Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 827 Letter Paper

Austria, this place is still a little famous in the magic world.

Of course, this fame does not refer to Nurmengard. Although Grindelwald is very famous, that was sixty years ago. After more than half a century, his fame has been slowly worn out.

Especially for those young wizards who are still in school, almost no one knows who Grindelwald is.

And the reason why this place is famous is that the International Confederation of Wizards has held many meetings here.

As for why the location was chosen here, no one knows.

Near noon, in an unknown village in Austria, because it is remote and close to the forest, there are often wild beasts, so there are very few people living here, only a dozen people in total.

No one noticed that when they finished their morning work and were anxious to go home for lunch, a person suddenly appeared at the entrance of the village, as if he suddenly fell from the sky.

Kyle staggered and almost lost his balance.

He never thought that Nico actually made a two-way mirror into a door key, and even specially set the time.

He had just put the photo away, and before Kyle could react, the door key suddenly activated, taking him directly from home to such a place...

Kyle looked around...remote, desolate, except for the endless primeval forest, there were only those mountains standing in the air, as if someone had cut off a section of them.

It's hard to imagine that there are people in such a place that is incompatible with urban life...Maybe it's to facilitate hunting in the forest.

Kyle looked ahead. At this time, some of the houses built with wood and stones had smoke coming out of cooking, and various bacon was hung in front of the house.

He didn't think much about it, and looked at the two-way mirror in his hand again.

"Nico, Nico...how should I go."

He called twice, but there was no response in the mirror. Obviously Nico had gone to do his own thing.

"Really, why can't you finish your words."

Kyle rubbed his forehead. As expected, the address he had seen before, he had forgotten it completely, and had no impression at all.

The only thing he knew now was what Nico said hurriedly after the key was activated.

"As long as you keep moving forward, you will always find your target."

Moving forward, does it mean entering the forest?

Kyle didn't know if this idea was right, but he could only give it a try now.

Thinking of this, Kyle no longer hesitated and strode into the village... No, it can't be called a village, it should be more appropriate to say a gathering place.

Perhaps it was because they hadn't seen strangers for a long time. After Kyle appeared, he instantly attracted everyone's attention. They stood at the window or walked out of the house, but no matter where they were, they all stared at Kyle without concealing.

Kyle initially guessed that the people who lived here wanted to go hunting in the forest, but he soon found out that he was wrong.

Although the wooden house and the smoked meat here looked like a gathering place for hunters, he didn't see any hunting tools, not even a knife or a pointed stick.

And the people were not right.

There were only old people here, and the youngest looked about 80 years old. It was obviously impossible for a Muggle of this age to go into the forest to hunt with bare hands.

"Something's wrong." Kyle frowned, put his hand on the wand, and continued to walk forward calmly.

But before he could walk out, Kyle was surprised to find that he was surrounded.

The other party moved very quickly and secretly. Even though Kyle had been paying attention to the situation around him, he didn't realize how they appeared around him at the same time.

"Are you all wizards?"

Kyle took out his wand and pointed it at the person closest to him. At the same time, a silver-white round shield appeared around his body.

Living in such a remote place, without hunting tools, this situation can only be a wizard.

But Kyle didn't understand. He didn't detect any magic reaction around him, which was why he thought the other party was a hunter at first.

Just as he thought, the other party also took out his wand.

The leader, the one who was pointed at by Kyle with his wand, said something with a bad expression.

Kyle blinked.

He found something very embarrassing. The other party didn't speak English or French... He couldn't understand.

"Sorry, what did you say?" Kyle asked politely.

"He asked who you are and what you are doing here."

Another person came over, a very old witch, well-dressed and elegant, somewhat out of tune with the surrounding environment.

When she came over, everyone around her dispersed and made way.

This time Kyle could understand.

"Ah, I am..."

Kyle paused, as if he thought of something, and instantly changed his words: "I am a student who just graduated from Beauxbatons and a herbal enthusiast." Kyle said, "I came here to observe some rare plants."

"Beauxbatons." The witch thought for a while, "You are French? Why do you speak English?"

"No, I just go to school at Beauxbatons." Kyle smiled harmlessly, "If you are better at French, I can do it too."

