Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 613: Stop pretending, let’s show off

Umbridge's reaction was quicker than Kyle expected. β–²πΊπ‘œπ‘œπ‘”π‘™π‘’ Search for π‘ π‘‘π‘œπ‘π‘œπ‘šReadβ–²

Friday afternoon was Defense Against the Dark Arts in the sixth year. Before Sirius was taken away, his original plan was to learn new spells.

But now the professor has changed.

By the time Kyle and Connor entered the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Umbridge was already sitting behind the podium, still wearing that ugly, fluffy pink cardigan.

The whole class was silent, and Kyle didn't say anything. He just found a seat in the back row and sat down.

However, no matter how far back he sat, he would still be troubled by Umbridge.

The first is some hard rules.

She asked everyone to add 'Professor Umbridge' at the end of their answers to her questions. ’

Like, 'Okay, Professor Umbridge' or, 'No, Professor Umbridge'.

Everyone did as she was told, except Kyle, who seemed not to hear and ignored her at all.

Umbridge noticed, so as expected, she directly called Kyle's name.

"Why don't you do as I ask," she said in a coquettish voice, "Does a few trivial honors make you arrogant enough to ignore the professor?"

"I'm sorry, Ms. Umbridge." Kyle said, "If the Second Order of Merlin is considered 'insignificant', I think you must have a lot. So, how about showing it off."

Umbridge's face darkened instantly... If she had the Order of Merlin, would she still be talking about Kyle? I've already put on my clothes!

"No way, you won't be without it, right?" Kyle said in an exaggerated tone: "You don't even have such a 'trivial' honor, how can you be so embarrassed to be a professor? Or should you give it to Principal Segalon?" Already?"

As soon as these words came out, Kyle immediately became the focus of everyone.

Everyone felt incredible. In their impression, Kyle had always been a standard Hufflepuff.

He has a gentle personality and is polite to others...why has he suddenly changed now? It's even like a different person.

After all, even the most reckless Gryffindor would not be able to say the words just now.

Umbridge was also shaking with anger.

"How dare you!" she screamed, "how dare you talk to me like that."

"Oh, well, you don't have Segaron." Kyle said casually: "Maybe you use Sicco, which will make the money bag look bigger."

Umbridge's face turned green and red, and then she seemed to think of something.

"Okay, I admit, you do have some praiseworthy honors."

Her voice once again changed to the same tone as before, fake and artificial.

β€œBut that doesn’t mean you can lose your basic courtesy.

"Dumbledore has never corrected you. This is really bad at this point. Of course, this is understandable.

"I think everyone here knows that he has become more and more irrational recently, and he always says some ridiculous things, right?"

No one answered.

But they also knew that what Umbridge said was what was reported in the Daily Prophet...that is, what Dumbledore said about the mysterious man's resurrection at the end of the last school year.

"I think you think so too." She looked at Kyle again, with a hint of ill will in her eyes, "I think what Dumbledore said is ridiculous, and he himself is getting more and more confused."

"Dumbledore is not confused." Someone couldn't help but say.

"In my class, students must raise their hands first when speaking. You are..."

"Justin Finch-Fletchley."

Umbridge's eyes rested on him for a moment, then turned to Kyle again.

"So what do you think?"

"I think..." Kyle spread his hands, "He is at least much smarter than you."

"That means you think what he said is right?"

"Of course." Kyle said, "I believe Professor Dumbledore, and I also believe he has seen...Voldemort with his own eyes."

Suddenly there was a sound of inhalation and uncontrollable screams in the classroom...

"Twenty points from Hufflepuff!"

Umbridge showed an expression that showed her plan had succeeded, and said triumphantly, "As punishment for your nonsense, there will be confinement, in my office at eight o'clock tomorrow morning.

"Also, I would like to remind you that if you continue to spread such ridiculous remarks, the Ministry of Magic will withdraw your medal on behalf of Sir Merlin."

"Ah, I'll remember that," Kyle said.

Then, with everyone's incredulous eyes, he opened the door and left the classroom.

Now, Umbridge on the podium smiled even more happily. She took out a piece of parchment from her handbag, wrote something on it, and sealed it with magic.

"Kanna..." Mikel asked in a daze: "What happened to him? Could it be that someone drank the polyjuice potion and pretended to be?"

"No." Kangna shook her head. In fact, she was a little confused.

Time passed like this little by little, and finally it was time to finish class.

Connor was the first to rush out of the classroom and found Kyle playing with Niffler in the Hufflepuff common room.

She ran over and sniffed carefully at Kyle's side.

"What are you doing?" Kyle couldn't help but ask.

"Looking for the smell of Polyjuice Potion," Conner said. "Well, there isn't..."

