Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 825 Familiar, Percy Returns

Silent people, a profession that sounds serious and conscientious just by the name. In Kyle's opinion, they should be meticulous and don't talk when they can do things.

For example, Diana was much more strict when she was in the Department of Mysteries than she was at home.

But in front of him, Kyle always felt that she was laughing at him... It was as if he saw Fred and George being stupid, and not only did he not help, but he was gloating next to them.

He rubbed his forehead.

How should I put it, this silent person is a bit too lively and not as serious as she thought.

But whether it was serious or not, Kyle didn't care so much. He took two steps forward and said, "I have something to ask for..."


Before he finished speaking, the silent man nodded.

"What?" Kyle was stunned for a moment.

"Aren't you here to ask me to help deliver a message? To Diana." The silent man said.

"You know?" Kyle asked doubtfully, "Did you hear our previous conversation?"

"No, and there is no need." The silent man shook his head, "Normally, you should be in Hogwarts at this time, but now you are in the Department of Mysteries. In addition to looking for Diana, there are also Any other purpose?”

"It seems to be the same...wait, how do you know I'm in Hogwarts." Kyle blurted out, but immediately closed his mouth.

He pretended to be Dumbledore in school, and this must not be known to anyone else, so his visit to Hogwarts was also kept strictly confidential. Except for him and a few professors, it was impossible for anyone else to know. right.

He was confused just now, and that's why he admitted it.

Kyle shook his head, trying to wake himself up.

"Are you confused?" The Silent Man glanced at him, "Or do you think that Albus's use of the time turner can be hidden from the Department of Mysteries?

"That's a hundred years, such a huge time span, even the fog in the Time Recall Hall is about to spread. If the Department of Mysteries doesn't notice anything, it might as well just close the door."

"Uh..." Kyle was speechless for a moment.

He almost forgot that the Department of Mysteries deals with ethereal things like time and space. As long as someone uses a time turner, they will definitely know about it.

"Godric's Hollow, the living room of Ms. Bathilda Bagshot's house, that's right." The Silent Man continued: "After you used the time turner, we immediately went there to investigate, although there were many people nearby at the time. Yes, but just by looking at it, you can deduce that you are the only one involved in this matter.”

"Why." Kyle asked: "Why only me."

"Because of the phoenix." The silent man explained patiently, "The phoenix is ​​a very unique magical animal. Not everyone is close to it. Since you are carrying it, it is enough to explain everything. Do you have any questions?"

"So you've been following me since then?" he asked.

"Not really, tracking is too ugly." The silent man said, "After all, you are also Diana's family. We just paid close attention to your movements and found that you went to King's Cross on September 1st. The station sends someone to school...that Harry Potter.

"But you were not among the people who came back. From this, we can infer that you also took the train to Hogwarts."

"Couldn't it be that I use Apparition to leave in advance?" Kyle said.

Then he saw the silent man looking at him with a strange look.

"Okay, consider me saying something stupid." Kyle was a little embarrassed.

The Department of Magical Transport can detect traces of Apparition. If the Department of Mysteries has been observing them, they must have made complete preparations in advance.

"It's okay, it's understandable, and you don't have to worry about it." The silent man said with a smile... he should be laughing.

"I don't need to tell you what happened after that." She continued: "You went to Hogwarts, and then the principal of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore, appeared at the opening party."

"No need." Kyle shook his head, "So, you also know the purpose of my coming to the Department of Mysteries this time, right?

"If you have been watching me, you must have known that I went to France and what I experienced there."

"Well... I really don't know." The silent man emphasized: "I must repeat that we are not following you, we are just guessing based on your itinerary and what happened next. Diana knows you too well, It’s not difficult for us.”


Kyle twitched his lips.

If it was his mother, then all this would really make sense.

"And the Beauxbatons you went to, it's difficult even for us to get in there, so naturally we don't know what you went through there."

"But..." She changed her tone, "According to Diana's guess, you came to the Department of Mysteries because you noticed that Albus Dumbledore was trapped in the past and wanted to rescue him."

"Yes." Kyle nodded and admitted, "I want to know what I should do."

"It's best not to do anything." The Silent Man said, "As long as you leave this matter to others, you won't have any worries. I think Minerva McGonagall is good. She is capable and thoughtful. Totally bringing Albus Dumbledore back from the past."

