Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 846 Department of Mysteries

Ariana likes Kyle's box very much. She has never been so free. She can even close her eyes and run without any worries for a long, long time.

The soft grass was something she had never felt before. After lying down, she seemed to forget all her worries and became lazy.

There are also those cute animals that appear from time to time, which Ariana has never seen before.

The only thing that disappointed her was that her favorite creatures with long necks and big eyes seemed to be timid. Whenever she wanted to get close, they would quickly flee away.

But this little episode could not ruin Ariana's good mood. She was even thinking in her heart that if she continued to live here, it might be a good choice.

However, this idea did not materialize.

As if in just a blink of an eye, Kyle appeared in front of him again.

Although she was very reluctant to give up, Ariana still followed him out of the box, turning back one step at a time.

However, this feeling of reluctance did not last long. After walking out of the box, Ariana's eyes were immediately attracted by the magnificent building in front of her.

"Please allow me to introduce you..." Kyle pointed forward and said with a smile, "What you see now is the famous Hogwarts, where your two brothers go to school."

Because of their status, the two did not go to the school, so Kyle found a relatively high place near the Quidditch pitch, from which he could just see the whole of Hogwarts.

"What a big house!"

Ariana's mouth was open and little stars were shining in her eyes.

She has never seen such a big house. The attic here is probably bigger than her home.

Does her brother come here every time he leaves home?

Ariana stared, as if she wanted to imprint the appearance of Hogwarts in her mind, but Hogwarts was too big for her to see.

"What is that?" Ariana asked, pointing to several rings standing in mid-air.

"That's the goal." Kyle explained patiently, "It's for Quidditch."

"Quidditch?" Ariana blinked.

"One of the most popular sports among students, every year during the competition, this place will be full of spectators." Kyle said.


He glanced at the dim goalposts.

This thing seemed to have not been used for a long time, and the stadium stands also looked a bit dilapidated, with a thick layer of dust covering many places.

There were rumors that Phineas Black had canceled Quidditch activities when he was headmaster, but now it seems that this is not a rumor.

As it stands, the pitch has not been used in at least five years.

"Let's go, I'll show you other places." Kyle said.

"How do we get down there?" Ariana looked around.

"Of course, fly down in the fastest way." Kyle took out his broomstick and picked up Ariana.

"Remember to wear the invisibility cloak. Don't let it fall off you no matter what." Kyle reminded.

Ariana, who was confused, nodded and reached out to grab the edge of the invisibility cloak.

Then, Kyle also stepped on the broom, and under his command, the Firebolt suddenly rose into the sky.


Ariana was so frightened by this sudden change that she screamed!

But soon the screams turned from fear to shouts of excitement.

She found that she seemed to have become the bird she had always longed for, flying freely across the vast sky.

Kyle led her through the tall goalposts and back around. In the process, the broom even flipped over.

Arianna once thought she was going to fall, and closed her eyes in fear, but this did not happen. She was still sitting on the broom, and the black mist that occasionally came out of her body was suppressed by the invisibility cloak. With.

Kyle led her across the court, past the tallest tower of the castle, and finally stopped above the lush Forbidden Forest.

At this time, Hogwarts did not yet have the position of gamekeeper, and the Forbidden Forest and the school castle were still separated by a long fence.

"Who's there!"

There was a roar from below, and a person ran quickly from a distance and roared at the two people flying in the sky:

"This is Hogwarts. Who are you? You broke in during the holidays. I'm going to take you to the Ministry of Magic!"

"Oh, it looks like we were discovered." Kyle said slowly, without any surprise in his tone.

It would be strange to fly above Hogwarts so blatantly without being discovered.

"Will we be arrested?" Ariana said worriedly.

She has been told since she was a child that if she ran outside, she would be arrested and sent to a terrible place where no one could find her.

Thinking of this, Ariana became even more scared.

"As long as you don't get caught, it'll be fine," Kyle said with a smile, "Caught."

He turned the broom, and the Firebolt turned flexibly in mid-air, flying farther and farther under the shocked eyes of the people below.

"Merlin's beard..." The man rubbed his eyes and said to himself in disbelief: "Can a broom fly so fast now?"

Since the principal canceled the Quidditch game six years ago, he has never seen a broomstick in the school again. He didn't expect that the changes outside would be so drastic...

He stopped.

There was no way. Although he wanted to catch the daring man, he was obviously not chasing a flying broom with his two legs. In just a blink of an eye, the other party had disappeared.

At the same time, Kyle had taken Ariana through a small forbidden forest and came to the opposite Hogsmeade village.

In order to appease Ariana's fear, Kyle took her to Honeydukes and inhumanely emptied half of the store.

Of course, Ariana was still hiding in the invisible cloak, and the boss did not see her.

