Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 771 Werewolf Act

The battle started suddenly, but ended just as quickly.

Newt even took out his wand, but before he could do anything, all the werewolf wizards present lost their ability to resist.

When the surroundings returned to calm, the forest became more dense, and there was not even an open space to stay. Kyle and Newt could only stand on the thick roots of the trees.

A large number of twisted tree roots and trunks tightly wrapped around the body of the werewolf wizard. From a distance, it looked like there was a tasteless fruit on the tree.

"It's incredible." Newt looked up at the trees that had expanded at least five or six times. "Is this the spell you learned from Ravenclaw?"

"So be it." Kyle said, "The Plant Expansion Curse was originally invented by Helga Hufflepuff to defend Hogwarts. She also used it to create the Forbidden Forest... But the Forbidden Forest at that time It’s not as big as it is now, it can only be regarded as a prototype.”

"It's amazing." Newt patted a tree root next to him.

Under normal circumstances, although the expansion spell can make the plant larger, it will also disperse the original vitality. It is like a balloon. The bigger it is blown, the thinner the surface will be, and the weight will not change.

Different from the Expansion Curse that Newt was familiar with, these tree roots gave him a feeling of vitality and vitality, just like natural growth.

But can ordinary Scotch pine grow so big? Like a wheel, Newt had never seen one before.

"Actually, this spell is most suitable for use with Devil's Net." Kyle said.

"Devil's Net?" Newt asked doubtfully, "What's the difference?"

"Of course." Kyle said, "If it's a devil's net, its vines will actively entangle the surrounding creatures as they grow larger. I won't have to direct them anymore, which can save a lot of energy."

Kyle stretched out his hand holding the wand, "Seriously, trying to make these fifty-foot-tall trees soft is a laborious task."

Newt could clearly see that Kyle's arms were shaking slightly, and there was a layer of fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

"Then why do you have to use this method?" Newt didn't understand even more. "It shouldn't be that difficult to deal with these werewolf wizards."

"But this is the most handsome." Kyle blurted out, with a hint of excitement in his tone, "I've wanted to try this for a long time, but I never found the opportunity."

"Yeah, okay." Newt smiled and shook his head.

There is a saying that when this forest came to life, it was indeed very handsome. If it were fifty years ago, he would definitely want to imitate it.

This kind of magic spell is perfect for use in the forest. Not only does it not cause damage to trees or other environments like other magic spells, it can actually increase vitality. Nothing is better than this.

The place he visited most when he was young was the forest.

Unfortunately, he rarely goes out now. In addition to his age, there is also the fact that the Transportation Department of the Ministry of Magic in other countries is becoming more and more perfect, and there are more and more magical items tracking Apparition and Portkeys. It is difficult for him to go out again. Sneaked in.

"Okay, it's time for us to get down to business." Newt sighed and came to a trapped werewolf wizard. "How are they? Are they dead?"

"No...well, probably not." Kyle said, but his tone was not very sure.

"I could still control them at first, but then I couldn't control them when there were too many of them. I could only barely let them attack my own people."

Since the last time he went to the Department of Mysteries, Kyle has been very concerned about doing his best to avoid being stained with blood for killing wizards.

But when fighting Death Eaters, being restrained would definitely lead to disadvantages, so usually, he would let the magical animals in the box help.

Including the last time the Fire Curse was used in the tower, it was the Poison Leopard's knife that took the initiative to kill the Death Eater in advance.

This time is naturally no exception.

While the two were talking, a sound like a cat's meow suddenly came from a tree nearby, but it was deeper.

Cat Leopard first rubbed his paws on the huge branch, then jumped down lightly and bumped Newt's hand with his head.

"Ah, it's you." Newt also stroked its big head happily, "How are you doing lately, are you happy?"

Cat Leopard looked at Kyle with his blue eyes and nodded vigorously.

In fact, Newt already knew the answer. Cat Leopard is not a magical animal that likes silence. Compared with the ordinary life in its own box, it definitely prefers to have fun outside with Kyle.

Cat Leopard nuzzled Newt again, then jumped next to Kyle and barked softly.

"There are six in total... You solved them all in advance, right... That's awesome..."

Kyle said with a smile, taking out a bone-in steak from the box and stuffing it into Cat Leopard's mouth.

"Let's make do with it for now. I'll roast a pig leg for you when I get out."

Cat Leopard's blue eyes brightened even more, and he jumped to the side with a steak in his mouth.

"Kyle, what are you talking about?" Newt next to him was confused... What six, solve it in advance, he didn't understand a bit.

"Ah, it was Cat Leopard who eliminated six werewolf wizards in advance." Kyle said. "This way, I won't be the one who killed them."

Afterwards, Kyle briefly talked about the blood debt.

After listening to his explanation, the Newt people were stunned and stood there speechless for a long time.

