Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 848 The newly built Fire Dragon Protection Area

There is an inaccessible mountainous area in the south of Romania. Because of its remote location and the lack of interesting places nearby, few people usually come here.

However, it was briefly lively here in the past few years.

At that time, members of the International Federation of Wizards discussed and decided to establish a fire dragon sanctuary, and the location they chose happened to be here.

However, due to funding problems, the construction process of the Fire Dragon Reserve became slower and slower, and finally came to a standstill.

After all, it is a place where fire dragons are raised. Whether it is the food that needs to be prepared, the necessary protective measures, or the recruitment of professional wizards, it requires huge galleons to support it. If you don’t have money, you won’t be able to continue working.

To put it simply... taking care of a fire dragon requires people, and it cannot be an ordinary wizard, it must be a professional who has undergone rigorous training.

Professional means expensive.

Without a decent salary, who would risk being trampled by a fire dragon at any time and travel thousands of miles to such a deserted place?

Oh, there were a few who came out of love, but under the reality of starving for eight meals in three days, these people began to waver.

The only thing that supports them staying here is probably face.

When they came, they had vowed that they would never give up because of difficulties. Now that they ran away, wouldn't it be a slap in the face?

They couldn't afford to lose this person, so they had no choice but to hold on.

But these people are in the minority after all. Due to the plight of lack of manpower, the only fire dragon sanctuary nominally recognized by the International Federation of Wizards actually has only two fire dragons, and they are the most common and smallest Welsh green dragon. It sounds like a joke when told.

There's no other way. It's not that they don't want to accept more. The Ministry of Magic in various countries has impounded fire dragons, and they also want to send them over to get rid of the trouble. But the problem is that with their current manpower, taking care of two Welsh green dragons is already the limit. .

Again, I'm short of money.

The first director of the Fire Dragon Sanctuary, Birdman Strick, sat in a simple office, worrying so much that his hair fell out every day.

He is obviously only thirty years old, but if you just look at his head, some people will believe him if he is sixty years old...

Quaffle knows, if you put two feathers on it, it will be the amount of hair he has now. The number of hairs can be seen at a glance.

But today, he walked out of that office uncharacteristically... Called an office, it was actually just a few stones built up with magic. It was cold in winter and warm in summer, with air leaking everywhere. The only advantage was that it didn't cost money.

Birdman even dug out his robe that he couldn't wear once in two years. Although it was seriously faded, it was the most decent piece of clothing he owned now.

In order to build the Fire Dragon Sanctuary, he spent all his money and sold everything he could, but the funds in exchange were still a drop in the bucket for the entire Sanctuary.

If things don't turn around and the few dragon farmers give up, he really doesn't know what to do. Perhaps then, the fire dragon sanctuary plan will be shelved indefinitely.

Fortunately, after several years of struggle, things finally turned around.

Birdman quickly crossed a path and saw two people, the only two strangers in recent years, beside a huge beech tree.


Birdman quickened his pace again, almost jogging to the two of them.

"It's an honor to meet you two." He stretched out his hand, "I am Birdman Strick, the director of the Fire Dragon Sanctuary."

"Hello, Mr. Strike." Kyle also extended his hand.

Yes, the people here are Kyle and Dumbledore.

After settling Ariana's matter, Dumbledore wanted to go back immediately, but Kyle said that he still had some things to do.

Although he was anxious to see Ariana, Kyle had put in a lot of effort after all, and Dumbledore had no choice but to accompany him here.

As for why Kyle came here, we have to start from a month ago, when he was living in the Leaky Cauldron and overheard a conversation between two Ministry of Magic employees and learned about the situation here.

Kyle wanted to come at that time, but because the main task had not been completed, he had to put it on hold temporarily.

I just had some time now, so I stopped by.

The two shook hands.

"Mr. Strick, we are not talking about things here." Kyle looked around, "Although I don't mind, the person next to me... he is too old and definitely needs a little rest. ”

"Ah, it was my negligence." Birdman said quickly, and took them to his simple office, and also prepared tea and snacks for the two of them.

Pine needle tea, the kind where you grab a handful of pine needles, rinse them briefly and then put them directly into boiling water. Although it doesn't taste very good, it is the only drink here that has some flavor.

The snack was a gray hard lump, a bit like Hagrid's rock biscuit, but the taste was worse. You could smell a distinct bitter taste even if it was placed there.

Although he knew in advance that the conditions in the Fire Dragon Sanctuary were harsh, Kyle didn't expect it to be so bad. Even house elves probably wouldn't eat this stuff.

