Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 749 The trio’s new goal is to find Horcruxes

"I'm sorry, Kyle..." Harry said suddenly after leaving the principal's office.

"What?" Kyle looked at him confused, not understanding what this meant.

"It's that gold cup. I told Dumbledore that it was from you." Harry explained in a low voice: "But at first I really didn't know that it was Hufflepuff's gold cup. I thought it was just an ordinary gold cup. Just a cup.”

"So." Kyle looked at him, "You are right, it is indeed in my hand. There is nothing to apologize for."

"I made you lose that important gold cup." Harry said reproachfully, "I have read the memory about the gold cup. This is a great magic item, left by the Big Four at Hogwarts. Even Voldemort was fascinated by it.

"If I hadn't said those unnecessary words, Professor Dumbledore wouldn't have taken it away, and you could have kept it until graduation."

"Oh, this." Kyle shook his head and said nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter, even if you don't tell me, I will find a chance to tell Dumbledore.

"And didn't you hear it just now? He won't hold it forever and will give it back to me soon."

Hearing what Kyle said, Harry finally felt a little better. In fact, when he heard that Dumbledore wanted to keep the golden cup, he started to feel guilty and didn't even notice what was said next.

"To be honest, I kind of hope Professor Dumbledore doesn't return the golden cup to me." Kyle murmured softly, stroking Fox's golden-red feathers.

Only then did Harry notice that the principal's phoenix was actually carried out by Kyle. What's amazing is that it seems to be very submissive and has no intention of resisting at all.

Is Phoenix's temper so docile?

Subconsciously, Harry also reached out and wanted to touch Fawkes...or maybe he had wanted to do so for a long time.

As expected, Harry was pecked the next second.

"Ouch!" He cried out in pain and withdrew his hand faster.

A phoenix is ​​not an owl. It just needs a peck and a rub. As soon as Harry lowered his head, he saw a big swelling on his hand, as if he had been burned by a red-hot iron. It hurt even the slightest movement.

"It seems like it doesn't like me." Harry said with a grin.

"No, Fox is just a little shy." Kyle said, "If a stranger touches your hair without saying hello, you will give him a punch. This is normal."

"Is that so?" Harry blinked, suddenly feeling that it made sense.

Phoenixes are not ordinary magical animals. They are very smart, not even much worse than wizards. It seems not surprising that they pay attention to politeness.

But looking at the freshly baked bag in his hand, Harry had no intention of touching the phoenix anymore, and only glanced at Kyle with envy.

It hurt so much that he didn't want to do it again.

The two of them continued walking forward like this, with Harry deliberately falling behind and looking up at Kyle from time to time.

He suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of frustration. Kyle found something as important as a Horcrux so easily. It was as simple as picking up a stone on the ground.

Dumbledore just asked him to ask for a memory of Slughorn, which was countless times easier than finding a Horcrux, but he still had no clue.

Even he didn't know where to start.

Harry had tried Ron's method before, asking directly after a Potions class.

But in the end, all he said back to Slughorn was... "Let's discuss it!"

Then he slammed the door angrily and walked out.

After that, Slughorn didn't say a word to him for several days, and Harry kept trying to find an excuse to mend the relationship between them.

This was also the reason why he immediately wanted to find Slughorn after learning that Ron had been poisoned.

Anyway, this is a good reason.

Then the next thing happened.

Although the relationship between the two had eased a lot because of this incident, Harry still didn't know what to do.

Finally, when he came near the portrait of the Fat Lady, Harry couldn't help but ask: "Kyle, where did you buy the mead you gave Professor Slughorn in the school hospital? The Three Broomsticks?”

"That... of course not." Kyle looked at Harry, "I remember you are not yet seventeen years old, so just drink some butterbeer."

"No, it's not me." Harry shook his head quickly, "I saw Professor Slughorn liked it, so I wanted to buy a bottle. It might help me with what I'm going to do next."

"Then you can't buy it. Mead is made from the Hufflepuff Gold Cup." Kyle thought for a while, "Well, if you are in a hurry, you can go back to Professor Dumbledore now and ask him to pour it for you. One bottle.

"If you're not in a hurry, you can wait a few more days."

"No hurry, I'm not in a hurry!" Harry said quickly, not wanting to go back to find Dumbledore.

"Oh well."

As always, the two of them separated by the passage in front of the Fat Lady's portrait.

However, Kyle did not return to the common room immediately because he could not walk back and forth in the castle with a phoenix in his arms, even if it was night.

So Kyle could only find an empty room and put Fox in the box to keep company with Norbert and the others.

the next day.

The atmosphere in the school always becomes extremely dull after the weekend. Unlike the bustling auditorium yesterday, most people looked extremely dull during the meal today and yawned again and again.

