Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 823 Stubborn Lady Pointer

The sun is rising, and the bright morning sunshine shines on the castle of Hogwarts, waking up the students who are still sleeping in.

In the headmaster's office on the eighth floor, Kyle, who had not slept all night, put down the quill in his hand and sorted out the thick pile of parchment in front of him.

This is his experience in the past half month, from being forced to accept the task of pretending to be Dumbledore at the beginning of the school, to deciding to go to France, to Beauxbatons, to meet Professor Victor and chat with him...

According to Professor McGonagall's request, Kyle spent a night, repeatedly recalling, and trying to make the time of these actions as accurate as possible to the hour... or even the minute.

Of course, there must be mistakes here, after all, he can't check the time before doing everything, but Kyle thinks it doesn't have much impact, as long as the most critical nodes can match.

When he wrote these, the headmasters in the portraits were watching behind him, and they also watched all night... but they didn't need to sleep, and they were much more energetic than Kyle.

"Wait a minute, let me see the seventeenth page of parchment again."

Kyle just put down the quill when he heard a voice from behind.

It was a witch dressed in medieval style, and she looked strange. Kyle was sure that he had never seen her before.

This was normal. There were quite a few portraits in the headmaster's office, more than thirty in total, but not every headmaster liked to stay here for a long time like Armando Dippet and Phineas Black...

Almost half of them usually stayed in portraits elsewhere, and only came when something big happened in Hogwarts.

The current headmaster Dumbledore was trapped in a time loop, which was a big deal,

so after getting the news, they all came.

This was the first time that Kyle felt that the headmaster's office was a little crowded...Of course, it wasn't really crowded, after all, they couldn't get out, it was just a feeling.

"What are you daydreaming about, hurry up." The medieval witch said again, with a stern tone, just like Professor McGonagall when she was angry, but more rigid and dogmatic than Professor McGonagall.

And judging from the expressions of the people around her, she was not a person who could get along well.

Kyle did not say anything, and took away the parchment in front of him as she asked.

The content on page 17 was exactly what he had said to Professor Victor in the alchemy classroom on the afternoon of the day he arrived at Beauxbatons.

"Difficulty classification of alchemy... Necessary conditions for learning alchemy... Alchemy textbooks..."

Although he had only read one page of the content, the headmaster's face had become very ugly.

"Tell me, what do you want to do by asking these questions?" she asked sharply.

"Nothing, just curious." Kyle said.

"Curious?" The witch narrowed her eyes, obviously not believing Kyle's words.

"Yes, this course is very popular among students in Beauxbatons, so I asked a few more questions." Kyle smiled, "Otherwise, what other purpose can I have."

"It's better this way." The witch said coldly: "Remember, you are just pretending to be the headmaster, not the real headmaster, don't do anything extra."

"Of course not." Kyle said with a smile.

The witch glanced at him.

"I heard that the current headmaster... Albus Dumbledore is very optimistic about you. Maybe one day, you can really become the headmaster of Hogwarts."

"You are flattering me." Kyle said modestly, "Professor Dumbledore is like this to everyone."

"But I must warn you." The witch pursed her lips tightly into a line, "Even if you really become the headmaster, you cannot modify the course schedule of Hogwarts without reason... This is the course set by the greatest witch Rowena Ravenclaw, and no one can change it."

"Ah, you are right." Kyle nodded repeatedly, "The course schedule of Hogwarts cannot be changed, there is no doubt about that."

"It's good that you can think so." The witch's face was finally not so ugly. She looked around, "What are you doing here, why don't you find a solution!"

Several headmasters ran away immediately, and the rest were silent, without any intention of refutation. Even the most noisy Phineas was rare to be quiet at this time, and didn't say a word the whole time.

"Forget it, I'm going to find Minerva now. In my opinion, she is more suitable to be the headmaster than Dumbledore." The witch left a word and disappeared in the frame.

After that, Kyle clearly saw that everyone around him breathed a sigh of relief.

"Scare me." Armando Dippet patted his chest and said to Kyle, "Just now I thought you were going to quarrel with the stubborn Lady Pointer."

"Wait, what's her name?"

"Stubborn Lady Pointer." Armando said again, "She is a person who abides by the rules, just like a pointer, always acting according to the set route, and never allowing herself and others around her to deviate."

