Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 787 Dumbledore's Purpose

Because there were still things to deal with, Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout left early near noon.

Then there was Mr. Weasley, who also had to return to the Ministry of Magic early due to some matters.

Now that the Ministry of Magic has just been rebuilt, it is the busiest time. It is not easy for people like them to take half a day off.

When Moody was about to leave, Kyle found him first and asked: "Alastor, are you sure that Bathilda is herself?"

"I can't guarantee that there will be no problem." Moody's blue magic eyes turned a few times quickly, "But I haven't found any problems so far. She hasn't drank anything in the past three hours, so we can rule out the problem. The Polyjuice Potion, and as for the Imperius Curse...she can't do anything with Dumbledore here."

After saying that, Moody stepped on his prosthetic leg, limped to a place outside the protective magic, and apparated away.

"Yeah, with Dumbledore here, there's really nothing to worry about." Kyle muttered softly.

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But it was really uncomfortable to be stared at all the time, so after thinking for a moment, Kyle decided to ask clearly.

He came to Bathilda, and before he could speak, the old witch scolded her head and shoulders:

"Why are you still here!"

"What?" Kyle didn't react and didn't understand what it meant...why couldn't he be here.

"Well, I'm here to attend the wedding of Lupine and Tonks." He said: "Ms. Bathilda, you..."

"Why didn't you apologize to Aberforth?" Bathilda said again, but this time the content made Kyle even more confused.


He should still be in the Hog's Head Bar in Hogsmeade, keeping company with the goat. Why should he apologize to him?

However, the next second, he heard a name that should not appear here no matter what.

"Listen to me, if you hadn't dragged Albus to chat, he wouldn't have forgotten to prepare lunch for Ariana. Aberforth should be angry.

"You did something wrong, and you should apologize, not just to Aberforth, but also to Ariana. That child is pitiful enough."

"Wait..." Kyle said subconsciously: "Who were you talking about just now?"

"Ariana Dumbledore is also my sister." A familiar voice came from behind.

Kyle looked back.

I don't know when, Dumbledore has appeared here, right next to them.

"You should have seen her, it's the biggest portrait in my office."

As Dumbledore arrived, the surrounding sounds seemed to fade away, the music and the screams of the Weasley brothers getting smaller and smaller, as if they had suddenly been moved miles away.

"But Professor, why did Ms. Bathilda tell me this?" Kyle asked.

"It's obvious that she thinks of you as someone else," Dumbledore said vaguely.

"Also, Albus, aren't you supposed to be at home right now? Why did you run out again?" Bathilda looked at Dumbledore, "Also, if possible, can you put on your fake beard?" Take it off, that thing looks really ridiculous."

"My beard is not fake, Bathilda, would you like to take a closer look?" Dumbledore said.

He waved his hand gently, and a crisp and melodious singing sound suddenly came from the distance.

There was a touch of golden red where the clouds overlapped, and Phoenix Fawkes flapped its wings, flew down and landed on Dumbledore's shoulder.

The song of the phoenix passed through everyone's ears like a clear stream.

During the singing, Bathilda blinked her cloudy eyes twice and looked up at Dumbledore.

"Albus, I'm so glad you came to see me again."

For some reason, Kyle always felt that her voice sounded much older than before, and her body became more stooped.

"Where am I?" she asked, seemingly forgetting what she had just done.

"Take a walk." Dumbledore took two steps forward, "But we should go back now. If we go this way, we need to turn a corner ahead."

"I'm not an old fool, I know the way, I don't need you to remind me." Bathilda said dissatisfied: "But is Hogwarts so busy now? You just came to see me yesterday, and you came again today."

Dumbledore didn't speak, just nodded slightly.

However, Kyle knew very well that Dumbledore had just been robbed of the Elder Wand, and the Ministry of Magic was attacked by Death Eaters. He was so busy that there was no way he would have time to come and visit Bathilda. I misremembered the time again.

The two of them walked further and further away. Kyle just turned his head and glanced at the lively wedding dance floor behind him, and followed them without any hesitation.

Compared to dancing, he still felt that the next thing would be more interesting.

Bathilda staggered back the way she had come, and after passing several houses turned into a lane. She groped for a moment, took out a key, opened the door, and stepped aside to let them in.

