Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 756 Kyle’s Curse

I don’t know how Myrtle described it, but the professors came quickly and looked very anxious.

In order to save time to open the door, Snape even took out his wand from a distance... The door Kyle had just repaired was blown apart again in the blink of an eye.

This time the damage was more complete, leaving nothing behind. Countless pieces of wood flew into the bathroom and landed on the water pipes, making a clanging sound.

The next second, Snape rushed in. He looked at Malfoy who was entangled in the water pipe like a silkworm chrysalis, his face was ashen.

"Do you know what you are doing!" Snape roared at Kyle: "Using magic to attack classmates at school... No matter what the reason is, this is extremely excessive behavior..."

While he was talking, Professor McGonagall also ran over.

She was also angry, but much calmer than Snape. She just took a look at the situation in the bathroom and roughly understood what was going on.

"Severus..." Professor McGonagall tried to remind Snape, but received no response from him.

"This behavior is a serious violation of school rules. I can expel you now!" Snape stared at Kyle, seeming to regard him as the culprit of all this.

"Professor, you are mistaken."

At this time, Hermione also reacted.

Although Snape had a scary expression on his face, she still stepped forward and said bravely: "The ones fighting were Harry and Malfoy. Kyle and I both came over after hearing the noise... In fact, it was still Kyle. I separated them."

Snape didn't seem to expect Hermione to say that, his expression froze, and he was stunned on the spot.

"Not you?" He looked at Kyle suspiciously.

"Of course not." Kyle shrugged, "Harry and I are friends, why should we beat him up."

Yes, Snape then noticed that there was also a Harry Potter entangled in the water pipe.

The main reason is that the scene just now was too scary. There was a mess all over the ground, Malfoy was locked and unable to move, and Kyle was holding a wand.

Snape subconsciously felt that Kyle couldn't wait any longer and was ready to attack Malfoy.

Although Dumbledore had promised that Kyle would not cause trouble to Malfoy, Snape did not fully believe it and had been worried that such a day would come.

He was afraid that Malfoy would be killed directly by Kyle, so in desperation, the scene just happened.

Now that the truth was revealed, he was still a little embarrassed.

But after seeing Kyle's half-smiling expression, Snape immediately became serious again.

"Why don't you explain, don't you think it's fun to fool the professor?"

"I never thought about it that way." Kyle said with raised eyebrows, "It's just that Professor, you didn't give me a chance to explain... The door blew up as soon as you came. With such a big movement, I thought you were here to arrest me. How dare you speak as a Death Eater?"

Snape's face turned from green to red, and then back to livid again. He felt like Kyle was laughing at him.

"Severus, he is right, you are indeed too impatient." Professor McGonagall stepped forward and stood between the two of them.

From the moment she came here, she knew that this matter had nothing to do with Kyle.

There are too many traces, traces of magic everywhere.

To put it bluntly, if Kyle really wanted to attack Malfoy and Harry, he wouldn't have made such a big fuss.

Being interrupted by Professor McGonagall, Snape couldn't say anything else. He just raised his head and looked around for something.

He's looking for Myrtle.

He wouldn't be so anxious if the ghost hadn't filled the castle shouting, "There's been a murder! There's been a murder in the bathroom!"

But Myrtle also realized this and had already gone into the sewer to hide.

"They need to go to the school hospital." Professor McGonagall said. "As for their punishment... Principal Dumbledore will come back tonight. Let him make the decision then."

Snape had no objection to his decision and took out his wand to put Malfoy down.

But an embarrassing scene happened at this time. He couldn't open the water pipe on Malfoy.

The curse seemed to have completely lost its effect, falling lightly on the water pipes, like a breeze, and dispersed with a snap.

Malfoy was still tied up.

Snape tried two more different spells, again with no effect.

For a moment, the atmosphere became a little awkward.

"Professor, can't you solve it?" Kyle asked pretending to be confused, "Do you need help?"

"Shut up!" Snape said through gritted teeth, his voice forced out from between his teeth.

He dared to use his career of more than ten years to guarantee that Kyle must have done it on purpose.

But there was nothing he could do. A professor couldn't lift a student's curse. No matter what the reason was, it was a very embarrassing thing.

At the same time, Professor McGonagall, who was preparing to put Harry down, also encountered the same situation.

However, after discovering that the curse was useless, she quickly thought of another situation and used her wand to tap Harry's body back and forth for a while.

This time the pipe came loose quickly.

Harry fell to the ground and staggered to his feet, clutching his arms.

