ah this!

Wouldn’t it be a little too genius for him to take out this antidote formula now?

PS: Whether I read a book or watched a movie version, I always felt that Dumbledore was too hasty at that time, and he didn’t even give money to others, so he let people raise their children.

Penny is obviously a housewife, Vernon earns money alone, she raises her sister’s children, and some husbands will not agree to it.

Not to mention that this child is still a monster in their eyes………

Of course, if you disagree, then you are right and I am wrong!

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