Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 854 Oren's Past

Under the dusky sky in the evening, Kyle rode his broomstick and galloped all the way.

Dumbledore also followed, but he did not use any magic items to assist.

Originally, Kyle wanted to wait for him, but Dumbledore had no intention of riding the same broom with him, so he just pulled onions from dry land and flew out.

A ball of wind-like magic surrounded Dumbledore's feet, holding him soaring freely in the air. His movements were smoother than the Wenda Rozier he met earlier.

And the speed is not slow, following Kyle closely, occasionally turning her head to look at him.

"It's okay, you don't have to take care of me, I can keep up." Dumbledore said.

His voice was much quieter through the howling wind, but it was very harsh to Kyle's ears.

What does it mean to be able to keep up...it's amazing to be able to fly.

Well, it is indeed amazing to be able to fly.

Kyle had to admit that among all magics, flying magic was the rarest, but it was also the most useful. It could play a vital role in both head-on confrontation and escape.

But this kind of magic is so rare that there are no relevant records at all in the school library, not even in the restricted book area. Most flying magic is created by some talented wizards.

For example, Voldemort has a magic that can turn himself into black mist. From a distance, it looks a bit like an Obscurus. It can fly short distances and can also be used in conjunction with Apparition.

Those trusted Death Eaters also know how to use this magic, and when they are used together, it is like a dark cloud passing over them, creating a sense of oppression.

The same goes for Grindelwald's followers. Kyle had already seen it when he was in that forest and suffered a lot.

Hmm... Think about it, since Grindelwald can fly, Dumbledore, who has been in love with him for decades, can't always chase him on the ground. It is reasonable to be able to fly magic.

Kyle glanced at Dumbledore again, only to feel hot in his eyes.

Want to learn.

Of course, now is definitely not the time. Kyle is planning to wait until this matter is over before asking Dumbledore.

Even if you can't grab the phoenix, you can barely make do by learning a flying magic.

The two of them flew forward like this, and did not stop until they reached the outside of Godric's Hollow. Kyle jumped off the broom first. There was a small forest in front of him, and there was no one in it, but Kyle could clearly feel that it was hidden. Danger nearby.

It was so quiet, so quiet that there was no sound of insects, which was unusual.

Suddenly, something flew over at great speed and grabbed Kyle's shoulder.

The opponent was very strong and grabbed Kyle and flew deep into the forest.

As Kyle was taken away, a clear black figure appeared in the sky.

Dumbledore, who was about to save someone, suddenly stopped and raised his head seriously.


"My dear professor, you are indeed here." Voldemort stood in the air, his scarlet eyes staring intently at Dumbledore below.

"Did you know I was coming?" Dumbledore asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know." Voldemort raised his lips, "But that doesn't stop me from trying my luck. After all, you have always been very optimistic about that dirty werewolf. If I kill him on this day, maybe you will avenge him. ”

"Remus has a pure and kind soul." Dumbledore said coldly.

"The soul of a werewolf is pure... Ha, it's really ridiculous..."

Voldemort raised his wand, and a green light fell from the sky and flew towards Dumbledore.

Dumbledore turned around, his robes suddenly swung and disappeared.

"Come on, my dear professor, continue our unfinished battle." Voldemort laughed wildly, and another green light flew towards Dumbledore, "Your greatest reliance has fallen into my hands. Do you think you can still stop me?"

"The wand has never been the factor that determines victory." Dumbledore appeared behind Voldemort and waved his arm gently. Voldemort subconsciously dodged and the spell fell on the cliff behind him.

I don't know what spell Dumbledore used, but a wide crack more than ten feet long immediately appeared on the cliff.

"Too slow, Professor, too slow..."

Voldemort smiled grimly, "After losing the Elder Wand, every movement you make reveals the flavor of twilight. This is far worse than before."

He waved his wand again, and an abnormal gust of wind immediately blew around him, and then gathered together again, wreaking havoc on everything around him.

Wherever the strong wind passed, every tree and stone was swept into it and crushed to pieces.

Dumbledore still calmly dodged.

"It seems that your situation is not that good, Tom. Can you only use this kind of large-scale spell to prop up the situation?" He laughed, "Or do you think this can scare me?"

As if he wanted to deliberately anger Voldemort, Dumbledore also said loudly:

"I'm very curious about how you recovered half of your leg that I broke. Could it be that you raised a five-legged monster and connected its leg? No wonder there is always a smell."

"Shut up!"

Voldemort's eyes turned redder. He didn't expect Dumbledore to become so... eloquent, and his mentality immediately exploded.

During the previous process of snatching the Elder Wand, one of his legs was hit by Dumbledore's curse and broke on the spot, and he fell into a ditch full of garbage.

