Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 763 Plans and Changes

In the Charms class, Professor Flitwick spent ten minutes repeating several key points of the spells, and then asked everyone to start practicing.

Soon there was a sound of chanting incantations in the classroom, mixed with noisy discussions, which was very lively.

Most people just waved their wands a few times while chatting, and Professor Flitwick didn't pay much attention. He just went over to correct someone when they made a mistake.

But halfway through the course, a milky white head suddenly stuck out from the outside along the wall.

"I'm sorry, Filius, to disturb your class." Hufflepuff's ghost fat monk said, "But the principal has something to ask of Kyle. Can he go to the principal's office now?"

The classroom fell silent instantly, and everyone looked at Kyle curiously.

"No problem at all."

Professor Flitwick, who was correcting Ryan's gesture, immediately said: "Go quickly, these simple spells will certainly not be a problem for you, right?"

Kyle nodded, stood up, left the classroom, and came to the corridor outside.

"Friar, what does the principal want from me?" he asked, looking at the ghost next to him.

"I don't know." The fat monk shook his head and said, "I met Albus in the hall. At that time, he was sending people from the Ministry of Magic away. He didn't say why. He just asked me to call you over."

"Thank you," Kyle said.

"You're welcome." After the fat monk said it, he passed through the ground like diving and disappeared.

Kyle went all the way to the eighth floor.

The door to the principal's office was open, and he walked straight in without saying the password.

The people from the Ministry of Magic had left. Dumbledore was sitting behind the desk, and the portraits of the previous headmasters were snoring in the frame.

Just like what Kangna said, he seemed to have been awake all night, with a look of deep exhaustion on his face.

"You're here, take a seat." Dumbledore pointed to a chair in front of him.

"Would you like some black tea?"

"No." Kyle shook his head.

"Okay, but I might have to do it a little bit," Dumbledore said. "As you get older, staying up all night is really not a pleasant thing."

After that, there was a cup of hot black tea on the table, and Dumbledore added a full plate of sugar cubes to it as usual.

"You must have a lot of questions to ask." He picked up the black tea and took a sip. "Just in time, I have some time now, so I should be able to answer some questions for you."

"Are you sure you don't need to take a nap first?" Kyle looked at the fatigue on Dumbledore's face, "I'm actually not that anxious."

"No need," said Dumbledore, "I have to go to Grimmauld Place in half an hour, and I will rest there then."

"All right."

Kyle nodded and was wondering where to start when Dumbledore spoke first.

"Let's start with the Room of Requirement... Yes, just as you thought, I blocked the exit and put a plate in it that can be connected to the kitchen."

"When." Kyle asked doubtfully, "Why don't I have any impression at all?"

"I've only been there once," said Dumbledore. "I did all this while you were paying attention."

"How is this done?" Kyle said. "This is the first time I know that the Room of Requirement can actually close automatically."

"It's a bit of the principal's privilege," Dumbledore said. "It just so happened that I found the original Hogwarts map in the library at that time, and the location of the Room of Requirement was marked on it. and how to use it.

"The principal can move the magic on that wall to other places by changing the way the castle's magic is distributed. Without the magic, the door will naturally not appear."

Kyle was stunned.

No wonder, the entire Room of Requirement relies on the magic of Hogwarts Castle to operate... If the entire Hogwarts was a painting, Dumbledore's method was equivalent to using a knife to open the door directly.

In this case, even if Kyle has the key, it will be useless.

"Speaking of which, I do have a question." Dumbledore raised his head, "How did you come out? I just saw it, and there is still no magic in that place."

"Because Rowena Ravenclaw's memory ended." Kyle said, "The Room of Requirement was built based on her memory at that time, and it will naturally disappear after the memory ends."

Just like Dumbledore's accidental discovery of the Hogwarts map, Kyle's departure from the Room of Requirement was equally serendipitous.

Because the Room of Requirement theoretically does not exist without demand, and after the room was disbanded, Kyle, the redundant person, was naturally kicked out.

This is a rule of the Room of Requirement itself, regardless of whether there is a door or not.

"Is this still the case?"

After listening to Kyle's explanation, Dumbledore was stunned for a moment, obviously it was the first time he heard it.

"Ravenclaw mentioned something when she took me there for the first time." Kyle explained: "I asked her how long this memory would last, but she didn't say, she just told me that I could stay in there and wait for the memory to disappear. When the time comes, the Room of Requirement will send me out.”

Dumbledore's hand holding the black tea paused slightly and smiled bitterly.

"What a coincidence. It seems like I wasted no time."

"Can you tell me why?" Kyle couldn't help but be curious. "You go to all this trouble just to trap me in the Room of Requirement? I can't think of the point of doing this."

"In order to prevent you from being involved in what happened last night." Dumbledore said softly: "About ten days ago, Phineas told me that Malfoy moved the vanishing cabinet out of the common room. I knew that their plan was about to begin. here we go.

