Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 850 Romanian Longhorn Dragon

After this period of time, Birdman also figured it out.

Even if he wanted to do something, he had to let the Fire Dragon Sanctuary take the first step, otherwise it would be useless to say anything. The key to this first step is a lot of Galleons.

They brought a full three thousand Galleons, if he really didn't give any benefits, he would think it was too much.

And the legal dragon breeding certificate that was delayed for ninety-eight years... It's almost a century. To be honest, this request is really not excessive.

As for the promised dragon breeding expenses and dragon eggs... Even if he was still alive at that time, he would have retired long ago. What does it have to do with him what the successor does?

Birdman's attitude changed so quickly that Dumbledore was stunned.

He didn't understand what happened just now. He clearly listened to the two people's words without missing a word, but he couldn't figure out when their attitudes turned around.

How come Mr. Birdman Strick, who insisted on not applying for the legal dragon breeding certificate just now, is now the one who takes the initiative.

Kyle, on the other hand, shirked it.

Could it be that he was too weak just now and accidentally fell asleep, missing a part?

This shouldn't be the case...

Dumbledore, who had lost a part of his memory, was puzzled. He could only say that Kyle's current actions were completely beyond his cognition.

However, the other two people present didn't know what Dumbledore was thinking. Of course, even if they knew, they wouldn't care.

Kyle didn't care.

As for Birdman... Ha, he's just an old servant. Does his idea matter?

Of course not.

And the promise given by Birdman also moved Kyle.

So, the gold coins that were taken away returned to the box, and Birdman also wrote a legal dragon-raising certificate for Kyle amid the pleasant sound of gold coins colliding.

It was still the same difficult spell. When Birdman signed his name, the contract magic officially took effect.

However, he also kept a careful eye and added a long list of additional conditions to the certificate, all of which were used to restrict the user from harming the fire dragon and using the fire dragon to do some illegal business.

Kyle did not stop him, after all, he had never thought of this.

Dragon blood and dragon scales are only a few dollars.

After returning this time, even if he stews dragon blood, he will get tired of it.

When Birdman handed over the second parchment with the magic contract, Kyle finally showed a smile of success... joy.

These two parchments can be said to be the biggest gain this time besides Ariana.

Both parties seemed to be afraid that the other party would regret it, and after the matter was over, they stood up at the same time.

"How about staying for dinner?" Birdman asked with a smile.

"No, I still have some things to deal with, and I have to go back to London as soon as possible." Kyle said.

For a place that can only provide wild vegetables to entertain the sponsor, Kyle doesn't think he can eat anything good if he stays, so it's better to go back as soon as possible.

But Birdman also just said politely... Now the food in the Fire Dragon Reserve is not enough for them to eat, so where will there be extra to entertain guests.

Of course, this situation will not happen again in an hour.

Without letting Birdman take them, Kyle and Dumbledore returned to the beech tree again.

Dumbledore looked at him and wanted to speak several times, but he didn't know how to say it.

"It's okay, professor. It won't take long for you to understand why I do this." Kyle smiled and took out the two pieces of parchment, "Wait until you recover your memory."

Dumbledore shook his head, "Maybe I can guess something. These seemingly harsh conditions are indeed an unprofitable deal for others, but it's just right for you."

"That's just an incidental, or a prerequisite." Kyle said with a smile, "The second magic contract is my goal."

He let go of his hand, and the two pieces of parchment fell to the ground.

"Hide them." Kyle said softly, throwing out a gold coin at the same time.

Under Dumbledore's puzzled eyes, a Niffler suddenly jumped out. It first put the gold coin into its pocket, and then grabbed the parchment and slid into the crack in the ground.

"What are you doing?" He didn't understand.

"Of course I have to hide it." Kyle explained, "The contract says it's ninety-eight years. What if I use the time-turner to take it back and the contract doesn't recognize it...

"So the best way is to let it really experience ninety-eight years, to the minute. Of course I have to find a hidden place to hide it."

"Uh..." Dumbledore opened his mouth. He didn't expect Kyle to be so cautious.

But Kyle had no choice. After he went back this time, he probably wouldn't be able to use the time-turner again. He must consider all possible problems.

What if after he went back, the magic contract determined that only one day had passed?

Anyway, with the protection of the magic contract, the parchment would not be eroded by time. At most, it would be a little troublesome, but it was better than nothing.

Not long after, the Niffler jumped out of the crack again.

