Chapter 766 N.E.W.T.

Worried that Connor would agree verbally but be dissatisfied in her heart, Kyle had been secretly observing her since the last Quidditch final.

But for two weeks, Kangna behaved normally, almost as usual. Only then did Kyle relax and concentrate on preparing for what he was going to do next.

In mid-June, on a very ordinary evening, everyone was sitting in the auditorium, having dinner and discussing their holiday plans.

Suddenly, the door was opened from the outside, and accompanied by Dumbledore, several elderly wizards walked in from the outside talking and laughing.

The leader is Professor Gsilda Marchiban, followed by Dumbledore, Professor Tofoday...

They are all old acquaintances. Anyone who has experienced O.W.L. knows who they are and what it means for them to come to Hogwarts.

Final exam.

"Why is it so early this year!" Ron grabbed his hair next to the Gryffindor table and said in disbelief: "Isn't the exam time in a week? Or does it mean that I have lost a week of memory."

Harry stood there with his mouth open.

He hasn't reviewed all the courses yet... Well, or maybe he's just about to start reviewing. Why did he suddenly take the exam?

"You haven't lost anything." Fortunately, at this moment, Hermione suddenly said: "They are here for the N.E.W.T. exam."

"N.E.W.T?" Ron blinked.

"That's right." Hermione said, "Only O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. require people from the Wizarding Examination Authority to take charge. In addition, exams for other grades are invigilated by various professors."

"In that case, we haven't reached exam time yet, right." Ron breathed a sigh of relief.

Hermione glanced at him and said, "If you continue to waste time like before, it won't matter how long you delay. You might as well take the exam tomorrow."

"Don't say that, Hermione, I've already started reviewing." Ron took out a book, "Look, I just borrowed this from the library at noon."

"Yeah, I haven't even read a page yet." Hermione sneered.

Conversations like theirs also occurred elsewhere in the auditorium.

It was also at this time that people suddenly realized that Hogwarts had entered exam week.

N.E.W.T., as the most stringent and cumbersome test in the wizarding world, will take one week longer than other grades.

Kyle already knew this last year, and Cedric even shared his exam experience with him.

To put it simply...don't be nervous, don't chant the wrong spell, and you'll get through it.

It sounds pretty simple anyway.

The next day, the N.E.W.T. exam officially began.

The castle has become much quieter than usual. Professors are guarding several key corridors. Everyone passing by will subconsciously lower their voices under the stern eyes of the professors.

The first day is the written test.

Kyle had never experienced such strict inspections. There were only ten seventh-grade students in each classroom, but there were three professors in charge of invigilating the exams.

In addition, a large speculum is also equipped in the examination room.

As soon as a girl walked into the classroom, the speculum made a beeping sound. The sound did not stop until Professor Tofodi took off a bow hairpin on her head.

The girl was so frightened that she stood there at a loss not knowing what to do.

Until Professor Tofty finished examining the hairpin.

"The deformation hairpin only has the function of changing the shape. It's no problem. It's not for cheating."

He waved his hand, and the seventh-grade girl realized what she was doing and hurriedly walked in.

Kyle followed her in.

He noticed that there was a mirror as high as the wall directly opposite the door.

The developing mirror has a similar effect to the real waterfall in Gringotts. Although it is not as efficient, it can be regarded as the nemesis of Polyjuice Potion. If anyone wants to pretend to be someone else to take the exam, their true colors will be revealed in the mirror.

There is also a teapot that is spitting out white smoke on the podium next to it.

Kyle smelled it. It smelled of mandrake and poisonous tentacle powder, mixed with some other herbs.

If he guessed correctly, this should be a soothing potion, but Kyle didn't know the specific use yet.

At first, he thought he was checking the Bafa Brain Refreshing Potion and Fuling Ling Potion, but soon he discovered that there were specialized professors here checking whether the students had taken potions.

That's Professor Marchban.

As an old professor who has worked in the Examination Authority for nearly a hundred years, Gsilda March's potion knowledge is also very rich, even better than Snape and Slughorn.

With just one glance, she caught a boy who drank a special potion.

He was a seventh-year boy from Ravenclaw. Although the drink he drank was not Buffy's Brain Refreshing Potion, it was just a potion that could keep people calm, but this kind of behavior was also not allowed.

Fortunately, Professor Marchban did not directly disqualify him from taking the exam. He just asked him to stand at the door of the classroom until the effect of the potion was over before he could enter.