"She is also a crazy admirer of Ms. Rowena Ravenclaw." Phineas next to him added, "Even if Ravenclaw says one day that Hogwarts is round, she will definitely believe it without hesitation and regard it as the truth."

"This is normal." Another headmaster said, "The period when Noililde was there can be said to be the most difficult time for Hogwarts. With her personality, if it were someone else, Hogwarts might have ceased to exist long ago."

"The most difficult period?" Kyle asked curiously, "Can you tell me more about it?"

"Calculating the time, it was probably seven centuries ago."

She was silent for a moment and then said: "Affected by the times, black magic was extremely popular at that time. Wizards were crazy about making black magic items with strange abilities. It has even become a trend...the infamous Hand of Glory and Crystal Skull are products of that period, you should know these two things.”

Kyle nodded.

The hand of glory is a dry arm that inserts a candle in a dark environment. Only the person holding it can see the light.

As for the crystal skull... it is an item used for divination, and it is also the earliest crystal ball. Of course, it is more useful than the crystal ball, and the production method is more cruel. It is something that is expressly prohibited by the Ministry of Magic.

"This is just the tip of the iceberg. At that time, more dark magic items were invented and improved. Under that situation, Hogwarts was in an extremely difficult situation. It had to face the dual pressures from dark wizards and Muggle society. pressure."

Another principal said: "The dark wizards regard them as heretics, try their best to capture this place, and then preach their terrible theories to the students.

"Muggles regard them as accomplices of dark wizards and hate them with all their heart. Once they find that there are children around who have awakened to magic, they will kill them without hesitation."

Kyle was silent. If that were the case, Hogwarts probably wouldn't be able to recruit many people at that time.

After all, in the magical world, pure-blood wizards only account for a small part, and most of them are mixed-blood or wizards from Muggle families.

When they no longer attend school, Hogwarts is really not far away from closing.

"Fortunately, Rowena Ravenclaw seemed to have guessed that such a day would come." The principal continued: "So she left a book in the principal's office, which contained information about dangers in Hogwarts. How to deal with it later.”

"So, the principal led Hogwarts through the crisis safely based on the content in the book?" Kyle asked.

"Yes, follow the plan strictly, no mistakes allowed."

"Although she successfully led Hogwarts through the crisis, she also gradually developed the character she has now... taking everything related to Rowena Ravenclaw as an iron rule."

"It's understandable," Kyle said. "It's the same thing for everyone."

"What surprises me is that you didn't contradict her," Armando said. "I thought you would argue with her."

"Why should I fight?" Kyle smiled, "She is right, I am not the real principal, what do these things have to do with me.

"Arguing with her, even if you win, is just a waste of time and of no use. On the contrary, following her words will make you feel better."

"So...are you really planning to open an alchemy class at Hogwarts?" Phineas asked, raising his eyebrows.

"It's not my intention." Kyle corrected: "I'm not the principal. I don't have the power. I can only say it's an idea." Kyle shook his head and said, "Alchemy is becoming more and more important in other countries now, and related items are also There are more and more, and Hogwarts can’t be too far behind.”

“But these all need to be decided by the principal. I just put forward an idea and specific preliminary preparations. If it is passed, at least we know what to do.

"Why, are you also opposed to adding a new alchemy class?"

"I don't care," Phineas said. "It doesn't matter to me anyway."

"I don't think there's anything wrong with adding a new class." Armando said, "The curriculum at Hogwarts has been going on for a thousand years, so it would be good to add some changes."

"It should be said that it is very necessary." Another principal who is resident here, Delise Derwent, said, "You don't even look at how far behind Hogwarts is in the ranking of international magic schools.

"Among the eleven schools, we are ranked tenth. Even Durmstrang, which has no principal, is ranked higher than us. Don't you feel ashamed?"

"It has nothing to do with me." Phineas immediately said, "When I was the principal, Hogwarts was still ranked among the best. It's all Armando's fault."

"You fart!" Armando Dippet shouted: "It's only since you became the principal that Hogwarts' ranking has been declining. Now you actually want to shirk responsibility?"

"I'm so angry!" He turned around and took out a huge 'mace' from nowhere.

"Just stand there and don't move. Let's have a serious discussion about the school's ranking."

