Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 791 You are surrounded

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Harry was rescued?

Sirius was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, turned around and prepared to run away.

"In that case, let's leave quickly. There are too many of them. It will be troublesome if we are caught up."

But Sirius soon discovered that Kyle did not follow, but still stood where he was.

"Hurry up, what are you waiting for?" He shouted anxiously: "They will be chasing you soon."

While they were talking, a black mist appeared near them, and Sirius was so anxious that he almost turned back quickly, preparing to drag Kyle away.

"Leave? That's not possible."

Kyle curled his lips and said, "I'm petty. I was chased away by them for so long just now. If I don't come back with revenge, I won't be able to sleep at night."

"What nonsense are you talking about, now..."

"Fox, I leave it to you."

Along with a crisp chirping sound, Sirius' figure also disappeared.

At the same time, Bellatrix also chased after him with his Death Eaters.

"Pah, pah, pah..." She clapped her hands and said in a sinister tone: "How noble. You gave up the chance to escape to others but chose to stay. I was touched."

"Really?" Kyle said with a smile, "In that case, how about you let me go too. I promise to turn around and leave and never stay for a second longer."

As if they heard a funny joke, all the Death Eaters present laughed.

"Let you go?"

"Did you think this was in a pram at Hogwarts?"

"We will torture you with the Cruciatus Curse until you regret not leaving just now."

The Death Eaters laughed at Kyle and threatened him with words... maybe it wasn't a threat, but a warning in advance.

"Did you hear that?" It took a long time for Bellatrix to stop her harsh laughter.

"What a shame, I already gave you a chance." Kyle muttered quietly.

"What did you say?"

"No, it's nothing, you heard wrong."

"Don't try to play tricks." Bellatrix said coldly, "You can't escape. As for those who were sent away, we will also ask you about their whereabouts and catch them one by one. !

"If you tell me now, you will suffer less, but I think you would like to taste the Cruciatus Curse more.

"How long can you last, I guess ten minutes."

"I guess ten minutes, how about a Galleung bet." Kyle said with a smile.

"Ten is no problem." Bellatrix grinned with a cruel smile, and then raised her wand.

"Wait a moment, I have something else to say." Kyle raised his hand, "Aren't you curious about where I learned the armor spell I just used?"

After hearing what Kyle said, Bellatrix stopped as expected.

"Say it!" she screamed.

"The Dark Lord taught me this. He also wanted me to be his successor." Kyle said calmly: "Maybe in a few years, you will become my servant."

"Shut up!"

"If you dare to insult the Dark Lord, you are seeking death!"

"kill him!"

There were curses from the crowd, and no one believed what Kyle said.

Bellatrix didn't believe it either, but she hesitated subconsciously.

Because among all the Death Eaters present, she was the only one who knew that the Iron Armor Curse used by Kyle was indeed exactly the same as Voldemort's.

Is it...impossible? This is absolutely impossible.

Bellatrix instantly gave up an unrealistic idea and glared at Kyle:

"you wanna die."

"I have evidence." Kyle said again. He took out a box, opened it and placed it on the open space in front of him.

"The Dark Lord also gave me a token. It's inside. You will know it at a glance."

"Do you think I would believe such a clumsy lie?" Bellatrix said with narrowed eyes.

"So what?" Kyle threw the wand aside casually, "There are so many of you, but I'm the only one who doesn't say anything. Now I don't even have the wand, so I'm sincere enough.

"Of course, if you are scared, you don't have to watch it, but if the Dark Lord becomes angry later... Tsk, tut, you can think about it yourself."

Bellatrix's hand holding the wand stopped again, seeming to be struggling with something.

Thinking of Voldemort's way of punishing people, other Death Eaters also fell silent. Maybe they didn't believe Kyle's words, but they didn't dare to bet.

What if... Not everyone can bear the Dark Lord's wrath.

And the most important point is that Kyle doesn't have a wand anymore. There are so many of them, why should they be afraid of such a young wizard who doesn't have a wand yet.

