Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 818 Methods and Rent

In the alchemy classroom, Kyle stared at the time-turner on the table in a daze.

This was too incredible. The time-turner that was supposed to be taken away by Dumbledore suddenly came back, and was sent to Professor Victor in Beauxbatons.

To be honest, Kyle came to Beauxbatons on a whim, and it was a decision he made after arriving in France.

In addition to Beauxbatons, he might also go to other more famous places, such as Bordeaux, and the Magic Opera House strongly recommended by Cedric.

Nico was also a frequent visitor there, but he still preferred Muggle opera... He thought that Muggles were more ambitious and creative, and wizards were relatively inferior in this regard.

In addition to the opera house, France also has the Red Hat Magic Tricks, and wine bars that are popular among troubadours and traveling wizards... These are likely to become Kyle's destination.

The reason why he chose to come to Beauxbatons was entirely because of some of his experiences in the store and the influence of Fleur.

In other words, it took only a few hours from the time he made this decision to the time he set off.

If he made another choice, or didn't come to France, would he never see this time converter again?

After all, Victor just said that the envelope was mixed in with a bunch of failed products. If Kyle hadn't told the truth in time, he might not have remembered it...

Kyle didn't know how Beauxbatons would deal with those failed alchemy products in the end, but it would definitely not be properly arranged somewhere. It would probably be solved by a cleaning spell at that time.

"Who sent this thing?" Kyle asked again.

"If I knew, I would have told you at the first time." Victor spread the envelope on the table.

There was nothing on it except Victor's name and address.

"Anyway, this thing has solved our biggest problem at the moment."

Victor didn't care where this thing came from. He put the pocket watch in his palm and looked at it carefully.

"It's broken enough, like a grape that has been squeezed dry of juice..."

"Then can it still be used?" Kyle asked nervously.

"It's always possible to repair it." Victor said, "The only problem is that it's a bit troublesome, you have to be patient."

"How long will it take?"

"Because I have had experience once before, if it's fast... a month?" Victor said, he put a pair of brass glasses on his head.

"I still have some extra materials here, which can help repair it to its original appearance... I was also responsible for it last time, and this process will take about three days."

Then, he put on two peculiar mechanical gloves on his hands, with ten bracket-like structures on them, each holding a pocket wand that is about two inches long... Adding up to twenty wands.

"During this period, you need to write this letter to Nico... if you can contact him."

"I can." Kyle said quickly.

"Then you write to him and let him prepare in advance... The key to repairing the time converter is its magic runes and the magic stone that serves as the core."

"The magic stone?" Kyle's heart tightened again.

There have only been a few of these things in history. Can Nico really make another one?

"Don't worry, the Philosopher's Stone is still there." Victor told him good news... or it was barely good news.

"It's just that it's been drained out, and there's no magic reaction on it, otherwise I wouldn't have ignored it.

"But I don't know if it can be repaired... This is not my strong point, and Nico needs to think of a way."

"Now, you can go out if you're fine. By the way... remember to tell Olim to postpone the alchemy class these days. "

Victor pulled down his long glasses, and his temperament changed instantly. He looked like a sculpture, and there was no change in his emotions.

Kyle lowered his voice and walked to the door silently.

When he approached, there was a gap in the magic rune on the door, and the door lock opened automatically. When he walked out, the door that was pushed open was automatically locked with a click.

Kyle stood at the door for a while. He couldn't hear any movement inside, so he walked towards Ms. Maxime's office in the direction he came from.

During this time, Kyle also wrote a letter with an automatic feather pen. When he walked to the door, he had just finished writing two sheets of parchment.

"Fox..." Kyle said softly.

The phoenix appeared on his shoulder and looked at him with its pair of black and bright eyes.

"Send this to Nico." Kyle folded the parchment, "This is related to Professor Dumbledore, it must be delivered. "

Fox nodded, held the parchment in his mouth, and disappeared with a puff.

After Fox left, Kyle went to the principal's office of Beauxbatons and told him Professor Victor's request.

"So you mean that our Professor Victor has to temporarily stop the alchemy class for some reason?"

Ms. Maxime looked at Kyle with some doubt in her tone.

She knew Victor. He was a person who taught classes besides alchemy, and the purpose of his classes was to let many people understand this subject.

