Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 802 Magic Contract

There was silence in the minister's office. Bones sat there silently, not knowing what he was thinking.

Kyle sat opposite her, fiddling with the gold galleons on the table boredly.

During this period, someone came to Bones to report work, but she kicked him out and continued to be in a daze.

Kyle didn't press.

After an unknown amount of time, Bones finally came to his senses and looked up at Kyle.

"One hundred thousand galleons, I can't agree to it, or any minister wouldn't agree to it.

"This amount is so large that it can even affect the normal operation of the Ministry of Magic."

"Is there nothing to talk about?" Kyle shrugged.

"You can't say that." Bones stood up, "I thought of a compromise."

"What is it?"

"The Ministry of Magic is willing to buy you the right to use this thing for a period of time for two thousand Galleons. The time starts from now until we defeat the mysterious man."

Kyle asked curiously: "What does this mean?"

"Still the same conditions as before." Bones explained: "This kind of communication item can only be used by the Ministry of Magic and is not allowed to appear anywhere else, but the time is not permanent.

"If we defeat You-Know-Who, this restriction will end. At that time, you can do whatever you want, and the Ministry of Magic will not interfere."

"Two thousand Galleons, I'm still a bit short-changed." Kyle thought for a while and said.

"I'm not good at bargaining, and this is the highest price I can give." Bones said, "The Ministry of Magic must leave enough funds as a backup. If it's any more, I can only say sorry." "

"Okay." Kyle asked, "What if the mysterious man falls tomorrow."

"The Ministry of Magic will still pay you two thousand Galleons." Bones blurted out.

"That sounds good." Kyle continued to ask: "But what if the mysterious man does not fall in ten or twenty years."

"If that happens, it can only be because the Ministry of Magic no longer exists." Bones shook his head and said calmly: "Since even the Ministry of Magic no longer exists, there is no need for you to abide by the agreement. Isn't it?"

Kyle paused for a moment.

"Then, just do as you say."

"no problem."

After that, Bones took out the parchment and quill and quickly drew up a magic contract.

The content is not long, only less than half a piece of parchment, even less than the homework of a first-year student at Hogwarts.

After she finished writing the content, she placed her wand against the blank space of the parchment and whispered the spell.

The tip of the staff emits a burst of golden light, and a special symbol immediately appears in the blank space of the parchment.

There is an upright wand embedded in the middle of a bold capital 'M'.

This is the symbol of the Ministry of Magic. Only ministers can use special contract magic. This is found on all important documents of the Ministry of Magic.

Bones turned the parchment around and pushed it to Kyle.

Kyle took a look and waved the hand holding the wand, changing the number "2000" on it to "1800".

"What do you mean?" Bones asked.

"As I said before, Susan is our regular customer, and she's also a classmate of the same college as me. For this reason, we always have to get a discount."

"Only 10% off?"

"Quite a few." Kyle took the quill, signed his name next to the logo, and tapped it with his wand.

Name magic can only be used by the person himself, and it is also the most critical step in a magic contract.

The logo represents the Ministry of Magic, and the name represents Kyle. When this magic takes effect, it means that the contract is established, and the above content can no longer be modified.

"Then, happy cooperation." Bones smiled and extended his hand, "To be honest, graduates like you are really rare. If possible, letting you be a deputy minister seems to be a good choice. "

"Didn't you say this would take time?"

Kyle also stretched out his hand, and the two shook it lightly.

"That's true. This is also a rule of the Wizengamot. The original intention is to prevent the minister from having too much power." Bones said, "But I believe that as long as you have more patience, it is very possible to get into that position." , even... became the youngest minister."

"Well... let's talk about it later." Kyle smiled.

"What a pity." Bones sighed and took the initiative to change the subject: "As you can see, I still have a lot of things to do next."

She pointed to the document that had just been sent over, "How about I leave the other things to you, including the needed summons Sico and these signal badges."

"You should." Kyle nodded, "As much as you need."

"Based on the current number of Aurors and strikers, as well as the ones reserved for backup... let's make three hundred and fifty first." Bones thought for a moment and said, "The logistics department has some tools that you should be able to use. , or say you want to go home and make it.”

"No need, just stay here." Kyle said, "Is my previous office still vacant?"

"Of course, I said I would keep it for you." Bones said, "Do you need anything?"