"You mean, Kyle found a Horcrux, and it was also the famous Hufflepuff Gold Cup?" Hermione asked quietly from the corner of the Gryffindor table.

"Famous? Do you also know that golden cup?" Harry stuffed a piece of fried egg into his mouth.

He always thought that only he who had seen the memory knew this. For example, when he was in the dormitory yesterday, Ron only thought that it was a trophy made of gold.

"Of course I know, that is the symbol of Hufflepuff." Hermione said casually: "And there are four of those things... Gryffindor's sword, Ravenclaw's crown, Hufflepuff's golden cup, and The Slytherin lockets represent the four founders of the school.

"These are clearly written in "Hogwarts: A School History", and I dare say many people know it."

"Then you are wrong." Ron on the side took a big sip of pumpkin juice, "Only you will read the five-inch-thick book. Most other people will only look for the parts that interest them. .”

"Thank you for reminding me that I am actually interested in so much content." Hermione said angrily.

Looking at the two people who were about to quarrel, Harry acted very calmly. He might have tried to change the subject before, but now... to be honest, he was used to it.

Anyway, they had persuaded them to have a fight next time, so as long as they didn't exchange spells on the spot, Harry would pretend not to see it.

He lowered his head and carefully thought about what Hermione had just said.

"You just said, what is the symbol of Ravenclaw?"

"Ah? Oh, it's a crown." Hermione said after coming back to her senses: "It can give the wearer wisdom, and it is something that everyone desires."

"Increase wisdom?" Ron raised his head suddenly, with a bright light shining in his eyes.

"I dare say there must be many people who want it..."

"Probably." Hermione continued to eat her breakfast and said nonchalantly: "But I think this should be a legend. Only books can bring people wisdom, not a crown."

"But that is the diadem of Ravenclaw, the wisest wizard currently recognized."

"It is Ravenclaw who is wise, not her crown," Hermione said calmly: "If you want to place your hopes on that kind of thing, you might as well read more books."

"But the crown can give people wisdom, isn't that what the book says?" Ron retorted.

Hermione opened her mouth but stopped talking.

Because Ron was right, this was indeed what was written in the book.

While the two of them were talking, Harry lowered his head and said nothing.

"Harry..." Ron pushed him, "What are you thinking about."

"I was thinking about something that I had ignored before." Harry raised his head and lowered his voice: "Yesterday when we were in the principal's office, Kyle said something like this... He said that a gold cup is like a crown. It was Voldemort's Horcrux, which he found and handed over to Mr. Nicoléme."

"Nicolas Flamel!" Ron couldn't help raising his voice, "Is it the Nicolés Flamel who owns the Philosopher's Stone?"

"It should be true, but that's not the point." Harry said seriously. "The point is the previous sentence, "It's the same as the crown." "This means..."

"Ravenclaw's diadem was also made into a Horcrux by Voldemort!" Hermione blurted out,

"That's right." Harry nodded, "And it was also found by Kyle, even before the Gold Cup."

The surrounding area immediately became quiet.

Harry didn't know what to say. He originally thought it would be great for Kyle to find one Horcrux, but now he knew that Kyle didn't just find one Horcrux, but two!

"In that case..." Ron asked: "Has Kyle already obtained that Ravenclaw helmet?"

"It's a crown, not a helmet!" Hermione corrected.

"I think it should have been, if it hadn't been taken away by Headmaster Dumbledore like a gold cup," Harry said.

Neither Kyle nor Dumbledore said much about this topic, so he didn't know the specific situation and could only guess.

At this time, Ron seemed to have thought of something, and asked tentatively: "Do you think Kyle is so smart, maybe it has something to do with the head... well, the crown."

"Absolutely impossible!" Hermione said categorically, "Even if that so-called crown can really increase the user's wisdom, have you ever seen Kyle wear it?"

"Well, no." Ron thought for a moment and shook his head.

The same goes for Harry next to him.

They really haven't seen it.

And as one of the most talked-about students in the school, Kyle would definitely be noticed if he suddenly wore a crown, but so far, they had heard nothing about it.

"And the most important thing." Hermione continued: "Kyle has always been number one in grade since he entered school, and his performance has been very stable. It's not like your performance in Potions class, which suddenly got better one day. .”

"What does this have to do with us?" Ron muttered quietly, pretending not to understand what Hermione meant.

Because of that notebook, he stole the show in Slughorn's Potions class and got top marks almost every time. This feeling was something he had never experienced before.

It's a pity that there is only one set of notes. It would be better if other classes could do this.

Ron thought for a while and asked in a low voice: "Do you think Kyle would be willing to lend us the crown?"

"I know what you are thinking..." Hermione looked at him seriously, "But I advise you to give up this idea. You cannot expect to use a crown to increase your wisdom."

