Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 775 Something went wrong

"You mean, the mysterious man went to Austria?"

At noon the next day, Kyle looked at Professor McGonagall who came to deliver the news and raised his eyebrows strangely.

Today is the day to transfer Harry. Voldemort actually left Britain at such a critical time?

"Someone saw traces of mysterious people on the border of Switzerland and Austria." Professor McGonagall said, "This is the news from Ms. Maxim, and it should be true."

"What did Professor Dumbledore say?" Hermione, who had just arrived here, asked eagerly.

"Dumbledore has passed." Professor McGonagall said, "But according to what he said, he may not be able to participate in tonight's operation. Let you adopt the backup plan you made before."

The room suddenly became quiet, and no one spoke.

To be honest, although everyone paid great attention to tonight's action, they didn't feel very nervous...because Dumbledore was still there.

As long as Dumbledore is there, tonight's operation will definitely not fail. Everyone firmly believes in this.

Even in Moody and Kingsley's plan, there is an alternative plan that uses Harry as bait to lure out the Death Eaters and mysterious men hiding in the dark, and have a head-on battle with them.

But they also knew that neither Sirius nor the Weasley family would agree to do this, so they didn't say it out loud.

But that's what they think.

At that time, Dumbledore will be responsible for dealing with the mysterious man, and they will deal with the Death Eaters for a head-on battle, or rather... a decisive battle.

To this end, they made a lot of preparations behind others' backs and made a series of detailed plans.

However, the prerequisite for all this is that Dumbledore will also participate in the action, otherwise, it will only be a small fight between them and the Death Eaters.

"Has Dumbledore passed?" Moody asked again.

"Yes." Professor McGonagall said, "Ms. Maxim sent a letter half an hour ago. After reading it, he hurriedly set off and asked me to inform you."

The room fell silent again.

Everyone knew what Professor McGonagall meant, and he had thought a long time ago that Dumbledore might be led to other places, so he took these into consideration when making the plan.

But everyone knew that no matter what happened at this point in time, it was Voldemort's conspiracy, and they also felt that Dumbledore would not be fooled.

In the end, no one expected that he would fall into the trap so easily. He didn't even bother to discuss it with anyone and just left the UK.

But this also proves that there must be something more important than moving Harry, otherwise Dumbledore would not be so decisive.

But what is it?

After much thought, everyone didn't know what was so special about that place in Austria.

Is it because the International Federation of Wizards Conferences were held there three times in a row?

No, it's still early before the meeting starts. Even if it's useless, what could be the reason?

Everyone frowned and thought carefully, but had no clue.

Only Kyle narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

Speaking of Austria, there is one place that cannot be avoided... It is not the so-called International Wizarding Conference Hall. That kind of place sounds very scary. To put it bluntly, it is just a larger room.

What that place is really famous for is actually a prison, Nurmengard Tower.

Unlike Azkaban, there is only one person imprisoned in Nurmengard, Gellert Grindelwald, a legendary wizard who was active sixty years ago and almost conquered the entire European wizarding world. He is also a close friend of Dumbledore. .

In the end, the two parted ways for one reason, and because of their different stances, they became each other's old enemies.

If there is one person who can influence Dumbledore's decision at such a critical moment, then this person must be Grindelwald.

So, is Voldemort’s target Nurmengard?

Kyle thought to himself.

Maybe that's the case, but it's also possible that he simply wanted to lure Dumbledore to a place farther away and happened to choose that place.

But no matter what, Voldemort succeeded.

The agreed time for action is coming soon, but Dumbledore has left England. If Voldemort returns in time, it will be really troublesome.

Kyle took a deep breath and rubbed his forehead.

On the other side, Professor McGonagall, who came to deliver the news, left quickly. She had other things to do and was unable to participate in this operation.

Those who stayed at No. 12 Grimmauld Place looked at each other and quickly discussed countermeasures.

Fortunately, they had thought of this happening before, so they didn't panic too much.

At six o'clock, Tonks and Dedalo set off, along with another witch that Kyle had never seen before.

At the same time, Hagrid also arrived. He rode the flying light motorcycle with a black sidecar and appeared in Grimmauld Place amidst the roar of the engine.

"Oh, Hagrid, I told you before, don't drive something that attracts too much attention." Moody frowned.

"Don't worry, I haven't let it fly since I came to London." Hagrid patted the sidecar of the motorcycle, "And when Harry was very young, I was the one who rode this bike to Little Whinging. , so I wanted to use this to pick him up from there.”

