Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 804 School starts, Dumbledore's letter

Ron swore that this was definitely the most unforgettable vacation he had ever had.

The situation was tense in the first month, and he was worried every day. Then, after the incident in Godric's Hollow, the Death Eaters suddenly became quiet.

He thought he could finally relax, but a few days later, he was sent to the Ministry of Magic and started working as soon as he opened his eyes... Even the house elves had rest time, but he didn't.

But he finally made it.

Although there was still homework to do, and there were only three days left before the start of school, compared with the work at the Ministry of Magic, the so-called homework was not difficult at all.

This was the first time that Ron felt that doing homework was a very easy thing. Not only did he finish it on time, he also took the time to help Harry draw a complete planetary motion map.

To be honest, Harry was stunned at the time, and once thought that it was a Death Eater who used Polyjuice Potion to disguise himself as Ron and sneaked into Number 12 Grimmauld Place.

“Hurry up, hurry up.”

On the first day of school, Mrs. Weasley woke everyone up early in the morning and urged them to go downstairs for breakfast.

“Mom, aren’t we going to school by Floo? Why are you in such a hurry?” Ginny, who was sleepy, came down and asked with a yawn.

“The plan has changed.” Mrs. Weasley added two sandwiches to her plate. “Connecting to the Floo network may destroy part of Hogwarts’ protective magic, so you should take the train.”

“Take the train?” Ron woke up all of a sudden. “What if the Death Eaters call? At least send Harry over.”

“No, no.” Harry next to him shook his head and said, “Taking the train is fine.”

He never wanted to look different from others. Everyone took the train, but he was the only one being sent there. It felt like he had to be taken care of. Just thinking about it made him feel uncomfortable.

Besides, he really wanted to take the train, especially this year.

Just like adults never tell the newly enrolled wizards how the Sorting Ceremony should be conducted, almost all seventh-year students will choose to take the train to Hogwarts this year, just like they went to the castle for the first time six years ago.

Harry thought so too. Since the beginning of the school year, he hoped to take the train. Last night, he was still tossing and turning in bed, hesitating whether to tell everyone his idea.

But he was not sure whether Sirius would agree. Now this situation is simply a surprise for him.

Harry was really worried that Mrs. Weasley would follow Ron's advice and send him to Hogsmeade by Apparition.

Fortunately, this situation did not happen.

"Don't worry about this." She said, "This year Minerva, Filius and Pomona will be on the train, going to Hogwarts with the students, and three senior Aurors from the Ministry of Magic will also escort them. It's safe."

"Will the professor also take the Hogwarts Express?" Hermione asked in surprise.

She rarely encountered professors taking the Hogwarts Express, only twice in six years.

One of them was Slughorn, but he had a different purpose, he just wanted to make friends with students he was interested in on the train.

The other one was Lupin, the reason why he took the train was simpler... it was the cheapest way, no money needed.

I didn't expect that three professors would come this year, and they were all deans, except Snape, the rest of the deans came.

"Yes, this was discussed before the holiday." Mrs. Weasley continued, "Although the Death Eaters have not been very active recently, just in case, the professors decided to proceed according to the plan."

"Eat quickly, the car is waiting outside the door."

Everyone immediately sped up their eating.

"It's strange, why didn't Professor Snape participate in this escort." Hermione asked puzzledly while eating a fried egg sandwich.

"Needless to say, the professors must not trust him." Ron said as a matter of course: "Maybe the professors have discovered his identity as a Death Eater and expelled him."

As he said this, Ron suddenly laughed,

"Malfoy has gone away. If Snape is expelled, it will be perfect, hehe..."

Harry next to him couldn't help laughing.

Yes, he couldn't imagine how wonderful Hogwarts would be without Malfoy and Snape.

After a quick breakfast, everyone was driven out by Mrs. Weasley again.

"Have you taken your luggage, wands...? Did you forget to bring anything?"

"Ginny, your robes..."

"Ron, hurry up,"

"Harry, take your owl, it looks a little unwell."

"Yeah." Harry looked at Hedwig in the cage.

It had been locked in the cage for two months. Usually, it could only fly around the house a few times, and of course it didn't have much energy.

He could imagine that his fingers would be pecked when he returned to Hogwarts.

But now there is no time to worry about so much.

A large group of people finally stuffed all the luggage into the car in a noisy manner.

Mrs. Weasley came to the car window.

"Arthur, be careful on the road."