As for how long he needs to wait and whether there is enough time for the exam, it all depends on how much he drinks.

If you drink less, you still have a chance to answer the questions. If you drink too much and the effect of the potion does not disappear until the end of the exam, then the results of this written test will be invalidated.

But judging from the happy expression on the boy's face, he should still be able to catch up.

Kyle didn't think it was strange, because every time there were people taking exams, they would try like crazy with the mentality of giving it a try, but they would leave a way out for themselves.

After all, the "Examination Law" stipulates that only those who have drunk Bafei's Brain Refreshing Potion and Fuling Ling Potion will have their exam results canceled directly. The penalties for other potions are quite ordinary.

This can be regarded as a minor disadvantage.

But this is a matter for the Wizarding Examination Authority, and Kyle is too lazy to meddle.

Professor Marchban patrolled the classroom a few more times before leaving and going elsewhere.

Twenty minutes later, the exam began.

The morning sun shone in through the window and fell warmly on the body, making Kyle feel a little sleepy.

He had already finished writing the test papers and waited until the end of the exam. He handed in the first paper and walked out of the classroom.

Just at this time, the sixth grade students also finished class. On the stairs leading to the foyer, he happened to meet a group of Gryffindors who had finished class.

Among them are Hermione, Ron and Harry.

"Kyle." Hermione waved and called from a distance.

She ran over quickly and asked slightly nervously: "How do you feel? Is the N.E.W.T. exam harder than the usual final exam?"

"Hmm...probably." Kyle said after thinking for a moment.

"Should?" Ron asked around, "What does that mean."

"I just can't feel it." Kyle spread his hands, "Let's put it this way, which one do you think is more difficult, the lighting spell or the floating spell?"

"It's all pretty simple," Ron blurted out.

These two spells were introductory spells for the first grade, so it was naturally not difficult for him in the sixth grade.

But he quickly added: "If you really want to say it, the floating spell is more difficult."

"That's the same answer I have." Kyle spread his hands and said, "Seriously, N.E.W.T. is more difficult."

This time Ron understood, but he wished he hadn't. This was the first time he encountered someone using the "lighting spell" to describe the dreaded final exam.

It was so irritating... For a moment, he really wanted to slap the book in his hand onto Kyle's nonchalant face.

But for some purposes, he had to resist the urge and continue to ask patiently.

"So, do you have any tips?" Ron asked expectantly: "How to get high scores during the N.E.W.T. exam."

This is what he desperately wants to know now. As a sixth grader, Ron felt for the first time today that the N.E.W.T. exam was so close to him.

Harry and Hermione on the side also pricked up their ears and listened attentively.

"The trick." Kyle thought for a while, "Just don't be nervous, don't write the answer in the wrong position, and then you can pass."

Ron was stunned for a moment. "That's it?"

"Well... and don't be clever." Kyle continued: "I know you may all have the elixir, but remember, don't use it during the N.E.W.T., otherwise your results will be invalidated.

Don't think that it's just a matter of repeating a grade. The worst case scenario is that you'll have to wait until the next year to take the exam again... If you are caught cheating like this, it is infinitely equivalent to expulsion, and you will not get a certificate. "

"Of course we won't cheat," Hermione blurted out, and Harry and Ron nodded in agreement.

"That's good," Kyle said.

"But even if someone uses the Felixir, they won't be able to detect it, right?" Ron suddenly muttered in a low voice: "That's a lucky potion. Being caught cheating is not considered lucky, is it?"

"Why do you think so?" Kyle glanced at him, "Lucky Potion is just another name for Lucky Potion. Its real function is to make oneself make more favorable choices, and it is not impossible to find out.

"Let's put it this way, if someone drinks the Felixir before the exam, then there is a high probability that he will not want to take the exam... After all, compared with having all the results invalidated, he is lucky to only miss one class."

"Is that so?" Ron blinked.

"Of course." Kyle said, "Otherwise, how do you think the rule against using Felixir during major sports events and exams comes from? If it can't be found out, why bother?"

While they were talking, several people had already arrived on the first floor. When they saw Kang Na waiting at the entrance of the auditorium, Kyle immediately abandoned Harry and walked over.

"What's the test this afternoon?" he asked.