Ron didn't speak, but judging from his evasive eyes, it was obvious that he didn't agree with Hermione very much.

"Hermione is right." Harry nodded.

Seeing both of them saying this, Ron turned his head and whispered: "I don't want to wear a crown, I'm just curious. That's something left by Ravenclaw, aren't you curious?"

"I..." Hermione wanted to say that she wasn't curious, but she really couldn't. She could only nod helplessly, "Okay, actually, I also want to see it."

"But it's definitely impossible for Kyle to lend something like the Ravenclaw Diadem to anyone else." Harry looked at Ron and said. "Would you borrow it if it were you?"

"No." Ron blurted out: "Except you two, of course."

"Thank you very much," Hermione said perfunctorily.

"You're welcome."

"I have an idea." At this moment, Harry suddenly looked at Hermione and said, "You just said that every founder of the academy left a magic item, right?"

"Yeah." Hermione nodded.

"In that case," Harry said, "could it be that the remaining swords and lockets have also been made into Horcruxes by Voldemort..."

Hearing the name, Ron shivered at first, and then thought about Harry's words.

"You are right." Hermione also reacted, raised her head and said: "Since the gold cup and the crown have been made into Horcruxes, there is no reason why Voldemort would give up the other two."

"Let's go look for it." Harry said solemnly, "Let's go find the sword and the locket. Kyle can find both by himself, but there are three of us."

"You're right." Ron became visibly excited, but soon he became a little discouraged.

"How are we going to find it... Gryffindor's sword cannot be placed in the dormitory, right? There is also a locket. Can we still enter the Slytherin common room?"

"There's always a way," Harry said. "And you won't know until you look for it."

As if he had suddenly shouldered some kind of sacred mission, he felt like he had endless strength all over his body.

"I'm going to the library. It should be recorded in "Hogwarts: A School History"!" Hermione stood up suddenly, not even eating breakfast, and walked straight out of the auditorium.

"I'm going to help too." Harry followed closely.

Ron thought for a moment and followed.

When Kyle came to have breakfast, he happened to meet them at the door. Because he was running too fast, he almost got hit. Fortunately, Kangna next to him pulled him in time.

"Feel sorry……"

Kyle only heard Harry say this, and then the three of them ran away.

"I was shocked." Kyle turned around and glanced, "What happened to them?"

"I don't know, maybe I forgot to bring something." Kangna said next to her.

"All three of them have forgotten?" Kyle didn't understand, but didn't think much about it. He just felt that they were still...well, quite energetic.

"By the way, where did we just talk?" Kyle asked.

"Horcruxes," said Connor.

"Here you go." She handed an exquisite locket to Kyle, "So, this is why the mysterious man can be resurrected?"

"Yes." Kyle said, "He divided his soul into several parts. If you want to kill him, you must first solve these troubles."

"I remember you asked Slughorn about the Horcruxes before. Do you think he taught this to the mysterious man?"

"It's very possible." Kyle said, "Professor Dumbledore showed me a memory where he asked Slughorn how to make a Horcrux.

"But that memory has been altered, and it's clear that Slughorn has a guilty conscience."

"It's incredible. I didn't expect this kind of magic." Kangna looked at the locket in Kyle's hand, "Then the soul fragments on it..."

"It's been solved," Kyle said. "Nico used an ancient magic potion. It's quite convenient, but it takes a little long."

"What ancient magic potion is it?"

"I don't know either," Kyle said. "I didn't ask at the time. I handed the things to him and left."

"The book Nico gave me also contains some records about ancient potions, but I may not be able to get through it yet." Kangna said, "But I can try, maybe it can help you. If it doesn't work, I You can also ask Professor Snape for help."

"No need." Kyle shook his head, "The Horcruxes have been almost destroyed, so there's no need to bother with the rest."

"Have they all been destroyed?" Connor asked doubtfully: "The crown, the gold cup, the locket... Logically speaking, shouldn't there be a sword? Gryffindor's sword."

"That thing." Kyle said with a smile, "That thing was not lost. It has always been in the school, so Voldemort had no chance to make it into a Horcrux."

"Is the sword in the school?"

"Yes, and it's in the principal's office, under the supervision of the principal." Kyle said, "If you're interested, I can get it for you, but if you ask me, that thing is really nothing to look at. It's just a hand made by a goblin. Just weapons.

"In addition to being beautiful and sharp, its biggest feature is that it can absorb all abilities that can strengthen itself. It sounds very powerful, but for most people, a wand is definitely more convenient."

"It's just a goblin weapon?" Kangna looked a little disappointed, "I thought it was a wand that looked like a sword."

"Haha." Kyle laughed.

If that was the case, no, even if he could just stick the wand into the sword, he would be willing to exchange everything, including the gold cup and the locket.

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