This incident has always been regarded as a shame by him.

Now that Dumbledore had said it to his face, how could he remain calm?

"Avada Kedavra!"

Dazzling green light exploded in mid-air.

At the same time, deep in the woods, Kyle also saw clearly what was grabbing him.

An adult crocodile.

Fantastic Beasts...seriously?

Kyle didn't even struggle and opened the lock of the box in mid-air.



As a deafening roar came, a wall suddenly appeared in front of the curling-winged demon, with three huge heads growing on the wall, biting at the curling-winged demon at the same time.

The Winged Demon subconsciously abandoned Kyle and flew high into the sky, barely escaping the attack of the three-headed dog.

Kyle fell to the ground and immediately took out his wand and looked around cautiously.

"Come out, my dear professor, I know you are here."

A gust of wind blew by, rustling the leaves, and the sound of light footsteps was mixed in.

Kyle immediately turned around and waved the wand in his hand.

"Armor protection!"

A tree was cut in half, but Kyle's real target stood intact, wand held flat against his chest.

"It's amazing. You have changed so much compared to six years ago."

Oren smiled and said, "How did you guess it was mine."

"There are not many wizards who can carry the Winged Demon with them, and you happen to be one of them." Kyle said lightly.

"Well, that's true." Oren nodded, "But I think there seem to be fewer people carrying three-headed dogs with them. Where did you get it?"

He asked naturally, as if he were chatting with an old friend.

"Of course you eat chocolate frogs." Kyle said without changing his expression: "Don't you know? After collecting the pictures of chocolate frogs, you can go to the Ministry of Magic to exchange for a three-headed dog, or a fire dragon and a poisonous leopard. Okay, it’s your choice.”

"Yeah..." Oren said in surprise: "It's a pity that I don't like chocolate."

"It doesn't matter, I'll give it to you." Kyle said with a smile.


Before Oren could realize what this meant, a faint sweet fishy smell suddenly floated next to him.

"Poisonous Leopard!"

Oren reacted quickly and immediately retreated, outside the range of the poisonous mist.

But at the same time he was also frightened.

Cold sweat flowed from Oren's forehead, especially after seeing the dark, leopard-like magical animal not far away, he could no longer remain calm.

"Poisonous Leopard!"

Oren subconsciously shouted.

Kyle was already surprised to have a three-headed dog. How did this poisonous leopard come about... Can this kind of magical animal really be raised by a wizard?

You know, it took him several years just to tame the Curling-winged Demon, the Poisonous Leopard... This was a bit excessive.

"It's weird?" Kyle said calmly: "I collected two sets of cards and replaced them with two magical animals. Is there any problem?"

Oren naturally didn't believe this ridiculous statement and exchanged the chocolate frog card for the poison leopard. The Ministry of Magic would have to be crazy to agree.

But no matter what the reason is, the existence of the Poisonous Leopard is a fact.

Oren suddenly realized that he seemed to have made a mistake. It was not six years ago, and Kyle was not the weak freshman he was back then.

But soon, Oren calmed down again.

"Do you dare? The Poisonous Leopard's poison does not distinguish between friend and foe."

"It doesn't matter." Kyle shrugged, "The Poison Leopard doesn't only use poison."

With that said, Kyle waved his wand again.

The surrounding trees began to grow wildly, and the sharp branches were like spears, piercing from all directions.

Just as Oren was about to escape, there was suddenly a slight wind sound behind him.

It's that sweet fishy smell again.

At this time, the Winged Demon desperately swooped behind Oren and covered his neck with its broad wings.


That was the sound of teeth penetrating scales, and blood spurted out from the wings of the Winged Demon. It made a sharp cry, curled up its whole body, and spit out a bright blue liquid at the same time, forcing it to retreat behind Oren. Poisonous leopard.

The Curling Wing Demon also has venom. If the Poison Leopard does not retreat, the result will only be losses for both sides.

That's fine now.

Because of the solid bite, the Winged Demon could no longer fly and staggered onto Oren's shoulder.

Kyle waved his wand again, and the branches and vines spreading around him began to shrink, forming a huge wooden cage, trapping Oren in it.

"What a remarkable growth," Oren shouted. "Are you trying to kill me here?"

"You wanted to do the same thing once, didn't you?" Kyle said calmly, "If I hadn't been lucky, I might have stayed in the Forbidden Forest forever six years ago. Now I just changed my offensive and defensive identities. It’s just a moment, can’t you accept it?”

"Is that what you think?" Oren held the Winged Demon in his arms.

"Using magical animals as shields?" Kyle frowned and said in disgust, "It just saved your life. Don't let me look down on you, Professor Oren."

