Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 816: Shaken Kyle

Kyle couldn't figure out why the Beauxbatons professor would ask his students if they had done their homework when they met the guests for the first time...

It's just an ordinary homework assignment, is it important?

Well, even if some professors attach great importance to this, but to take a step back, when there are guests present, and they are guests from afar, can this kind of trivial matter be put aside for a while?

Even if it's just a pretense, you still have to greet the guests. In this regard, the Beauxbatons professor is somewhat rude.

What's more, Kyle has never experienced such an embarrassing scene.

His toes clenched tightly on the soles of his shoes.

When he thought about what he had just read, Kyle felt his face getting hot. Especially when Gabrielle and Kangna were trying their best to suppress their laughter, he wanted to turn around and leave.

At this moment, he really wanted to use the time turner to go back to one minute ago and cover his mouth...or cover the mouth of Kangna who told him the truth.

"Stop standing at the door. Didn't you tell Miss Delacour that you wanted to visit the alchemy classroom?"

Fortunately, at this time, Professor Victor spoke, breaking the awkward atmosphere, and this time he spoke very standard English.

Victor turned around and pushed open the door of the alchemy classroom. "come in."

Kyle immediately walked in, followed by Connor.

She was surprised to find that the white smoke that could still be seen outside magically disappeared after entering the room. Not only was the classroom clean, but there was no smell at all.

He seemed to have read her thoughts.

"Using some small methods, we can more intuitively see the results of students." Professor Victor explained.

He turned his attention to Kyle and asked, "Are you from Hogwarts?"

"So," Kyle said, "but I've already graduated."

"So you are the champion warrior who won the Triwizard Cup?" Victor asked, but his tone was very sure.

"Well, you know me?"

"I don't know you, but I've heard about grand events like the Triwizard Tournament. Coupled with your age and Miss Delacour's attitude, it's easy to guess your identity... As far as I know, she I don’t know many British people.”

"He saved me." Gabrielle said with a smile.

"I heard about the group of reckless dark wizards at the Quidditch World Cup." Professor Victor said calmly.

Maybe it's because of his nature that he seems to be indifferent to everything.

He looked at Kyle again, "Originally, outsiders are not allowed to enter here, even if you are a student of Hogwarts."

"Then why did you change your mind?" Kyle asked.

Victor did not answer directly, but asked again: "Have you read "Jade Record"?"

"Of course not." Kyle shook his head. "To be honest, it's unknown whether that legendary item still exists. How could I have seen it?"

"Then how do you know the origin of those words on the classroom?"

"I saw someone's manuscript, and it happened to have this sentence on it, and the source was also marked." Kyle said, "I couldn't understand it at the time, but I understood it after learning ancient runes."


"Yes." Kyle nodded without denying it.

"That's it." Victor nodded and murmured in a low voice: "It seems that Olim didn't lie to me. She told me before that Nico was very fond of a Hogwarts student. At that time, I thought she was following I am joking."

"It's all because of Professor Dumbledore." Kyle said, "He took me there, and..."

"No, it has nothing to do with Albus." Victor waved his hand and interrupted Kyle, "Very few people can bear the patience to learn the boring and complicated ancient primitive runes. You are the first person I have ever seen. Three.”

"Who are the first two?" Kyle asked subconsciously.

Victor did not answer, but just reached out and patted the huge brass stove next to him, "Do you know what this is?"

"Is this a test?" Kyle raised his head.

"If you want to understand it that way...yes." Professor Victor said bluntly: "This classroom does not welcome people who are not interested in alchemy, no matter who they are or what their status is.

"Learning primitive runes may be for charms, but if you know this thing, it proves that you have indeed studied alchemy comprehensively."

"What if I say I don't know you."

"Then I can only ask you to visit somewhere else." Victor said.

Connor immediately looked at Kyle nervously.

"Okay, I really know." Kyle didn't ask any more questions, shrugged and said, "Material transformation furnace, to be honest, this thing is really uncommon."

"What did you say, it's not common?" This time it was Gabrielle's turn to be surprised.

She has been using this furnace from the beginning of learning alchemy until now. She thought every alchemist had one at home.

Unexpectedly, Kyle actually said that this thing is not common, and even Professor Victor acquiesced... Is this some kind of amazing treasure?

Gabri thought to herself.

"What the hell is this?" Connor asked.