Birdman seemed to have guessed Kyle's thoughts, and sighed helplessly.

He didn't want to eat these, but there was no way. Wizards couldn't conjure food, and they only knew how to take care of fire dragons, and nothing else.

So all expenses depend on picking up the dragon scales that fall off naturally from the two Welsh green dragons, exchanging them for some Sikor Galleons, and then using the money to buy necessities of life.

If all the scales are used up and there are no new scales to pick up, you can only find some food nearby.

Seeing Birdman's embarrassed look, Kyle didn't say anything else, just picked up the cup and drank a sip of pine needle tea, and then silently put the cup back on the table.

It was bitter and astringent, it was better to drink boiled water.

"Okay, let's make it short." Kell paused, "Mr. Stricker should have known the purpose of our trip, or that gentleman didn't tell you."

Kyle found this place based on his previous memory, but because of the different time, when he first arrived here, he didn't know where he was at all, and he walked for a long time before finally meeting a wizard.

After learning about his purpose, the other party was so excited that he almost fainted, and ran away, saying that he would invite the most important person to receive Kyle.

So the previous scene appeared, and within five minutes, Kyle waited for Birdman.

"I heard from Mucardo." Birdman's spirits lifted up immediately, "Are you telling the truth? About the decision to fund the Fire Dragon Sanctuary!"

"Of course, that's why I came here." Kyle said with a smile, "But my ability is limited, so I may not be able to provide too much money."

Hearing Kyle's words, Birdman's expression was slightly startled, and then he showed a little disappointment.

Yes, the man in front of him is less than 20 years old. Although he has a servant, it is not certain who will take care of whom at that age. He is probably from a declining family. It is estimated that such a person will find it difficult to solve their current predicament.

But Birdman quickly put away this thought.

In any case, it is good that someone is willing to fund the Fire Dragon Sanctuary. Even if it allows them to have a proper lunch for one more week, it is an exciting change... At least it shows that there are still people who support this decision.

"It's okay, you don't need to mind." Birdman said sincerely. He took out a piece of parchment and asked, "How many Galleons do you want to donate... Of course, Xi Ke can also do it. I'll give you a certificate."

Although the Fire Dragon Sanctuary has no money, it is also a formal organization recognized by the International Confederation of Wizards, and there are still procedures.

For example, during the construction phase, funding is equivalent to cooperation, and there will be rewards afterwards... But this kind of reward is not much, and it may not be possible to get it in the short term.

"Three thousand Galleons." Kyle said lightly.

"Okay, three thousand..."

"Wait..." Birdman raised his head suddenly, "How much did you say?!"

"Three thousand Galleons." Kyle said, he took out a box directly, put it on the table and opened it.

It seemed that a burst of golden light came out from it,

The feather pen was suddenly pinched off, which made Birdman feel distressed. This was the last feather pen in the sanctuary, but he soon lost the mood to think about it.

The golden light emanating from the box made his head dizzy. He felt as if he was floating in the clouds, drinking with Xingxing, or lying on the waves, listening to the moving song of the fish-man princess...

"Mr. Stricker... Mr. Stricker? Are you okay... What should I do, professor? He doesn't seem to be able to hear me."

"You can stimulate him a little."


Then, a sharp pain came from his feet.

Xingxing turned into an orangutan, beating his chest and overturning his wine glass, and the fish-man turned into a mermaid, and the beautiful song turned into a piercing scream.

Birdman finally came back to his senses.

He immediately lowered his head and saw a round cabbage biting his calf tightly. The increasingly clear pain came in waves, and Birdman broke out in a cold sweat.

"You finally woke up." Kyle said with a smile, "I'm sorry, you didn't respond no matter how I called you just now, so I can only use this method."

"No, it's okay." Birdman barely pulled the corner of his mouth, "bent down with difficulty and pulled the cabbage off his calf, and he grimaced in pain again."

But when Birdman saw what it was, he was suddenly stunned.

"No, this is... Chinese biting cabbage?" He said in surprise.

This magical plant from Asia is not cheap. In Diagon Alley, one is worth two Galleons, and the price of fresh ones is even more expensive.

For a moment, his calf didn't seem to hurt so much. Look at this round appearance and neat teeth, it's so beautiful.

What, you said it bites...Pah, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, it's called lively.

The only pity is that this lively little cutie is not his.

Birman reluctantly returned the biting cabbage to Kyle.