"No, that's it." The witch looked Kyle up and down, "You said you came here to find herbs?"

"Yes." Kyle nodded, "I've read about water droplets and iron thorn vines in books. These two plants are native to Austria, so I wanted to try my luck."

"You've come to the wrong place." The witch said bluntly, "You're talking about the forest in the south. There's nothing you're looking for here."

"Really?" Kyle said. When he was about to use some reason to fool her, he heard the other party suddenly say: "But here There are more herbs. We have seen the more precious cedar nectar flowers before. I wonder if you are interested. "

"Of course." Kyle smiled and said, "I am a student who mainly studies herbs. I am interested in all kinds of herbs."

"Then we won't bother you." The witch also smiled, "Or you can stay for lunch. It's very dangerous in the forest. You can't go hungry."

"That's great."

What the witch didn't expect was that after she said a few polite words, Kyle actually agreed and took the initiative to walk into a smoky house.

"Here, bacon stewed with mushrooms, just what I like."

The person in the house looked at Kyle, then quickly walked to the witch and whispered in German: "Wenda, he..."

"Then entertain our guests well." The witch looked at the other person, "I hope you can call me another name."

"Of course, Ms. Amara." The man said quickly.

"I hope you can remember." After the witch finished speaking, she also walked into the room, as if she was ready to have lunch with Kyle.

She glanced at the wooden bowl on the table and did not move. Instead, she used magic to transform two very delicate plates and tableware, and took the initiative to serve Kyle a portion of bacon and mushroom soup.

"Thank you." Kyle took it, "Can I ask one more question? What are you doing here..."

"Studying magical animals." The witch said, "We are all scholars in this field. This is one of the few magical animal parks in Austria, which can be more convenient to observe and protect them."

"Really cool." Kyle was surprised, "Then do you know Mr. Newt Scamander? I heard that he is the best magical animal expert."

Hearing Newt's name, the witch paused suddenly, holding the tableware tightly with her right hand, and continued after a moment:

"Of course, I will never forget this name. He is like a devil vine, rooted in my heart."

"Rooted in the heart, is he so important to you?" Kyle took a sip of soup, "But I heard that he seems to be married, what a pity."

The witch looked at Kyle suddenly, with a strange expression, but did not explain anything.

The two sat opposite each other and finished their lunch in peace...at least on the surface.

Then, Kyle walked into the forest under the gaze of everyone.

"Thank you for your hospitality. I will bring you gifts next time we meet."

Until Kyle's figure completely disappeared, a group of people quickly surrounded the witch.

"Wen, Amara, just let him leave like this?"

"He's lying."


"This person is not a student of Beauxbatons." The witch sneered and wiped her hands with a cloth.

"If I'm not mistaken, he should be from Hogwarts."

"Dumbledore's student..." The old man's face was instantly filled with anger, "Then you let him into the forest, maybe he was sent to deal with it."

"Why not." The witch smiled and said, "For some reason, we can't enter the tower, we can only wait endlessly in this place, we have waited too long."

She turned her head to look in the direction where Kyle disappeared, "Maybe this is an opportunity to catch up with him..."

At the same time, Kyle, who entered the forest, didn't know what happened behind him. He was struggling to shuttle between the trees.

Unlike the Forbidden Forest, there is no road in this forest. Kyle can only rely on his senses and guidance magic to go forward as far as possible.

In this way, Kyle didn't know how long he had walked. Anyway, he walked from noon to dusk, and then to late at night.

When the moon rose completely, Kyle finally saw a round tower built on a cliff.

How to say it, it seemed to appear there suddenly, Kyle was sure that there was nothing there the second before, but it appeared when he turned his head.

Is it related to the sight? Or must he wait for a certain time?

Kyle couldn't be sure, so he chose to keep staring at the tower, and then took out his box from the deformed lizard skin bag with his memory and gently opened the lock.

"Noble, take me up."

A huge fire dragon appeared in the forest, spread its wings, and took Kyle straight to the tower.

There was no obstacle as imagined, nothing, Kyle came to the door of the tower so easily.

There was a very eye-catching line of words engraved on the door.

"For the greater good."

Kyle took a deep breath and put his hand on the door.