"Come in, Albus, but I don't have any tea for you."

"I've had enough to drink," Dumbledore said. He walked into the house and waved deftly.

A gust of wind blew away the strange smell in the house.

Then Kyle walked in.

"Who is he?" asked Bathilda.

"One of my students," Dumbledore said, "he said he wanted to visit the historian who wrote "A History of Magic," so I brought him here."

"Ah, yes." Kyle reacted and said quickly: "I have always liked "History of Magic"."

"Yes, he is a visionary child." Bathilda said, ""History of Magic" took me more than ten years to create, and I interviewed countless people during the process. It is also my most proud work."

She smiled at Kyle, and the folds on her face were stacked together, almost covering her eyes, looking like a cabbage cut in the middle.

Kyle nodded in response.

Although Dumbledore had dispelled most of the smell in the room, Kyle could still smell a distinct smell of mold and spoiled food.

These smells seem to have been integrated into the house, and it cannot be removed unless the place is blown up.

"So, what did you come to me to ask?" Bathilda walked past Kyle. She untied her moldy headscarf, revealing a head with sparse white hair.

Kyle subconsciously looked at Dumbledore, but the other party slapped his forehead and said, "Oh, I almost forgot that I have something else to tell Minerva. You guys wait for me here, I'll be right back."

With that said, he hurriedly walked out of the house, leaving only a confused Kyle standing there.

"Sit down, don't stand around." Bathilda said, and Kyle carefully sat down on a sofa that looked like it might fall apart at any time.

"I guess he definitely went to visit Ariana not to give Minerva any instructions," Bathilda said suddenly.

"He comes here every time to visit Ariana, and he only occasionally stops by my place. I know all this."

"His sister, Ariana Dumbledore?" Kyle followed Bathilda's words and asked, "Is she here too?"

"It's near the church two miles away." Bathilda said. She raised her head and glanced at Kyle. "I didn't expect you to know this name. Did he even tell you this? This is really rare."

"I saw a picture of a girl in his office," Kyle said.

"Yes, that's Ariana," Bathilda murmured, "but what's the use, that poor child..."

It seemed that she hadn't chatted with other people for a long time. It was rare that she met someone who was willing to listen to her. The person was brought by Dumbledore. Bathilda suddenly started chatting and talked a lot to herself. It's about Dumbledore when he was young.

She even dug out a few old, badly faded photos from a dilapidated box.

The photo showed two high-spirited young men, and Kyle quickly recognized it. One of them was the young Dumbledore.

He had seen the middle-aged Dumbledore in the pensieve, who was very similar to the young man on the right side of the photo. The other man was about the same age as him, with a thin build, handsome appearance, sharp eyes, and looked high-spirited.

"He's a nephew of mine," said Bathilda, "but he's as bad as Albus when it comes to Ariana."

"Look, this is Ariana." Bathilda pointed to a corner of the photo.

It was the attic of a house, and there was a small figure inside, looking at them through the attic window.

Under the influence of the developing potion, this photo was divided into two completely different parts, the most conspicuous of which were naturally the two high-spirited teenagers.

The other part is Ariana, who is neglected, tied up in the attic, longing for sunshine and friendship.

This contrast made Kyle very uncomfortable, and he couldn't help but have a bold idea in his heart. He wanted to beat Dumbledore.

He didn't have a wand now, and one of his arms was useless, so maybe he could really beat him up.

Thinking of this, Kyle quickly shook his head and focused his attention on the photo again, to be precise, the person on the left side of the photo.

Gellert Grindelwald, Dumbledore's former best friend and greatest rival, is currently studying in Nurmengard.

Kyle remembered that Bathilda Bagshot seemed to be his great-aunt.

Just when Kyle wanted to take a closer look, the photo was put away.

"I've been afraid to watch this, it always brings back some sad memories," Bathilda said.

Kyle wanted to ask something about Grindelwald, but after thinking about it, he gave up the idea and continued: "Professor Dumbledore at that time didn't seem to care about his sister very much."

"Yes." Bathilda nodded, "When he was young, he was completely different from what he is now. He always felt that he had something more worthy of doing, instead of taking care of his squib sister at home day after day. He asked me Said he even thought Ariana was a burden."