"That's great. It seems like you've learned well." Professor McGonagall said, with a hint of joy in her tone that Harry didn't understand.

But she soon regained her composure, "Follow me, Potter, we will discuss your questions later... Move quickly, Severus, what are you still hesitating about?"

Snape didn't answer, just frowned.

Just when he was hesitating to cut open those strong water pipes, Professor McGonagall walked to the door and waved her wand again.

Malfoy also fell.

No need to worry about it now.

Snape glared at Kyle fiercely, then helped Malfoy out.

When passing Kyle, Malfoy trembled all over and couldn't help but speed up.

When he was entangled in those water pipes just now, he really felt fear. The feeling that life and death depended on other people's thoughts made him go crazy.

Even after being put down now, his legs were still weak and he could only move with Snape's support.

But Kyle didn't care at all.

Since he had promised Dumbledore, he would not cause trouble for Malfoy in school. This time was purely a coincidence, and the purpose was to prevent him and Harry from continuing to fight.

In the situation just now, if he hadn't taken action in time, both Harry and Malfoy would have been carried to the school hospital.

The only thing that was hard for Kyle to accept was that even though he helped so much, he didn't even get any points from the academy.

Kyle walked out of the bathroom a little disappointed and prepared to go back to the common room.

"You two, come here too!" Professor McGonagall's voice came from behind.

Hearing this, Kyle had no choice but to turn around and follow him.

As one of the regular visitors to the school hospital, Madam Pomfrey was already used to Harry's arrival.

She skillfully inspected their bodies.

"How is it?" Professor McGonagall asked: "They are not injured."

"No problem, just a little scratch," Madam Pomfrey said.

The most common bruises on both of their bodies were scratches. In addition, Harry's legs were a little stiff, which was the result of the leg-locking curse. There were also bruises on Malfoy's back. Kyle guessed that he had been hit by a repelling curse and then hit the wall.

But these are minor problems, and they might have been cured if they had come later.

Madam Pomfrey brought a jar of white essence and motioned the two of them to apply it to the injured area.

During this period, Professor McGonagall also learned the whole story from Hermione, and also knew that Harry and Malfoy were fighting before Kyle went.

But she wasn't prepared to care. Just like she said just now... leave everything to Dumbledore.

"Professor..." Hermione glanced at Professor McGonagall, "Can I just take care of Harry here?"

"If Madam Pomfrey has no objection, yes." Professor McGonagall thought for a moment and said, "But you'd better watch Potter and don't let him run around. I think when the principal comes back, he will have a lot of questions to think about. ask him."

After saying that, Professor McGonagall left the school hospital.

Snape glanced at them and left, but he added a curtain around Malfoy's bed to separate the two sides, and at the same time looked at Kyle.

"It's time for you to return to the castle."

"But Professor, I also want to take care of Harry here." Kyle said. He was curious about why Harry fought with Malfoy, and he also knew that Harry would definitely tell Hermione.

"No need, the campus hospital needs to be quiet, Miss Granger alone is enough." Snape insisted, making it clear that he didn't want Kyle to stay here.

After leaving the school hospital, the two walked side by side on the way back to the castle.

"Professor, actually you don't need to be so nervous." Kyle suddenly said: "No matter what, I will never do anything to Malfoy in the school hospital."

Snape did not speak, but quickened his pace, then turned around and disappeared down the stairs to the underground classroom.

At the same time, in the school hospital, after the professors had returned to the castle, Malfoy was about to walk out when Madam Pomfrey wasn't paying attention.

"Where are you going!" Hermione stopped in front of him warily.

"Professor McGonagall just said that you have to wait here for Principal Dumbledore to come back."

"Shut up, you filthy..."

Before he could finish speaking, Harry next to him took out his wand again.

Malfoy seemed to have thought of something, and closed his mouth angrily. He did not say the next words, but just pushed Hermione aside impatiently, "No one said that you must stay in a place like this. Get out of the way. Don't block it." road!"

With that said, he left without looking back.

Not far away, Madam Pomfrey came over after hearing the noise and did not stop her.

Because Professor McGonagall only told them not to run around, but did not say that they must stay in the school hospital, and his slight skin injury did not require hospitalization.

Seeing that Madam Pomfrey had no objection, Harry jumped out of bed and walked towards the door.

"Harry, you can't, Professor McGonagall said..."

"Come on, Hermione, who knows when Professor Dumbledore will come back, I can't wait here all afternoon." Harry said.