Of the people present, she was the only one who knew the least about alchemy.

"Material transformation furnace." Kyle said again: "It can replace the process of carving magic words, change the shape and structure of matter, simplify the alchemy process, and improve efficiency, but..."

Kyle subconsciously glanced at Gabrielle and Professor Victor, and stopped talking.

"What's there to be embarrassed about?" Professor Victor said nonchalantly: "Traditional alchemists look down on this kind of thing, thinking that it is a kind of gadget used for laziness and opportunism. At the same time, they also look down on people who need the assistance of instruments to complete the alchemy process."

"That's right, so I said this thing is rare, and those who are capable of making it will not use it at all." Kyle spread his hands.

"But isn't this very convenient?" Kanna still didn't understand.

"Let me put it another way." Kyle thought for a while, "This thing is equivalent to... well, automatic stirring crucible, is it easier to understand if I say this."

"Oh, I understand." Kanna said immediately.

Stirring the potion and adjusting the heat are very important steps in brewing potions, or the most important steps... Who doesn't know how to throw materials into the crucible?

The emergence of the automatic stirring crucible can just save these two steps, making brewing potions a very simple "crucible throwing" game.

The inventor of this crucible, Gespad Singleton, also appeared on Chocolate Frog pictures and textbooks because of his simplified potion making steps, becoming a household name in the wizarding world.

But those who really like potions, or have made some achievements in this course, don't like this thing at all.

Because the automatic stirring crucible can only brew a few very common ordinary potions, and the finished products are a bit too conventional, and can only be considered barely qualified.

If the furnace in front of you has the same function, then Kyle's meaning is easy to understand.

"That can't be said. There is still a difference between alchemy and potions."

Professor Victor glanced at the brass furnace. "The prerequisite for learning alchemy is to master ancient runes.

"This is a huge and complex language system. When students have mastered it, they will basically graduate. If that's the case, what's the point of offering this course. "

"What if students become dependent? "Kyle said, "Putting something in the furnace is much easier than studying ancient runes."

"When they are in the fifth grade, they will know that the conversion furnace is not allowed to be used in the graduation exam." Professor Victor said.

"That's no problem." Kyle nodded.

For students... especially those in the lower grades, some auxiliary measures are still necessary, at least to let them get familiar with the process in advance and lay the foundation for learning alchemy later.

"Are there any other questions?"

"Yes." Kyle was not polite, "If you have time..."

"There is no alchemy class today. "Professor Victor said.

Kyle's eyes lit up.

For the next few hours, Kyle didn't go anywhere, just asked a lot of questions here.

From the selection of basic textbooks, to the difficulty level of knowledge points, to the specific assessment standards...some questions are no longer within the scope of alchemy, but Professor Victor answered them all.

He even took out some students' textbooks, from third grade to seventh grade, and circled the key points of each book in detail.

In this way, the two discussed from the afternoon to the evening.

Although Kanna on the side couldn't get a word in, there was a room full of new and strange things that she had never seen before, and Gabrielle's company , but I didn't feel bored.

The sky outside the window became darker and darker. As night fell, several magic lights automatically lit up, illuminating the classroom as bright as day.

Gabrielle sat there bored and touched her stomach.

Connor was not bored because it was her first time here, but she was different. She had seen everything here for a long time. It was okay at the beginning, but as time passed, she became more and more bored.

More importantly, she was hungry.

Seeing that the two had no intention of stopping, Gabrielle could only walk over and take the initiative to say:

"Professor, Kyle, should we go to eat first..."

"Eat?" Professor Victor raised his head and looked outside. "Is it so late?"

"You just found out..." The little girl complained in her heart.

"Okay then." Kyle also rubbed his eyes, "I didn't feel it just now, but now I'm a little hungry too, but I don't know how the food in Beauxbatons is."

"I don't think you need to worry about this problem at all, this is France. "Professor Victor laughed a rare laugh.

"Come with me, I guess Olim should be ready."

Several people left the classroom, and Professor Victor waved his hand. An elevator immediately came to the few people and took them back to the first floor.

Like Hogwarts, Beauxbatons' restaurant is also in the auditorium, but it is larger, and the dining table is not the classic long and easy-to-use strip, but a separate round table, covered with exquisite tablecloths, and neatly arranged tableware, and even candles on each table.