"Don't worry, I know." Mr. Weasley said, "Besides, Kyle and Sirius are following us, don't worry."

Because everyone else was busy, the task of escorting them to the station fell on Kyle...actually he wanted to go.

He was always the one who was given away before, but now his identity has suddenly changed, and it feels a bit strange.

When the last Ron got into the car, Mr. Weasley stepped on the accelerator and drove the car out.

I don't know why, but the Weasley family is always pressed for time when catching a train, and this time it was no different.

They arrived at the station ten minutes before departure.

A group of people pushed their luggage and hurriedly ran towards the platform pillars. During this period, there were owls chirping, which attracted many Muggles to look this way curiously.

But they have long been accustomed to these.

There are Muggle Expelling Charms around platform 9, and it becomes quiet after arriving here.

"Quick, Ron, you're first," said Mr. Weasley.

Ron immediately rushed towards the pillar at the entrance.

"Harry follows, then Ginny, Hermione..."

As they entered the platform, Kyle stood at the end, paying attention to his surroundings.

He did find a few sneaky people, but they were not Death Eaters. They were probably Aurors from the Ministry of Magic. They all had work tags on their chests.

That thing was originally designed by him, so he recognized it at a glance.

There were not many people attending school this time. After Hermione also disappeared, Kyle followed Mr. Weasley into the platform.

Behind the pillar, there is another scene.

No matter how tense the situation is, the platform at the beginning of school is still lively.

The crimson Hogwarts Express stopped on the platform, surrounded by students and their parents who came to see them off.

Kyle looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but sigh.

"What are you thinking about?" Mr. Weasley came over and asked.

"Finally got over it." Kyle grinned.

Mr. Weasley was stunned. This answer was different from what he thought.

"Don't you miss your days at Hogwarts?" he asked.

"It will be more than ten years before I miss it." Kyle said with a smile, "I am just glad now that I no longer have to sit on the train for several hours, nor do I have to get up on time to go to class every day, nor do I have to do homework... haha."

Thinking this, Kyle burst out laughing.

"I decided to sleep until eleven tomorrow..."

"terribly sorry."

Just as he was thinking about it, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Oh, Minerva," said Mr. Weasley, "it's so nice to see you here."

"Me too, Arthur." Professor McGonagall said, and then she looked at Kyle, "I don't want to spoil your fun, but I'm sorry that you have to be with us this time."

"With you guys?" Kyle blinked, "What... does this mean?"

"Just take the train to Hogwarts." Professor McGonagall said calmly.

"Wait." Kyle subconsciously took a step back, "Professor, I have graduated and I have not repeated a grade."

"I know, but that's what Dumbledore meant," said Professor McGonagall.

"Professor Dumbledore." Kyle asked: "He's back... um, I mean, he's back to school?"

"No." Professor McGonagall shook her head, "I haven't seen him for a month. No one knows where he has gone."

"Then what do you say..."

"He left a letter." Before Kyle could speak, Professor McGonagall thrust a letter into his hand.

Kyle looked at the envelope in his hand and felt that it was a trap for some reason, so he wanted to throw it away.

If he accidentally dropped the letter, and when picking it up, he accidentally rubbed a fire spell to destroy the letter, wouldn't he need to go there?

But Professor McGonagall seemed to see through his mind.

"It doesn't matter. I have already read the content. I can repeat it to you if necessary."

"I..." Kyle felt a toothache, "Is it okay if I don't go?"

"No, this is very important." Professor McGonagall shook her head.

"I shouldn't have come today." Kyle sighed.

"It's okay." Professor McGonagall continued: "I was originally going to pick you up, but Molly said you would come to the station to see me off, so I didn't go."

"Okay..." Kyle sighed quietly.

"So what is going on...wait a minute." Kyle suddenly thought of something and asked with twitching corners of his mouth: "Doesn't Dumbledore want me to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this year?"

It's not impossible.

Dumbledore's biggest headache every year is to find a new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for the school. Who knows if he will find one this year.

What if I don’t find it and pull myself over to jack up the tank...

Moreover, if he returns to Hogwarts as a graduate, what else can he do besides being a professor.

Thinking of this, Kyle became even more panicked and subconsciously took out his wand.

If Professor McGonagall dared to tell him that the envelope contained a professor's appointment letter, he would have destroyed it on the spot.

"Is that what you think?" Professor McGonagall seemed to have a little smile in her eyes.