Good guy, let the magical beasts do the finishing touches. I am afraid that only Kyle can come up with such a puzzling operation. Of course, only he can do this.

Meanwhile, Newt had another thought.

Naturally, he knew about the "blood debt", but he never cared about it. After all, among the wizards living in his era, who could guarantee that he would never be in danger? Just one Grindelwald would cause a stir In the war throughout Europe, if you don't kill the enemy, you will die. This is inevitable.

Including the Wizarding War started by Voldemort more than ten years ago, this is something that cannot be avoided.

Subconsciously, he looked at Kyle again.

I'm afraid no one would have thought that after the war was over, a wizard who used a fire spell to cleanse the ground at the slightest disagreement would have his magic power as clean as a piece of white paper.

To a certain extent, this is also a very scary thing... Fortunately, the person in front of him is Kyle. If it were anyone else, it's hard to say whether Newt would have done anything.

"Never say this to anyone else in the future." Newt couldn't help but remind him.

"Don't worry, I know." Kyle said with a smile. This kind of thing must be kept secret. Naturally, he would not spread it everywhere stupidly.

Then Kyle took two steps forward and came to the leader of the werewolf wizard.

The cat and leopard have two different talents. The blue eyes can use Legilimency to see through the inner thoughts of the prey. But when its eyes turn purple, the ability of Legilimency will become hypnosis, which is also unique to the cat and leopard. means of attack.

The werewolf wizard just now was hypnotized by the cat and leopard. He was sleeping soundly here, snoring so loudly that even though his surroundings were about to be turned upside down, he was not woken up.

At this time, Cat Leopard also finished eating the steak and jumped over.

Kyle stretched out his wand and poured a jet of water on the opponent's head.

"Pfft... damn... who is it..."

The werewolf wizard woke up suddenly, and then he found that his body was entangled with a thick branch, and no matter how hard he struggled, he could not move.

And the people dousing him with water were the two wizards he had just regarded as prey.

Memories from before gradually began to surface, and he finally remembered what had just happened.

And the fact that they are still standing here intact proves that everyone else has been...

"Damn it, I'm going to kill you!" The werewolf wizard's eyes suddenly turned red, and he roared and struggled to bite Kyle's neck.

Kyle took a step back in disgust.

"Don't get excited, otherwise I wouldn't mind asking someone else."

The cat and leopard also stepped forward at the right time, showing its sharp teeth.

The threat of 5X magical animals is still very useful. The instinctive fear makes the werewolf wizard shut his mouth instantly.

He stared at Kyle angrily.

"Who the hell are you!"

"Lupin's friend." Kyle said, "Remus Lupin, do you remember him? The man you almost killed some time ago, he used to be my Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, and we have a good relationship. ”

"He is a traitor to the werewolves and deserves to die!"

"Actually, I don't care what you think of him." Kyle shook his finger, "Whether he is a traitor to the werewolves or a friend, it has nothing to do with me, and I don't care.

"But you almost killed him... As friends, we must help avenge him. This is reasonable, right?"

"Ha, friend?" As if he heard a very interesting joke, the other party couldn't help but sneer, and then the laughter became louder and louder, even tears came out of laughter.

"Do you think I'm a child who doesn't understand the world? You actually use such a poor excuse, friend? Hey, don't be ridiculous, werewolves never have friends!

"Just tell me what your purpose is. Oh, and don't tell any more jokes. That will only make you look stupid."

Kyle was silent for a moment and did not choose to continue explaining.

"Well, if that's what you think."

"Then just like what you just said, I'll ask you an answer. If your answer satisfies me, I can make your death easier."

"Fair enough." The werewolf wizard grinned: "But I refuse. Just use whatever tricks you have, and don't expect to get any information from me."

"Don't say that, it makes me seem like a bad person."

Kyle thought for a while and asked: "Then the first question is, what is your name, and who ordered you to attack Lupin."

"I told you, don't even think about it..."

Before the werewolf wizard finished speaking, he heard the cat and leopard whimpering.

Then Kyle nodded, "Oh, Yaxley? So he is commanding you werewolves now, right?"

A flash of panic flashed in the werewolf wizard's eyes, "What are you talking about, I don't know, and I don't know Yaxley!"

"Your level of lying is really not that good." Kyle said lightly, "And you, a group of werewolves, actually have to listen to the command of a wizard... Tsk, tsk, I have to say, Yorman, you are worse than Greyback. Far."

"Damn...how do you know my name, and you..."

Kyle waved his hand, not letting him continue, and continued to ask: "Where is that Yaxley!"

"I said, I won't..."

"Oh, Spider End Alley, it turns out you received the mission to kill Lupin there."

"You, you..." The werewolf wizard Yeorman's panic turned into fear.

It felt like when facing the Dark Lord, everything about him was invisible.

"Are there many Death Eaters there? Is the mysterious man also there?" Kyle continued to ask.