There was no magic either, just a little effort to push the door open.

There was no light inside, it was pitch black, as if it was a beast hiding in the darkness, choosing people to eat.

At this point, because of the restriction of the gate, the fire dragon could not enter. Kyle could only put it back into the box, but for safety reasons, he released the cat and the leopard and let them follow him.

Although I don't know whether they can threaten Grindelwald... it's highly unlikely, but at least it can give him some confidence.

Kyle lit his wand and walked up the stairs slowly.

The stairs were very long, extending all the way to the top around the pillar in the middle. When Kyle walked up, the surroundings were terribly quiet. He could only hear his footsteps and his increasingly fast heartbeat.

I don't know how long it took, but the light from the wand shone through a door.

It was a very old door, without a lock on it, just half-closed, and a faint light could be seen from the crack in the door.

Kyle became even more nervous.

"You're finally here, Albus..."

An old and hoarse voice came from the door, and it felt like he hadn't spoken for a long time.

"No, that's not right, you're not Albus!" Inexplicably, there was a bit more curiosity in his voice, "Who are you? How did you find this place, and you brought two little cuties with you.

"Why don't you come in, or are you afraid of an old guy who doesn't even have a wand? "

Kyle cursed silently in his heart.

Is he afraid? I guess he is. After all, he was the culprit who messed up the whole of Europe sixty years ago.

But compared to fear, Kyle still feels more troubled. The man in the door is a huge trouble.

But we have come here... we can't turn back now.

"Dumbledore is really troublesome. "Kyle muttered quietly, stretched out his hand and pushed the door open.

This is a room that is much smaller than expected, not much bigger than a broom closet. There is a very small window on the ceiling, or a slightly larger crack. The light I saw just now is the moonlight falling from here, and it is also the only light source in the room.

There is a thin blanket in the corner, and a skeleton is curled up on it... It really looks like a skeleton, and it seems that only a layer of skin is left on the body.

After hearing the movement, the thin body moved, and the skull-like face turned to look at him, and the eyes opened.

"Ha, ha ha..."

Without saying anything, Grindelwald suddenly laughed inexplicably.

"You are here... I knew that we would meet again..."

"Meet again?"

Kyle was slightly stunned, and all the previous emotions were suppressed at this moment, leaving only doubts.

"Have we met before?"

"For you, no. "Grindelwald stood up with difficulty, leaning against the corner of the wall, supporting himself not to fall down.

He looked at Kyle again.

"Go, there is an abandoned barn in the south of Godric's Hollow... It's easy to find, next to a pine tree.

"Through the barn window, you can just see the attic of a house. That's Albus's home. You can definitely find him there."

"Do you know why I came here?" Kyle was very confused and walked over to ask.

He was very sure that the person in front of him had never used Legilimency on him since he came in.

"If I say, I know, will you believe it?"

"Why not, after all, you are Grindelwald." Kyle said, he glanced around and simply sat on the ground.

He didn't dare to take out his wand to change a chair for himself. Although the person in front of him was only a skeleton, he was Grindelwald after all.

"Ha, it's really interesting, that stupid guy, what does he think he can change?" Grindelwald muttered to himself.

"How did you guess?" Kyle asked again: "...I came here, and what do I want to ask?"

"If you can give me a piece of letter paper..."

"Forget it, I don't want to ask anymore." Kyle stood up and was about to go out.

He just had a brain cramp. Since he had already got the information he wanted, why bother with it?

No matter how Grindelwald knew what he was going to do, he couldn't get out of here, and it wouldn't affect him in any way.

In this case, even if Kyle didn't know this secret, it didn't seem to matter.

"Wait." Grindelwald squirmed.

Kyle quickly took two steps back.

"Don't be nervous, buddy, do you think I can do anything now?" Grindelwald said self-deprecatingly.

"That's not necessarily true," Kyle said calmly, "maybe you just acted like that on purpose to make me let my guard down."

"If you could have come 20 years earlier, I might have done the same." Grindelwald said, "Just consider it as a reward for saving you time, and give me a piece of writing paper."

He pointed to the bare thin blanket under him, and a piece of rag that was not even as big as his palm, "I really can't write letters on a bed sheet anymore."


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