"If you can, please send me some raw materials." Kyle said, "No real Xiko, there is too much fairy magic on that thing, and nothing can be done."

"No problem, I'll have someone send it to you in a moment." Bones said, "In addition, I will prepare the galleons in advance, so you can take them away at any time after you finish."

"That's great," Kyle said with a smile.

It’s useless to say anything else, only this is the key.

Then Kyle went to the office next door.

Not long after, what he wanted was delivered. I don’t know if it was intentional or not, but the person who came to deliver something was none other than Cedric.


He put a large pile of silver nuggets on the table, "I just thought it was strange, who would want such a thing."

The silver he brought was impurity silver that had not been purified, and its value was not high. Of course, the real silver available was similar to this, except that there was an additional process unique to fairies.

"This is raw material." Kyle said, "What did Bones ask you to do, just deliver stuff?"

"She also said I could stay and help if needed," Cedric said.

"Do you have time now?"

"Yes, we can finally take a breather after the Weasley brothers came over." Cedric said with a smile, "You were really helpful. You called three helpers at once. Other departments know about this." My eyes were red afterwards.”

"It's all small things. You don't need to treat me to dinner at all." Kyle waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "If that's the case, then you can stay. It just so happens that there is a lot to do this time. Only I may not be able to finish it today if I am alone.”

"What on earth are you going to do?"

"Didn't Minister Bones tell you?"

"No, she only asked me to come here to deliver things and help." Cedric said, "I didn't even know you came to the Ministry of Magic before you came here."

"Okay... to put it simply, it's my old job."

As Kyle spoke, he took out his wand and waved it gently, cutting off a small piece from the silver one, and then waved it again, turning it into a round silver coin. As for the details, it was even simpler. , the patterns and lines on both sides were completed in less than half a minute.

Seeing Kyle's operation, Cedric understood immediately.

"I understand, you are making Xi Ke." He glanced at the door nervously and lowered his voice: "But this kind of money cannot be spent. Others can tell the truth at a glance, and if it gets spread, The goblin won’t let you go either.”

"Did you forget your brain in the drawer in the office when you came here?" Kyle glanced at him angrily, "This is the Ministry of Magic, do you think I can do that kind of thing?"

"and you……"

"This is originally a fake." Kyle pointed to the silver coins on the table, "The sudden shape, size, and direction of the pattern, let's put it this way, there are a total of five places on it that are different from Si Ke, they just look like it. ”

"Then what are you doing?"

"Messaging Coin."

"You should have told me earlier." Cedric glanced at Kyle, "If you had told me earlier, wouldn't I have understood?"

"I feel like you really forgot your brain in the drawer." Kyle shook his head, "Okay, let's work, just follow the standards I just set."

Cedric didn't say anything else and started working immediately.

Because of his experience in school, he worked very quickly, making one prototype every minute on average, and the workmanship was exquisite, exactly the same as the one Kyle used to demonstrate.

While he was working, Kyle sat next to him, carving magic symbols on the prototype coins.

This was also the most difficult step. If he just made a silver coin, he could do it alone without Cedric's help.

Fortunately, this one is much simpler than the golden one. It only requires a magic formula and a symbol in the middle. Once you do it a lot, it can be done in about five minutes.

By noon, Cedric had learned from Kyle for half an hour, and he had already mastered it and started to help.

Of course, his proficiency is definitely not as good as Kyle's, and he will occasionally make mistakes, but this has no impact. He can just use a magic spell to wash away the unfinished icons on it and start over.

If the symbols cannot be modified after they are completed, just throw them away and scrap them. Anyway, Bones has provided a lot of raw materials, so it doesn't matter if they are a little rough.

The two of them worked from morning to evening before they finally finished...half of it.

There was no way, Bones wanted too much. After drawing magic symbols all day long, Kyle felt his wrists sore. He really didn't want to continue.

"Go back and eat!"

Kyle put away his wand, stood up and said.

And because he had been sitting for a long time, he staggered a little when he suddenly came together and almost sat back down.

"Are you okay?" Cedric asked, rubbing his wrist.

"It's okay." Kyle said, "I just regret it a little bit."


"If I had known the workload would be so heavy, I shouldn't have discounted it."

Kyle originally thought that one hundred yuan would be enough, and he could finish it in just one day. However, unexpectedly, the amount tripled, and the workload skyrocketed.

