Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 751 One-day trip to Hogwarts

"Where is this?"

Kyle raised his head in confusion and looked at the corridor in front of him.

It looked a bit like a castle, but it was completely different from the one in his memory. At least the castle in his memory didn't look so... new?

It's as if everything in front of you has been washed with water and then coated with a layer of wax. Everything you see in front of you is more than a little brighter.

Let's put it this way, it's like comparing Sirius's fancy new car with Mr. Weasley's nine-hand old Ford. The difference is clear at a glance.

Moreover, even the position of the picture frame on the wall has changed. Every picture is new. Even the gold paint on the corners has not changed color, and it is dazzling under the sunlight.

Kyle was certain that this was definitely not the Hogwarts Castle he remembered.

But didn't he just take one step?

"Come with me?" Ravenclaw's voice came to my ears.

Not the kind of voice that comes directly to your head, but something real.

As soon as Kyle turned his head, he saw a tall witch standing next to him.

The witch's face was cold and calm, just like the Rowena Ravenclaw he had seen in the Chamber of Secrets.

"Where is this?" Kyle asked again, and an idea suddenly came to his mind, "It couldn't be Hogwarts a thousand years ago."

"No, this is where you want it to be," Ravenclaw said.

"The Room of Requirement?"

"Is that what you call it?" Ravenclaw said calmly: "This is what I left behind. It can be regarded as Ravenclaw's secret room.

"And its particularity is that it can simulate a certain environment in my memory. So strictly speaking, you are still in school."

"It's incredible." Kyle touched the guardrail next to him, and it felt like it was real.

No, it should be said that it is real, another Hogwarts recreated in the Room of Requirement.

"But wasn't I on the second floor just now?"

"It's just a little trick, come with me."

Ravenclaw walked straight forward, and Kyle quickly followed behind.

Along the way, he discovered that he was not the only one here. There were many students walking around in the castle. They seemed to be conscious and would say hello to Ravenclaw when they passed by.

It wasn't until Kyle watched his hand pass through a person that he was sure that these were all fake.

This feeling is like entering a huge pensieve, both true and false, very strange.

Kyle even saw Godric Gryffindor, wearing a red cloak, teaching students to practice swordsmanship in a classroom, and what he held in his hand was the silver elf sword.

"This is your tutoring place." Ravenclaw said, "You can audit all the classes here...

"In addition, in terms of content, I have made corresponding modifications and translated it to a level that you can understand. The only restriction is that you cannot ask questions and can only listen. As for how much you can understand, it is up to you."

Kyle's eyes lit up and he immediately approached the door of the nearest classroom, which was the classroom where Gryffindor was.

At this time, Gryffindor had defeated three students in a row. He proudly put three belt-like cloth ropes on the tip of his sword and waved them, full of the showoff and provocation of a winner.

The three defeated students were standing nearby, holding their pants with shame and anger on their faces.

"Hey, Rowena." Gryffindor shouted excitedly towards the door: "Look at me..."

Ravenclaw returned and waved his hand expressionlessly, as if wiping off a piece of dirt on the table... Then everyone in the classroom disappeared, and so did Godric Gryffindor.

"You don't need to learn this." She was silent for a moment before continuing: "Swordsmanship only plays a supporting role for a wizard. Even Godric himself uses the wand more often. Only when he thinks When victory is certain, he will draw his sword."

"Well, I don't think it's necessary to learn this either." Kyle nodded in agreement, and then walked towards the next classroom without looking back.

In this classroom is a completely unfamiliar professor, with a stooped body and a bald head, looking like Old Tom from the Leaky Cauldron.

But they are certainly not the same person.

The other party was probably teaching a magic class. After listening to it for a while, Kyle felt dizzy.

Because the spell classes here were completely different from what he was familiar with. They all required the assistance of magic words instead of reciting spells.

As for the content, it's quite different. It's not that the power is great, it's just that Kyle has never heard of those magic spells.

He listened for twenty minutes, then frowned and began to hesitate whether to leave.

Just when Kyle was confused, the voice of the old wizard on the stage changed, and the unfamiliar spell suddenly turned into the ice-making spell he was familiar with.

Kyle blinked and said "translation" as Ravenclaw said. Does it have such a meaning?

But after talking about it, Kyle was quite happy.

Ancient spells... Although they sound very stylish, they were all spells selected based on the general environment at that time, and they were really not suitable for the era in which he lived.

Including the "Vulcan Clears the Way" that Kyle learned, it was actually improved by Dumbledore, and the effect of the original version may be even more exaggerated.

Take the untranslated curse just now.

The freezing spell, used in conjunction with the magic text, can freeze all creatures within a mile within one second, turning them into ice sculptures.

It sounds very powerful... but the problem is that it cannot distinguish between friend and foe. After all, this is not playing a game, but really changing the environment.