When Ariana came out of Honeydukes, her brain was still down... She had never seen so many candies in her life that she didn't notice how much Kyle bought.

By the time she reacted, Kyle had paid and took her out.

"Too, too much..." Ariana stammered.

"It doesn't matter." Kyle waved his hand, "Just take it, someone will reimburse you at ten times the price."

Ariana didn't understand, but Kyle didn't explain, and took her to the three brooms.

Here, Ariana drank the sweet butter beer that she could only drink once a year before, and there was no limit on the quantity.

In addition, she also tasted the unique cherry sparkling soda, the mint iced tea that made her shiver after taking a sip, and the honey cream hot cocoa that she thought tasted the best.

I don’t know if it’s a family tradition, but the people in the Dumbledore family seem to have an extraordinary love for sweets.

Seeing that Ariana was staring at him, Kyle even let her drink a sip of his whiskey in a malicious way.

Her face was choked red and she began to gasp for air. She drank three drinks in a row before she recovered.

Even her invisible cloak was slightly bulging, but it soon returned to its original state.

When they came out of the three broomsticks, Ariana was so full that she could hardly walk. She was full of water.

Originally planned to visit a few more stores and have lunch, but now it has to be put on hold.

After that, Kyle took Ariana to many places, went to the French Opera House to listen to an opera, washed her face in the magic fountain of Beauxbatons, and ran away quickly after being discovered, just like when she was in Hogwarts.

The first time is unfamiliar, and this time Ariana was not so scared, but found it very interesting.

"Asshole!" A man dressed as a guard yelled angrily: "Don't let me know who you are, or you will be expelled!"

Washing your face in the sacred magic fountain is too much!

As for whether it was someone outside the school, the guards did not think that anyone could pass the protective magic of Beauxbatons... So it must be someone from their own family who came to make trouble during the holiday.

"Just playing in the fountain for a while, you won't be expelled. This punishment is too severe." An old voice came from the side, which scared the guard.

He subconsciously thought that this person was the other party's accomplice and turned his head angrily.

"It's not up to you to decide whether to expel them or not. Who do you think you are... Oh, Mr. Nicolas Flamel, I'm sorry, I didn't see you here. Why didn't you tell us in advance that you were here so that we could pick you up?"

"It's okay." Nicolas Flamel said with a smile, "I just had a sudden urge to come and see you today. Don't worry about it."

"But you just said that you want to expel those two students?"

"Two, not one?" The guard muttered in confusion, then he shook his head and smiled, "This... it's up to the principal to decide."

"I think it's vacation, just pretend you didn't see it, don't bother Colmd for such a small matter."

"You have the final say." The guard nodded repeatedly.

The man in front of him is the biggest sponsor of Beauxbatons, so naturally he has the final say.

Nicolas Flamel ignored the guard. He just turned his head to look in the direction where Kyle and Ariana had just escaped, and muttered to himself with interest, "What an interesting person, it seems that today is indeed a good day for a walk. "

Kyle didn't know what happened in Beauxbatons.

After leaving the Pyrenees Mountains, he took Ariana to the famous music street in Austria for dinner. After a short rest, they went to the Norwegian seaside and watched a sunrise on a towering mountain.

Anyway, it was a hundred years ago, and a certain box demon hadn't started to act yet. The supervision of Apparition and Portkeys by the Ministry of Magic of various countries was almost non-existent.

As long as Ariana returned to the box, Kyle could basically go wherever he wanted.

He took Ariana to several countries and didn't return to the UK until the next morning.

Although she was very happy, Ariana was exhausted. Her experience in the past ten years was not as rich as today's experience.

"Where are we going next?" She asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Ministry of Magic." Kyle said calmly, "Then I should go back. "

Ariana's body trembled violently, and her excitement disappeared instantly.

This day's pleasant trip made her almost forget yesterday's experience. It was not until Kyle mentioned it again that she realized that she could not go home again, otherwise her brother Albus would be in danger.

Kyle noticed Ariana's loss, but he didn't know what to say.

Originally, this matter should have been done yesterday, and it was too late to delay it until today. He had to rush back to check on Dumbledore's situation.

"You'll be fine, Ariana." Kyle said softly, "One day, you'll see your two brothers again. Although they may look different, the feelings between you will not change with the passage of time. I promise."

Ariana nodded without saying a word.

"Then, follow me." Kyle took Ariana into a record store on the streets of London, and pointed his wand at a pillar skillfully under the puzzled eyes of the boss.

The shelves in the store automatically separated, revealing a passage behind.

"Is he an employee of the Ministry of Magic?" The boss wondered.

He had never seen the man in front of him, and it was obvious that he was not a member of the Ministry of Magic, but he looked very familiar with the staff passage of the Ministry of Magic.