"I know, but I have a feeling it's going to be me doing it," Kyle said.

"Is that so?" The silent man paused, "Then don't do anything, just let nature take its course."

"Do nothing." Kyle thought for a moment, "Is this what my mother meant?"

"The first thing is." The Silent Man said, "You should understand that she will definitely not agree to your use of the time turner. I can help you pass on the message, but the answers you get will most likely be repeated."

"Thank you, no need." Kyle shook his head, turned around and prepared to leave.

But soon he stopped, turned around and asked, "Do we know each other?"

"So we know each other," the other party said.

"Who are you?"

This time the silent man didn't speak, he just reached out and opened the black door that suddenly appeared.

It wasn't until she walked in that she said lightly: "You will know, but not now."

The door closed, merged with the wall, and disappeared from Kyle again.

He tried shouting twice, but there was no response.

"What a strange man." Kyle muttered under his breath.

He walked up the elevator and returned to the bustling main hall, thinking about what the silent man had just said, and trying to compare the image of the silent man with the acquaintances in his memory.

But after thinking for a long time, he couldn't determine who the other party was. No one in his memory matched him.

Kyle thought this as he walked through the bustling main hall and came to the fireplace corridor.

He should not have stayed on the ninth floor for more than an hour. It would be impossible for Chris to come back from the Hesidian Islands during this time.

So Kyle didn't go looking for him anymore and used the fireplace to return to the Burrow.

"Fred, George, please be quiet."

"Charlie, please help me get a soft cushion. This chair is too hard."

"Mom, you've put two cushions in, why can't you keep him at St. Mungo's?"

"Yeah, maybe the big-headed boy can write a wonderful report on the softness and hardness of the hospital beds there."

"Better than the report from the bottom of the crucible."

"You are delaying his future..."

There were many voices and noise coming from the burrow.

When Kyle jumped out of the fireplace, everyone subconsciously looked over.

"Sorry to disturb you...Oh, Percy, when did you come back." Kyle said in surprise, looking at the thin figure sitting in the middle.

Percy Weasley, when the Death Eaters attacked the Ministry of Magic, he was also affected and was sent to St. Mungo's because he suffered the Cruciatus Curse and the Imperius Curse.

Didn't expect to be discharged from the hospital so soon?

"Just now, my mother picked me up half an hour ago." Percy's voice was a little weak.

"Why don't you stay a few more days." Kyle walked over and found that Percy's face was almost still pale and his red hair was dull.

"I know the dean there. You can rest in peace."

"There's no way to recuperate in a place like that." Percy shook his head. "There were too many people. Next to me was a man who was possessed by strange black magic. He thought he was a snake from time to time every day and crawled around the room. Last night he even broke away from the therapist, climbed on top of me and tried to swallow me."

Thinking of this, Percy shuddered unconsciously.

Next to them, Fred and George burst out laughing.

Fred laughed with tears in his eyes, "That guy started swallowing Percy's feet."

"I dare say he will never dare to eat randomly again." George said, holding on to the table.

"Can you two be quiet?" Mrs. Weasley tried her best to keep a straight face, but she seemed to be unable to hold it in any longer.

"Anyway, we have to thank that person," she said. "Thanks to him, Percy could wake up so quickly."

"I bet Percy won't want to thank him," Fred said with a raised eyebrow.

Percy really didn't want to either.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a person trying to eat his own legs. This incident would almost leave a lifelong psychological shadow on him... greater than the shadow of the Imperius Curse and Cruciatus Curse combined.

It was precisely because of this that Percy hurriedly told Bill, who was guarding the ward, to ask Mrs. Weasley to take him home.

"If that's the case, how about I contact Dean Sacia and change Percy's ward?" Kyle said, "St. Mungo's is the professional in treating the Unforgivable Curse."

"Thank you for your offer, Kyle, but no thanks."

At this time, Mrs. Weasley also came over and placed a large plate of candy on the table.

I had asked the therapists when I picked him up just now. They said that Percy had not been under the Unforgivable Curse for a long time and that he would be fine as soon as he woke up. After that, it would be better to recuperate at home than at St. Mungo's.

"Yes." Percy also nodded, "I feel much more relaxed now that I'm back here."