This magical animal has a very interesting ability, that is, they can get through any gap. Even the metal safes in Muggle banks are no different from open doors in front of the Niffler.

So they can not only find treasures, but also hide things well... But the premise is that the things that the Sniff is not interested in, if it is gold coins, gems, etc., it will most likely be put directly into the inner bag.

However, the parchment with words on it is not of interest to the Sniff.

"Hide it?" Kyle asked.

The Sniff patted his chest with his short hands, as if to say, "I will do it, you can rest assured."

"Very good." Kyle took out another gold coin and threw it to the shining eyes of the Sniff.

While he was doing this, Dumbledore was waiting by his side, until the Sniff went back into Kyle's box, he asked: "Can we go back?"

"Well... not yet." Kyle said a little embarrassedly: "Actually, I have something else to do."

"Something else?" Dumbledore was not feeling well.

How long has Kyle been here... And didn't he come to take him back? Why does it feel like he is the one who came here to do things?

"It's just a small matter, it can be solved quickly." Kyle thought for a while and said, "How about this, Professor, you rest here first, I will go by myself and come back as soon as possible."

Looking at Dumbledore's weak appearance, Kyle was not sure whether he could hold on for another long-distance journey.

And just as he said, this time there was really only one small matter left. If everything went well, he would be back in a few minutes, and there was no need for two people to go together.

Dumbledore thought about it and agreed.

Although he was not so weak that he couldn't even use Apparition or Portkey, they would still have to use the Time Converter later.

A time span of almost a hundred years was a big test, and he still wanted to keep as much strength as possible.

"Then I'll come back as soon as possible." Kyle said, and he broke off a branch.


The branch began to vibrate, emitting a burst of blue light, and then disappeared with Kyle.

Portkey, when the distance was too far, Kyle still preferred to use this method instead of the more mentally exhausting Apparition.

Kyle shuttled through a blur of colors, and soon, he landed on the ground again.

The barren mountain in front of him turned into a lively bar, but the people around him did not find his sudden appearance strange at all.

Everyone was a wizard, and they were used to it.

Kyle also did not care about them. After simply tidying up his clothes, he strode through the Leaky Cauldron and entered Diagon Alley from the backyard.

It should be because Hogwarts is about to start school. The new students have received admission notices. Compared with the last time Kyle came here, Diagon Alley is now much more lively.

Walking on the street, wizards of all ages can be seen everywhere, among which the most are eleven-year-old freshmen who are about to enter school. Most of these people will stand in front of a store and shout, looking like they have never seen the world, which can be said to be quite easy to recognize.

Kyle squeezed through the crowd and stopped in front of a store in the middle of Diagon Alley.

When he left last time, there was a sign saying "Closed" hanging on the door of the store, but now that sign has been taken down. The owner is in the store, enthusiastically introducing the goods on the shelves to a group of... teenage wizards who look like they are only in their teens.

"The biting Frisbee... looks no different from an ordinary plate, but if you want to eat the things inside, it will jump up and bite your nose."

"This customer has a good eye. The freshly picked sour exploding pods can make you lose your sense of taste for the whole day."


Kyle raised his eyebrows. He didn't pay attention when he came here before, but now he heard what the owner said. This seems to be a joke shop from a hundred years ago?

More than a month ago, when he first came to Diagon Alley, he bought a dragon egg shell here, an Australian egg white egg shell, one of the essential potion materials for the Felixir. In addition, he also ordered a complete dragon egg at a high price.

However, there was no such thing in the store at that time. The owner said he would go somewhere else to find it. As a result, he went there for several days, far exceeding the time they agreed on.

Kyle originally thought that he had encountered a witch killer who was robbing the goods. After all, even at this time, a complete dragon egg was a rare commodity, so it was not surprising that he was targeted.

Later, because of some dark wizards who were looking for trouble, he had to leave Diagon Alley early to avoid the pursuit of the Aurors.

Later, because of Ariana's matter, he gradually almost forgot about it.

Later, when he was in the Romanian Fire Dragon Sanctuary, Birdman suddenly mentioned the dragon egg, and he suddenly remembered that he had a deal in Diagon Alley that he had not completed yet, so he thought of stopping by to take a look before going back.

Originally, he didn't have much hope, after all, the boss had come back several days late before, but because dragons were rare, it would be good to get one more.

Anyway, there was a door key, so it wouldn't take long to come here.

What surprised Kyle was that the boss actually came back.

Perhaps Kyle's gaze was too obvious, and the boss who was selling the goods turned his head subconsciously.

