Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 800 Ron is affected

"Kyle, if we believe you again in the future, it will be a swallow-tailed dog...

"It's the Pherobian Caterpillar!"

"It's a Philobub caterpillar that was stepped on by a swallow-tailed dog!"

This book was first published on 69 Book Bar to provide you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

At the dinner table, Fred and George looked at Kyle with eyes that were almost on fire.

They regretted why they believed what Kyle said.

Last night, Kyle used the Hufflepuff Gold Cup as a bargaining chip to trick them into rejoining the Ministry of Magic. They couldn't resist the temptation and agreed.

After all, it was something left by the Big Four at Hogwarts, and no one who liked alchemy could refuse it.

Although they also dislike working in the Ministry of Magic, because Kyle said that the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures is different from the Muggle Mediation Committee. There are many people there and it will not be particularly busy.

So they gritted their teeth and decided to lower their bottom line a little.

But what people didn't expect was that after they arrived at the Ministry of Magic, they discovered that things were completely different from what Kyle said.

There are indeed many people in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, but there are also many departments. Beasts, aliens, ghosts, goblins, centaurs, werewolves, house elves... It can be said that as long as they are not human, they are all managed here. There are almost a dozen large and small offices in total.

If divided in this way, each office can only be assigned two or three people, no different from Hermione.

They even came back half an hour later than Hermione today.

If it weren't for the sake of the gold cup, they would all want to hang Kyle from the roof.

"What's wrong with you?" Mrs. Weasley walked out of the kitchen carrying freshly baked bread and asked doubtfully.

"It's nothing, Mrs. Weasley." Kyle said, "It's just that I found a new job for them. The task is to deal with the trouble left by some Death Eaters."

"Is it dangerous?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"Not at all." Kyle shook his head and said, "It's very safe. You don't have to face Death Eaters, and you don't have to stay in eye-catching places like the Ministry of Magic and Diagon Alley. You just need to walk around and interact with small animals every day. Just deal with it.”

"It is not good?"

"But they don't seem to like it," Kyle said with a shrug.

"What else are you dissatisfied with?" Mrs. Weasley turned to look at Fred and George and couldn't help but raise her voice, "It's time for you to share some responsibilities, instead of thinking about those magic tricks all day long... …”

"Mom, we don't have one."

"It's not what Kyle said!"

The two wanted to explain, but for a moment they didn't know what to say?

Yes, they really don't have to stay at the Ministry of Magic all the time, because they don't have the time at all. They have to run out to go to work and can't come back until evening.

As for another question...whose "little animal" has three heads and seven legs? Is it a small animal? That's a monster!

Seeing that they had been mumbling for a long time without saying anything complete, Mrs. Weasley became even more angry.

"Hermione knows that now is the time when we need help. Why aren't you willing? Don't be lazy. If I know that you gave up halfway, I will definitely twist your ears off."

Mrs. Weasley angrily scolded Fred and George. The two of them did not dare to speak anymore. They just sat there with their heads lowered. From time to time, they raised their eyelids and glared at Kyle fiercely, threatening with their eyes. he.

But does Kyle care? He couldn't care less.

Anyway, the Weasley brothers are not basilisks. Their eyes can't kill you, so just look at them if you want.

"Oh, by the way Kyle..." Suddenly, Mrs. Weasley turned her gaze again, "If there is no danger, can you ask Ron to help too? As an adult wizard, he cannot continue So lazy.

"Everyone is busy today, and he actually played wizard chess all day long."

At the dinner table, Ron, who was eating late-night snacks and watching the excitement, was suddenly stunned for a moment, wondering why Mrs. Weasley suddenly involved him.

"Ah, of course, no problem."

Before he could react, Kyle immediately smiled and said: "Let me think about it... Well, Ron is a bit young, so just run away. How about giving him a job in the office?" , right in my dad’s office.

"Of course, if he wants to go to Mr. Weasley, that's fine, but it's just a bit troublesome. You know, I have resigned, and my words are not as effective as before."

"It doesn't matter, Chris's office is very good, and I don't want him to be with Arthur, lest Arthur help him be lazy." Mrs. Weasley said with a smile, "But are you sure he is fine? After all, Ron has done it before Never worked at the Ministry of Magic."

"It doesn't matter, he can definitely do it." Kyle waved his hand. "The work is very easy. I just sort out the documents, copy some information, etc., and I can get started quickly."

"That's great," said Mrs. Weasley.