"I happened to think of a plan, but I soon discovered that this plan had a serious flaw, that is, it couldn't be implemented if you were around. Just when I was thinking hard about countermeasures, I discovered Got that map.”

Dumbledore's voice was very calm.

"Everything went smoothly after that. You were trapped and couldn't leave. But I didn't expect that Malfoy hesitated again. He didn't summon his fellow Death Eaters at the first time, but waited until yesterday. start to act.

"What I didn't expect was that you would come out at this moment."

At this point, Dumbledore suddenly sighed and looked even more tired.

"Plan?" Kyle frowned, "Don't tell me that letting Malfoy kill you was your plan."

"No, no, no." Dumbledore shook his head, "Although I really want to start a new adventure, Malfoy can't kill me, and even if he uses the Death Curse, it will only make me lose a few beards or hairs. "

Kyle still believed this statement.

In addition to the malice in the heart, the Death Curse is also directly related to magic power.

It is basically impossible for a sixteen-year-old student who has not yet graduated to kill an old wizard who is more than a hundred years old with the Death Curse.

For example, Nicoléme, he can be said to be the wizard who is least afraid of the Death Curse. He has accumulated more than 600 years of magic power. Even Voldemort may not be able to kill him with the Death Curse.

Of course, only the Death Curse.

"Then what is your plan?" Kyle asked: "Or what plan requires throwing away the wand."

This time Dumbledore did not answer Kyle, just shook his head silently.

"It's not important anymore." He looked up at the row of portraits on the bookshelf behind him and said softly: "So far, all the facts show that my plan is wrong. It was just a selfish decision on my part. Only I wishfully thought I could do it.”


Wishful thinking?

Kyle frowned, not understanding what Dumbledore was talking about.

But he seemed to suddenly change his mind and no longer wanted to talk about this topic.

"In short," said Dumbledore, "it was my mistake to lock you in the Room of Requirement, and I sincerely hope you will accept my apology."

"Ah, it's okay." Kyle waved his hand.

Although Dumbledore's behavior was indeed a bit unethical, thinking about it carefully, he seemed to have nothing to lose. He even took several more classes before the memory of Ravenclaw ended because he couldn't get out.

"What is Fudge's purpose here?" Kyle took the initiative to change the subject: "He seems to be too worried about Hogwarts."

It was just a sneak attack by Death Eaters. Although the location was Hogwarts, it was not a war that Voldemort personally participated in. There were only a dozen people who came, including cannon fodder. Did this kind of thing really need to be discussed all night?

"He wants me to close Hogwarts," Dumbledore said, with undisguised disappointment in his voice.

"Close Hogwarts?" Kyle was also stunned. "What should we do with the lower-grade students? Let them go out and face the Death Eaters alone?"

"Fudge didn't think about it at all," Dumbledore said. "He insisted that the school was no longer safe and that bringing so many people together was a mistake.

"But we all know that he actually just wants to protect himself. I think you should have read the recent Daily Prophet."

Kyle nodded.

He had indeed seen it and knew that Death Eaters had recently begun to frequently target the Ministry of Magic, seemingly to establish their authority and spread fear. So far, more than a dozen Ministry of Magic employees had been killed by them, including two deputy deputies. Director.

Amelia Bones of the Department of Legal Enforcement also encountered an attack. Although she successfully defeated the attacker, she also paid a heavy price. She lay in St. Mungo's for two months before being reluctantly discharged.

As the Minister of Magic, Fudge naturally became the focus of attention. There were three reported attacks alone. Fortunately, the Aurors arrived in time every time and resolved the crisis.

"Does Fudge want you to protect him?" Kyle asked.

"Connelly did have this intention. He invited me to be the Ministry of Magic's special adviser in the war against Death Eaters." Dumbledore said, "But when he talked to me, he always said intentionally or unintentionally that he was the leader of the wizarding world. The hope of defeating Voldemort has also become who can get more support."

"He was scared," Kyle said.

"It's understandable," Dumbledore said calmly. "Before this, Fudge seemed to have always believed that Voldemort did not dare to attack employees of the Ministry of Magic."

"Ha, how is this possible?" Kyle curled his lips and laughed at Fudge's naive idea.

Afraid to attack the Ministry of Magic? Don't be kidding, if there was a fight, Voldemort's first target would be the Ministry of Magic, and Cornelius Fudge Fudge, the Minister of Magic.

The decision to stop the change of ministers during wartime, in addition to making it easier to direct operations, also has the function of preventing a certain minister from escaping during the battle... Although this situation has basically never happened in history, but what if.

Once the minister escapes from the battlefield, the impact will be huge, so it is right to be cautious.

Fudge was probably scared. So many Ministry of Magic employees were killed and he was attacked many times. He must have wanted to find someone more reliable than an Auror to protect him.