Many well-dressed waiters shuttled between each table, and it can be said that the sense of ceremony was directly maximized.

"Ah, Olim is already waiting for us." Victor looked around and walked straight to the front of the auditorium, "Come with me."

Ms. Maxim was sitting at a huge round table, and Victor arranged for the two to sit on her left.

The people below were talking about who these two strangers who suddenly appeared were, and they could make the principal sit there and wait for more than ten minutes.

Only the boy named Jafar turned pale. He never thought that the person he had mocked before was actually the principal's guest, and judging from the standard of this dinner, he was a distinguished guest.

Now he only hoped that the Englishman... the British gentleman would not tell Ms. Maxime about it, otherwise he would not be copying textbooks.

But Jafar's worry was completely unnecessary. Kyle had forgotten about that incident at that time.

At this time, he was sitting next to Ms. Maxime, staring at the dishes served by the waiter.

They were all very classic French dishes.

French lobster soup, French puff pastry meat pie, Provence stew, Burgundy beef, Marseille fish soup, and the most famous French foie gras...

Kyle took a bite of foie gras and tasted a piece of beef.

He had to admit that at this moment, some of his thoughts were shaken.

This is called gourmet food. Both the ingredients and the cooking methods are impeccable.

In comparison, what kind of hard life he had lived before.

Kyle didn't say anything, just ate in silence.

Ms. Maxime was holding a glass of wine and watching, with a bit of cunning and contempt in her eyes.

With the poor recipes and cooking methods in Britain, even a house-elf could not make anything good.

Perhaps France has not produced many famous wizards, and there is no one like Dumbledore who is incomparable... But in terms of cooking skills, ten Hogwarts tied together are not the opponent of Beauxbatons.

Not to mention that this is a banquet she carefully prepared. Under normal circumstances, this kind of specification is only available at the opening banquet.

Kyle ate for half an hour before finally putting down the tableware. He leaned back in the chair without caring about his image and didn't want to move.

He regretted it a little. He should have just eaten some dry food earlier. Why did he have to come to the restaurant to eat? If he was allowed to choose again... Well, he would still come.

After tasting it once, he couldn't refuse it at all.

"Gabrielle." Ms. Maxim said with a smile, "Please take Miss Prince to the guest room."

"No, no." Connor, who was also so full that she didn't want to move, waved her hand and refused, "This is too much trouble, we can go back by ourselves."

"It's just a guest room, what's the trouble." Ms. Maxim said nonchalantly, "If you don't feel comfortable, I can also let Furong accompany you. It just so happens that she has been thinking about trying the guest room in the school for a long time."

There is such a service?

Kyle subconsciously raised his head, but the next second he immediately lowered his head and pretended that nothing had happened.

Fortunately, no one noticed him, so he saved his life. This is the bad thing about eating too much, it is easy to short-circuit the brain.

Connor wanted to refuse, but Victor said, "This is my suggestion. Kyle and I may have to discuss some issues later. If it's too late, it's not convenient for you to go back. Just stay here for one night."

"Yeah." Gabrielle also chimed in, "It's not too late for you to go back after breakfast tomorrow."

I don't know if it was because of Victor's words or breakfast... Connor agreed.

She glanced at Kyle and followed Gabrielle out of the auditorium.

Kyle didn't move. He was waiting for Victor.

In fact, he had almost finished asking questions in the afternoon, and even if he was interrupted, the remaining questions would not take long.

As an alchemy master, Victor should know this, but from what he said just now, it feels like it will take a long time.

But he didn't say it, and Kyle didn't ask.

"Then I won't bother you." Ms. Maxim also left.

Victor nodded at her and took Kyle back to the alchemy classroom again.

But this time he waved as soon as he entered the door.

Several red symbols lit up on the classroom wall.

The door was immediately closed and locked, and the curtains closed automatically, and the whole classroom suddenly became closed.

Kyle subconsciously grabbed the wand.

Although he also believed in Professor Victor, he still had to be vigilant.

"Don't be nervous. Some of the things I want to tell you are not suitable for others to hear." Victor said lightly: "There is no one here now, and even if you put your ear to the crack of the door, you can't hear our conversation."

"What do you want to say?" Kyle asked, "It shouldn't be a topic related to alchemy."

"It is somewhat related." Victor turned around and asked seriously: "Has Albus Dumbledore used the time converter to go back a hundred years ago?"


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