So, if there was nothing particularly important, he would not ask to suspend the class.

"What on earth did you talk about?" Ms. Maxim asked with squinted eyes, which was quite oppressive considering her height of nearly thirteen feet.

"Because of some special circumstances, but I can't say what they are specifically." Kyle thought for a while and gave up the excuse he had thought of before.

"I can't say..." Ms. Maxim said solemnly: "This is Beauxbatons, not Hogwarts. You and our professor are discussing something privately, and this matter may even affect the students' courses... In this case, you don’t want me, the principal, to know?”

"I'm sorry, Ms. Maxim, but it's true." Kyle said bravely, "The main thing is that the matter is a bit big and I don't dare to make the decision... If you are willing to wait, Professor Dumbledore will We will personally come to explain to you and express our sincerity and gratitude.

"Professor Victor really helped us a lot, no one can deny this."

Ms. Maxim was silent. She looked at Kyle, who also raised his head calmly.

He could indeed find a reliable excuse to temporarily fool Ms. Maxim, which was not difficult for him.

But one thing Ms. Maxim was right about was that this was Beauxbatons after all, and it was someone else's territory.

Out of respect, he couldn't do this, otherwise once the lie was discovered, things would end badly. Although he wouldn't fall out on the spot, Maxim would definitely feel uncomfortable.

For now, every ally is precious to Hogwarts, and Kyle doesn't want to leave a grudge in the hearts of both parties because of this incident.

But he couldn't tell the truth, so he had no choice but to use this method.

As for what to do next, that is what Dumbledore has to consider. If he can satisfy Maxim, then everything will be fine.

If he can't come back in the end... there is no point in being an ally or not.

After a few minutes.

"Okay, considering your current situation, I can leave it alone, or I can make the decision to postpone the subsequent alchemy class." Ms. Maxim said, her aura suddenly dropped, as if nothing had happened just now. .

"But you must give me an explanation as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, Ms. Maxim." Kyle promised: "Professor Dumbledore will come over as soon as there is a result in this matter."

"I believe you for the time being." Ms. Maxim said, "You can go back and rest."

"One more thing." Kyle said a little embarrassedly, "I may have to stay here for a few more days, can you..."

"It's easy. You can stay temporarily in Beauxbatons for as long as you want." Ms. Maxim said with a smile. "If you feel bored, you can just wander around. If you don't know where to go, the training hall is The busiest place will not affect students’ classes.”

"Thanks, I understand." Kyle said.

"Then go back and rest quickly, he will take you there." Ms. Maxim waved her hand, and a house elf suddenly appeared in the room.

He bent down and stretched out his hand, motioning for Kyle to follow him.

"That's it. I have to wait for Professor Victor's results, so I have to stay here for a while."

At breakfast the next day, Kyle told Connor what happened.

"Otherwise, I'll ask Fleur to take you back first."

"No need." Kangna shook her head and said.

"What about your store?"

"Keep it closed, it's not for making money anyway." Kangna said nonchalantly: "And I'm also very interested in Beauxbatons. It's rare that they are so enthusiastic. It's good to experience it more."

"If you like, then let's go together." Kyle said with a smile. It just so happened that in this completely unfamiliar environment, it would not be awkward to have an acquaintance around.

"By the way." Kangna took the second plate of caramel crepes, "Does Hogwarts want to open an alchemy class?"

"No." Kyle said, "Why would you ask that?"

"Because I think your behavior this afternoon is a bit strange." Kangna said, "You asked too carefully, and most of the content has nothing to do with alchemy... No, it should be said that it has nothing to do with alchemy itself, more on... on this course.”

"Is it so obvious?" Kyle raised his eyebrows.

"It's so obvious." Kangna said, "In fact, it's not just me. When you asked for the third time which book beginners of alchemy should read, Gabrielle also guessed your thoughts.

"But one thing I don't understand is, since Hogwarts has no plans to open new classes, why are you asking these questions?"

"I just think it's necessary and maybe it can be used in the future." Kyle took a sip of onion soup. "I discovered when I first came here that alchemy can indeed bring a lot of convenience to wizards. This is a trend. .

"Take the British Ministry of Magic as an example. The communication method of paper airplanes should have been eliminated long ago, but they have used it for so many years without thinking of changing it. This cannot continue like this. After all, it is not the last century anymore. , Wizards also need to develop.”