And Dumbledore is the best candidate. As long as he is by Dumbledore's side, he is absolutely safe.

But the problem now is that Dumbledore must stay in the school, and it is impossible to leave the students alone and become a combat consultant.

But Kyle never expected that Fudge would actually have the idea of ​​shutting down the school... This kind of idea is not impossible. After all, everyone wants Dumbledore to protect him, and Kyle himself is no exception.

But no matter how much he thinks about it, he must never say it out loud, especially from his mouth as the Minister of Magic.

"How did you respond to him?" Kyle asked.

"Of course it's impossible." Dumbledore said without hesitation, "The school will only be on holiday and will never be closed."

"Fudge agreed?"

"I think he still wants to fight for it again," Dumbledore said. "Fudge is not a person who changes his mind easily, but the school is my bottom line. No matter what, this place will not be closed."

"He won't hold us back." Kyle was a little worried.

To be honest, Fudge's biggest role was to get the wizards in the wizarding world to accept the news in the early days of Voldemort's comeback. Fudge, who was well-spoken, was always good at this kind of thing.

And when Voldemort came from the darkness to the stage, his role was limited.

In contrast, Amelia Bones, who despite being injured in the attack, unswervingly stated in the newspaper that she would fight the Death Eaters to the end and declare war on them at St. Mungo's, was obviously more suitable for the position of minister.

"Don't worry about that." Dumbledore waved his hand and said calmly: "The Ministry of Magic is no longer under his control, and even for his own safety, he will not make any irrational decisions."

"I hope so," Kyle said.

Dumbledore looked up at the time and said, "Do you have any more questions? If not, I might have to go to Grimmauld Place. There is a very important meeting at eleven o'clock. We agreed yesterday. ”

Kyle also looked up and saw that it was already ten fifty.

"One more, Professor."

"Then ask quickly." Dumbledore said, "But I'm not sure how detailed I can answer. You know, this meeting is very important and I can't be late."

"Did Malfoy be rescued early this morning?" Kyle said directly.

Dumbledore was slightly startled, as if he didn't expect Kyle to ask this.

"Where did you hear that?"

"There are no secrets at Hogwarts." Kyle shrugged, briefly recounting the news and speculations he had heard before.

Dumbledore fell silent again, and finally spoke after about a minute:

"I'm not going to lie to you, yes, Mr. Malfoy was rescued and he has now left the school.

"But Kyle, I must say that he was actually helpless. Voldemort forced him to do this, otherwise he would kill Lucius and Narcissa.

"As far as I know, he also cried uncontrollably in the school bathroom because of guilt and uneasiness. He had no choice."

Kyle felt more and more strange as he listened to his words.

"Wait, Professor." He interrupted Dumbledore and asked with a strange expression: "Don't you think I don't want to let him go?"

"Ahem..." Dumbledore coughed dryly. Although he didn't say anything, Kyle could see that this was what he meant. Those words he just said were all good things for Malfoy.

"I'm really just curious." Kyle explained: "I never thought about doing anything to him, and there is no need."


"Of course, Malfoy didn't point the wand at me, why should I hold on to him?" Kyle said.

Hearing this, Dumbledore seemed to be slightly relieved.

"Ah, yes, he was rescued," Dumbledore said. "It's all because I was so absorbed in talking to Fudge that I didn't expect the Death Eaters to return to Hogwarts."

"Are you sure it's a Death Eater?" Kyle looked at his calm expression, "Not Professor Snape?"

Dumbledore seemed to have been burned by the black tea. His hand shook and a lot of it spilled out.

"Of course not. Severus is the one responsible for guarding Malfoy, and he is injured."

"Well, maybe I'm overthinking it," Kyle said, "But his popularity is really good, and there are Death Eaters who are willing to return to Hogwarts, which is full of dangers for them, in order to save him.

"He is also very lucky. If he stays in school, he will definitely be taken back to the Ministry of Magic. If it is confirmed that he is related to the Death Eaters who attacked Hogwarts this time, he may not be able to come back. "

"But it's more dangerous to go back to Voldemort, isn't it?"

"It depends on the situation. Antonin Dolohov should be leading the team this time. Even he ran away in a hurry, so what reason would Voldemort have to embarrass Malfoy, who is not yet an adult.

"He'll just blame it on me."

When he said this, Kyle stared at Dumbledore without blinking.

"Yeah, who says it's not?" Dumbledore seemed a little guilty and turned his head slightly away from looking into Kyle's eyes.

After that, he quickly put down the black tea in his hand, stood up and said, "Okay, that's all for today. I really need to go to the meeting. You should go back to class as soon as possible."

After that, without waiting for Kyle to speak again, he disappeared into the office.

Kyle glanced at the time. There were still three full minutes until eleven o'clock, and Dumbledore's Apparition to Number 12 Grimmauld Place might not have even taken three seconds.

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