"No, you misunderstood, I have never thought about it that way." Oren shook his head, "It's just that the Poisonous Leopard is staring at me behind me, and it refuses to hide completely, so I can only do this.

"Besides, I never thought of actually killing you six years ago. Otherwise, I could have threatened you with that little witch and made you easy to catch. Why should I let her go?"

Kyle paused. "Isn't that because of your ego?"

"Ha, do you think I'm an idiot like Malfoy?" Oren sneered, "In order to achieve my goal, I don't mind using some dishonorable means at all.

"For example, the Dark Lord could have taken advantage of the holidays to arrest the students on vacation one by one, then go to the entrance of the Magic Department and threaten Dumbledore with their lives in front of everyone.

"If one doesn't work, then ten, fifty, or a hundred... Based on my understanding of Dumbledore, there is a high probability that he will die calmly."

The corner of Kyle's mouth twitched.

Don't tell me, don't tell me. If Voldemort really did this, he also thought that Dumbledore would die to save others.

And this matter is actually not difficult. There are many students in Hogwarts. Even if you exclude those from pure-blood families, there are still hundreds of them. They may not all be able to escape Voldemort's attack.

In a sense, Oren is more like the Dark Lord than Voldemort.

"It's a pity that idiot can only think about the savior Harry Potter. He deserves to be hiding in the lair and throwing a tantrum."

"You can't say that."

Kyle shook his head, "This kind of all-purpose and extreme behavior may allow him to kill Dumbledore, but it will also arouse the anger of all wizards... No one wants this madman to live, if he takes over What if the UK is not satisfied and reaches out to other countries?

"At that time, this matter will not be limited to the UK. The entire magical world will not let him go, including you who gave him the idea."

"That would be great if that's the case."

Oren stared at Kyle and suddenly changed his face, "Ha, don't take it seriously, it's just talk. I'm just a dispensable servant of the Dark Lord, how could he listen to my advice. "

"That's hard to say." Kyle raised his wand, "To be on the safe side, you'd better not go back."

"This is not possible, I can't die now." Oren said, his whole person disappeared in an instant, and reappeared next to a nearby tree not far away.

Apparating during combat?

Kyle frowned.

This is troublesome. Unless Dumbledore is here, if Oren wants to escape, he may not be able to catch up.

"Don't worry, like I said, the proud and arrogant Dark Lord will not listen to the advice of a servant." Oren said, leaning against a tree.

"From what you said, it seems like you don't respect the mysterious man as much as other Death Eaters."

"This has nothing to do with you." Oren said slowly,

Because he could escape at any time, even if there was a poisonous leopard watching eagerly, he was not very nervous.

"Then tell me something relevant." Kyle asked: "You just said that you didn't want to kill me in the Forbidden Forest six years ago?"

"Yes." Oren nodded, "Your father saved me, and I have to save your life to repay him."

"Save me?" Kyle didn't understand. "Are you kidding? I didn't think I was in danger."

“Just because there was no danger at the time, doesn’t mean there won’t be in the future,” Oren said.

"What do you mean?" Kyle thought for a moment and didn't understand. "What exactly do you want to do?"

"It's very simple." Oren smiled, "I want to use an overly powerful forgetting spell to destroy your brain and make you mediocre."

Kyle thought of Neville immediately. It seemed that his memory was so poor because of the Forgetting Curse.

Kyle was speechless for a while.

Is this to save him? That's nonsense.

But he could also tell that Oren's tone was sincere and he was not joking at all.

"But now it seems that I wasted no time." Oren shook his head, "Forget it, I'll give you a piece of advice, stay away from Dumbledore, even if he is a good person in everyone's eyes."


"Because of my father," Oren said. "He also admired Dumbledore. Not only did he firmly believe that Dumbledore could change the magical world, he also resolutely joined the Order of the Phoenix. But the result..."

"He killed a werewolf in an operation. In order to avenge him, the werewolf broke into my house on a rainy night, and then he died."

"I was also teased by the werewolf and ran away for a whole day until I met your father in a remote place. During this period, Dumbledore never appeared."

Oren's voice was calm, as if he was not talking about himself, but an unrelated person.

"Dumbledore is not a god. He cannot take care of everyone." Kyle said.

"This is what I want to say. Being too close to Dumbledore will always get you into all kinds of trouble. He can't take care of everyone. The safest way is to stay away from him."

"To keep me away from Dumbledore...so that's why you attacked me?"

"Only part of it, mostly because of another thing."


"I learned then that the Dark Lord might be coming back soon."

Oren raised his head and said, "At that time, I thought that you who were too smart would probably participate in the second war after his resurrection... Perhaps only by becoming mediocre can you survive this crisis safely."

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