"Just imagine, a British wizard comes to another country and suddenly finds that many things don't work. Wouldn't it be very embarrassing?"

"Yes." Kang Na nodded affirmatively.

That's how she was. When she first came to France, she almost made a joke because she didn't understand the functions of some alchemical items. Fortunately, Fleur was by her side, and the embarrassment was relieved in time.

"So I think it's time for us to make a change." Kyle said, "It may not be that easy in other places, so let's start with school and set up a new alchemy class to test the waters.

“When the students get used to it, they will influence the adult wizards around them, and then those wizards will influence more people.

"I believe that if it is a good change, everyone's acceptance will be high."

"Is it really feasible to add a new class to the school?" Kangna asked doubtfully: "Alchemy is not a simple matter of cleaning up a classroom. I have seen the layout here, even if it is only restored to one tenth First, the galleons needed are also huge. Are the school directors willing to pay for this?

"And the material conversion furnace you mentioned is probably not something that can be easily obtained."

"You're right." Kyle nodded, "So I'm just making some preparations in advance. Whether Hogwarts can really add this new class will have to be decided after Dumbledore comes back. , after all, he is the real principal."

"I support you." Kangna said suddenly.


"I mean, I support your idea." Kangna smiled slightly, "I think what you said makes sense. Although Hogwarts is the longest and oldest magic school in existence, it is also time to make some changes. changed."

"Then we really have a tacit understanding." Kyle also smiled.

The two finished their breakfast quickly and Kyle stood up.

"Where are you going next..." Kangna asked: "Are you going to visit other classes? I heard that the ancient rune classes here are also very popular."

"Maybe, but not now," Kyle said. "Now I have to go to the training hall at Beauxbatons."

"Training hall?"

"It's where students practice magic." Kyle explained: "Beauxbatons has a specially designated area and is equipped with an alchemy dummy. Many students who don't have classes will go there to practice the new magic they have learned.

"I already found out the specific location of the training hall from the house elves yesterday. To be honest, I also like this place... I just don't know if there is such a big classroom in Hogwarts. If possible, I can get one. good."

"But why are you going there?" Kangna asked doubtfully, "Do you have any magic that you need to practice?"

"No, I'm going to guide those students." Kyle said.

But Kangna didn't understand even more.

"You traveled all the way from England to Beauxbatons, France, to teach magic to the students here?"

"Not to mention how outrageous this decision is, I'm afraid the professor here will not agree with you doing this. After all, you can only be regarded as a guest, and it is the professor's responsibility to teach students. Your behavior is completely against the rules."

"I don't think they will object." Kyle said with a smile, "If I'm not mistaken, someone has already said hello."


"Of course it's Ms. Maxim. Besides her as the principal, who else has this kind of power." Kyle flexed his wrist, "If we stay here for a few more days, we have to pay some rent."

Kang Na nodded, somewhat understanding.

Ms. Maxim has always wanted Kyle to come to Beauxbatons. Now, is this considered an adaptation in advance?

"Then I won't go with you." Kangna said with a smile: "Last night, Fleur said she would take me to see the Crystal Tower. She described it so beautifully. I want to see it."

While talking, Kyle noticed that Fleur also appeared at the side door of the auditorium.

She was still wearing the big hat and was waving to them.

Kangna waved to her in response.

"It's okay, you go ahead, I'm enough alone." Kyle said.

The two walked over and separated at the door of the auditorium.

Connor and Fleur went in the direction of the tower, and he walked towards the route described by the house elf yesterday.

The training hall is also on the first floor, but instead of here, you have to go through several courtyards to the east near the edge of the school.

There are no classrooms there, and the place is spacious enough. No matter what noise is made, it will not affect the students in class.

Sometimes Kyle really envies the Beauxbatons students. In the early days of the school's establishment, they received a donation from Nicolas Flamel.

No one knows the exact amount of money, but it must be quite a lot... After all, this is Nicoléme, a legendary alchemist who has lived for hundreds of years. If he takes less, it will not be justified in terms of face.

This donation also allowed Beauxbatons to complete all teaching facilities in one step.

In comparison, the school governors of Hogwarts are a bit stingy, and they are reluctant to replace a broomstick after decades of use.

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