Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 778 Supporting Diagon Alley

That night, on the fifth floor of St. Mungo's, the Curses and Damage Department was overcrowded, and even the corridors were crowded with wizards who had been sent there.

Because he was sent early, Percy was lucky enough to be assigned a bed, which was in the second ward on the left side of the corridor.

When Kyle and Cedric arrived, Mrs. Weasley was standing there anxiously, constantly looking at the closed door, as if she could see through the solid wooden door if she looked at it enough times. Same.

Mr. Weasley was comforting her.

"Don't worry Molly, she'll be fine." He put one arm around Mrs. Weasley's shoulder and held it tightly with the other.

However, it could be seen from the way he looked at the door from time to time that he was also not at peace inside.

Bill and Charlie were also there. Among the Weasley family, only the younger ones, Ginny and Ron, did not appear here. It was probably because Mrs. Weasley didn't want them to leave the safe house and didn't bring them with her.

As for Fred and George who came just now... they were not far away, like two baboons stepping on a soldering iron, covering their ears with both hands, dancing a dance they couldn't understand... …Well, maybe it’s not dancing.

"Mrs. Weasley, how is Percy?" Kyle walked over and asked.

"I don't know." Mrs. Weasley choked, her face still stained with tears, and she looked like she had just cried.

"The therapist has been in there for a long time but hasn't come out..."

While talking, the door suddenly clicked open from the inside, and a middle-aged witch with a tired look walked out.

"The situation is not bad." She seemed to be worried about something, and quickly said before Mrs. Weasley asked: "Occlumency prevented him from being too seriously injured by the Imperius Curse. Fortunately, he was able to withstand the Cruciatus Curse. It didn't last long and it didn't hurt his soul. Now we just need to wait for him to wake up."

"Then when will he wake up..." Mrs. Weasley wanted to ask more about the specific situation, but as soon as she opened her mouth, the therapist had already pushed them away and walked in the other direction.

"Please give way, there are still many people waiting... If you are fine, please leave quickly. There are already enough people here."

Mrs. Weasley opened her mouth, hesitated for a moment, and then stepped aside to make way for the therapist.

"Thank you..." the therapist said. She walked to a wizard lying in the corridor, lowered her head and used her wand to check his condition. "It's the Cruciatus Curse again. It's been a really rough day. I hope they can get the herb soon." Come here, those in stock have already bottomed out..."

"There are too many of us, please leave quickly." Mr. Weasley whispered.

"You guys go back, I have to guard Percy." Mrs. Weasley said choked with tears.

"I don't think this is a good idea." Mr. Weasley said. "As you heard just now, Percy's injury is not serious, so we only need to keep one person...Bill."

Before Mrs. Weasley could speak, he shouted to the back: "How about you stay here? If anything happens, remember to tell us through the summons coin as soon as possible."

"No problem dad, leave it to me!" Bill said.

While talking, two more people were sent over.

While making way for the other party, Mrs. Weasley was also pushed out of the corridor by everyone and came to where the stairs were.

Because she was in the middle, she couldn't do anything even if she wanted to. She could only be surrounded and walked downstairs together.

When they came to the second floor, they once again passed by an injured person who was brought here. Kyle subconsciously turned his head and took a look.

Although it was just a quick glance, he still recognized that the person lying on the stretcher was not an employee of the Ministry of Magic, but an employee of Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, whom he had met several times before when he went to buy books.

Could it be possible that the Death Eaters attacked Diagon Alley after leaving the Ministry of Magic?

Although I haven't received the news yet, it seems that this is the current situation. At the same time, it also makes sense why there are so many people in St. Mungo's.

Kyle just turned around and looked.

The Flourish and Blott Bookstore clerk was also sent to the fifth floor.

"Unknown black magic damage, similar to the separation spell, which area should be placed." The person in charge of carrying the stretcher shouted loudly while walking through the crowded corridor with difficulty.

"Go to the room on the left at the end of the corridor." The therapist on the fifth floor shouted without looking back: "Put him next to that Ollivander, the dean is there!"

The two stretcher-bearers immediately ran forward, and Bill, who stayed in place, pressed himself as close to the wall as possible to create a wide enough passage.

At this time, Mr. Weasley and others who had left before had also arrived on the street outside St. Mungo's.

Because of the time, there was no one on this street, only the dim yellow light flashing on and off from the street lamp next to it.