This time Yeorman simply stopped talking, but even so, the voice that frightened him still did not stop.

"Only Yaxley? How come you guys are so bad at it? You can't even go to the Death Eaters' headquarters?"

Yeorman finally felt something was wrong.

"Legilimency!" His voice was hoarse. "Damn it, you are a born Legilimens wizard!"

Because Kyle had never recited a spell before, he didn't think about Legilimency at first, but this ability to see through people's hearts can only be Legilimency.

When he came back to his senses, he wanted to close his eyes, but Kyle just waved his hand gently. His eyelids seemed to be stuck and he couldn't move.

"Don't worry, it will be fine soon." Kyle continued to ask: "Do you have any other plans or other werewolf accomplices?"

Yeorman tried hard to control himself not to think about this, but failed.

"Is there another one hiding in Knockturn Alley, trying to attack Diagon Alley shops at critical moments, thereby causing chaos?" Kyle said softly.

Think about it, if Legilimency can be interfered with so easily, then what's the point of going to the trouble of learning Occlumency.

Yeorman gave up struggling completely and looked at Kyle with blank eyes.

"Now that you know everything, then kill me."

Kyle touched Cat Leopard's head and turned to look at Newt, wanting to ask his opinion.

"Oh, you don't need to pay attention to me." Newt, who was observing the tree roots around him, raised his head and said, "You caught them, so it's up to you to decide."

"Did Professor Dumbledore say anything before departure?"

"How do you know it was Dumbledore who asked me to come?" Newt asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Kyle said.

If it weren't for Dumbledore, how could Newt, who even had to stay in his box to eat, abandon those magical animals for so many days and come to this dark forest.

"Well, it was indeed him who asked me to come." Newt said, "Dumbledore didn't say anything before he set off, but he supported Mr. Remus Lupin very much. When we chatted, he also said The hatred should not continue.”

Kyle took a deep breath and raised his wand after a moment of silence.

The branches that entangled the werewolf wizard Yeorman separated automatically, and he fell to the ground with a plop.

Without any hesitation, Yeoman stood up and rushed towards Kyle's neck.

But the next second...

"Vulcan clears the way!"

A hot wind blew on Yeorman's body. As if he noticed something, his body froze completely and stopped one foot in front of Kyle. He could not take another step forward no matter what.

That was his instinct resisting his decision.

Yeorman gasped for air and turned his stiff neck hard, and then he saw a scene that he could never forget in his life.

The forest behind him... was empty, as if it had been repeatedly crushed by some fire giant. All the trees turned into fly ash within a few seconds, leaving only a wide field still burning with flames.

"Stay here, and you won't be able to step out of the Black Forest until the war is over. Do you understand?" Kyle asked calmly.

But in Yeoman's opinion, his voice was like the whisper of a devil, as if there was no other option except agreeing.

After all, in the face of such a large-scale fire magic, even if they turned into werewolves on a full moon night, they might not be able to survive for two seconds.

"Also, no matter what method you use, tell other werewolves that as long as you achieve certain achievements in this war, I will help promote the werewolf bill."

"Werewolf Act?" Yeorman seemed to have found control of his body and couldn't help but ask, "What is this?"

"It was originally put forward by Remus Lupin as a proposal for werewolves." Kyle said, "It's just that no one, including me, is optimistic that it will pass."

"What on earth is it?" Yeoman asked eagerly.

“To put it simply, he wants werewolf children under the age of eleven to go to school normally and live under the sun.

Oh, by the way, they are just werewolf children under the age of eleven and have nothing to do with you. "

Yeorman sneered.

"This is impossible. There is no way wizards will accept us, even as children. You are lying to me."

Kyle curled his lips and said, "What do you have to say to me? Your clothes are dirty even if you use them as a rag...Does that count as clothes?"

This sentence was very harsh, but Yeolman didn't care at all and just kept repeating it.

"This is impossible……"

"It's very difficult, so it depends on your performance in this war." Kyle continued: "If you insist on helping mysterious people and attack wizards and Muggles unscrupulously, then this bill will definitely not be passed, even if Deng It's no use even if Breedal tries to help."

"Then can we help you?" Yeoman asked.

"How should I put it?" Kyle thought for a while, "If you deal with the Death Eaters in turn, the chance of passing should be increased from zero percent to one percent."

Only one percent?

Yeolman didn't speak, just laughed at himself.

If Kyle had said this half an hour ago, he would have considered it a provocation, and would have gone forward to kill the opponent regardless of the cost.

Of course it was the same now, but so what, he couldn't beat this man. Feeling the hot air and the crackling sound coming from behind, he didn't even dare to think about resisting.

"Okay, that's it." Kyle waved his wand again, extinguishing all the remaining flames. "Remember, don't even think about leaving the Black Forest. If I see you again, you won't be as easy to talk to as you are today."

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