"Discount?" Cedric became even more confused, "What is this?"

"Don't ask, you don't understand even if I tell you." Kyle moved his body and said, "How about going to Grimmauld Place today? It seems like you haven't lived there yet. It just so happens that we can come together tomorrow."

"Okay." Cedric thought for a moment and then agreed.

"Don't you need to go back and tell your father?"

"No, I can tell him through this." Cedric took out a piece of parchment from his pocket.

Then the two of them packed up and left the Ministry of Magic.

But they didn't go back together.

Cedric would use Apparition to go directly to a telephone booth two streets away from Grimmauld Place. It was a fixed Apparition location created by Moody. Muggle-repelling spells were cast around it to ensure that no one would occupy it.

Kyle first went to the hallway and showed his face. After making sure that no one was following him, he used Apparition.

And Kyle, who walked out of the telephone booth, didn't rush back, but strolled outside for a while.

It was near dusk, and there were many people on the street, but they were all in a hurry, looking anxious to go home, and no one looked at Kyle more.

It wasn't until twenty minutes later that Kyle was sure that no one was following him.

It seemed that Voldemort really let him go.

How to say it, I was happy for sure, but at the same time Kyle was a little confused.

Seventy Death Eaters died because of Kyle, including Bellatrix Lestrange, a diehard fan of Voldemort.

Just let it go? This is not like his character.

As for whether Bellatrix is ​​still alive... Kyle didn't even think about this question. After being bitten by the basilisk, even Voldemort himself would have to be cooked again.

Kyle stood there for a while and didn't think about it anymore.

In any case, it's always a good thing not to be stared at. This discovery made Kyle in a good mood, and he even ate half a bowl more for dinner.

He is not the only one.

Recently, the amount of dinner is much larger than usual, mainly because the three children of the Weasley family have a surge in appetite, especially Ron, who eats voraciously every time he comes back, as if he has concentrated all three meals in the evening.

At the same time, he looked at Kyle more and more fiercely, and felt that he might pounce on him and bite him at any time.

Fortunately, Cedric helped to share the firepower today, because the most documents he sorted out were sent by Cedric.

Ron racked his brains to figure out how Cedric did so many things every day, from recycling magic experiments, to catching magical animals wandering on the Muggle streets, to guest-starring as other department members to clear the Muggle memories.

It seemed that he was everywhere.

But these things would eventually be written into reports... Ron would write them.

After all, everyone else was busy running around outside and had no time, so he was the only one in the office.

Ron felt that the words he wrote in six years of school were not as many as those in the past half month.

It was precisely because of this that he disliked Cedric, but with Mrs. Weasley around, he didn't dare to do anything out of line.

Cedric's room was arranged on the third floor, not far from Kyle's. The next day, before the others got up, the two of them finished breakfast and rushed to the Ministry of Magic.

Mainly, Kyle wanted to finish this matter quickly and get the reward.

What about 1,800 Galleons? What if Bones regretted it? It would be more reassuring to get it.


From early morning to sunset, the two of them worked for another day without realizing it, but fortunately, the transmission coins were all completed.

"Why do I feel that coming to help you is more tiring than my usual work." Cedric leaned back in his chair, kneading his forehead with his fingers.

After two days of concentrating on drawing magic runes, not only his hands were sore, but his head was also swollen. He felt dizzy and just wanted to have a good sleep.

He hasn't felt this way for a long time since graduation... No, it should be said that he rarely felt this way when he was in Hogwarts.

Despite this, Cedric still looked at another piece of metal. "So what's the use of this, to make it look like Nat?"

"No." Kyle shook his head, "This has another use, you go back and rest first, I can do it myself."

"Don't need my help?"

"No, this is easy." Kyle took out a bottle of blue potion and drank it, and also handed a bottle to Cedric.

This piece is of course what is needed to make the badge.

It's not that he doesn't trust Cedric, it's mainly because Bones wrote in the contract that only she and Kyle can know about the special badge, and there's no way to tell a third person.

But Kyle was right about one thing, this thing is really simple, only three magic runes are enough, and he can draw it when the transformation is completed.

So Kyle took a deep breath, and spent more than three hours, and finally made a badge that matched the number of the summons coins before dark.

It's just a special badge.

Kyle won't take over everything the Ministry of Magic needs... that's another price.

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