Looking at the mannequin behind them and the sobbing Mrs. Weasley, no one spoke.

After a period of heart-wrenching silence, Mr. Weasley stepped forward and hugged her shoulders, turning to Kyle as if to change the subject: "Happy birthday, Kyle."

"And Harry, too. Although I've known for a long time that you two have the same birthday, I still find it magical at this time of year."

"Huh?" Kyle was stunned for a moment, and then realized that it was already early in the morning, and it belonged to the 30th.

"Me too." He said with a smile, "But it's a wonderful feeling to have a friend with the same birthday as me."

"What's the matter? George and I have the same birthday." Fred curled his lips and said, "It's been like this for so many years, and we don't think it's strange."

"Yeah." George nodded and said, "Sometimes I always hope that our birthdays can be a few days apart, so that we can enjoy one more birthday dinner every year!"

Hearing his words, everyone around couldn't help laughing, and even Mrs. Weasley stopped sobbing and couldn't help but stepped forward and grabbed their ears.

The two immediately begged for mercy, and their funny appearance made everyone laugh again.

"Okay, let's go back quickly." Mr. Weasley took this opportunity to say, "The Death Eaters are still wreaking havoc everywhere, and Sirius and the others are far from enough."

"I know..." Mrs. Weasley said gloomily, "I just... feel a little uncomfortable... Was I too strict with Percy before..."

"I think it can be a little stricter!" Fred, whose ears had just been released, couldn't help but express his opinion, but when Mrs. Weasley looked over, he immediately ran away.

"Don't worry, Molly, didn't the healer just say Percy is fine?" Mr. Weasley walked up to comfort her.

"Yes, Mom." George also said on the side: "This is all thanks to Mr. Fudge, his timely appearance attracted most of the firepower."

There was another silence, but this time everyone's expression was a little strange.

"That's enough, don't say such things again in the future..." Mr. Weasley tried to keep his face straight. "No matter what Fudge is like, he was killed for fighting against the mysterious man, and we should respect him."


"We know..."

The two responded lazily.

However, with their interruption, the originally sad atmosphere instantly faded a lot.

Everyone also noticed Cedric, who had been following Kyle without speaking.

"Oh, Cedric..." Mrs. Weasley walked over quickly and hugged him tightly, "Sorry, child, we were too panicked before, and we didn't have time to thank you for sending Percy to St. Mungo's in time."

"It's nothing, Mrs. Weasley, I just did what I should do." Cedric said.

"What a good boy, but we have to thank you anyway." Mrs. Weasley hugged him again.

But then, she was a little troubled.

Because everyone must go back to Grimmauld Place, but Cedric...

As if he had noticed her thoughts, Kyle stepped forward and said, "It doesn't matter. Just before we came here, Professor Dumbledore had invited him to join the Order of the Phoenix and gave him the address of Grimmauld Place."

"Really?" Mrs. Weasley's eyes lit up and she asked immediately.

"If it's the address... it disappeared, but I remember it was..."

"Enough, kid, don't talk about it here." Mrs. Weasley grabbed Cedric's arm and interrupted him. "Come with me, I think you should be able to Apparate."

"Of course, I have also obtained the certificate for Apparition."

"Very good, very good..."

After that, Mrs. Weasley took him away.

Seeing this, the others followed.

But just as Kyle was about to Apparate, a big hand suddenly grabbed him from behind.

Kyle couldn't help but look back and laughed out loud.

Charlie was looking at him with an embarrassed look on his face.

"You really should take some time to learn this magic." Kyle said with a smile.

"I want to, but it's really hard." Charlie sighed.

His sturdy body is a huge advantage when training dragons, but it also makes it difficult for him to learn Apparition.

It can barely work if the distance is short, but once the distance is too long, it will definitely split.

Charlie was helpless about this.

"Okay, hold on."

After that, Kyle took Charlie back to Grimmauld Place.

When they arrived, Cedric just happened to tell the exact address and pointed out the location of number 12.

There was no need to doubt it now.

Mr. Weasley took him into the house, and after opening the door, they saw Hermione holding a wand.

Harry, Ron and Ginny also ran over quickly from other places after hearing the noise.

"Don't be nervous, Hermione. It's us." Mr. Weasley said softly, "You can relax a little. As long as Dumbledore is fine, the Death Eaters will not be able to find this place."