The two people's eyes met.

"I'm sorry, kids." The owner, Willy Tom, cleared his throat. "Business hours are over. If you need anything, please come back next time."

"But it's not even noon yet." Someone said dissatisfiedly.

"That means I have to have lunch."

Without giving those people time to complain or explain, the boss drove them all out with almost violent means and then slammed the door shut.

"Are you crazy?" He turned his head and growled at Kyle, who came in at some unknown time: "Now the Aurors are looking for you everywhere, and you actually dare to appear openly in Diagon Alley and stop at my In front of our store, aren’t you afraid of implicating me?”

"Don't be afraid." Kyle said matter-of-factly: "Even if you are captured and taken to Azkaban, I don't care what it has to do with me."

Willie Tom was speechless for a moment.

I have to admit that although this statement sounds harsh, it really makes sense!

At the same time, after his reminder, Kyle also remembered that he seemed to be being traced by the Aurors. There were a lot of things going on these days, and he really forgot about it.

Are all Aurors today so dedicated? It's been a month, haven't they given up yet?

"So, you really killed those people in Holicon?" the boss asked curiously.

"Don't talk nonsense. I don't know any Horliken. If you slander me again, I will go find an Auror."

Kyle naturally refused to admit it. After all, he didn't do anything. It was those people who suddenly fell asleep after looking at his box.

Maybe those people just like to sleep, and it can't be blamed on him.

The boss said nothing. He really wanted to tell Kyle... The Aurors of the Ministry of Magic have already determined that you are the real culprit behind the killing of five wizards. They have even been ordered to kill you on the spot if necessary. What's the use of saying this now? Woolen cloth.

But when the words came to his lips, he still didn't say them.

Because these are not secrets, Kyle only needs to take a few steps outside to see the notice on the wall.

Speaking of it now, what if the other party is scared away... Willy Tom knows very well the purpose of his coming here this time.

At the same time, he was also the last person who wanted Kyle to be caught by an Auror.

Not out of kindness, but because of Galleons.

"Thank you Merlin!" He naturally put on another face, "I thought that thing would hit my hand, but I didn't expect you to have the courage to come back."

"I just came to see if you were killed and cheated by other wizards." Since he took the initiative to mention this, Kyle stopped beating around the bush, "Now it seems that you have got what I want."

"That's natural." Willy Tom said confidently: "It's not that simple to grab something from me."

"Then take it out." Kyle said, "I'm in a hurry, and I believe you don't want me to stay here too long."

"You can't say that, you are my distinguished guest."

Even so, he quickly walked to a painting and said something to the person inside.

Then, the portrait opened with a click, revealing a safe-like space behind it.

Willy Tom took out a round egg from inside.

How should I put it? The egg was somewhat unremarkable. It was like an oval stone that can be seen everywhere on the roadside. It was a dull gray-green color and was covered with pitted black spots.

If this kind of thing were thrown to the river, people passing by might not take a second look, but Kyle's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Eggs of Romanian Longhorned Dragons!"

If there is a kind of fire dragon that is the rarest in the magic world, Romanian Longhorns is definitely one of them. Their character is considered gentle among fire dragons, and they are also very large. They can produce a lot of dragon blood, and they have a pair of golden ones on their heads. Dragon horns are of extremely high value.

Even its pair of horns are worth half of an ordinary Welsh green dragon.

Therefore, this kind of fire dragon has always been loved by responsible dragon hunters, and its number is naturally getting smaller and smaller.

Kyle feels that a large part of the reason why the Fire Dragon Sanctuary was established in Romania is that it can more conveniently protect the fire dragons living there.

Unexpectedly, Willy Tom actually brought him such a big surprise. If it were a Romanian Longhorn, it would indeed be worth two hundred Galleons.

"The customer is really discerning." Willy Tom said proudly: "In order to get this thing, I put a lot of galleons into it, and I was almost caught by the Auror of the Ministry of Magic."

Willie Tom babbles on about how hard it was and how hard he fought to get it back.

But Kyle could hear that the same thing was revealed in every word he said.

Want to add money.

If it was a day ago, Kyle wouldn't mind giving him an extra ten or eight dollars, but now, it really can't be done.


A heavy bag was thrown on the table.

"This is the final payment agreed upon before, plus the two hundred galleons of the previous fixed diamond. If you feel it is too little, you can also report me to the Aurors. I believe they will give you a considerable clue fee."

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