Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 141 Cedric, you profiteer

The other party ignored Ron's little emotion and said as usual: "I remember you, Ronald Weasley. Your mother helped me find the platform."

"Yes, but everyone usually calls me Ron," Ron muttered.

"Okay, Ron. My name is Hermione Granger."

Hermione nodded casually and looked at the other man.

"What's your name, by the way?"

"Harry Potter." Harry said quickly.

Hermione was visibly surprised when she heard the name, and once again listed several reference books to show that she knew about Harry.

This made Harry feel dizzy, because he didn't know these things himself, and he hadn't even read any of the books Hermione mentioned.

"Oh my god, you don't know. If it were me, I would definitely find a way to find all the books that mention me."

Hermione looked at Ron again and said, "By the way, you just said that the boy named Kyle was the first in his grade?"

"Oh...yes." Ron nodded.

"No wonder he was awarded the Order of Merlin." Hermione sighed a little: "I hope it won't be too bad. I have memorized all the textbooks. I hope this is enough."

Ron's face turned even darker. He felt like he had met a second Percy, and he didn't like the tone of the other person's voice. β™žβ™’

But Hermione didn't look at him at all and continued to talk: "By the way, do you know which house Kyle is from? Is it Gryffindor? I've asked everywhere, and others say it's the best. Yes. But if he is so smart, he might as well be a Ravenclaw."


Ron seemed to want to see the other person's deflated look, and said with some schadenfreude: "Kyle is a Hufflepuff."

"Hufflepuff..." Hermione was stunned as expected and murmured: "But I heard that Hufflepuffs are some... well, students who are not very bright in their studies."

"No, that's wrong."

Ron liked the other person's expression very much and said slightly proudly: "In fact, in addition to Kyle, Cedric Diggory, the number one in the third grade, is also a Hufflepuff."

Hermione looked a little angry. She felt that she had been deceived. How could she be the "idiot" and "idiot" that those people called her when she was ranked first in two colleges in a row?

If they are fools, what are the others...mindless worms?

Harry next to him lowered his head in frustration.

When he and Ron were discussing colleges before, he was still thinking of using Hufflepuff as a guarantee college.

But now it seems that Hufflepuff is not that easy to advance.

First in grade...

Harry would rather believe that Dudley could become as thin as him, rather than believe that he could become number one in his year.

it's out of the question.

Even Hermione remained silent, so Ron asked with a sullen face: "So, do you have anything else to do? If not, we will go back to the box."

"I want to ask if any of you have seen a toad?" Hermione said after coming back to her senses: "Neville lost a toad."


Ron said impatiently: "We have already told him, we didn't see it."

The boy named Neville had been here just now and cried a lot in their box, so Ron remembered it very clearly.

"Maybe you can ask that Kyle." Harry next to him suddenly said, "Maybe he can find a way to find that toad."

"You're right, I really shouldn't stay here anymore."

Hermione glanced at them one last time and said, "But you two had better change your clothes quickly. You know, we will probably arrive soon."

New 𝐱.𝐜𝐨𝐦

After that she left.

"I really hope I'm not in the same college as her."

After closing the box door, Ron curled his lips and said, "One Percy in Gryffindor is enough."

Harry didn't speak, but nodded perfunctorily, because he had received too much information at once, and he had not yet fully recovered.

On the other side, Hermione, who had left here, came all the way to the box where Kyle was.

Through the glass on the door, she saw Kyle holding his wand and drawing something famous on a piece of parchment.

Hermione's hand that she just raised immediately took it back.

The boy named Malfoy affected Kyle because of the sudden knock on the door, and what happened just now happened. She didn't want to make the same mistake again.

The main reason is that we can't afford to lose those maps.

Let alone two hundred galleons, she didn't even have twenty galleons.

After hesitating for a while, Hermione decided to look in other carriages first.

But what Hermione didn't know was that as soon as she stepped forward, Kyle in the box put down his wand.

"The Malfoy crest is really troublesome."

Kyle rubbed his eyes and said speechlessly: "It's a snake and a dragon. Why can't they just use an "M" instead."

"Hey Kyle, you should be a little more patient with our distinguished guests."

Fred smiled and said: "You can earn an extra galleon just by changing the pattern. Is there any easier job than this?"

"makes sense."

Kyle pushed the half-finished parchment to Cedric, who would then be responsible for drawing the map completely.

Since it is permanent, it is natural that the copying spell cannot be used again.

Afterwards, Kyle took out the wallet Malfoy gave him.

"One hundred and fifty Galleons, should we divide it now or wait until he pays the final payment?"

The others looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Listen, Kyle."

George said seriously: "These galleons were obtained by you through... um, extraordinary wisdom. They have nothing to do with us. There is no need to share them."

"What kind of extraordinary wisdom? I am not a Ravenclaw." Kyle said nonchalantly: "Besides, this is also the money earned from selling maps, so it must be divided equally."

"This is an unexpected situation, it's different." Cedric shook his head and said: "And from the time the other party broke down the door to everything that happened after that, you did it all by yourself, and we didn't help at all."

Cedric's words seemed to be what others wanted to say. They seemed to have agreed upon it, and no one touched the bag.

Finally, at Kyle's insistence, they each took ten galleons.

Only George had fifteen galleons, and the extra five galleons were considered as compensation for his robes.

Regarding this, George did not refuse at all and accepted it happily.


After Kyle took back his wallet, Cedric pointed to the broken maps on the table and said, "Do I need to use a repair spell to restore them to their original state?"

"Huh? Why are you going to all that trouble?" Kyle asked confused.

Cedric blinked and said matter-of-factly: "You can't just throw them away. That's a galleons worth of parchment."

"Wait...don't you want to restore them to their original condition and then sell them?"

Kyle gradually frowned, looked at Cedric with disgust and said, "Profiteers like you will be imprisoned in Azkaban sooner or later."


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