Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 839 The blood alliance made in the barn

Dumbledore and Grindelwald's relationship is getting better and better, and it is well known in Godric's Hollow.

In just a few days, the two have become inseparable, always studying magic and discussing ideals together. If you only see one of them on the road, then there is no doubt that the other one must be nearby, but you haven't seen it yet.

As for why they are outside, it is probably because of Aberforth. He and Dumbledore quarrel more and more frequently. People who pass by Dumbledore's house at night can hear the roar coming from inside.

Dumbledore seems to feel guilty and never argues too much with his brother. In short, he doesn't fight back when he is beaten or scolded.

But Grindelwald is not so good-tempered. Because of this incident, he almost fought with Aberforth several times.

But in the end, Dumbledore came forward in time and barely resolved the conflict.

And all these were inquired by Kyle from the bar. He himself has never left this door. All the news was heard from others.

Through the recent period of getting along, everyone who comes here knows that Kyle is a person who likes to listen to stories... or all wizards who study the history of magic like to listen to stories. For example, when Bathilda Bagshot was young, she always tried her best to ask adults about some rumors in the past.

But Kyle is different from Bathilda. He never picks the type of story. Whether it is a picture book story handed down in the past, without basis, or a family story that happened around him yesterday, it is all fine... As long as he is happy to listen, he will wave his hand and treat the narrator to a glass of the best fire whiskey.

Three Sickles.

These people usually don't want to drink such expensive wine. Now someone is free to treat them, so they are naturally very active. Anyway, they just pay more attention to what is happening around them, and it doesn't take much effort.

They are happy, and Kyle is happy too.

Recently, Grindelwald and Dumbledore have become more and more vigilant. He was almost discovered several times before... Now he only needs to spend a little money to get the information he wants without exposing himself. Why not?

Just a few Sickles. Even if he invited everyone, it would not cost him more than three Galleons. The money sponsored by Hollican alone would be enough for him to spend for two months.

"I think they will fight sooner or later." Corder sat in his familiar seat, drinking and sighing, "This afternoon, Albus almost stopped them. In the end, it was Bathilda who came forward to resolve the conflict."

"Why, are you worried about Aberforth?" Kyle asked.

"Of course not. As a teenage wizard, who hasn't had conflicts with others? I had a lot of fights with classmates when I was in Hogwarts."

"Back then, we Gryffindors fought with Slytherins directly on the court. When the wands fell, they swung the brooms.

You know what, that stuff is really good, especially the Silver Arrow broom, which is as thick as a wrist. It works better than spells when it is swung around."

Maybe he drank too much, but Code suddenly recalled the glorious years in the past, most of which were scenes of fighting with Slytherins. After a while, he shook his head.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this... Actually, I'm more worried about Albus. On one side is his brother, and on the other side is his good friend. He is the one who is caught in the middle, and it is the most difficult thing for him.

In fact, sometimes I think that it would be good if they really had a fight. It would be good for all three of them to vent their anger... But we can't say anything about this kind of thing. We can't instigate them to fight."

Corder sighed and took another sip of brandy.


At this time, the door of the bar was pushed open from the outside.

Kyle subconsciously looked back and quickly turned his head back.

Dumbledore and Grindelwald walked in one after another.

But Grindelwald looked very angry, and Dumbledore was comforting him.

"Oh, this is a rare guest." Code also noticed the two of them. "Albus almost never comes here. I always thought he didn't like drinking... It seems that they quarreled fiercely this time."

Kyle didn't say anything, but lowered his head and lay on the table calmly, pretending to be drunk and asleep, trying to reduce his presence as much as possible.

The two came over, and there was only one seat between them and Kyle. Fortunately, they didn't notice this side.

"Who is he? He dared to talk to me like this." Grindelwald shouted angrily: "If it weren't for your face, I would have made him pay the price long ago!"

"Yes, yes, you have worked hard." Dumbledore advised kindly: "Just think of it as my face, you can bear it for a while."

"New guests." At this time, the bar owner walked over and asked: "Gentlemen, what would you like to order?"



The two said at the same time.

The bar owner raised his eyebrows, as if he wanted to say something. He subconsciously looked at Kyle's position, but found that he was lying on the table, looking drunk and asleep.