Everyone looked at Bellatrix.

She couldn't help but take two steps forward, but looking at the opened box, an inexplicable feeling of fear suddenly came to her heart.

Instinct made Bellatrix stop, but everyone else's attention was on the box and did not see her move.

Finally, a group of people came to the box and looked inside.

The box was dark and empty. Just when they thought they had been tricked and were about to get mad, a lucky Death Eater suddenly noticed something flashing in front of him.

It seems to be two gems, and it is a rare orange gem.



Without warning, those Death Eaters who had seen the box fell to the ground and became motionless.

"Damn it, this is a trap!" The Death Eaters who reacted shouted, "Kill him quickly!"

"It may be a little late to talk about this now." Kyle looked at them and raised his eyebrows slightly.

A snake head like a train jumped out of the box, with dark green scales and fangs as sharp as knives shining with a strange cold light... Oh, and those breathtaking orange eyes.


The expressions on the faces of several Death Eaters froze instantly, and they fell down stiffly.

But I don’t know whether there were too many people, sharing the curse with each other, or because they didn’t see the basilisk’s eyes head-on. The number of people who fell was much less than Kyle imagined. Most of the Death Eaters were just holding their heads and howling. He seemed to be experiencing some great pain.

But it doesn’t matter.

Kyle flipped his fingers and grabbed a new wand... This was his wand. As for the one he threw just now, he picked it up a long time ago.

"Go, leave no one behind." Kyle said lightly,

The basilisk immediately jumped out, its fifty-foot-long body crushing all the way into the crowd. Those Death Eaters who were still holding their heads and howling didn't care about the bone-piercing pain in their hearts and began to scatter. flight.

During this period, people kept seeing the basilisk's eyes accidentally because of panic, but this time there were not so many people to help share the curse. They quickly lay down on the ground.

"This is a basilisk, don't look into its eyes!" Someone finally recognized the basilisk's identity and loudly reminded others.

Kyle was a little surprised. He didn't expect that there were kind-hearted people in the Death Eater team who cared about the lives of others.

As a reward, he took the initiative to use a binding spell to slow down the opponent's escape, and at the same time released Norbert from the box.

The fire dragon flew up with a roar, and dragon flames continued to fall from the sky, exploding fireworks on the ground.

Then Kyle suddenly appeared on Noble's head.

He didn't care about the others anymore, but directed the basilisk from above, making it go straight to Bellatrix in the crowd.

Compared to those little minions, she is a real big fish.

Bellatrix was also running away. Although she escaped due to intuition, she was also affected by the curse. Her escape speed was obviously much slower, and she was soon caught up by the Basilisk.

"Avada Kedavra!"

She screamed, wanting to kill Kyle on top of the fire dragon, but because she didn't dare to open her eyes, the curse's aim almost hit Durmstrang, and Kyle didn't even have to hide.

"Damn, damn..." Bellatrix shouted like crazy, "Master will not let you go, will not let you go!"

"It sounds like we can live in peace now." Kyle chuckled.

Under Kyle's command, the basilisk quickly came to Bellatrix.

Feeling the threat of death, Bellatrix panicked completely. She frantically cast the Iron Armor Curse to prevent the basilisk from approaching.

But it's no use at all,

The basilisk opened its mouth and lunged forward, its sharp fangs piercing into its body. Bellatrix immediately fell silent.

Just when Kyle wanted to say something, he suddenly felt flustered and subconsciously placed the box in his hand on Norbert's head.

The huge fire dragon disappeared instantly, and Kyle also fell from the sky.

At the same time, a ray of light that was more dazzling than other life-killing spells passed by at a very fast speed, and the path happened to be his previous position.

The speed was so fast that Kyle didn't even see how it flew past.

Seeing this unique life-killing curse, Kyle didn't hesitate at all. He immediately used the ring to apparate onto the back of the basilisk and put it into the box.

However, this move also caused him to miss the best opportunity to escape.