Hermione was a little irritated, but had no choice but to stamp her feet and follow him.

"What happened?" she asked.

"Malfoy must have a secret." Harry looked around and whispered after making sure no one was around: "I saw him sneaking up on the seventh floor."

"So you just followed?"

"Of course." Harry blurted out: "I always have to find out what he is doing."

"You haven't given up yet?" Hermione said impatiently, "I already told him that he can't do anything in school."

"That's not necessarily true, what if Snape helps him." Harry said, "Professors always have much greater power than students, don't they?

"And you saw this time, Snape had no intention of punishing him."

"That's because Professor McGonagall left the decision to Principal Dumbledore." Hermione glanced at him and didn't bother to say anything else.

"So you discovered something and actually got into a fight. You even used the Crushing Curse. Do you know how serious this is? You might really be expelled."

"It was Malfoy who made the move first," Harry said. "I saw him crying in the bathroom, and then he attacked me involuntarily. I also wanted to protect myself."

"Wait, what did you say Malfoy was doing in the bathroom?" Hermione asked confused, thinking she heard wrong.

"He's crying." Harry said. "Actually, I find it a bit unbelievable, but this is the truth. I saw it with my own eyes. Myrtle was comforting him next to him.

"What Malfoy said at that time was that no one could help him... and that someone was going to kill him."

"Who wants to kill Malfoy?"

"I don't know." Harry shook his head, "That's when I heard this, and then I was discovered by Malfoy in the mirror. You must not know that Malfoy wanted to use the Cruciatus Curse on me at that time."

"This is impossible!" Hermione shouted: "That is an Unforgivable Curse. If it is used on other wizards, the consequences will be much more serious than violating school rules."

"I know, but he did." Harry recalled the scene at that time, "If I hadn't interrupted his spell with the repelling spell in time, I would have been hit.

"But now that I think about it, I should have let him finish the spell. As you said, if he used the Unforgivable Curse, even Snape would definitely not be able to protect him."

Withstanding the Cruciatus Curse once could lead to Malfoy being expelled. In Harry's opinion, this was a very good deal.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Hermione scolded: "That's the Unforgivable Curse. Just look at Katie Bell. She was only hit by the Imperius Curse once and was treated at St. Mungo's for several months."

"Don't be so nervous, Hermione, I was just joking." Harry said hurriedly.

Seeing that Hermione was still unyielding, he could only change the subject and said, "By the way, where did you meet Kyle."

This trick really works.

"On the sixth floor, he was wandering around in the castle." Hermione said, "You should be lucky that Kyle is not far from the seventh floor, so he could rush there as soon as possible to separate you and Malfoy, otherwise you would never have thought of leaving standing. school clinic.

"Exploding Curse and Crushing Curse, what do you think, are you going to kill each other?"

Hermione began to scold Harry again, saying that he shouldn't be so impulsive and should go to the professor immediately.

Harry didn't refute this time, and he was actually a little lucky, because he knew very well that he couldn't dodge Malfoy's blasting curse at that time.

Speaking of this, Harry could not help but think of the scene where Kyle turned their magic spells into ravens with a wave of his hand.

He had never heard of that kind of magic.

"Hermione, do you know what spell Kyle used?"

Hermione, who was chatting incessantly, suddenly became quiet. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but Harry noticed that she seemed a little embarrassed.

"I, I don't know," Hermione said hesitantly.

In fact, at that time, because she couldn't bear to see Harry's blood splattered on the spot, she subconsciously closed her eyes and didn't even see what magic Kyle used.

But she didn't want Harry to know this, so she could only bite the bullet and said: "It should be some kind of magic that Kyle found in the library.

"He hasn't gone to class in the past month or so. He must be reading in the library. It's not surprising that he has learned some strange magic."

"Then do you know which book it is?" Harry asked.

He was so curious that he could dissolve the opponent's spell with a wave of his hand. This kind of magic was even more elegant than the disarming spell. Harry had no reason not to be tempted.

He even thought that after he learned that magic, he would play a trick on Malfoy when he faced him again.

"If you want to learn, just go to the library and look for it yourself, don't ask me everything!" Hermione said angrily, "And what you should be thinking about now is not the curse, but how to face Principal Dumbledore, don't let He fired you!"

"I told you, Malfoy was the one who struck first. I can't just stand still and let him hit me."

Facing Hermione who suddenly became angry again, although Harry couldn't figure it out, he could only spread his hands and said:

"If Professor Dumbledore fires me because I want to protect myself, then there is nothing I can do."

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