When the old professor was demonstrating, his whole body, like the rabbit in front of him, was covered with a layer of hard white frost.

It wasn't until a magic text suddenly lit up on his body that the white frost melted again.

Kyle had read about this in a book... Carving magic symbols on one's body was the most popular method in the wizarding world a thousand years ago.

This method can make the power of the spell more powerful and transform itself into another form of spell to avoid being affected by this situation.

But no matter which book, the dangers of this approach are marked.

Because the magic symbols engraved on the body will fade...or should we say they are demons? In short, such a delicate thing, even if it is just missing a corner, or is a little fatter, stretching out the symbol painted on the body, it may become the completely opposite meaning.

At that time, it will be difficult to say whether those magic texts are still "protective".

If you are lucky, it may be due to magic conflict, and you can just lie down for a few months. If you are not lucky... it may explode on the spot.

To put it bluntly, this is dancing on a tightrope.

At the same time, this is also the reason why magic spells were quickly replaced by magic spells. Although it lacks power, it is safe enough, and if used well, it may not be inferior to magic spells.

Like rewinding a movie, when the freezing spell turned into an ice-making spell, everything in the classroom began to go backwards quickly, and soon it became what it was like when Kyle first entered.

"Tom," the old professor said in a hoarse voice: "Although this kind of magic spell has a general effect, it can also play an important role at critical moments when combined with the vigilance magic text."

"Remember, magic text is always faster than sight, and more importantly, it has no blind spots." At this point, the old professor slowly raised his head, as if he was telling Kyle specifically.

Each class here is about an hour.

After finishing one class, Kyle immediately came to another classroom.

I don't know whether it's because of the size limit or it's just the way it is, but the classrooms here are all together, and there's no need to go up or downstairs. It's just a two-step walk away, which saves a lot of time.

Later, Kyle took another transfiguration class and became a witch.

To be honest, Kyle felt that she was not as good as Professor McGonagall because her transformation skills were all directed at herself, such as giving herself a tiger's head and bear's arms.

But thinking about it carefully, this seems to have been popular at that time...

What interests Kyle the most is actually the magic text class.

Different from the ancient rune class he had attended, where there were only a dozen people in a grade, the magic script and symbols here were compulsory courses, everyone had to take them, and they used the largest classroom.

All students sit together at once, almost thirty people...

"When you use the magic text, you must not memorize it by rote. You must think carefully about what it means here and why it cannot be replaced with other similar magic words."

An unsmiling wizard stood at the front and said loudly: "When you truly understand the meaning of the person who wrote this magic formula, then when you use it again, you will be very comfortable and don't need to think at all. "

Inexplicably, Kyle always had a very familiar feeling, but he couldn't tell where it was familiar, so Kyle quickly gave up and listened intently to the class with the others.

Until an hour later, the classroom door suddenly opened.

Kyle, who has experienced it twice, knows that this is the end of get out of class.

Just when Kyle was about to leave and go to the next classroom, everyone disappeared out of thin air.

Ravenclaw walked in from outside.

"How?" she asked.

“It’s been quite rewarding,” Kyle said.

This completely different teaching system made him feel very fresh.

"Yes, it seems you can keep up." Ravenclaw said, "But today's class is over."

She pointed outside the window, and Kyle realized that it was getting dark at some point.

"Can I stay a little longer?" Kyle asked. "The house elves in the kitchen should be able to deliver food to the Room of Requirement."

"No, and it's not necessary."

Ravenclaw walked out of the classroom.

Kyle originally thought she was taking him out of the Room of Requirement, but soon discovered that she was heading upstairs.

The two of them went up the stairs and passed by a middle-aged wizard with a sinister expression.

Kyle also met him, Salazar Slytherin...

Behind him was a group of students, all of whom were looking down at the books or parchments in their hands, as if they didn't care about anything around them?

"They are the purest wizards." Ravenclaw's voice came again, "They shoulder the mission of the family and are always exploring the mysteries of magic."

"But to me, they look more like Ravenclaw," Kyle said. "I mean...Ravenclaw house."

"Ravenclaw seeks the truth."

It was still a dull voice.

Kyle couldn't tell for a moment whether she was talking about himself or the college's philosophy.

In this way, the two of them arrived at the highest tower of the castle. Even the height of the stairs was exactly the same. It was like Hogwarts in Hogwarts...

This was also the first time Kyle knew that the Room of Requirement could actually create such a large space.

A minute later, Ravenclaw stopped in front of a door.

"What is wisdom?" the raven knocker on the door asked, opening his mouth.

Kyle vaguely remembered that the door knocker in the Ravenclaw common room was an eagle head. Was it changed later?

Before he could think about it, he saw Ravenclaw turn slightly and give up a position.