"Stop... No, stop, don't come over here. I'm warning you not to come over here..." Phineas ran away. His skillful movements made the principals who saw this scene for the first time dumbfounded. .

Are they...all so lively now?

But for Delis Devont, it was no longer strange. She continued to look at Kyle and said: "Your idea is good, but it is not easy to implement."

"You mean that Principal Noelilde will object?"

"It's not important." Dai Lisi shook her head, "We past principals only have the right to make suggestions, not decisions. As long as the current principal agrees, no matter how much she objects, it will be useless. At most, she will never come again. Of course, this It has no impact either. The difficulty I mentioned is a different situation.”

"For example, funding issues." She continued: "I also wanted to add a new healing course. After all, Hogwarts only has herbal medicine and potions, but these are not enough to become a qualified healer.

"If there is a therapy course, students who want to be therapists can enter St. Mungo's directly after graduation, which will save a lot of time."

"That's good," Kyle said. "I remember Madam Pomfrey thinking the same thing."

"But the school doesn't have enough start-up funds." Dai Lisi sighed, "The cost of opening a new course is far more than you think. The school directors have long been accustomed to the status quo, and they don't really want to Spend a lot of extra galleons to do something that in their opinion has no benefit to them at all.”

"In addition, the cost of learning alchemy is more than that of a healer, and it is definitely more difficult."

"I know that." Kyle nodded.

In alchemy, dragon scales and dragon blood are common materials, and the frequency of use is similar to that of ginger root and fish bone powder in potions. With Beauxbatons' financial resources, he has to go to the Fire Dragon Sanctuary to buy the remnants that others don't want. Defective goods.

But this is easy to solve. Just lower the standard a little bit. If you can't afford the fire dragon, you can use materials with the blood of the fire dragon. Or changing alchemical items into magic items...things like those they sold when they were in school are actually within this category.

But these are just plans. Whether they can be used will have to wait until Dumbledore comes back.

If this operation to rescue Dumbledore fails, it will be useless no matter how well planned it is.

Kyle rearranged the messed up parchment and asked the principals to call Professor McGonagall who was just about to go to class.

Soon, the door to the principal's office was pushed open, and Professor McGonagall walked in quickly.

"Here's what you asked for." Kyle handed her the parchment.

Even though class was about to start in ten minutes, Professor McGonagall carefully looked through the parchment and tried to remember every detail.

Kyle didn't bother and just watched from the side.

"What are you going to do next?" she asked suddenly after a few minutes.

"Just wait in school." Kyle thought for a while and said, "Wait until Nico fixes the time turner."

"I thought you might as well go do something else."

Professor McGonagall raised her head and looked at him with a deep look, "Everything is going on at school now, and there is no need for Dumbledore to show up often. You can leave and do what you like...for example, you are on the Hogwarts Express. As I said, sleep until noon."


Kyle didn't expect Professor McGonagall to say this, "But didn't you still want me to stay in the school and act as Professor Dumbledore at any time to deal with possible emergencies?"

"That was just an idea before, but it's not needed now."

Professor McGonagall said calmly, "Dumbledore is often away from school, which is normal, and if you stay here, it will increase the possibility of exposure.

"Go back, or go somewhere else to visit and relax... I recommend you to go to Germany. The academic atmosphere there is very good. It is completely different from the UK and very unique. Quidditch is also popular in Germany. You can always play Saw a lot of great games in various places.”

"is that so?"

Kyle whispered: "But, why do I feel that you don't want me to stay in school and are driving me out on purpose?"

"Now that you've found out... I do have this idea." Professor McGonagall nodded simply and admitted, "It says that Nicolas Flamel will send the repaired time turner to Hogwarts. Doing so will also prevent you from taking unauthorized action.”

"Is it possible that Nico didn't send the time turner to the school, but to me." Kyle said.

"Then I'll go to where he lives and wait."

Professor McGonagall said calmly, "Yes, there is no doubt that I know Mr. Nicoléme, and I went to his manor in Devon when I was young. Although that was decades ago, I Know how to meet him."

"What about the Transfiguration class here at school?"

"I will find a suitable person to replace me in advance, which will not be difficult."

"I must remind you again, Kyle." Professor McGonagall said with a serious expression, "Rescuing Dumbledore is the responsibility of us professors, not you. There is absolutely no need for you to take risks because of this matter."

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