Hagrid's tone was cheerful and a little yearning, not realizing that the "conspicuous thing" Moody mentioned was actually not just the motorcycle.

"I'm sorry, Hagrid, our plan this time is to disapparate."

Hagrid's face froze and he looked at Moody blankly.

"Yes. It's what you think." Moody continued as if he didn't see the expression on his face: "So I have to let you and your motorcycle stay here."

"What?" Hagrid, who was taller than the two Moodys, sounded a little aggrieved. "You can't do this...Harry is still waiting for me."

"This is the safest way, Hagrid." Moody turned his head and glanced at the time.

"It's time to go, don't forget to hide yourself."

He took out his wand, and as the air around him twisted, everyone disappeared.

In Hagrid's lonely eyes, the door opened automatically and slammed shut again.

"Cheer up Hagrid, and Ron, and you too." At this time, Mrs. Weasley led Ron out of the room.

Ron looked similar to Hagrid, both looking listless. When everyone set off just now, he had stayed in the room in anger and did not come out.

But no matter what, he failed to participate in the action.

"Receiving missions is equally important, and there is always someone to do this." Mrs. Weasley said again: "Hurry up, Ron, go and patrol around Grimmauld Place, especially the road leading to the abandoned garage. , make sure there are no suspicious persons.”

"Okay mom, I'll go right away." Ron cheered up, opened the door and walked out.

Mrs. Weasley looked at Hagrid again, showing a troubled expression.

His body type is a bit too eye-catching. He attracts a lot of attention no matter where he is, which makes it uncomfortable for him to be outside.

"Hagrid, you...be ready to respond at any time. If any Death Eaters are chasing Harry later, go forward and help."

"No problem." Although he was a little disappointed, Hagrid nodded.

And complained to himself in his heart.

If he had known that he was going to apparate, he should have listened to Maxim and learned this spell.

Meanwhile, Little Whinging, Privet Drive.

A boy appeared sneakily on the street. Although he was wearing a hat and had his head lowered, when he looked up and looked around from time to time, he could still be vaguely seen. It was Harry Potter.

He seemed to be hiding from someone as he hurriedly left Privet Drive and walked towards the nearby Magnolia Crescent.

A man dressed as an office worker saw this and hurriedly followed him. Another man dressed in a nondescript manner also threw away the newspaper in his hand and followed closely behind.

After they left, an ordinary gray car drove out of the street from the other direction and disappeared among more cars.

At the same time, in the garden of the house where the car came out, the air seemed to ripple, and figures began to appear.

"Hurry up," said Mr. Weasley, "While Tonks is dragging the Death Eaters, we have to pick up Harry quickly."

Then there's Kyle, Hermione...

As if sensing the movement, the back door of the house was opened, and Harry, who had just left, ran out of the house and suddenly jumped into the middle of them.

Hermione stepped forward, opened her arms and gave him a big hug.

"Long time no see, Harry."

"Long time no see, Hermione." Harry said happily.

"How are you, Harry, are you ready?" Sirius asked.

"It was prepared six years ago." Harry smiled and glanced at the luggage next to him and the cage holding the owl. "I didn't expect so many of you to come."

"Just to be sure," Moody said gruffly.

"Okay, time is tight, let's start quickly." He walked into the room, and everyone followed him.

"I'll make a long story short, we're going to use Apparition to get you out of here this time."

"Apparition?" Harry frowned, "But I haven't learned this magic yet."

"It doesn't matter, you don't need to know how to manifest a follower." Mr. Weasley said, and he glanced at Kyle.

"I see."

Kyle stepped forward, opened the box he brought with him, placed it on the ground and opened it, "Okay, come in."

"This is..." Harry looked at Kyle in confusion, and suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something.

By the way, Kyle's box is so big that even a fire dragon can be put in it. They had entered this box once before during the Quidditch World Cup to avoid Death Eaters. At that time, Ron was still trapped in the box. Did the fire dragon faint from fright?

This time should be the same as that time.

While he was thinking about this, Mr. Weasley explained beside him: "Originally we wanted to take you to appear, but Kyle just came back after handling some things. His magical box is more convenient and more important. It won't reveal your presence.

"He will then take you back to Number Twelve Grimmauld Place."

"Okay." Harry nodded subconsciously. But soon he thought that there was a fire dragon in the box.