Ron next to him realized that after just one meal, his subsequent vacation had been arranged?

Thinking of Hermione's sluggish appearance in the past two days, and Fred George's complaint just now, Ron could say that he was unwilling to do so.

He didn't want to go to the Ministry of Magic, he just wanted to stay at home, chat with Harry and play wizard chess to pass the time.

"Mom, I'm not going to the Ministry of Magic." Ron said immediately: "I have to accompany Harry, he is too lonely."

"He is not lonely." Mrs. Weasley said without turning her head: "And there are Ginny and Kyle at home."

Ron's expression froze, and he turned to look at Harry.

But Harry just lowered his head and ate the bread, and did not receive his request for help.

But from Kyle's point of view, Harry's appearance was somewhat more obvious. He didn't seem to oppose this decision, or he didn't have to ask Ron to accompany him.

Kyle was sure that the reason must not be himself, because he and Harry really had nothing to talk about... unless he wanted to learn brain occlusion again.

"I, I still have to do my homework." Without the support of his friends, Ron thought of another excuse, "By the way, I haven't finished my homework yet. If I go to the Ministry of Magic, I won't have time to do it."

"It's been so long since the holiday, and you haven't done your homework yet?" Mrs. Weasley looked at Ron in disbelief, "Then why are you still playing with wizard chess today?"

"I... I'm going to do it tomorrow." Ron stammered, "I will definitely do it tomorrow."

"No, just go to the Ministry of Magic." Mrs. Weasley's tone was firm, as if she had made up some kind of determination.

"Don't make excuses. I know very well that you won't remember that you still have homework until school starts. In this case, do something more meaningful.

"It's only three days before school starts, which should be enough for you to make up your homework."


"That's it!"

Without waiting for Ron to say anything else, Mrs. Weasley made the decision directly: "You will go to the Ministry of Magic with me tomorrow. Fred and George, you watch him."

"Okay, Mom!"

"No problem."

"Leave it to us! "

Fred and George, who had originally had bitter faces, suddenly became smiling.

Although the tedious work made people unhappy, it would be fun if their younger brother also participated.

After a day's work, they knew too well how busy the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures was, and the more things they had to do, the more tedious the office tidying work would be. Ron's future vacation would definitely be very fulfilling.

When they thought of this, they couldn't help but smile with relief.

This is all for Ron's good.


After the midnight snack, Kyle, who was very self-aware, stood up before Mrs. Weasley left the restaurant, and quickly returned to the room upstairs.

Then he took out his wand, cast the anti-shock spell and the soundproofing spell on the door in turn, and then nodded with satisfaction and sat down. At the table.

Fred and George now have other work, and probably don't have time to study communication items suitable for Aurors, so this matter still falls on him.

Fortunately, this is not a big deal.

What Fred said before is right, there is no such thing as a safe thing in the magic world, traitors, Legilimency, Polyjuice Potion... these can make confidentiality measures a joke.

So we still have to work hard on concealment. As long as we know the direction, the rest will be much easier.

Kyle took out a button and began to carve magic words on it.

At the same time, several people outside were constantly banging on his door, and their strength was getting stronger and stronger.

The oak door was banging, as if someone was playing crackling cards in the corridor, but the room was quiet and there was no movement at all.


Fred rubbed his sore palm, "That bastard must have used magic on the door, and it's useless for us to do this."

"What should we do, just let it go?" George said unwillingly.

Then he took out his wand and pointed it at the door lock.

"Alaho open! "

Nothing happened.

Of course, this was expected. Since Kyle could think of them coming back to knock on the door and used magic to block the sound in advance, how could he not think of the unlocking spell?

"Forget it? How is it possible!" Fred pounded the door again and said viciously: "He is lucky this time, but this place is so small, he can't hide from us all the time, one day we will catch him."

"That's right." George nodded.

"What should we do now?" Ron asked on the side.

He saw Fred and George coming, so he followed them. After all, in a sense, it was Kyle's credit that he was asked to go to the Ministry of Magic.

"What else can I do, go back to sleep!" Fred said unhappily, "I have to get up early to work at the Ministry of Magic tomorrow."

"I advise you to get up early so that you can have time to eat breakfast."

"If you skip this step, you will regret it."

After that, the two walked towards their room, leaving only a very bleak back.

"What do they mean by this? "Ron asked in a trembling voice.

To be honest, he had regretted it from the beginning. He shouldn't have gone for supper. If he hadn't appeared in the restaurant, Mrs. Weasley might not have thought of him at all, and would not have let him go to the Ministry of Magic.