"Hey, who are you!" Fred suddenly shouted, startling everyone.

George also pointed his wand at Percy, "No matter who you are, you are not allowed to use the Imperius Curse to control Percy!"

"You two..."

The frightened Mrs. Weasley rolled up her sleeves angrily and walked over to twist their ears.

Fred quickly dodged Mrs. Weasley's hand and said with a serious face: "Mom, you have all been deceived. Percy can't say the words 'The Burrow is very comfortable'."

"Yeah, he said at the time that he was very depressed here and he would never come back again!" George helped.

Mrs. Weasley stopped moving, with a complicated expression.

Because Percy did say that Voldemort had not yet made a public appearance at that time, and the Ministry of Magic was denying his return.

At that time, Percy insisted on siding with Fudge, even at the expense of falling out with his family. From then on, he never came back.

Even if Fudge finally changed his tune and Voldemort made a high-profile appearance, he only apologized, but he still avoided other Weasleys, let alone returned home.

There was an eerie silence in the Burrow, and Kyle didn't know what to say to lighten the mood.

And since this was a Weasley family matter, nothing he said seemed appropriate.

Kyle, who was a little embarrassed, wanted to do something to keep himself busy. He carefully picked up a Buttercup mint and slowly unwrapped it, trying not to make a sound.

As soon as he opened the package, a thick arm stretched out from beside him and quickly snatched the candy away.

Charlie looked back at Kyle and dropped the candy into his mouth.

It could be seen that he was also a little embarrassed.

Although he was also a Weasley, he was still in Romania when Percy had a falling out with his family. After returning, others rarely mentioned Percy.

He also didn't know what to say at this time.


I don't know how long it took before Percy finally said: "I don't know what was wrong with me at the time, maybe it was my ridiculous pride. Even if I knew I was wrong, I didn't know how to face you and dad... So I just thought that as long as I don't meet you, I can pretend that nothing happened...

"But I know I was wrong. I'm sorry. If possible... I want to come back and return to this family. Is that okay?"

Percy looked nervously at Mrs. Weasley, clasping his hands together.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Mrs. Weasley's eyes turned red instantly, and she hugged Percy hard, "You are a member of the family, you can come back anytime you want."

"Is this the end?" Fred curled his lips and said dissatisfied: "If you apologize, can all those bastard things in the past be wiped out?"

"And you." Percy turned his head, and even though he was weak, he still stood up unsteadily. "I apologize for what I did before. You can take it out any way you want, as long as you can let me live back, even in the attic."

Then Percy bent over like he had when he saw Barty Crouch at the Quidditch World Cup, so low that his glasses fell on the table.

"You...don't think we can forgive you if you say that." Fred, who was filled with indignation just now, was speechless. He looked at Percy and subconsciously looked away.

The same goes for George. The two of them seemed to have not yet reacted, and their expressions were a little awkward.

"It's amazing, you can actually say such things?" George threw the wand aside.

The wand hit the chair and turned into a toy haddock with a pop.

"Now I really doubt whether you are Percy." Fred said, "The Percy we know would never apologize to his brother."

"He would just say: Fred, George, can you be quiet? I can't even read."

"And complain to my mother."

"You can check it, no matter what method you use, I'm fine with it." Percy said.

"Don't say that, dear." Mrs. Weasley rubbed her eyes, "I believe in the therapists at St. Mungo's. If they can bring you back, it proves that you are definitely fine."

"That's what we'll do naturally."

George grabbed a candy, tore open the package and stuffed it into his mouth, "But there is no need for the attic. Mom will kill us if we let you live there."

The two of them didn't seem to adapt to this scene, or they didn't expect Percy's change to be so drastic, so they left in a hurry after saying "We're going back to the store."

The door to the Burrow was opened and closed.

"It seems I haven't been to your house yet." Charlie suddenly turned to look at Kyle and asked.

"You haven't been there since you graduated," Kyle said.

"Has it been so long? How is Tom?" said Charlie. "It's that cat nives you have at home."

"It's pretty good. It's gained a lot of weight, but dad insists that it's because its hair has grown longer."

"I quite like the catnives. They are very smart little guys and are much easier to deal with than the fire dragons. Can you take me to see them?"

"Of course, no problem." Kyle stood up and left the Burrow with Charlie.

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