Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 592 Department of Mysteries

At five o'clock the next morning, when there was just a hint of light in the sky, Kyle was awakened by the sound of several owls pecking at the window.

He yawned and sat up, rubbing his face to try to wake himself up. It wasn't until a few minutes later that he gradually realized that he was going to be questioned today.

In addition, Diana seemed to have something to do, and he needed to go there a few hours before work at the Ministry of Magic.

Thinking of this, Kyle quickly jumped out of bed, got dressed and went to the living room downstairs to prepare for breakfast.

At this time, Chris happened to place a plate of fried ham and a few slices of bread on the table.

"I was just going to call you," Chris said. "What would you like to drink? How about pumpkin juice."

"Okay." Kyle said.

He sat down on the other side of Chris and started spreading raspberry jam on the bread.

"No need to worry." Chris brought a large glass of pumpkin juice, "We can apparate directly to London in a moment, which will save a lot of time."

Kyle nodded and said nothing.

He thought about it all night last night and couldn't figure out why Diana asked him to go to the Department of Mysteries. He didn't fall asleep until early in the morning, and he was feeling sleepy now.

About half an hour later, when the sky started to light up, the two of them walked out of the room.

"Are you ready?" Chris stretched out his arm and said, "Hold on, we are ready to go."

Kyle put a hand on his shoulder.

The next second, a familiar squeezing feeling spread throughout his body. When Kyle opened his eyes again, he found himself standing in an old record store.

Facing the two people who suddenly appeared, the store owner didn't seem to be much surprised. He just raised his head and glanced at them slightly.

"Chris, is it so early today?"

"Hi, Rod." Chris greeted, "No way, there are still many reports to write."

"Those guys who want to raise magical animals again?" Rhodes said clearly. "Since the end of the Triwizard Tournament, everyone seems to be interested in raising magical animals. I dare say you must be very busy recently."

"Yeah, yesterday I just rescued a guy who wanted to raise a horse-shaped water monster." Chris sighed, "I really don't know when they will understand that not every magical animal is as docile as a velvet. Little cutie."

"That might be a bit difficult." Rhodes said, and then he looked at Kyle, "You are... Sorry, this is the internal entrance for the Ministry of Magic staff, and the visitor's hall is on the street in front."

"This is my son, Kyle." Chris said quickly: "He will come to the Ministry of Magic for questioning today, at nine o'clock, in the Department of Legal Enforcement."

"Oh... Is he the Kyle who won the Triwizard Tournament?" Rhodes, who was originally sleepy, immediately became energetic and looked at Kyle curiously.

"I remember he was the youngest warrior...it's amazing."

Then Rhodes seemed to remember something and casually clicked on the notebook next to him. The notebook automatically opened to the latest page. He turned around and took a look.

"Yes, that's right, he received a warning letter seven days ago for using a spell in the Leaky Cauldron...

"Wait, the Leaky Cauldron?"

Rhodes' voice suddenly became louder, and he looked at the contents of the notebook in disbelief.

"Merlin's beard, this is the first time I've encountered such a ridiculous reason. If you can't even use magic spells in the Leaky Cauldron, why don't they take away the wands."

"Probably because no one would agree," Chris said.

"Of course no one will agree." Rhodes closed the notebook with a sneer and looked at Kyle again, "Okay kid, in my opinion you didn't make any mistakes, so you don't need to be nervous.

"Amelia from the Legal Enforcement Department is a fair person. I dare say she will not punish you for such a ridiculous reason."

"Thanks." Kyle said with a smile.

It can be seen that the wizard in front of him is also a good person.

"Can we go in now?" Chris asked, "Sorry, I'm in a hurry."

"Of course, go ahead."

Rhodes tapped a raised spot on the counter with his wand, and the nearby display window immediately extended to the left and right, revealing a passage.

"Thank you," Chris said.

He walked in with Kyle.

Behind the passage is a long corridor, next to which are all the fireplaces needed by the floo network, but it is still very early at this time, and these fireplaces are all extinguished.

In the middle of the corridor, a person was standing there waiting for them.

"The time is just right." Diana came over and said to Chris: "Wait until half past eight, then come to the floor of the Department of Mysteries to pick him up."

"Okay." Chris said.

"Follow me now."

Diana led Kyle out of the fireplace corridor and into the elevator.

There is also no one here, except for a cold voice that occasionally announces the floor they are on.

"Remember, don't run around or look around for a while, just follow me."

In the elevator, Diana ordered: "And no matter what you see inside, you can't tell anyone else after you get out, including the Weasley brothers and the girl named Connor."

"Yeah, I know." Kyle nodded.

As soon as he finished speaking, Kyle heard a cold voice.

"Department of Mysteries."

"We're here." Diana was the first to step out of the elevator, and Kyle quickly followed.

He had been here once, but that time he turned to the stairs on the left after getting out of the elevator. But this time, he followed Diana through the empty corridor and came to the simple door at the end.

"Remember, don't look around, and don't walk around." Diana warned again, then opened the door and walked in.

Behind the door is a large circular room. It looks like it has been washed by ink, including the ceiling and floor. Everything is black. There are some branch-shaped candles dotted between the walls, but the flames are blue and cold. Cold, without any warmth at all.

The doors on the walls are all black and have no markings, and they all look exactly the same.

But Diana just glanced at it and walked straight towards the door in front.

Next, Kyle felt like he was back in the last competition of the Triwizard Tournament. This place was simply a maze.

There are the same colors, the same buildings, and the same doors everywhere. As long as he relaxes a little, he may forget where he came in.

After walking like this for nearly ten minutes, Kyle finally saw something different.

It was a huge water tank that could fill the entire room, and occasionally things that looked like brains could be seen in it.

He had seen this thing before. When interrogating Peter Pettigrew, Diana used it to discover the secret that Peter was the secret keeper.

But at that time, the water tank was only as big as a table, much smaller than what we see now.

Further ahead is a room shrouded in golden air. Walking in it, Kyle can always hear a ticking sound, like the sound of an hour hand ticking, or like water droplets in an hourglass.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Kyle suddenly felt as if he had grown taller as he walked. The clothes that originally fit him had become smaller. He felt that his shoulders were a little squeezed, and part of his ankle was exposed.

But within a few seconds, the clothes became bigger again, and the legs of his trousers dragged on the ground, almost tripping him.

When Diana pushed open the door at the end and Kyle crossed the threshold, everything returned to normal in an instant.

At the same time, Diana also stopped and did not go any further.

"This is it," she said.

Kyle looked up and found that they were in a huge, cave-like place.

Surrounded by a series of staircase-like stone benches, they extended downward at a steep angle, similar to the stadium of the Quidditch World Cup, and they were standing on the top.

Looking down from here, you can see a high stone platform with a stone arch erected on it. It looks old, old and shabby.

"bring it on."

Diana pulled Kyle and took a step forward.

In just one step, they crossed the rows of stairs and appeared on the stone platform.


No, it shouldn't be. Apparating is not so quiet.

But what could that be...

Kyle himself was inevitably a little curious, but seeing the serious look on Diana's face, he still refrained from asking.

"Come this way."

Diana pulled Kyle to a position in the middle of the stone arch.

There were ripples on the stone door, like standing water, and behind it was a slowly moving white mist, making it difficult to see what was inside.

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