"I don't know either." Harry, who came with him, said.

"Why didn't you help me just now?" Ron complained: "If you insisted on letting me stay with you, maybe Mom wouldn't let me go to the Ministry of Magic."

"I didn't pay attention." Harry's eyes flickered, "And to be honest, I'm not that fragile and I have to be alone.

"Besides, I actually want to make a change with you. I'm willing to do something. Even if I'm so busy that I don't have time to eat, it doesn't matter, as long as you don't let me stay here all the time."

"No one will agree." At this time, Hermione also came up from downstairs and said seriously: "Your safety is more important than anything else now."

"I know, but I always think people are a little too nervous."

"No, this is necessary." Hermione said, and then she looked at Ron again.

"What Harry just said is right. He doesn't need anyone to accompany him. Besides, you can't stay in Hogwarts forever."

"Of course I know," Ron muttered, "That's why I want to relax for another year."

"Ha." Hermione laughed and didn't argue with him anymore, "What they said just now is right. You'd better sleep well. If you miss breakfast tomorrow, you will definitely regret it."

Hermione then yawned and returned to her room.

"Why do they all say that?" Ron sighed, "But I'm not sleepy at all now."

After the two of them left, the corridor fell into silence again.

But Kyle didn't know what was happening outside. The magic he arranged in advance worked very well, and no sound from outside came in at all.

As for Fred and George's plan to catch Kyle later, they failed.

They leave early and come back late every day, and the timing is so good that Kyle can successfully avoid them as long as he returns to the room before ten o'clock.

Until mid-August they saw each other only at breakfast.

On the 25th, Kyle went to the Ministry of Magic again, but this time he did not choose to let Fox take him there. Instead, he left No. 12 Grimmauld Place with several people from the Weasley family. He came outside for the first time in half a month.

This was an experiment, he couldn't stay here hiding from Voldemort forever, he would always have to go out.

The streets were very lively, with Muggles walking around talking and laughing, and there was no sign of any tension.

Mr. Weasley was driving a car down the road.

"I would say it would be better for you to stay for a while longer." He said nervously, "At least until Hogwarts starts school."

"It doesn't matter. If the mysterious man is determined to deal with me, it will be the same at any time." Kyle said.

There were only two of them here. Fred and the others originally wanted to go together. This is how they usually go to the Ministry of Magic.

But for safety's sake, Mr. Weasley insisted that they go to work with Lupin and Tonks.

"I heard that there has been no news about Death Eaters recently?" Kyle asked.

"It can't be said that there are none, it's just that there are fewer, not as frequent as before." Mr. Weasley said, "It must be after Godric's Hollow that they were also hit hard and had to recuperate."

"Maybe it's just the mysterious man who needs training." Kyle whispered: "He doesn't care about the life and death of the Death Eaters."

"But there are too few people under his command, and it is inconvenient for him to do many things." The car turned a corner at the intersection, "But it is also a good thing. Hogwarts will start school soon. After sending the students to school, we You can deal with them more attentively.”

"You're right."

The car sped along and arrived at the Ministry of Magic earlier than usual.

Fortunately, the journey was safe and they did not encounter any Death Eaters.

"Don't take it lightly, the next step is the most troublesome." Mr. Weasley led Kyle into the hall of the Ministry of Magic. "Although I don't know who it is, there must be Death Eater traitors in the Ministry of Magic, and there are so many of them." No less.”

"I know."

When the two came to the magic fountain, Kyle also noticed that more and more eyes began to focus on him.

But this doesn't mean anything. He also worked here before. It's completely normal for everyone to meet acquaintances, take a look and say hello or something.

And just by looking at him, Kyle couldn't tell who had other thoughts.

"Where are you going?" Mr. Weasley asked as the two entered the lift.

"First floor." Kyle took out a box, "I promised Minister Bones half a month ago, and I finally did it today."

"I know, it's a communication item used by Aurors, right." Mr. Weasley said, "The kind of communication parchment you provided is already popular in the Ministry.

"I have to say, it's really convenient. At least you don't have to worry about a paper airplane suddenly getting stuck in your hair when riding the elevator."

"The parchment is just a prototype." Kyle said with a smile, "In fact, I plan to improve it and make it look like a phone."

"That's great!"

Mr. Weasley's eyes seemed to turn into lights, bright and dazzling, "If you need help, just come to me."

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