"Squib?" Kyle paused.

"Oh, I shouldn't have said this," Bathilda said. "In fact, the Dumbledores claimed that Ariana was sick, but no one had ever seen her at St. Mungo's."

"Okay, forget all this, it doesn't matter what the truth is.

"In short, Ariana's death made Albus a different person, but it also caused a complete break between him and Aberforth. His nose was broken at that time."

Bathilda staggered to the table, put the photo back into the box, and rummaged around for something.

"Do you want to see the manuscript of "History of Magic"? There are many interesting things that are not recorded there."

"Of course." Kyle said.

Although he was more interested in the things about the headmaster's youth, Bathilda obviously didn't want to continue talking, and he didn't ask.

"Why is it not there..." Bathilda searched in the box for a while, "Maybe I left it upstairs, I have to go find it."

She came to the stairs and walked up slowly.

After Bathilda left, Kyle looked around here for the first time.

The room was messy and rarely cleaned, and there was dust everywhere.

Next to the sofa was a chest of drawers with many photos on it. Kyle saw Grindelwald again on it, a single photo, and he looked even younger.

He was smiling lazily at Kyle in the silver frame.


At this time, the door rang, and Dumbledore walked in from outside.

What a coincidence, he came back as soon as Bathilda went upstairs.

Kyle looked at him, picked up the silver photo frame on the chest of drawers, and asked, "I guess Bathilda Bagshot mistook me for this person just now, her nephew."

Dumbledore paused slightly and nodded. "That should be the case. She rarely uses that tone when talking to other people."

"But we don't look alike, especially the hair color." Kyle looked at the photo.

The person in the photo frame has golden hair, but he has black hair, which is not a small difference.

Being mistaken for a dark wizard is not a happy thing. Kyle always thinks he is a good person.

"I don't know about this. Maybe it's because of her age. Her eyesight is not as good as before.

"And she has become more and more confused recently. She mistook me for my father several times. In fact, we don't look alike at all."

"Is that so?" Kyle put the photo frame back, and Dumbledore seemed to be relieved.

He came to Kyle and asked, "Do you feel strange about why I came here suddenly?"

"A little bit. "Kyle nodded.

To be honest, he had already guessed a possibility in his heart, but he didn't say it, just looked at him like this.

"After leaving last night, I went to Devonshire." Dumbledore's face was tangled, as if he was struggling with something. After a few minutes, he said in a deep voice: "But Nico told me that what I want to find is here with you?"

"Nico?" Kyle didn't feel strange at all, "Last time I visited his manor, he did give me a gift."

Kyle fumbled in the deformed lizard skin bag for a while and took out a golden pocket watch with five hands.

For a moment, Dumbledore's breathing suddenly became rapid, and Kyle even felt a chill on his back, and his body suddenly became tense.

It is certain that he definitely had the idea of ​​robbing the pocket watch, but he held back.

"Can you lend it to me?" Dumbledore tried to control his emotions, "It is very important to me."

"Because of Ariana? "Kyle asked casually, he raised his head and met a pair of sharp and bright blue eyes.

"How did you know?"

I don't know if it's an illusion, although Dumbledore was questioning, Kyle always felt that he knew it would be like this.

"I guessed that Bathilda told me some secrets about your youth." Kyle opened the box in front of Dumbledore and put the pocket watch in.

During this period, he just watched without any movement until Kyle closed the box.

"Maybe I can make another bold guess. You brought me here from the beginning to use Bathilda to tell me about Ariana. "

"Yes." Dumbledore did not deny it, "Bathilda has been more and more fond of reminiscing about the past recently. When she saw me leaving, she would definitely guess that I was going to visit Ariana and thus bring up this topic. "

"Why? "Kyle didn't understand, and couldn't figure out why he did this.

He could have said all this himself, why did he go to such great lengths to have Bathilda relay it.

"Because I need that time converter, but I don't have the courage to tell you the reason." Dumbledore sat opposite Kyle, "I dare not recall what happened back then, let alone say it, so I can only tell you the reason in this way."

"What if Bathilda didn't mention Ariana." Kyle asked, "Or maybe I'm not interested in this name and didn't ask."

"I can only say that my luck has always been good." Dumbledore said, "This time is no exception."

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