Then she sat down in a nearby armchair.

"What happened to you just now."

"Find a way to get her to put me in confinement." Kyle said: "I prepared several plans, but I didn't expect it to be completed so easily."

"You want Umbridge to put you in confinement, so you stimulate her?" Connor didn't understand even more.

"Yeah." Kyle nodded.

"Okay." Kangna said. After knowing that this was Kyle's intention, she breathed a sigh of relief. "No wonder, I have never seen you so..."

She paused and did not continue.

"You want to say mean, right?" Kyle said with a smile: "I learned this from Professor Snape, and the effect was very significant, right? She immediately became angry.

"But this is normal. After all, when it comes to being harsh and mean, none of the professors and students in the entire school can compare to Professor Snape."

"What are you talking about?" Kang Na glared at him angrily.

"But this is the truth." Kyle muttered in a low voice, but looking at Kang Na's angry look, he quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, the 'sarcastic' I said here actually means a compliment, really. "

Seeing the sincere look on Kyle's face, Kangna reluctantly believed him.

"But I don't understand why you want to be locked up."

"Because it's more convenient." Kyle said vaguely.


the next day.

In just one night, the news that Kyle had slammed the door and left in Umbridge's class had spread like wildfire, even by Hogwarts standards, the spread was surprisingly fast.

"Did you really leave halfway through?" Fred asked, sitting at the Hufflepuff table.

"Didn't you give Umbridge any face?" George asked on the other side.

As they spoke, their eyes shone with admiration that they had never seen before.

Yes, worship.

Whether it was when Kyle received the Hogwarts Special Contribution Award to the School or the Order of Merlin, they were just happy.

This is the first time I'm so excited like today.

"You all know?" Kyle asked casually.

"Ho..." George laughed strangely. "Did you think this was a question you answered in class?"

Slamming the door in the middle of the class would have become a hot topic in Hogwarts on anyone, let alone the always excellent Kyle.

"Have you taken Defense Against the Dark Arts classes?" Kyle asked.

"No." Fred shook his head.

"You'll know why I did it when you finish it," Kyle said.

He looked at the time, stood up and said, "I have to go to solitary confinement.

"By the way, Cedric, I'm not sure how long this confinement will last, so the Quidditch tryouts will be held later..."

"It doesn't matter, just leave it to us." Cedric said, looking at Kyle with some worry.

"It's okay, it's just a confinement, no big deal." Kyle said.

Then, he left the auditorium and came to Umbridge's office on the fourth floor. He knocked on the door, and a sweet voice came from inside.

"Come in."

Kyle pushed the door open and walked in.

After six owners, this office has now transformed into a different style.

Everything was covered with a lace tablecloth and several vases with dried flowers, all placed on individual little cushions.

A set of decorative plates hung on the wall, each containing a large, brightly colored cat wearing a different bow.

"Good morning." Umbridge looked at him with a smile.

"Good morning." Kyle responded enthusiastically. He naturally walked to a sofa next to him and sat down. "Do you have black tea? No sugar added. Thank you. I think the apple pie I had for breakfast was a bit too sweet. "

Umbridge was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect Kyle to be so courageous, and even asked for black tea even though he was in solitary confinement.

Who does he think he is, a waiter at the Three Broomsticks?

The fake smile on Umbridge's face was a bit unbearable. She enjoyed the feeling of being respected and flattered, but Kyle didn't take her seriously at all.

And this is true whether it was at St. Mungo's a few years ago, or at the Ministry of Magic before, or now.

"There's no black tea here, and even if there was, I wouldn't give it to you." Her voice gradually became sharp and vicious.

"Because you spread evil, despicable, sensational lies, now, I want to punish you for writing a few sentences... Of course, not with your pen, but this."

She took out a long, thin quill with a particularly sharp tip.

"If I'm not mistaken..." Kyle said, "There seems to be some kind of dark magic on this."

"Dark magic? No, no, this is just your punishment." Umbridge had that annoying smirk on her face again.

"No matter what excuse you use, Professor Dumbledore will never allow you to use dark magic items in school."

"Dumbledore can't control the Ministry of Magic!" Umbridge said viciously, "And he won't know, at least until your punishment is over, no one will know what's going on here."

"That's right..." Kyle nodded.

He slowly took out his wand and waved it casually.

The next second.


Umbridge seemed to have been slapped by an invisible giant. Her whole body flew out uncontrollably and hit the table next to her with a muffled thud.

The vase above staggered to the ground and shattered.

It was only then that Kyle said with a smile:

"Really, why didn't you tell me earlier? Since no one knows, why should I talk nonsense to you?"

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