"Didn't you look at the schedule when you went out?" Connor said, "We will still have this exam in the afternoon, but the ones taking the exam are Gryffindor and Slytherin. We have to wait until tomorrow for the second subject."

"Oh, I forgot." Kyle scratched his hair.

Because the proctoring is strict and there are not so many professors and props, N.E.W.T. will only take one test every day, but all seventh-grade students are divided into different batches.

Of course, this is only true for courses with a large number of students. For subjects like ancient runes with only a few students, the exams can all be completed in one morning.

The lunch was very rich, but Kyle noticed that there were a few people missing from the Slytherin and Gryffindor tables, and they were all seventh-year students.

It seemed that they were eating somewhere else to keep away from the students who had finished the exam so as not to leak the test questions.

Looking at it this way, it is still very beneficial to take the exam first, at least there will be no restrictions.

After lunch, the two returned to the common room.

Since the morning, there has been a tense atmosphere here. Every seventh-grade student is taking the time to look through the textbooks and prepare for tomorrow's exam.

In this atmosphere, the lower grade students also consciously gave up the best seats and lowered their voices when talking and walking.

Time always passes quickly during exams. One week later, all written exams are over. Along with the final exams of other grades in the school, N.E.W.T. has also entered the second stage...the application of magic spells.

"Take it easy, kid."

Kyle stood in an empty classroom with three different professors in front of him. Gsilda March was sitting in the middle. On her left was a person from the Wizarding Examination Authority, and on her right was Professor McGonagall, who represented the school.

However, the Wizarding Examination Authority can also understand this situation. After all, under the current situation, it is impossible for Dumbledore to stay in the school for a long time, and the same is true for Professor McGonagall to replace him.

"The first question in this spell exam is the ice-making spell." Gesilda Marchban pointed to the glass of water in front of him, "You need to make it freeze as quickly as possible. I think it should be difficult. Pour you."

Kyle took out his wand and waved it.

The next second, the water in the bottle turned into ice cubes.

"Oh, that's right." Professor Marchban said with a smile, "I knew you would be fine, so let's continue. Next is the comprehensive spell. You need to treat us as enemies and set up a surrounding area to resist our attack. of fortifications.

"The normal time is five minutes, but if you say... how about two minutes, we will attack you after two minutes and score you according to the time you resisted."

"No problem." Kyle agreed quickly.

I have to say that the test questions this time are quite appropriate. After all, after they graduate this time, they will have to face the Death Eaters, and self-protection will become the biggest problem.

Although for Kyle, what he is best at is another method of self-protection, but the current situation is special and none of those methods can be used.

Kyle took a slow breath and waved the wand in his hand briskly.

The ground around the three professors immediately turned into a muddy swamp, and then the ground began to rise until it turned into a solid earth wall pressing against the ceiling.

To be honest, this level is not particularly amazing. Professor Marchban tentatively used a magic spell to hit the earth wall, but only made an innocuous small crater.

Then she created another dummy, which got stuck in the swamp as soon as it hit the ground.

"Well, not bad." Professor Marchban nodded and looked satisfied.

The swamp restricts movement and the earth wall blocks attacks. Although simple, it is very effective.

What's more important is that Kyle didn't take too much time to complete these, and he still looked at ease, as if he was just preparing for an exam.

But that's enough.

"No problem, that's all." Professor Marchban said.

The earth walls fell down and the swamp turned back into a solid floor.

"really not bad."

After Kyle left the classroom, she turned to Professor McGonagall and said, "So what Albus said is true. Did this child really defeat the werewolf Fenrir Greyback and two Death Eaters by himself? "

"Of course it's true." Professor McGonagall seemed to be in a good mood and said with a smile: "Principal Dumbledore has no reason to lie about this kind of thing, right?

"And I was right next to Kyle when he was dealing with the werewolves."

"It's amazing." Professor Marchban said softly: "Ever since six years ago, I have been looking forward to personally conducting this child's N.E.W.T. exam, but now it seems that this process seems a bit redundant.

"I still remember that Albus was like this during the graduation exams. He could obviously do better, but he insisted on being lazy and only did what was required."

"Perhaps they think this is enough." Professor McGonagall said.

In fact, she was quite curious about the details of Dumbledore's exam, but she was too embarrassed to ask more.

"Yes, it's just an exam. There's really no need to go to war." Professor Marchban said with a smile.

She picked up her quill and drew a big "O" behind Kyle's name.

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