"While we have found a suitable Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, I can also make the decision for you to join us if you wish.

"Seriously, I believe you can do this job well, even if you are the youngest professor at Hogwarts."

"No thanks, no, I don't want to..." Kyle waved his hands repeatedly, rejecting Professor McGonagall's kindness, and at the same time he felt relieved.

It's okay, as long as I'm not the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, there doesn't seem to be any other trouble.

"So what is it..."

"Woo woo!"

A whistle interrupted Kyle's words, reminding everyone to get on the train.

Mr. Weasley ran to say goodbye to Ron and the others.

"Okay, you can see for yourself when you get on the train." Professor McGonagall said, "Now we have to hurry over."

Although Kyle was reluctant, under Professor McGonagall's sharp eyes, he could only drag his heavy feet and slowly move to the train, praying in his heart that the train would be faster, as long as it could leave before he got on the train.

Professor McGonagall didn't urge him, just watched in the carriage.

I don't know if she had said hello in advance, this time the Hogwarts Express was particularly slow to start, the whistle sounded twice, but it still stopped there.

"Hey, Kyle, here!" Ron leaned out of the window and waved at him. "Don't send him off. We'll meet again on Christmas... huh?"

He watched Kyle ignore him and slowly get on the train.

The next second, all the doors were closed at once, and with the third whistle, the train finally moved.

"Oh, wait, did Kyle just get on!" Ron asked in confusion.

"Yes, you read it right." Hermione said.

"Could it be that he forgot that he had graduated." Ginny whispered, "Fred talked to me before, and when he came to see us off, he always had the urge to get on the train with us... Kyle just graduated, so it's possible that he forgot for a while."

"Makes sense."

"Then let's go find him quickly, Ginny, please help us find a carriage." Harry immediately retracted his head from the window, "The train hasn't gone far yet, he has enough time to get back to the platform."

The aisle was full of people and luggage, and Harry finally squeezed out a way, but when he finally reached the door, Kyle had disappeared.

There were people everywhere, and Harry couldn't find him after searching for a long time.

"It seems that he has reacted." Ron said, "Let's go back."

Harry thought about it and felt that it made sense.

Kyle can Apparate, maybe he has returned to the platform at this time.

He leaned out of the window sill next to him and looked in the direction of the platform, but at this time the train just turned a corner and the platform was blocked.

"Don't worry, that's Kyle." Hermione was not in a hurry, "No, there are too many people in the corridor, Ron, we have to help maintain order."

"Why should I do such unnecessary things." Ron muttered.

He didn't want to chase those little brats around, he just wanted to play a long-lost wizard chess game with Harry in the box.

"Because you are the prefect!" Hermione pulled him to the prefect's box without saying anything.

By the way, she is the president of the female student union this year and needs to assign tasks to all the prefects.

However, the president of the male student union is not Ron, but a Ravenclaw boy.

After the two left, Harry stood alone for a while.

He always felt that Kyle was still on the train, because he didn't see anyone Apparating in the carriage.

Could it be because there were too many people and they were blocked?

Harry wondered, and only shook his head until Hermione and Ron walked away, and he turned around and walked towards the rear of the train without thinking about it.

Hermione was right about one thing, he didn't need to worry about Kyle at all, even if he really went to Hogwarts, he could come back at any time.

He might as well think about whether Ginny has found an empty compartment.

I hope she has found it, and... there are no other people.

Inexplicably, Harry had such a thought in his mind, Ron and Hermione would not come back until at least noon, if there were no other people in the compartment, he and Ginny could be alone for a long time.

Harry couldn't help but speed up his pace...

At the same time, in an ordinary compartment, Kyle just walked in and saw Professor Flitwick reading a book and Professor Sprout fiddling with a flower pot.

"Long time no see, Kyle." Professor Sprout raised his head and said, "I have always regretted leaving Remus' wedding early. Fortunately, you are all fine."

"Don't say that, professor. After all, none of us expected the Death Eaters to attack suddenly." Kyle said, "But by the way, what exactly did Professor Dumbledore want to talk to me about?"

"Why, didn't Minerva give you the letter?" Professor Flitwick asked.

"I gave it to you, but I haven't had time to read it." Kyle said, "I always feel that it's not a good thing."

"Don't be nervous, it's not that scary." Professor Sprout said with a smile, "Just let you pretend to be him to attend the opening ceremony."


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