Maybe he was a new employee.

The boss didn't think much about it. Anyway, it was just a passage to enter the Ministry of Magic. Compared with the post box road three streets away, the only advantage was that it was more convenient.

Besides, the work of confirming the identity of the visitor was not something he should worry about.

So, Kyle entered the Ministry of Magic openly. It was much easier than he thought. He had thought about using the Confusion Charm to fool him, but now there was no need for that.

"Close your eyes, don't look at anything, don't listen to anything." He said.

Out of trust, Ariana did the same.

There was no way. The Ministry of Magic was not like other places. It was full of magic everywhere. It was better to be cautious.

The Ministry of Magic at this time was no different from a hundred years later. There was also a magnificent golden statue in the middle of the main hall.

Kyle went straight to the elevator. I don't know if it was because they took the staff passage or because their positions were not perfect. They didn't encounter the staff who checked the identity of the visitors, and they entered the elevator easily.

Three owls flew out from it, each holding a piece of paper in their claws, and then Kyle walked in.

When the elevator was running, Ariana was very quiet. If he hadn't felt her presence, Kyle would have thought she had sneaked away.

"Department of Mysteries."

After an unknown amount of time, a cold female voice broke the silence.

"We're here... Oh, you can open your eyes." Kyle said.

"Where is this?" This was the first time Ariana spoke since entering the Ministry of Magic.

It was too dark here, and there were no windows on both sides of the corridor, which made Ariana a little scared.

"A very mysterious department." Kyle said, "If there is a place that can accept you, maybe it's only here."

In addition, Kyle didn't say another sentence, that is, he wanted to confirm a certain guess in his heart. If he was wrong, it wouldn't be too late to find another place.

He took Ariana to the end of the corridor, in front of a black door.

"Please stop."

A person appeared out of thin air behind them. The other party was wearing a hood and his face could not be seen clearly, but Kyle recognized the golden pattern on the robe, which was the symbol of the Silent Man.

"Who are you? This is not the office of the Ministry of Magic. Please go back."

"No, I'm looking for the Department of Mysteries." Kyle said.

He moved his hand lightly and lifted the invisible cloak on Ariana's body.

In an instant, the Silent Man suddenly raised his head, revealing a very ordinary face, so ordinary that no one would notice him if he was thrown on the street.

"The Silent One!" He recognized Ariana's identity at a glance.

...Maybe it's not that difficult. Perhaps out of fear of an unfamiliar environment, the Silent in Ariana's body has been very active, especially after lifting the invisibility cloak, Kyle only felt a burst of tingling in his left arm.

"Yes." Kyle said, he glanced at the Silent Man of 1997, "Excuse me, why do I feel that you are not too surprised."

Even in the magic world, Silent Ones are very rare, not to mention Silent Ones who have lived for more than ten years. In the past few centuries, they can almost be counted on one hand.

"No, I'm surprised." The Silent Man shook his head, he lifted the hood on his head and said: "But what's interesting is that just a month ago, there was suddenly a crystal ball in the Hall of Prophecy, and the content happened to be related to the Silent One."

"Oh? What's the content?" Kyle asked curiously.

"No comment." The Silent Man said, he looked at Kyle, "You seem to be very familiar with the Department of Mysteries."

"No comment." Kyle said.

The Silent Man was choked, but just when he was about to say something, the door behind him opened.

A dozen Silent Men dressed in the same way came out, led by a blonde witch.

"Okay, Merck, you should welcome our new colleague."

"New colleague... this bad-tempered kid?"

"No, it's her." The witch walked to Ariana, slowly squatted down, and looked at her softly with a pair of blue pupils.

"Thank you for your hard work, kid."

I don't know if it's because the other party has the same blue eyes as her brother, the silence in Ariana soon quieted down.

"Excuse me." Kyle said, "Do you know I will bring Ariana here?"

"The prophecy told me that we will welcome a new colleague today, so I came to pick you up."

"Is there a prophet in the Department of Mysteries?"

"No, not really." The witch shook her head. "It's just that the Silents were chosen by the prophecy. Their names will appear in a special crystal ball in the prophecy hall. I just happened to see it...

"Although there are two people coming, you obviously won't be called Ariana."

"Okay." Kyle shrugged. "It seems that I don't need to explain. So, can you take good care of her?"

"We will try our best to help her control her obscurity." The witch said lightly.

"That's good." Kyle said.

He hesitated for a moment and prepared to say goodbye to Ariana, but when he looked up, he found that there was only a black door in front of him. Everyone disappeared, including Ariana. It seemed that she was taken away by other Silents.

But Kyle was inexplicably relieved.

The Silents did things really neatly, which was good. At least he didn't have to worry about what to say.


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