"Uh..." Seeing Birdman's affectionate look, Kyle really couldn't bear to do that kind of action to steal someone's love, so he simply waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I'll give it to you if you like it."

As if he was afraid that Kyle would regret it, Birdman quickly hugged the biting cabbage in his arms, not caring whether he would be bitten again.

The skilled movements and firm eyes made people feel sour.

"Mr. Stricker." Kyle had to remind him again: "Should we finish the business first?"

After being reminded by him, Birdman finally remembered that there was something more important waiting for him to do than the biting cabbage.

He looked at the whole box of Galleons on the table again, and felt an inexplicable sense of unreality in his heart, as if he was dreaming.

But the wound on his leg reminded him that this was not a dream.

Three thousand Galleons... With this money, he could not only restart the suspended fortifications, but also perhaps recruit back the dragon breeders who had to withdraw for various reasons before, and complete the initial construction plan of the Fire Dragon Reserve.

"Sir, are you sure you want to fund us with three thousand Galleons?" Birdman asked excitedly.

"That's all I have left at the moment," Kyle said.

Three thousand Galleons is indeed not much... mainly because he spent half of it before, but according to the current prices, this money should not be shabby.

After getting a positive answer, Birdman began to tremble all over. He stroked the Galleons in the box, looked up at Kyle again, thought for a moment, and tried to suppress the excitement in his heart.

"Sir, although I really want this funding, there are some things I must tell you in advance. Only if you accept it, can I accept the money."

"Go ahead."

"First of all, the return." Birdman gritted his teeth, "Although funding the Fire Dragon Reserve can get corresponding returns later, the number is not high... Let's put it this way, if we have ten fire dragons, you can only get this number in a year."

Birdman stretched out three fingers.

"Three hundred Galleons?"

"No, it's... thirty Galleons."

Kyle's mouth twitched.

He thought the return would be low, but he didn't expect it to be so low... only one percent.

Good guy, no wonder the two employees said it would take a hundred years to get back the money, it was really accurate.

Luckily, Kyle didn't come for this.

"It doesn't matter." He waved his hand and said indifferently: "I like fire dragons, I don't care about the return rate, as long as they can live well, I don't care even if I use Galleons to waste."

Birdman had already prepared for the other party to regret.

Many people were like this before. They came with Galleons to cooperate with the Fire Dragon Sanctuary, but after learning about the ridiculously low return rate here, they gave up without looking back.

And since then, fewer and fewer people have come, until the last two years, no one has come.

Birdman has long been accustomed to it.

But what he didn't expect was... he actually heard another answer.

The wizard in front of him, who was less than 20 years old, said that he didn't care about the return.

The return is Galleons. Is there anyone in the magic world who doesn't care about Galleons?

There must be. To be a bit narcissistic, he is one of them, and the dragon breeders who stayed here are also one of them. Almost everyone has held on to this day.

But they all have one thing in common, that is, they don't have many Galleons themselves.

The person in front of him is the only exception he has seen. He has Galleons but doesn't care about Galleons.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course." Kyle said with a smile, he pushed the box forward, "Get a certificate, and then these are yours."

"Wait, wait a minute..." Birdman panted, forced down a certain impulse in his heart, and continued: "In addition to what I just said, you cannot participate in the daily work of the Fire Dragon Sanctuary, including but not limited to the formulation of the rules of the sanctuary, personnel adjustments, and material distribution... In short, your rights here are not even as good as an ordinary dragon breeder."

"It just saves trouble, it's good." Kyle said.

"You can't buy any products from the Fire Dragon Sanctuary at a low price."

Birman's voice became much smaller, as if he himself felt that it was a bit too much, but there was no way, these regulations were formulated by the International Federation of Wizards after discussion.

The purpose is to ensure the authority and autonomy of the Fire Dragon Sanctuary and prevent it from being controlled by individual wealthy pure-blood families.

But Kyle still didn't care.

"I have money, I don't care about this discount... but." He paused.

Birman's heart immediately rose to his throat, and he looked at Kyle nervously.

"If I want to buy the best quality materials at the same price first, this should be fine."

"If it's just this, of course it's fine." Birdman breathed a sigh of relief, and then whispered: "If we have it."

He thought of the two Welsh dragons.

To be honest, the dragon scales and dragon teeth they picked up were not of good quality. They could only be considered inferior products in Diagon Alley, otherwise they wouldn't be so tight on money.

But out of personal selfishness, he didn't tell Kyle about this. Although he felt a little guilty, they really needed the money.


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