The boss shut up again after seeing this, and quickly turned around to bring their order.

He originally wanted to tell the two that they could drink for free, but Kyle was drunk and certainly couldn't listen to the story, so he gave up the idea.

It can only be said that they came at the wrong time and missed the good opportunity to drink for free.

Of course, Grindelwald and Dumbledore don't know what their boss is thinking. Now they only have eyes for each other and will not notice anyone else at all.

Grindelwald took a sip of wine, suppressed the anger in his heart, and asked: "Before that guy came here, did you say that you were going to travel with your classmates after graduation?"

Kyle, lying on the table, moved his ears, trying to identify their voices in the noisy environment.

"Yes, let's go on a trip around the world with Ephias Dorje." Dumbledore also took a sip of mead.

"He wrote me several letters asking when I would set out, but I think I have to break my promise. There is no way I can leave Godric's Hollow now."

Grindelwald frowned, seeming a little unhappy.

"Is it because of that Aberforth?" Grindelwald said coldly: "He is a loser, how can he decide what you want to do!"

"Don't say that, Gellert, he is my brother." Dumbledore whispered: "And I have other reasons to stay here."

There was a little struggle in his voice, and Kyle guessed that he probably hadn't told Grindelwald about Ariana, or didn't know how to say it.

In fact, the reason why Dumbledore gave up traveling around the world was because he had to take care of Ariana.

In September, Aberforth will start school, and he will be the only one to take care of his sister.

If an Obscurial was left alone at home, Godric's Hollow would probably be gone when he came back.

Dumbledore sighed again.

He didn't know if Grindelwald would alienate him after telling him about Ariana, so he had been hesitant to say it.

After all, the Obscurus has always been a taboo existence in the magical world, and the two of them had just met. Dumbledore cherished this friendship, and it was inevitable that he was a little worried about gains and losses.

But Grindelwald only thought that he was sad because he couldn't travel around the world, and immediately put the cup in his hand on the bar with a muffled thud.

"You are just too talkative. You have the right to choose what you want to do. You are Albus Dumbledore. That idiot cannot restrain you."

Dumbledore shook his head. It was not Aberforth that restrained him, but responsibility.

"Ha..." Grindelwald drank the wine in his glass in one gulp, "Do you still remember our decision?"

"Of course." Dumbledore said without hesitation: "Free wizards and let all wizards live freely under the sun."

Kyle moved his ears again.

"Yes, but you don't think that we can achieve this ideal just by staying in Godric's Hollow." Grindelwald said solemnly: "We must go out, and only by going to every place in the world. A corner to accomplish this great ideal.”

His tone was full of enthusiasm.

"I think it's time for us to take the first step."

"What do you want to do?" Dumbledore asked.

"Go to the highlands south of the valley." Grindelwald said. "I learned from my aunt that wizards once lived there, and it seems to be related to what I have been looking for..."

At this point, Grindelwald's voice suddenly became much softer, so soft that Kyle couldn't hear what he said.

"You mean, those three things?" Dumbledore asked.

"That's right... you must find... to complete your... ideal..."

The sound was intermittent and could not be heard clearly.

There was another long silence.

"We should leave here." Grindelwald's voice became clear again, "It won't take long, just treat it as an attempt."

Perhaps because he was drunk, or perhaps because Hogwarts hadn't started school yet and wanted to indulge, Dumbledore agreed to Grindelwald's proposal after a brief silence.

"Great, let's go now!"

Grindelwald said excitedly, "But before that, I think we should do something to commemorate this great first step."

"What's up?"

"I know a special magical contract, which is perfect for witnessing our friendship." Grindelwald's voice was filled with excitement that could not be concealed, "Follow me..."

He took Dumbledore and hurriedly left the bar.

Kyle also raised his head again.

"Are you awake?" Code next to him looked over, "What happened to you today? You just drank two drinks and you fell drunk."

"Maybe it's because I haven't rested." Kyle said perfunctorily: "I'm going back first. Let's get together tomorrow."

"No problem, get out of here." Cord waved his hand nonchalantly, "Don't delay my drinking."

Kyle smiled, stood up and left the bar.

But instead of going back to the room upstairs, he walked around in a circle and left the bar.