"Shall I do it?" Kyle asked, pointing to himself.

"Just a little test." Ravenclaw said. "I have always thought that you would be more suitable in my house."

"Okay." Kyle stepped forward and thought for a moment, "Ravenclaw is wisdom."

There was no movement on the raven door knocker, but Kyle noticed a gaze suddenly falling on him.

"Why is this thing so ignorant?" Kyle muttered in his heart.

The Ravenclaws are here. What a great opportunity. I didn't know how to seize it. No wonder it was later replaced by an eagle-headed door knocker.

Kyle complained a few words in his mind, but the knocker remained silent.

There was no other way, Kyle could only take a deep breath and said solemnly:

"Wisdom is a kind of thinking ability that life possesses based on physiology and psychology, including the ability to perceive, understand, remember, analyze, and judge things..."

Kyle spoke word by word, and with each additional word, the expression of the Ravenclaw next to him would change more.

"So to sum up, wisdom is the ability to correctly understand, judge, and invent and create things."

Before Kyle could even finish speaking, the Raven Knocker turned its head and opened with a click.

Kyle turned around.

"The answer is very detailed." Ravenclaw said, "I think Godric, Salazar and Helga would be very willing to accept you into the academy."

"Forget the first one, I don't want to be picked for the belt." Kyle shrugged.

The corners of Ravenclaw's mouth seemed to have a slight arc, which was very small and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Kyle even thought it was his imagination.

The Ravenclaw did not enter the common room, but simply reached out and took off the raven knocker and handed it to Kyle.

"This is the key." She said, "The memory here will last for a period of time. During this period, there will only be this one room here. Only the person with the key can come in. You can come back at any time."

Kyle quickly reached out and took the raven knocker.

"But if I take this away, what will happen to the common room?"

No one answered, Ravenclaw just looked at him silently.

"Have you forgotten that this is the Room of Requirement, not the real Hogwarts... You don't think I can put things from a thousand years ago into my memory and bring them here."

Kyle immediately closed his mouth and scratched his hair in embarrassment.

He really forgot.

In the Room of Requirement, he could have wanted a hundred raven knockers.

Whether those door knockers can be used as keys is another matter.

Then Kyle reappeared in the foyer.

The castle door was closed tightly, and it didn't take much to figure out that this should be the exit from the Room of Requirement.

"I'll be away for a while. Do you have any questions?" Ravenclaw asked.

"There is one..." Kyle said quickly, "Can I bring someone else here for class?"

"You can, but I don't recommend you do it."

Ravenclaw said, "Although I have translated the content, the essence of those courses is still based on magic text. This is the basis and cannot be changed.

"People who don't know enough about the magic text won't be able to understand it, and may even cause a certain degree of magic disorder due to the conflict of ideas. The gain outweighs the loss."

"Okay." Kyle nodded.

He also remembered that in the first spells class, the old professor kept talking about magic words.

If he hadn't had the experience of studying Vulcan to open the way and reading Merlin's letters, I'm afraid it would have been very difficult to understand.

"Then that's it, maybe at another time, I will find you again." Ravenclaw waved his hand.

Then Kyle found himself in the corridor on the eighth floor of the school.

The faded picture frames on the wall, the dim railings, and the three familiar faces in front of him all clearly showed that he had returned to the Hogwarts he was familiar with.

Kyle subconsciously touched his head. As expected, the crown was gone.


A scream sounded in his ears, bringing Kyle back to his senses.

"Kyle? When did you show up here?" Harry looked at Kyle in shock, as if he was startled.

"Just now." Kyle looked at Harry, Hermione and Ron calmly and said, "I just came out of the Room of Requirement. Didn't you see it?"

"Huh?" Harry and the three looked at each other.

"Is that so?" They really didn't see it.

However, Harry and Hermione just pretended not to notice, but Ron immediately looked at the top of Kyle's head.

Then he fell into doubt.

No crown?

How is this possible?

Did he really get it wrong before?

"It turns out you're in there. No wonder I haven't been able to open the door to the Room of Requirement." At this time, Harry said.

"What's that in your hand?"

"Ah, this." Kyle raised his hand and looked at the raven door knocker, "I found it inside and took it out because I thought it was interesting."

With that said, Kyle put it into the pocket of his robe and asked at the same time: "Has dinner started?"

"It should be soon," Harry said.

"Then I'm going to the auditorium first." Kyle said, "What about you, do you want to come together?"

"We'll wait a moment," Harry said.

He wanted to find something in the Room of Requirement before dinner started.

But what Harry didn't expect was that after he walked back and forth in the corridor three times, the door to the Room of Requirement still didn't appear.

And he tried it several times in a row.

"That's weird." Harry scratched his hair for no apparent reason and muttered in a low voice, "Didn't Kyle come out already? Is there anyone else inside?"

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