"Where did you go just now?" Ron asked anxiously.

"Nothing, just something." Mr. Weasley said a little unnaturally. He also didn't want to tell Ron about Percy's injury, lest they make any irrational decisions.

From the previous experience, this kind of worry is still necessary.

"What is it that deserves all of you to go out together?" Ron asked again without giving up.

"Of course it's the Ministry of Magic." Fred came up from behind and stretched out his hand to push him aside, "Get out of the way, don't block the way."

George followed him, "These are what we should do. The little brat who hasn't graduated yet should go back and do his homework quickly."

Ron was so angry that he gritted his teeth, but he didn't dare to say anything. Because if Fred and George didn't want to tell him, they would definitely not tell him.

If they get tired of being asked, maybe they will throw two slime bombs into his room while he is sleeping. Ron is very experienced in this.

"Let me introduce you to a new friend... Well, maybe you already know each other." Mr. Weasley turned sideways and pushed the somewhat restrained Cedric forward.

"Cedric Diggory, just graduated from Hogwarts not long ago, I think you should all be familiar with him."

Several people nodded in unison.

Cedric, Quidditch captain, male student union president, and they had participated in DA activities together before, so of course they knew each other.

More importantly, Harry once regarded him as his biggest rival in love... However, Cedric himself didn't know about this.

"So, have you joined the Order of the Phoenix?" Harry asked.

"Order of the Phoenix?" Cedric subconsciously looked at Kyle.

To be honest, he just heard this name not long ago, and it was only a name, and he didn't know the specific situation at all.

"It's like this..." Mrs. Weasley stepped forward and pulled Cedric to explain the situation of the Order of the Phoenix to him. Hermione and others also helped to talk.

On the other side, Kyle, Mr. Weasley, Fred and George had left the room again and came to the square outside.

"It seems that we have the same idea." Mr. Weasley said, "You should have recognized it just now. The person who was sent to St. Mungo's was a clerk from Flourish and Blotts Books in Diagon Alley."

"Of course, he often patronizes our store." Fred said, "Those damn Death Eaters have caused us to lose a big customer."

The few people didn't say much, and Apparated again to the door of the Leaky Cauldron.

As soon as they appeared, they saw the huge Dark Mark floating in the air.

The bar was in a mess, with broken bottles and tilted tables everywhere.

"Where's old Tom?" Fred glanced around and frowned, "Could he be..."

"Probably not." Mr. Weasley shook his head immediately and said, "Tom is a very smart man. I guess he may have noticed something wrong in advance and hid himself."

"Maybe..." George said.

Several people walked through the bar full of debris to the backyard.

They guessed correctly. The entrance to Diagon Alley was open. There were flames inside, explosions and the shrill laughter of the Death Eaters could be heard everywhere.

The shop owners united together and were struggling to resist the attack of the Death Eaters.

Kyle even saw the people in the Quidditch boutique holding the precious Firebolt and swinging it like a bat at the spell shot by the Death Eaters.

The next second, the spell was knocked to the side.

This is not difficult to understand. After all, as the top-level broom, the Firebolt has a strong protective spell on the wooden handle to ensure that the player is not disturbed when flying, and it can naturally be used to resist most evil spells.

It's just that few people would do this, and even Kyle saw it for the first time.

"Damn it, hasn't the Ministry of Magic's support arrived yet?" Someone shouted while maintaining the protective spell.

But the answer he got was indeed the merciless ridicule of the Death Eaters.

"Don't waste your energy."

"The Ministry of Magic is busy with its own affairs now, how can it care about you."

"That's right, just let us..."

Before he finished speaking, he was suddenly hit by a spell and fell to the ground and fainted.

The Death Eaters turned around and saw more spells flying from behind them.



Because there were other people, Kyle did not use large-scale magic and his own box, but only used basic spells and transfiguration to deal with it, but it was still very effective.

Almost everyone he targeted was hit by the spell without any accident and lost the ability to resist.

There were also Fred and George, who were slightly weaker than Kyle, but had many magical props. They would throw some round things around while using spells.

Some of them would emit a thick green mist after the explosion, while others would spray out a sticky, glue-like substance, which was surprisingly effective among the Death Eaters.

Even Mr. Weasley had the same strength as the Aurors.

In addition, the incident happened suddenly. Although there were only four of them, they had the momentum of more than 20 people and actually had the upper hand in a short period of time.

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