Voldemort walked out of the black mist, holding a wand with sharp bones in his hand, pointing directly at Kyle.

He looked angry, but it wasn't because of Bellatrix, but... the box in Kyle's hand.

"You thief!" Voldemort had never been so angry, his chest heaved violently, and he let out a hoarse roar.

"How dare you, steal from the great Dark Lord!"

He recognized that what Kyle had just taken away was the basilisk in the Hogwarts Chamber of Secrets. When he was in school, he used the basilisk to kill a student.

In Voldemort's heart, he had long regarded the Basilisk as his own, and he always wanted to return to Hogwarts and release it from the Chamber of Secrets.

But he never expected that not only did the basilisk come out, but it also became someone else's property.

This is what he can't stand.

"Shameless thief, give me that box!" Voldemort waved his hand violently, "Otherwise, you will die!"

"This is not okay." Although he was very nervous, Kyle still pretended to be relaxed and said: "This is mine, a gift from Salazar Slytherin to me, the heir."

"You lied!" Voldemort's scarlet eyes became deeper, "I am the descendant of Slytherin, and you are just a poor thief."

"Then why does the basilisk obey my orders?" Kyle retorted: "This already explains the problem. You are fake, and I am the real one.

"Don't forget, Riddle's surname is a Muggle..."

"Heart-breaking and bone-cutting!"

A beam of red light fell on Kyle. How can I describe that feeling? It was as if a thousand needles were piercing my body at the same time, and even my consciousness became blurred.

But Kyle was waiting for this. When Voldemort chose the Cruciatus Curse, which was more suitable for torturing people, instead of the Killing Curse, he also successfully seized the opportunity and used the last chance of Apparition on the ring under the pain of the Cruciatus Curse.

Just like that, Kyle disappeared under Voldemort's eyes.

This also caught Voldemort off guard. After realizing that he had been fooled, the angry Voldemort roared and poured his anger on the Death Eaters who were still alive around him.

Those Death Eaters never dreamed that they had escaped the basilisk and the dragon, but finally died in the hands of the Dark Lord they were loyal to.

Until the last Death Eater was also killed by the Killing Curse, Voldemort put down the Elder Wand and stared at the place where Kyle disappeared without saying a word, wondering what he was thinking.

More Death Eaters came over, including Draco Malfoy, but when he saw the surroundings, his face turned extremely pale, his legs trembled, and he almost knelt down.

Fortunately, Lucius appeared in time and helped him from behind.

But his face was also not very good.

Death Eaters had never suffered such heavy casualties, even that crazy woman...

He turned his head to look at Bellatrix lying motionless on the ground not far away, and his throat moved slightly.


Oren came to Voldemort, "What should we do."

Voldemort glanced at him, "Bella, this idiot, acted privately, fell into the trap of the Order of the Phoenix, and was killed by Dumbledore."

For some reason, Voldemort did not tell them the truth, but just pushed it all on the Order of the Phoenix and Dumbledore.

Oren's eyes moved. Although he had only taken a quick glance, the Death Eaters around him did not look like Dumbledore's work. Instead, they looked more like...

He quickly suppressed some thoughts and echoed, "Yeah, what a fool."

"Should we retaliate?" Barty Crouch Jr. also came over, "How about attacking the Ministry of Magic again? The new minister has been against us, so we can kill her by the way."

"Then, how about leaving this matter to you?" Voldemort said, "You go and deal with the Aurors and Dumbledore. I'm waiting for your good news."

Barty Crouch Jr. quickly knelt on the ground, "I just want to help you... Master..."

Voldemort didn't even look at him, and disappeared into a ball of black mist without saying a word.

Oren, on the side, sneered undisguisedly, "Go to the Ministry of Magic, I'm optimistic about you, Barty."

"Shut up!" Barty Crouch Jr. raised his head and stared at Oren with resentment.

"Tsk, he's stupid, but he also has a bad temper." Oren didn't care at all, waved his hand, and followed the Apparition to leave.

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