I still remember those fire dragons in the Triwizard Tournament that could spray fire dozens of feet away. Harry's legs stopped as soon as he stepped out.

What a coincidence. At this time, Kyle also reminded: "By the way, don't run around after entering. Just carry it with you in the entrance room, especially don't open that door."

"I know, there are..." Harry glanced at Moody and Kingsley and shut his mouth abruptly.

He almost forgot that raising fire dragons was forbidden, and Kingsley happened to be an Auror.

"More than that." Kyle shook his head, "There are a few faster little guys inside, and they are very territorial, and they are not familiar with you. If I were not with you, they would probably treat you as a enemy."

Hearing Kyle say this, Harry suddenly didn't want to get into the box, seemingly out of some instinct.

In fact, it is quite good for the follower to reveal himself. At worst, he can wear an invisibility cloak to prevent himself from being exposed.

But before Harry could speak, someone pushed him from behind.

"Come on, Harry, if you have any questions, we'll explain them to you when it's safe," Hermione said.

She knew Harry too well, and naturally knew what the other person was thinking. In order not to waste time, she stepped forward and pushed Harry.

Harry stumbled, one foot just happened to land on the box, and then he rolled down uncontrollably.


There was a dull crashing sound and the sound of things being knocked over from the box.

"Remember, the house is safe. And no matter what you hear, don't open the door."

Kyle reminded him again, then stuffed the luggage and the owl in again, and then closed the box.

There was a burst of messy footsteps outside the door. It was the office worker who had left before and the man dressed in a nondescript manner. They were running towards this side quickly.

"The action begins, fast!" Moody said, and Hermione was the first to close her eyes and disappear with a snap.

Then Bill, Fred, and George all apparated out of the house at the same time.

Kyle was placed in the middle order. He picked up the box on the ground, glanced at the others, and said, "We'll see you at Grimmauld Place."

Then he disappeared in place.

When he showed up again, the originally tidy room had turned into a garage full of dust and cobwebs.

"You're finally here. You didn't encounter any trouble."

Charlie ran over and gave Kyle a broom, "This is your Firebolt. Move quickly. I'll take the rear."

"Okay." Kyle didn't waste any time. After completing his invisibility, he rushed out of the abandoned garage on a broomstick.

The Firebolt was very fast, and in almost less than a minute, he saw the familiar Grimmauld Place.

The door of No. 12 had been opened in advance, and Kyle rushed in without slowing down.

When she saw Kyle, Mrs. Weasley, who was still very nervous, suddenly became excited.

As a member of the team involved in formulating the action plan, she knew that Kyle was responsible for taking Harry this time. Now that Kyle was here, it meant that Harry was here too.

"Where's Harry?" Hagrid asked eagerly.

"Here." Kyle took out the box and opened it.

Harry immediately poked his head out and looked around subconsciously.

"Mrs. Weasley?"

"That's great." Mrs. Weasley stepped forward and hugged Harry, almost crying with excitement, "Thank God, you are safe."

A minute later, Charlie came back. He looked fine, not even his clothes were dirty.

"How about it?"

"It's very safe. There's not a single Death Eater behind." Charlie said with a smile, "This plan was so successful."

"Yes, the plan was successful." Kyle smiled.

Another five minutes passed before Sirius returned via the portkey.

Although this kind of thing is used regularly and is not as convenient as apparating in case of emergency, it is safer. It is difficult to be tracked as long as it is not reported to the Ministry of Magic, so it is very suitable for returning.

Sirius whirled and landed on the ground. As soon as he entered the door, he started to look around. He was relieved when he saw Harry chatting with Hagrid.

"How are you doing there?" Kyle asked.

"It's not bad." Sirius said, throwing an empty can aside. "The Death Eaters probably thought that Harry wouldn't go to Diagon Alley, so they didn't follow him."

"Really?" Kyle smiled unnaturally and said nothing more.

After that, others came back one after another.

The strange thing is that no one seems to have encountered an enemy, and everyone is intact.

Fred and George happily celebrated the success of their plan, and Harry was also very happy and greeted everyone.

But Kyle frowned.

He felt something was wrong just now...the plan went a little too smoothly, as smoothly as if their previous preparations were all a joke.

No matter how good the Death Eaters are, they can't make any movement at all. This is too wrong.

Kyle even had the illusion that it would be okay even if they walked over with Harry in a big way.

But at this time, others were happily celebrating Harry's arrival. Kyle thought about it and didn't say anything.

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