He had a hunch that something big might happen tonight. Even if he might be discovered, he had to witness it with his own eyes, otherwise he might regret it for the rest of his life.

After leaving the bar, Kyle walked quickly on a path and covered himself with an invisibility cloak. This prop is more invisible than magic and difficult to be discovered.

Five minutes later, he finally saw Dumbledore and Grindelwald in front of him. The two came to the abandoned barn, opened the door and walked in.

Kyle looked around.

It is definitely impossible to follow him in. Even if he has the protection of the invisibility cloak, he will definitely be discovered. But if he doesn't go in, the barn is closed and he can't see what's happening inside.

Wait... there is a place that may be possible.

Kyle looked at Dumbledore's house not far away, to be precise, the attic at the highest point of his house.

The barn window is facing there, and he can definitely see the situation in the barn in reverse. Ariana lives there. If he makes some noise, she might wake up.

There are voices in the barn, like some kind of spell...

"Never mind." Kyle gritted his teeth and used the flying broom to reach the top of the attic. He tried to slow down his movements, crouched there, and looked into the barn through the invisibility cloak.

Very good, although the window is small, Dumbledore and Grindelwald are standing in the middle, so he can see it just right. The only problem is that he can't see it clearly.

Kyle quickly took out the panoramic telescope, a gadget he bought at the Quidditch World Cup a few years ago, and it was just in use now.

Through the telescope, the situation in the barn was much clearer.

After some time, they had finished reciting the spell. In the barn, the two boys stood opposite each other, each with a kind of piety they had never had before.

The looming magic runes swirled and flickered around the two of them, adding a bit of solemnity and mystery to the dilapidated barn.

Grindelwald conjured a knife in his hand and scratched it on his palm. The tip of the knife oozed blood and hung in the air under the magic runes.

Next was Dumbledore.

Some of the magic runes drilled into the wounds on the palms of the two people. The trembling hands of the boys clasped together, and more magic runes emerged, flying around like crazy.

The number of magic runes increased, and the speed became faster and faster, like a long silver chain wrapped around the wrists of the two people.

The other end of the chain was connected to the blood they had just dripped. When the light faded, the magic word turned into a diamond-shaped silver shell, and the original blood drop was kept in the middle, flashing a strange light.

The diamond-shaped silver ornament that sealed Grindelwald's blood was connected to the chain on Dumbledore's wrist, and the corresponding other naturally fell into Grindelwald's hands.

Since then, the blood alliance was completed.

This contract made with wizard blood has extremely strong constraints. It can be said that from now on, they are equivalent to sharing the same body and cannot hurt each other... Even if there is such a thought, it will be captured by the contract and punished accordingly.

In the barn, the two teenagers hugged each other tightly. After a while, they got together and said something, then left the barn at the same time, quickly disappearing into the night, obviously going to the so-called southern highlands.

At the same time, Kyle on the top of the attic also put down the camera in his hand with satisfaction.

He bought this thing to record Fred and George's dirty tricks. It was the latest magic item at that time. It was very concealed, unlike the cheap ones on the market with extra flashlights.

Now it seems that the money was well spent. The two people who were focused on concluding the blood pact did not notice that someone was recording their scenes from a distance.

As long as he went back to develop the photos and soak them in developing potion, Kyle would get a complete set of precious photo albums.

Kyle happily put away the camera and prepared to go down from the attic.

"Who are you?"

A voice came from behind, scaring Kyle.

At some point, the attic window was pushed open, and a little girl was leaning out half of her body and looking over here.

It must be said that her action was very dangerous and she might fall down at any time, but Kyle did not dare to remind her.

Kyle didn't know how he disturbed Ariana. He could only try not to make any noise, hoping that Ariana would not see anyone and go back by herself.

He had an invisible cloak on him, so the other party should not be able to see him... right.

"Why don't you talk? Why are you in my attic... And what are you wearing? What a magical dress."

"Can you see me?" Kyle asked after lifting the invisible cloak.

It's pointless to pretend since it's already been pointed out by others, and it's also dangerous to let a little girl lie in the air all the time.

"I can't see it." Ariana shook her head, "But I know there's someone here."

Kyle estimated that this situation was most likely due to the silent... Although he didn't know what the principle was, this was the only explanation that could explain it.


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